Adventures Of A Goblin-Chapter 137 Caius Meeting Ricus

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The brassy voice rose up from the far end of the adventurers ganging themselves up on Carius.

The adventurers all moved aside, paving the way for Ricus to walk through.

"hmm...., that is no doubt their boss".

Caius said, as he slowly let's go of Ignatius who flew itself back to His head.

"who the hell do you think you are to come into my home and insult my people".

"yikes Caius, their boss looks really pissed of at you".

"and whose fault is that exactly".

Ricus with a frowned face on, makes his way to Caius while exuding out his Aura.

"easy there big guy. I didn't come here looking for a fight".

Caius stretched his hands out, making a gesture for Ricus to stop approaching him.

"then what did you come here for? To make fun of us".

"no way. Like I said, Ignatius said those words and not me".

Ricus looked in the direction Caius's finger had pointed to, and saw Ignatius sitting on his head and waving its hands at Ricus.

"the hell is that? A spirit".

"yes it is. A very old one at that, but frankly enough, it doesn't act it's age".

"hey, what do you mean I don't act my age?".

"see what I mean? Feasting on my hair while throwing a tantrum like a kid is all its good for".


"you have to believe me big man. I have once worked as an adventurer and know what it feels like losing a crew, there is no way I would ever make fun of that. Seriously guys....."

Ricus moved his eyes very close to Caius's face, like he was staring deep into his soul. 𝗳𝒓𝙚e𝓌e𝚋𝙣𝚘𝐯𝙚𝙡.𝑐૦m

"where are you from, and why are you here".

He had a feeling that Caius was telling the truth, and so he let down his guard and backed away from him.

"seriously? I am putting on the Sanctuary's official wear and you don't recognize it".

"Sanctuary? You mean the Sanctuary Of The Holy Congregation".

Ricus asked, using his hand to rub his chin.

"how many other Sanctuary do you know of that dresses like this? Of course I meant the Sanctuary Of The Holy Congregation".

"we know of the Sanctuary Of The Holy Congregation, their attire however is what we do not know about, because we have never seen them before".

"what do you mean never seen. We are everywhere, especially places where trouble looms in".

"exactly. We have never had a trouble that needs the help of an outsider to solve".

What Ricus said is true. One of the major reason why a member of the Sanctuary Of The Holy Congregation would come to Edevin, is if there is an emergency.

Edevin being in any emergency is a very hard thing to picture, until now that is. The size of their military, and Including the number of adventurers they have in the city, all this made it near impossible for them to ever lose against any attacks.

"i have been sent here by the Emissary to investigate the monster that attacked you. It's race, body description, anything you know, I am going to need all the information".

Caius's face changed, and his frowned expression even more serious.

"follow me. Guys, continue with what you were all doing".

Ricus took Caius upstairs to his office, leaving behind the angry adventurer's mob.

"so, you were sent by the Sanctuary? Why".

They got inside the office and Ricus sat down at his official seat while Caius was offered the one in front of his.

"we have the situation under control, and have put out a bounty on the monster, it's only a matter of time before it is caught".

"and by what bounty hunter? We are talking of a monster who wiped out more than five thousand of you without even trying to, please, I need to know, what bounty hunter is that powerful enough to hunt such a monster down".

Ricus's ego of not wanting to leave the monster extermination to outsiders got the best of him, and stopped him from thinking in the appropriate direction.

"the guild, has full control over this. It won't be long before the monster is caught. And if you are asking by who? I can assure you that we have stronger members than you can imagine working under the guild's council. When they are deployed, it will take them nothing to achieve their objective".

"what's that your name again".

Caius stood up from his seat, walked over to where Ricus was sitting and placed his right hand on his shoulder.

"this is an intolerable behavior, I suggest you take your seat befo...."


Caius without thinking twice, dislocated Ricus's shoulder joints by pressing down on it hard.


"i asked what your name is, and not what you feel is content with you".

"Ri.....Ricus....., that's my name".

Ricus said, with his voice trembling.

"Ricus? Believe me, I would rather be anywhere else but here, chasing after a monster some bunch of whims could not handle alone".

"i heard they were more than five thousand of you all, yet none of you could take it down, do you see just how lacking you are?".

Caius really had no intention of insulting Ricus for his failure against the monster, until his arrogant attitude got to him, and he decided Ricus needed to be put in his place.

He is here to help, and not to take nonsense from him.


With his hand still rested on the dislocated shoulder, he called out.


"surely, you have heard of a group called the Cardinal's, have you not".

"yes, I have".

"guess what? I am a member of such group, a group termed humanity's strongest. And I as one of humanity's strongest, have come here to help you solve the miserable situation that befell on you, so why don't you cooperate with me and tell me all that you know about this monster that made a mess out of you".

*Knock, Knock*.

Ricus who had felt like his life was being chipped away by Caius's intimidating self, felt at ease when the door was knocked on. ƒ𝑟𝐞𝗲𝘄𝙚𝚋𝑛o𝙫𝒆𝒍.𝒄𝘰𝓂

"come in".

He said, not even minding who was behind the knocking.

Dexter opened the door, and the first thing he saw, was Caius's hand on Ricus's shoulder.

"i did not know you had a visitor, I will come back later".

Dexter said, making his way backward and about to shut the door on himself.

"you can come in. Mister Ricus and I still have a lot we need to discuss going forward, it will be best if you tell him whatever it is you came for now".

Caius stopped Dexter from going, as he takes his hand off of Ricus's shoulder, and made his way back to where he was sitting.

"Dexter, what brought you here".

He says, standing on his feet and pointing in the direction of a chair for Dexter to sit on.

"well, I came to tell you that this is going to be my last day in the city. I am leaving with Dana, the granddaughter of the twin sword wolf tonight".

"is that so?.... And, did she agree to follow you".

"yes she did. I have also discussed it with her teacher, and she said I could take her".

"you know, we at the guild here would like it if you could extend your presence with us a little longer, but we also would not want to keep you from doing what you have to do. Good luck out there comrade".

"i appreciate it. That's what I came here to say, I will leave you to continue your discussion".

"wait Dexter".

Ricus stopped Dexter when he had almost gotten to the door, with a desperate voice to booth, leaving Dexter to wonder exactly what was going on with him.

"this man here actually came to inquire about the monster attack. As the one who witnessed his rebirth first, can you tell him everything you know and saw that day".

He pointed to Caius who had kept mute all this while, watching the conversation between Dexter and Ricus.

"hello, I am Caius, the one who has been put in charge of the monster extermination by the Sanctuary Of The Holy Congregation".

He says, standing up and extending his hand out to Dexter for a handshake.