Accidental Healer-Chapter 60 - Fresh air
It caught me off guard when the last three slavers turned and bolted.
But in the end, it only made things easier for Durkil, Daevon, Nick, and Alex.
I’d been careful throughout the fight, tracking which of the lizards had used advanced spells. I left them alive just long enough for my friends to land the finishing blows—securing titles and experience.
Morbid? Maybe. But if we hadn’t killed them, they would’ve enslaved us. No guilt there.
Which reminded me—
I turned toward the wooden cage where the prisoners sat, shackled and silent.
A dozen pairs of eyes locked onto me. But one stood out.
She was striking—dark hair, sharp features, athletic build, and eyes like polished obsidian. Beautiful, obviously.
Which meant I immediately did my best to ignore her completely.
Instead, I focused on the chains. We’d looted several keys from the slavers, and I tested them on the cage door. None fit. Annoying, but not a problem. I grabbed the lock and wrenched it off with a burst of strength, sending metal shards scattering to the dirt. The prisoners flinched.
Right. Probably should’ve warned them first.
I stepped back, clearing the way. "You're free," I say. "We've cleared the dungeon. My friends are finishing up looting, and we’ll leave soon.”
Then, the woman—the one I wasn’t looking at—spoke first. “We can’t thank you enough. How did you find us?”
Her voice was clear. Strong. Not at all what I expected from someone who’d been locked in a cage for months.
I shrug, trying to keep my tone casual. “Honestly? We stumbled onto this dungeon by chance. We were looking to gain some levels. Lucky for you guys, I guess.”
"My name’s Layton, by the way," I add awkwardly, shuffling my feet.
Just then, Mischief and the others finish looting and walk over.
Alex grins. “I think we got everything. You done playing hero over here?”
I visibly cringe.
“Thank you for the update, Alex,” I deadpan, then bat my eyes dramatically. “Did you really think I looked heroic?”
“Oh yeah, very heroic,” Alex shots back, smirking. “Don’t think I didn’t see you flex under that robe when you ripped the cage door open.”
"Was it that noticeable?" I laugh.
The prisoners… did not laugh.
I expected relief, maybe even some excitement now that they were free. Instead, they look tense. Like they were waiting for something to go wrong.
That’s when I realize–to them, we aren’t a rescue party. We are terrifying.
Mischief, a towering, pitch-black predator who had literally ripped apart their captors.
Alex, 6'10" made of pure muscle, barely contained in his stretched-out, ragged clothes.
Durkil, an even bigger fur-covered deer-man, his exposed chest covered in dried blood from the fight.
Daevon, shaman-like deerman, with antlers adorned with feathered tassels, eyes unreadable.
And then there was me. The robed figure who had cut through their slavers like a reaper.
No wonder they were on edge.
I sigh, then try again. “Why don’t we head out?” I offer, keeping my voice calm. “We can get to know each other on the way.”
A beat of hesitation. Then, the woman nods.
In agreement, I lead the way to the portal. No one spoke as we step through, leaving the dungeon—and everything that had happened there—behind.
With the dungeon cleared, I force myself to focus. The whole reason we tackled this in the first place was to push our elites into their evolved classes. We hadn’t expected to find a group of captives, but here they are.
And as much as I was eager to process our gains, I knew we had some things to sort out.
I turn to the woman I’d spoken with earlier—the one who seems to be in charge.
"Now that we're all out, I’m sure you have questions. I do too. But first, what’s your name?"
She lets out a small laugh. “I don’t mind at all. My name is Sadie.”
“It’s a pleasure, Sadie.” I gesture behind me at my squad. “That’s Mischief—the oversized housecat. The one bursting out of his own shirt is Alex, the bow guy is Nick. The deerman with the axe is Durkil, and the other deerman is Daevon.”
Sadie glances past me, taking in our questionable-looking group. Alex, of course, beams and waves like a dumbass.
“What would you like to know?” I ask.
She hesitates, then asks, “Is it just the five of you, or did you come from a nearby city?”
“No cities,” I say, shaking my head. “Just a growing village. So far, we haven’t seen anything bigger than that.”
“What about you? Are you part of one of the factions nearby?”
Sadie frowns. “No, we weren’t part of a larger group. Everyone here got dropped together after the tutorial. Mostly from the Pacific Northwest. There’s even a guy from Phoenix.” She pauses.
“I don’t want to be rude, but you have a… unique group of friends.”
This girl is more direct than I am. I laugh, rubbing the back of my head. “Yeah, you’re not wrong. We've had a strange journey. But honestly? This whole world is strange.”
Sadie seems ready to respond when someone else steps forward interrupting her.
Tall. Dark wavy hair. The kind of ridiculously good-looking guy that you’d see doing viral dances on social media. His shirt is burnt open on his right arm exposing a large red scar.
“How are you all so strong?” he asks, eyes twinkling. “You must be close to level 40, and your friends are insane!”
Sadie glares at him. “Xander. Not now.”
“It’s fine,” I say, shrugging. “I’m not level 40. We’re all around level 25. Mischief’s probably the highest, maybe pushing 30.”
Xander shakes his head. “I don’t buy it. You tore through those lizards like they were nothing. Why should we tell you anything if you won’t even be honest with us?”
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Alex steps in, looming over Xander. “What’s your problem, man? Layton isn’t lying. I’ve seen his level in our faction screen. And in case you forgot, he just saved your ass.”
Xander raises his hands but stands his ground. I have to give him credit for that.
“Hey, hey,” I cut in before things can escalate. “They have no reason to trust us yet. Things are crazy right now. We’ve just been lucky. A lot of my stats come from gaining titles. Do you know about those?”
My words are patient. My actual feelings? Annoyed. This is the second time I had saved a group and rather than showing gratitude they immediately started calling us liars.
Sadie answers before Xander can. “Yes. Some of us have gotten a few. They boost stats like achievements, right?”
“Exactly.” I nod. I’m at least grateful for Sadie. She seems to be genuinely grateful. Xander just seems like an entitled asshole.
“I got lucky with some early ones. Some are even repeatable, so we… cheese our fights to stack them.” I leave out the part where I get a massive boost from having two classes.
Xander huffs, reluctantly cooling off. “I guess that makes sense. It’s just… a lot to take in. We fought those things when they were way weaker, and it still went horribly.”
His apology does little to change my first impression, but at least it’s a start.
“Don’t worry about it.” I wave it off. “But that brings me back to my question—how did you end up as slaves?”
This time, Sadie doesn’t hesitate.
She and the others recount their story—how some had ignored the tutorial’s warning, lost half their people, and barely survived the trial dungeon. They talk about finding the lizard dungeon too early, thinking they could take it, and how quickly things went south. How they surrendered. How the slavers grew stronger by fighting off endless monster waves.
By the time they finish, my chest feels tight. I thought of my parents. My dad.
He isn’t stupid. He wouldn’t ignore the tutorial.
I shake the thought off and focus.
“That’s rough,” I say. “Losing people like that. But… your decision to enter that dungeon? That was stupid.”
Sadie’s head snaps up, eyes flashing. “Excuse me?”
I had been thinking the words as Sadie spoke, but I absolutely had no intention of saying them. My eyes grow wide. I open my mouth to speak and more unintended words spill out.
“You made a bad call. I get why you did it. But you were the leader. You risked everyone’s lives, and you weren’t strong enough to back it up.”
The words came out sharp, even to me. It takes all my effort to keep my hand from flying to my mouth. What the hell was this? I felt like Jim Carey in Liar Liar.
I hated the words as I said them, but they were my exact thoughts and I knew they needed to be said.
Sadie’s face turns scarlet burning red-hot. She takes a step and shoves a finger in my direction. “You weren’t there! You didn’t bury their bodies. I did what I thought was best.”
I shake my head. “No. You didn’t. You knew it was a bad idea, but you were scared. You acted on impulse. And people died because of it.”
Something was working inside me. It’s hard to explain, almost like how the mana moved the first time I used it. I could feel it slithering inside me.
A raw wave of emotion began emanating from Sadie—guilt, regret, self-loathing. It crashed into me like an open wound laid bare.
She carried this pain on purpose. Not because she couldn’t move on—but because she refused to.
It was like a puzzle piece clicking into place.
Warden of Judgment.
Had my class done this? Is that why I was reading her feelings?
I flick open my status, rereading the description.
Take note—as an arbiter of judgment in your new world, your actions become justified by their very nature. Do not don this mantle lightly.
The words carry a new weight now. More… literal.
I suck in a slow breath and make my decision. I forgive her. The thought feels foreign to me. Logically I question my own audacity. What right did I have to forgive her? But I couldn’t escape the NEED to do it.
She’d made a terrible call. But who wouldn’t?
She carried the guilt because she thought she deserved it. But that wasn’t justice. That was punishment.
And just like that—the sensation vanishes.
My mind clears. And I realize I’d completely zoned out. I shake my head clear.
“Can everyone please just calm down?!”
Nick was shouting. Alex and Xander were inches from fighting. Sadie looks like she is about to explode. The freed prisoners looked like they expected all-out war.
“HEY!” I bark. “What the hell is going on?”
Xander rounds on me. “Are you serious? First, you call Sadie stupid, then you just zone out like a psycho. You think just because you’re higher level, you’re better than us?”
Alex bristles, looking ready to swing. It would be a VERY bad day for Xander if Alex started swinging.
I sigh. “Okay, yeah—that’s fair. Alex, give him some space. This is my fault.”
Alex hesitates, then backs off. I look back at the Guildians and Mischief. They are standing watching with the most casual faces I’ve ever seen. Even in this crazy moment it almost makes me laugh.
I turn back to Xander. “I’m sorry. I probably sound like a total dick right now. I don’t know what came over me—I think it has something to do with my class.”
I run my hand through my hair. I must sound like a crazy person. “But you’re right. I don’t know what you went through, and it was wrong to assume.”
Xander doesn’t look convinced.
Sadie, face still flushed, turns away. “I’m done here. I’d say we owe you, but I get the feeling you’d have cleared that dungeon with or without us.”
She starts to leave.
“I’d like to join your faction.”
It’s a middle-aged woman in a puffy vest.
A silence washes over the crowd. Sadie freezes in place, and I stand shocked. Nick coughs, bringing me back.
“Of course! Anyone who wants to join our faction is welcome.” I smile at the woman who spoke up. “What’s your name?”
“Our village is a decent walk from here, and I won’t be heading back for a few days,” I inform her.
“I can’t escort you, but I can update your map. Also, if anyone else is interested, there are two other factions nearby. I don’t know what state they’re in, but now that you have the info, the choice is yours.”
I open my interface again, testing if I can actually share my updated map.
And just like that—an option appears.
It was weirdly similar to airdropping data on a phone.
“I just made my map accessible to everyone,” I say. “You should be able to check it in your status screen.”
The group immediately pulls up their menus.
After a beat, Xander speaks. “What happens if we join your faction but decide it isn’t for us?”
I stare at him. My response sounds a bit confused “Then you leave?”
Xander frowns. “Just like that?”
“What do you think this is?” I ask, exasperated. “I’m not running some weird cult. We’re just people, same as you.”
“Well,” Alex interjects, grinning, “technically, only half of us are people. Did you forget about Mischief and the Guildians?”
I palm my face. “Yeah I guess If you want to be technical.”
I face the rest of the group. “Look, do whatever makes sense for you. You’ve got the map now. Your call.”
It's time to wrap things up. It had been half a day since we entered the dungeon, and we still needed to regroup with Ellison.
“Are you going to enter more dungeons?” Xander asks.
“That’s the plan,” I shrug. “We’re grinding levels for the next four days. We need to meet up with the rest of our group first, though.”
Xander’s brows furrows. “Why the hurry?”
I fold my arms. “The world’s now split into territories. To claim one, you have to close the dungeons inside. That usually means clearing three. Once that’s done, you have seven days to prepare before you’re hit with three waves of raids. We’re on day two.”
Xander blinks. “So basically, you’re speedrunning to get stronger before the fight?”
“More or less.”
His lips press together. “Do you think I could join you?”
Alex burst out laughing. “Are you serious? After all that shit? Besides what level are you?”
Xander crosses his arms. “I’m level 10.”
“Oh my god.” Alex shakes his head. “You probably can’t even hurt the things we fight.”
“That’s exactly why I want to go with you!” Xander pleads. “We’re months behind you guys. If we don’t catch up fast, we’re dead. Let me train with you—I’ll pull my weight.”
Alex isn’t wrong—Xander will be dead weight in combat. He’d need constant protection. Someone would even have to carry him just so he can keep up.
Still…I cringe before the words come out.
“You can come,” So far I am far from impressed with Xander. He seems arrogant and brash. But I felt the same way about Alex when I first met him.
“But someone will have to carry you to our next fight. You’re too slow otherwise.”
Alex’s jaw drops. Xander looks equally shocked.
“Alex,” I say, grinning, “do you really not remember asking the exact same thing when we met?”
Alex looks down at his feet. “I… of course I remember that.”
“Good. Then pass that lesson along.” I meet his gaze. “We don’t leave anyone behind who’s willing to grow.”
Alex mulls it over—then nods reluctantly.
“Fine. But I’m carrying him. And it WILL NOT be a pleasant ride.”
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Before Xander can react, Alex hoists him up like a sack of potatoes and throws him over his massive shoulder.
“HEY! WHAT THE HELL?” Xander shouts, kicking wildly. “PUT ME DOWN, YOU BIG APE!”
I choke back a laugh.
“All right then,” I begin walking away from the group. “Anyone heading to our village—find Jared and tell him I sent you.”
We’re just about to leave—
“WAIT!” Sadie shouts running up.
“I’m coming too.”
I nearly trip mid-step.
“You?” I ask, genuinely surprised. “I thought for sure you were heading to one of the other factions.”
She folds her arms. “If Xander’s going, so am I. But if you think for even one second that you’re carrying me, you’re out of your mind.”
“Well, you’re not fast enough,” I point to the others.
“So you’ll have to convince someone else. And the deer people don’t speak english.”
Before she can argue, Mischief’s voice enters my head.
“I’ll carry her.”
I blink. This day is already full of surprises. “Seriously? Last time I asked you to carry someone, you nearly took my head off.”
Mischief’s grin was audible in my mind.
“I like her. She really doesn’t like you. I think it’s hilarious.”
I snort.
“Well, lucky you,” I nod toward my friend.
“Mischief has volunteered.”
Sadie narrows her eyes. “Why did you laugh? What did he say?!”
I smirk. “Ask him yourself. We’ve got to move.”
Hesitantly, she approaches Mischief. He lowers himself, letting her climb on.
I hear her mutter something under her breath.
Then, we take off.