All-rounder Artist-Chapter 223 - 208 Change the World, Change Yourself 1

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Chapter 223: Chapter 208 Change the World, Change Yourself 1

Translator: 549690339

The song by Fei Yang is called “Brahma Star”.

The title is somewhat puzzling, but the content is indeed mainstream, and the quality of the song is definitely excellent.

The catchy melody, interspersed with several groups of stunning chords, and the chorus part has a very distinct memory point…

At fifteen minutes after midnight on the first day of May, Chen Zhiyu was desperate.

Just in terms of quality, “Brahma Star” is undeniably good.

The level presented in the composition, coupled with the performance of the King of Singing, makes every aspect of this song no weaker than “Change Yourself”!

Precisely speaking, it’s neck and neck.

Yes, Chen Zhiyu feels that his song and Fei Yang’s “Brahma Star” are of equal quality.


Chen Zhiyu’s popularity can’t compare with Fei Yang’s!

Singers climbing the charts not only depend on the quality of the song, but also the singer’s fame!

If the quality of “Change Yourself” crushes Fei Yang, Chen Zhiyu’s popularity may not match the King of Singing, but he may have a chance to turn the tables.

But if the quality of the two songs is similar, then the singer with higher popularity will certainly win!

Before, Chen Zhiyu lost due to luck.

This time, Chen Zhiyu feels that he will lose because of popularity.

It’s like two equally superior films…

Not considering promotion and other factors.

The one featuring a movie superstar will have higher box office sales than the one without!

And it’s not just a small margin!

Liu Mou appeared at Chen Zhiyu’s residence and asked in a low voice, “What do you think?”

Chen Zhiyu looked up at Liu Mou and said with a bitter smile, “The quality is similar, the popularity is too different.”

What about the others?”

Liu Mou was asking about the quality of the works of the other two first-line singers.

After listening to them once, I’m probably second.

Chen Zhiyu had developed a wealth of judgment experience, and his predictions could accurately predict the future.

Unfortunately, predicting the future does not mean you can change it.

At this moment.

Chen Zhiyu’s “Change Yourself” was also released. The comment section of the song received overwhelming praise. Some people even discovered with surprise that the lyrics and music of this song were actually by Xian Yu!

Wait a minute, the lyrics and music are… Xian Yu?

Wow, it’s a song composed by Xian Yu. No wonder the new song by Chen Zhiyu sounds better than his previous ones!”


Have you listened to Fei Yang’s song?”

Fei Yang’s song is also impeccable. King Fei is performing as usual.

Perennial Runner-up confirmed?

It’s been confirmed long ago. Championship is like a running stream, and runner-up is like an iron strike!”

Sand Sea Entertainment.

The chat group of the company which had been dead due to Chen Zhiyu’s breakout with the Perennial Runner-up setup, was awakened after a long time today—

Have you heard it yet?

You mean the song ‘Chen Zhiyu is Second’?

Hahaha, God, ‘Chen Zhiyu is Second’.

Oh, these people are still alive. Is Chen Zhiyu your wake-up switch…

So, I’m not the only one who haven’t sleep! Hahaha I’m laugh my ass off. Chen Zhiyu is not only participating in Starlight, but also collaborating with Xian Yu!”

It should be a sure win, but it hit King Fei!

Xian Yu: Can’t take it.

Xian Yu: Sorry, I can’t carry this time.

Poor Chen Zhiyu, Xian Yu’s song quality is very awesome. It is normal play and doesn’t lose to King Fei’s works at all. But Chen Zhiyu lacks popularity, King Fei’s popularity is too overwhelming.”

A rare tie in quality, and gets crushed by popularity.

Chen Zhiyu: What do you mean? On my side, you attack fiercely, punch hard, and hang me to hit! When you are my teammate, you can’t make it as a fish?”

The composers of Sand Sea were happy. This was a splendid victory; both Chen Zhiyu and Xian Yu were defeated!

Although some people’s words are a bit rough, it’s true. Xian Yu made a move, but still couldn’t wash away Chen Zhiyu’s second-place label.

Unshakeable second place, Chen Zhiyu, steady as a dog!

At the same time, late at night, several music reviewers in Qin Qi listened to the new season’s potential hit songs in real time.

Zhang Qi is a music critic.

In addition to the commonplace title of music critic, Zhang Qi also holds the position of deputy chairman of the Qin Province Music Association.

The latter identity is worth much more than the former, which also makes his role as a music critic more significant.

At this moment.

Zhang Qi just finished listening to “Brahma Star”, and a satisfied expression appeared on his face: “As expected, the King of Singing who I voted for, Fei Yang’s songs are as strong as ever… It seems that this championship song cannot be lost, this round is a win for Qin Province!”

The merger of Qin and Qi Provinces.

The current new song chart has a higher value than before, because the current new song chart is not only contended by singers and composers from Qin Province.

It also includes those from Qi Province.

The music creators from both regions competing together for this ranking has resulted in a qualitative improvement in the quality of the rankings!

As a local, Zhang Qi naturally hopes that the singer from Qin Province can take the first place.

Although the previous singer from Qi Province took first place, even though the composer was from Qin Province, Zhang Qi always felt a little uncomfortable.

People inevitably have a bit of regional consciousness.

Even if Qin and Qi have merged, many people still have this regional consciousness in their hearts.

Let’s listen to other songs.

Zhang Qi glanced at the new song list, finally clicked on Chen Zhiyu’s song, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: “Perennial Runner-up…”

Chen Zhiyu’s reputation as the Perennial Runner-up is well known within the industry.

Although Zhang Qi, a forty-something man, doesn’t like to play with catchphrases like young people, he can’t help but find this interesting.

The song is called ‘Change Yourself, the lyrics and music are…

Zhang Qi suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Xian Yu!

Surprisingly, this song was actually written for Chen Zhiyu by Xian Yu.

Xian Yu…

This is one of the composers who Zhang Qi believes could become one of the future Maestros!

Zhang Qi’s anticipation was suddenly boosted.

Click play.

Chen Zhiyu’s signature voice that is slightly relaxed and magnetic comes to the ear:

Woke up this morning, looked at myself in the mirror, and suddenly found that my hairstyle was a bit KUSO when I woke up…”

Zhang Qi laughed.

The style of the song was interesting and relaxing to listen to.

The word “kuso” seems to be a dialect from some part of the world?

The song continues to sing: “A little change makes a big difference, our power can also change the world…”

Zhang Qi nodded in agreement.

He really liked this song.

Even before he had heard the full chorus, he already had a general judgment. The singer and the instrument blend well together, and the arrangement added scores to it.

Right, Xian Yu did the arrangement too…

While being emotional inwardly, the song kept playing:

“I’ve been quite upset recently, I’ve been very emotional, watching the news every day makes me want to scream, but swearing doesn’t work, everyone would find it repulsive, I’ve changed myself and found a big difference…”

This content is taken from fгeewebnovё

Is this about personal emotions?

Zhang Qi mused.

The more people enjoy discussing the “Perennial Runner-Up,” probably the more upset Chen Zhiyu is.

The lyrics played that out perfectly.

From this perspective, this song by Xian Yu could be considered tailor-made for Chen Zhiyu.

At this point in the song, it was transitioning:

New friends of this generation, let’s work hard together, everyone say together la la la la la…”

The main chorus came smoothly.

I can change the world, change myself, change the differences, change the stinginess. Perseverance should never be given up, only then can we change the world and change ourselves!”

Zhang Qi’s smile fully blossomed!

A good composition, combined with a good performance, makes a great song!

He liked this song!

Although he was getting old, Zhang Qi had always kept a youthful state of mind. This relaxed and pleasing song is undoubtedly very much in line with Zhang Qi’s aesthetics!

At this moment.

The second section of the main chorus started.

Zhang Qi listened to it with a smile, as if basking in the spring breeze, it brought him a sense of sun shining on his face.

A little change makes a big difference, our enthusiasm can also change the world, I can only represent myself, I don’t take a political stand, even if the world makes me feel very anxious…”

Zhang Qi’s smile suddenly froze for a moment.

His muscles, which had been relaxed, suddenly tightened a little.


He suddenly realized something, his eyes were a little shocked!

Of course, the song wouldn’t stop because he said “wait,” it continued until the end.

And at this moment.

Zhang Qi couldn’t help but get up from the seat.

He quickly pulled out his phone, clicked on an old friend’s profile, and rapidly sent a message: “I recommend you listen to ‘Changing Myself.'”

The other party asked: “New song?

Zhang Qi typed seriously: “It’s not just a new song, let’s talk after you listen to


The other party responded: “Okay.


Zhang Qi took a deep breath, put on the headphones next to him, and played “Changing Myself” again.

Listening to this song again with different feelings and thoughts, Zhang Qi’s feelings were completely different!


He mused to himself.

At this moment, his phone suddenly started to vibrate continuously.

Zhang Qi picked up his phone and saw it was his old friend calling him.

With a complex smile, he answered: “Listened to it?


The other party was adamant: “I want this song!”

Zhang Qi didn’t seem surprised: “Pretty good, isn’t it?

The other party was somewhat excited: “The lyrics and melody are top-notch, but most importantly, this song reveals the current situation of Qin and Qi…”

Exactly, this song reflects the current situation in Qin and Qi!

Ever since the fusion of Qin and Qi, the lives of the people in both regions have changed dramatically.

Overall, it was for the better.

But, there were also some drawbacks.

Regional ideas and cultural separations still exist to a certain extent!

And what is “Changing Myself” singing about?

Zhang Qi mused: “I initially thought that this song was literally about wanting to change yourself. But then, when I listened to the rest, I realized I underestimated the song. It’s not as simple as wanting to change oneself. The song has profound symbolism, both the lyrics and the melody have hidden meanings and they hit the nail on the head! For example, when it says every day I watch the news, and I want to scream out loud… I didn’t really think much of it at first, but after pondering, isn’t it referring to the news of the Qin and Qi fusion?”

The other party expressed a similar view: “Changing oneself made a big difference, the new friends of the generation should really work hard, after the integration of Qin and Qi, we are indeed in a new era… Changing the differences and changing the stinginess… I felt a bit guilty listening to this part. We are all Blue Star people, but we still distinguish between Qin and Qi, deep within, right after the fusion… We’re all fundamentally not united enough. People from both sides still have this barrier, and the authorities of both sides are indeed stingy, the cultural wall is the stingiest defensive strategy…”

Aren’t I the same?”

Zhang Qi gave a bitter smile: “I don’t take a political stand, even if the world makes me feel very anxious, I need to adjust myself… Is this ‘myself literally the singer himself? It is about us, about everyone from both sides…”

The song speaks for the self, but it’s not about oneself whatsoever.

The old friend’s voice also grew emotional: “Everyone thought that with the fusion of Qin and Qi, everything will be fine, but who is willing to admit the existence of some contradictions between the two sides? I can clearly hear the sarcasm in this song, the lyrics and the melody are bold, but I love it.”

How so?”

I will promote this song.

You handle the official matters, and I will handle the reviews. Such a song should not be considered as just another pop song. The lyrics and melody have clearly expressed their intentions, we should not turn a deaf ear to this.”

Indeed, it should be so.

After hanging up the phone.

Zhang Qi opened a document on his computer and couldn’t help but excitedly type out this sentence: “Who needs to change, the world, or us as individuals? After the massive fusion of the Blue Star, what should everyone do? Listen to this song, and maybe you will understand…”