Adventures Of A Goblin-Chapter 138 Orun Out In The World

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?*Munch, Munch*

He tore off a portion of roasted meat, bigger than what his mouth could handle, and forcefully chugged it all down his throat.

"i have to say, a dear's meat is the best meat I have ever had the chance of eating so far".

Orun takes a bite at another portion of meat, munching it all until the bones could be seen.

"too bad they come in small sizes".

He says, as he throws away the bone in his hand, in the direction where bones have been stockpiled in.

"good thing I killed just enough to have me satisfied".

Orun stretched his left hand out to the sides and brought out a full bodied deer with only its head cut off.

He turned the deer upside down with its neck facing him, and he squeezed out the blood from the deer, dropping it into his mouth.

"the blood unlike the meat does not taste very good".

When he had drank his fill of the deer's blood, he produced out flame from his right palm and placed the deer's body above it so he could roast it.

When it was done roasting, Orun fed on it like he did the last sixteen times. He threw the bones in the pile of bones and rested his back on the hard stoned ground with his head facing up the Rocky ceiling.

After He had involuntarily killed Shakir, Orun found his way out of there and moved far North from Edevin city.

Taking such a long walk away from the city, seven hundred years of hunger kicked in. To ward of the hunger, Orun attempted to hunt, but couldn't as he found himself stranded alone in the surrounding.

He made sure to always go through forest and not an open space so he wouldn't encounter any human settlement. He had thought that being in the forest would give him the opportunity of encountering beasts to feast on, but his thoughts were wrong.

Everywhere Orun passed through was empty without any living lifeform inhabiting it. It was left completely deserted.

Orun couldn't figure out what was wrong until Oracle explained it to him that his Aura, is what was chasing away the lifeforms. They felt threatened by his presence and so fled for their lives before he could get to them.

Oracle as usual wanted to take control of the Aura and keep it in check, but Orun refused.

He did not know when next Oracle will be unavailable to reach, or hell forbid something happens to Oracle, causing it to be away for a very long time.

The two scenario are more than likely to happen, and in such cases, Orun will be left stranded and unknowing, due to having relying too heavily on Oracle.

To prevent a case where Orun cannot do anything without Oracle, He decided to learn the stuff he can learn, adapting himself to it so that he can be prepared for anything.

Learning how to control his Aura is one of the things Orun decided to learn and not hand over to Oracle. How to operate the map projection is also on the list of things he wanted to learn, and a lot of other couple of stuff.

With enough hardwork and effort put into it, Orun managed to grasp the control on his Aura. Now, he can bring it out and keep it in whenever he wants.

Hunting over twenty two deers in minutes was possible thanks to the effective use of his Aura. He shuts it off whenever there is no prey, and turns it on when he is near a prey. Being within close range of Orun's Aura, weakened the deers, rendering them unable to run away. All he had to do, is walk over to them and slowly slash of their heads.

Orun used the tactics to hunt as many as his stomach could contain, and also found himself a cozy cave in the forest to lodge in.

"i need to get some air outside".

He gets up and made his way out of the cave. When he got out, Orun jumped to the top of the cave and laid himself there.

"the moon sure is beautiful tonight, just like how the sun is in the day. Man, I never thought I would for a second miss the harsh beating of the sun tampering with my skin".

His eyes full of admiration at the Aurora sky adorned with stars and a moon giving shade in the darkness.

Spending such a long time in the cage has made him much more appreciative towards the little everyday things like this sun brightening his way during daytime, and the moon giving him a wonderful view of the worlds beauty during the night.


[yes master.....]

"there is this question that has been bugging me since I Awakened".

[what is it master].


[yes... Master].

"when I gave you the go ahead to blow up the Dungeon, I ended up in a weird white space, and in there, I saw miss dragon. Did you also see her, or was I the only one who saw her".

[anything master sees, I see].

"so you saw her".

[yes I did master].

"did you also hear what she said to me".

[if master is referring to the name she gave you, then yes I heard it. Orun, she said].

"no, not the name. I am also curious about that, but its not just that".

"she said some weird stuff about, please my dear child, I want you to live a more fulfilling life this time. Never seek Vengeance, and only seek the light with which will fill you with happiness".

"her expression when she said it, it was almost as if I could feel the sadness about to drip down her eyes in the form of tears".

"i could look past all that, but what I can't look past, is her last words (this, is a plea from a mother to her child. Please my dear son). Is what she said".

"how am I supposed to look past that. And her emotions then, was like she was talking to a long lost son, and that is where I am lost".

"in my first and current lives, I have never had an encounter with miss dragon ever before, and if I did, I am sure I will remember someone with astonishing looks like her's, but the point is, I don't, which is totally weird and explains nothing of why she said or did what she did".

"which brings me to my next conclusion. What if, this isn't the first time I have been in this world? What if in my former life before the one on earth, miss dragon was actually my biological mother, and something happened, an event that leads to someone I trust betraying me, hence the I should never seek Vengeance word that she said".

"Oracle, what if? This world i am in is not a foreign world to me, but the world I actually originate from?".

"i mean, if we think about it well, the whole puzzle fits. Miss dragon being my mother, is a member of this world, which will also make me a member as well!!!!"

"wait? Miss dragon isn't just a member, she is a founder of this world, then does that make me a royal of this world?".


Oracle called out to him before he lost himself in his hypothetical delusions.

"what is it Oracle".

[if master truly is a member of this world, why did master transmigrate as a member of one of the lowest race in the world? Or why would miss dragon go as far as not giving master real facts instead of just spitting up puzzling questions?].

"what are you saying Oracle? Are you trying to say my assumptions are just merely assumptions".

[yes I am master. And I am backing it up with evidence that if master truly is an offspring of miss dragon, then there is absolutely no way for master to have ended up in this state].

"hey, what is wrong with the state I am in? I am doing pretty well so far if you don't know".

[that is not what I mean master].

[if master is an offspring of miss dragon, that would make master a founder as well. I have studied the founder race during master's time in hibernation, and I have come to acquire the knowledge that says, members of the founder race can never know death].


[if master truly was a founder race, there is no way master could have ended up on earth, because master can never die, and there is absolutely no way master will be in this current situation, because master could never have gotten to earth much less die and transmigrate into this world].


Orun stared off into the sky, gazing through the thoughts of a particular star and thinking thoroughly about what Oracle said.

"granted, you do have a point, and all your points so far shows that truly, I am not an offspring of miss dragon".

"but, I am not willing to give up that easily. Miss dragon saying what she said, could not have been just words. Her feelings back then were real, and I know this because I have felt what it was like to lose someone you cared about, like when I lost my parents".

[master, you are being deceived by her words, and I suggest master shouldn't take it to heart much less dwell on it further]. 𝘧𝒓e𝑒𝑤e𝙗𝚗o𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝐜𝐨m


Orun felt something within Oracle's words. Whenever it spoke, it was with confidence and smoothness. But this time, it felt like Oracle was being aggressive on it, desperate for Orun to actually forget miss dragon's words.


[yes master].


[yes master].


He called out a third time, with a firm voice, enough for Oracle to understand that something was going on with Orun.

[yes master].

Irrespective of what was wandering through Orun's mind, Oracle still answered him, and will continue to do so for as long as he continues to call out.

"you know I trust you right".

[yes I do master].

"you know, in this whole world wide world, you are the only one I trust, and the only one I probably ever will trust. I consider you not as a skill, but as family, a two member family. You do know that right".

[yes I do master].


[yes master].

"i will be very devastated and heartbroken If I were ever to find out that the trust I placed in you, is nothing more but an illusion on my part".

"i don't want that Oracle, I don't want to be in a situation where I am forced to find out that you, are infact not family, but someone who is out to harm me".

He says this with a saddened voice, showing his fear of thinking of Oracle as an enemy of his rather than his family.

[master, I exist only to serve Master, and I will never do anything to jeopardize master's safety. If it's a choice of master being harmed, or me getting destroyed, it's a choice I will never have to think about before I arrive at a conclusion].

Oracle's voice conveyed it's unwavering loyalty towards Orun with sincerity.

"i really hope for that to be true buddy, really, I do".

Orun looks up at the sky still in doubt of Oracle, but tries not to let his doubt cloud over his actions and judgment of it.