All-rounder Artist-Chapter 227 - 212: Ghost Blowing Lamp Plus_l

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Chapter 227: Chapter 212: Ghost Blowing Lamp Plus_l

Translator: 549690339 |

Endorsed by official media and praised by music critics, the song “Change Yourself” soared in popularity in the following days…

Chen Zhiyu had risen to the top!

He was indeed cemented in the first place!

The joke about him being the Perennial Runner-up was shattered, and it happened in such a way that no one could have anticipated.

Yet, the zany netizens always managed to find new hilarity—

“If you can’t beat them, join them; indeed a wise saying!”

“Chen Zhiyu kept coming in second because he clung to the wrong “giant thigh” (Chinese slang for seeking support from someone powerful)? The biggest difference between Splendid and Starlight is that Starlight has Xian Yu.”

“Let’s admit it, Xian Yu’s “leg” is quite thick (meaning Xian Yu is quite influential)!”

“So, he who gets Xian Yu, gets the world?”

“Doesn’t Xian Yu look like the cheat-code-grandpa from fantasy novels?”

“He’s indeed a humanoid cheat code.”

Chen Zhiyu, a witty guy himself, joined the netizens in playing off the joke, and posted a self-mocking status on his Tribe social media account.

[Raising an Asian Arowana.]

The text underneath the post accompanied a picture of a large fish tank, with an Asian Arowana swimming inside.

Behind the fish tank blurred was a silhouette, Chen Zhiyu himself, seemingly making a scissor hand gesture.

“Fish raising’s on the table.”

“Fearing fish cured?”

“From now on, totally devoted to serving Fish Master (dog head emoji).”

“Fish can bring you good luck.”

“I figure, this fish should be named Champion.”

“You’re quite cheeky.”

“Turns out, this is the correct way to raise fish.”

“What type of fish do you like to eat?”

Chen Zhiyu cheekily replied to that last popular comment: “Fishie is so cute, why would anyone want to eat Fishie?”

No longer burdened with the Perennial Runner-up tag, Chen Zhiyu had completely let himself loose, unabashedly expressing his feelings for Xian Yu.

Netizens laughed their heads off.

He even joined Xian Yu’s Tribe account and liked all his posts.

But to Chen Zhiyu’s chagrin, Xian Yu had yet to follow him back.

Xian Yu was only following two people…

Chu Kuang and Shadow.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Zhiyu’s mind steadied again, because Chu Kuang was not following anyone within the circle.

In fact, quite a number of musicians within the circle were following Chu Kuang, especially those who had worked with Xian Yu.

But Xian Yu had not followed any of them in return, including Sun Yaohuo from their last collaboration.

Sun Yaohuo?

Recalling this person, Chen Zhiyu suddenly understood why Sun Yaohuo had had an unusual attitude towards him in their last meeting.

His vigilance heightened.

Xian Yu is a robustly influential figure!

Particularly after tasting the sweetness of victory, Chen Zhiyu was even more eager to continue working with Xian Yu.

However, he should have many competitors, Sun Yaohuo being the best example.

In fact.

While Xian Yu had helped Chen Zhiyu to clinch the top spot for the season, Xian Yu, himself, also garnered significant attention.

This could be seen from the rapid increase in followers on his Tribe account.

Originally at just over ten million followers, the number had now surged to fifteen million!

Originally, a song wouldn’t have such great power, even if it won the season’s first place.

But due to the special attributes assigned to this song, coupled with layers of publicity, Xian Yu received so much attention.

The increase of Xian Yu’s fans is a good thing.

But Lin Yuan hopes that Chu Kuang can gain more fans because this is related to the tasks of the System, and there are two urgent and important tasks at hand:

Task one: Chu Kuang’s tribal account needs to gain a hundred million followers.

Task two: Breakthrough of three hundred thousand reputation in painting within a year

Both of these tasks are not easy.

The second task is relatively easier, even though it’s handled by Shadow, assistant Luo Wei can help share many responsibilities.

So Lin Yuan’s next focus will be to work as much as possible with Chu’s identity, after all, he can’t find an assistant to write a book.

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Anyhow, other than drawing comics recently, there’s nothing else going on, so he might as well use the time to write the novel “Ghost Blows the Lamp”.

It’s worth mentioning that…

The version of “Ghost Blows the Lamp” that the System gave Lin Yuan is of eight volumes.

The first four are The Ancient City of Jingjue, The Lost Caverns, Yunnan Bug Valley, Kunlun God Palace.

The following four are The Weasel Grave, Return to the South Seas, Rage of Hunan West, Witch Gorge Coffin Mountain.

After these eight volumes, the author also wrote some prequels and such, but they were not as influential as these eight volumes, so the System didn’t provide them.

Taking into account the continuity of the readers, Lin Yuan plans to publish one volume at a time.

This will improve the update requirements for Lin Yuan, because each volume of “Ghost Blows the Lamp” has about three or four hundred thousand words.

It’s unlike the previous publishing frequency, where a post would be about two hundred thousand words or so.

However, this is not a problem.

If he writes fast, he can publish a volume in a month. If he writes slowly, he can publish one every few months. Lin Yuan can entirely work at his own pace, and just notify the publishing house in advance.

Thinking of this…

Lin Yuan began writing the content of the first volume of “Ghost Blows the Lamp”.

He definitely needed to make changes to the setting, although the version given by the System had some better adjustments to the plot and writing style, the background had not been changed.

In the original novel, there were the Sent-down youth and the Republican era, the sense of history was extremely rich.

Unlike “Grave Robbers’ Chronicles”, where it would work with just a modern setting.

Lin Yuan does plan to change the setting, but he doesn’t intend to directly use a modern setting either.

Some features of the original work were actually quite interesting, but they wouldn’t work if set in modern times.

Fortunately, in order to change the background, he has read many history books of Blue Star, so his historical knowledge is very rich, which allows him to justify his narrative.

The first step is to ensure that the main storyline of “Ghost Blows a Lamp” doesn’t change.

Zhang San Chain, the legendary Goldfinder, is the origin character of the entire novel.

He carried three Goldfinder amulets alone, and combined with the ancient FengShui theory from the tombs to write the “Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang FengShui Secret Technique”, because he revealed the secret of heaven, half of the technique was destroyed by himself.

Zhang San Chain had four apprentices, the oldest was the Flying Mythic Lion, the second was Golden Abacus, the third was Yingyang Eye Sun Guofu, and the youngest was Iron Grinder.

When the four apprentices completed their training, since Sun Guofu was unwilling to do tomb raiding, Zhang San Chain gave the “Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang FengShui Secret Technique” to him, and gave the three Goldfinder amulets to the other three, and left the admonition that for Goldfinders, unity is life and division is death.

Sun Guofu wandered around, and unfortunately ran into a spoiled landlord who was due to a drug addiction relapse, and was digging a grave to get money, who happened to be the grandfather of the protagonist of this book, Hu Bayi’s—the grandfather is Hu Guohua!

Sun Guofu decided to accept Hu Guohua as his disciple, and before he died, he passed on the “Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang FengShui Secret Technique” to Hu Guohua.

In the end, it was passed on to Hu Bayi.

With the “Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang FengShui Secret Technique”, Hu Bayi started his tomb raiding career with his good friend Fatty, under the instigation of the antique dealer Big Golden Tooth.

The story is divided into eight volumes, with each volume presenting a new adventure.

From this point of view, “Ghost Blows the Lamp” can be considered a typical adventure novel, which seems to be recognised as a fantasy novel.

However, unlike other fantasy novels,

The System left the work of changing the background to Lin Yuan, but some parts in this novel, which don’t have a feasible explanation, were resolved by the System.

Also, the most important point is:

The horror and alarming atmosphere in this novel appear to have been magnified several times, giving a gruesome feeling….

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