Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk-Chapter 82 - Eighty Two - Ch-Ch-Changes

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Chapter 82: Chapter Eighty Two - Ch-Ch-Changes

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Eighty Two - Ch-Ch-Changes




They had been at Delacour Manor for a couple of days - and Jean-Paul had even taken him in to his offices at the French Ministry of Magic - when he received a message from Sirius via his mirror.

"Dumbledore's dead, pup," said Sirius. "They think it's just due to old age, but they're not ruling out foul play."

Harry sighed and said, "What do they know?"

"He was supposed to have attended a meeting he'd organised with the Head of the Unspeakables and never turned up," explained Sirius. "At first, they thought he'd decided just not to go. However, he didn't turn up for a meeting at the Hogshead - his brother's pub - in Hogsmeade, either.

"Dumbledore had been trying to convince Filius to again allow him access to Hogwarts. But, Filius kept blowing him off..."

"That was my doing," said Harry. "I'd told Professor Flitwick he was banned from the grounds."

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With a nod, Sirius continued, "Well, Filius finally agreed to meet with him. Not to let him in; but, to tell him in person he was banned from the grounds. But, he didn't show.

"So, Filius convinced Aberforth - Dumbledore's brother and owner of the Hogshead - to pay him a visit at the Dumbledore cottage in Godric's Hollow. That's where Dumbledore's been living. Aberforth found him there, dead.

"So, Aberforth called in the aurors to investigate. Your Aunt Amelia led the investigation, but all they found was him, dead. There was nothing out of place, and the wards hadn't been damaged; so they think he just up and died."

"Well," sighed Harry. "I hate to say it; but, I'm a little relieved, quite frankly."

"There's no shame in that," said Sirius. "The man made your life a living hell."

"Anyway," he said, changing the subject. "When are you looking to come home?"

"Soon," replied Harry. "The next day or so, at any rate. Daphne and I want to get to Hogwarts and take a look at how the elves have done with the modernisation of our new suites. Plus, there're friends and such we want to catch up with."

"Not me?" pouted the old dog.

"Of course you, too," laughed Harry. "You and Remus, both!"

"But, I think Daphne wants to put her personal touches onto Potter Manor; now that it's her home," said Harry.

"That's fair enough," said Sirius. "Your mother did exactly the same when she and your father married."

After finishing his talk with Sirius, Harry went off in search of Daphne. He found her talking with Apolline and Gabrielle in the parlour.

"Hi, love," he said.

"What's wrong?" she asked, a little worried.

"Sirius called to let me know Dumbledore's dead," he replied. "It seems it all got to much for him and he passed away."

Daphne seemed to think about that for a few moments before she firmly said, "Good. With the amount of interference he had in your life - especially subjecting you to the Dursleys - I think I'm rather glad."

Harry leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Me, too," he simply said.

"I shall 'ave to let Jean-Paul know, immediately," said Apolline. "Howevair, I, too, am glad 'e eez dead."

She rose and went to the fireplace to call her husband.




After two and a half weeks of honeymoon - about how long they'd planned - they returned to magical Britain.

They arrived via International portkey in the portkey arrivals lounge at the Ministry, startling the immigration and customs people of the DMLE with who they found arriving.

They quickly passed through customs and headed down to the atrium to floo away, back to Potter Manor.

They arrived to an empty manor; except for the elves, of course. And allowed Petey and Ninny to take their bags upstairs to unpack.

Harry took a wander through the grounds, outside, while Daphne covered inside. They met back in the Entry Hall.

"How many?" he simply asked.

"Three," she grinned. "You?"

"One," he said. "A charm on the broom closet to make the brooms come out and dance when the door was opened. How about yours?"

"One on the bed linked to a Monitoring Charm I think my mother put in place..." she said.

Harry interrupted, "Probably there to make sure neither of us gets hurt while practicing baby-making."

She blushed and smacked him on the arm. "Anyways," she said, trying to continue. "There was another on the toilet that would have made ribald comments, I think. And it's the sort of toilet humour I'd expect of your godfather."

"Ha ha!" Harry said in a flat voice.

With a smirk, she said, "The third wasn't a prank, though." He face took on a frown before she said, "There was a pretty complex Compulsion Charm on your office chair. I think someone must've snuck in there from the reception and placed it. I've no idea who, though."

"You've removed it?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied. "I have this sneaking suspicion someone wants you to sign something you shouldn't."

"Mmm," he said. "They'd anticipated I'd do my paperwork in there, at the desk. We may never know who did it."

"I guess we should thank the twins and Sirius for making us so paranoid," she said. "If it wasn't for our belief they'd use the opportunity of us being away to set up pranks, we might not have scanned everything."

"I'll let Aunt Amelia know about the Compulsion Charm," he said. "And, if something comes in that looks like it might have been tied to the Charm, I'll call her in.

"In the meantime, I have some revenge pranking to do."

"We, dear; we," chided his love.

"Of course," he contritely replied. "How silly of me to forget that."




After visiting the Greengrasses - that is, Cygnus, Isabel and Astoria - to let them know they were back, the two then went to the Black House to let Sirius and Remus know.

Then, as Harry was eager to look, it was off to the castle to have a look at the modified suites.

They were not stopped by anyone as they entered the castle; so, just quietly walked up to the third floor. Harry was about to give the password, 'courage under fire', when the portrait simply slid out of the way before he could do so.

Walking up the short flight of stairs and into the original living room, Harry said, "Wow!"

"I'll say," said Daphne, moving up to his side.

With a soft double pop, Frosty and Maisey appeared before them, "Welcome back, my Lord and Lady," said Frosty.

"Thank you, Frosty - Maisey," said Harry as Daphne did the same. "Are the alterations completed?"

"Yes, my Lord," said Frosty.

"Thank you," replied Harry.

The living room was now decked out as a study area. The walls had been cleaned and freshly painted in a soft driftwood colour with a hint of pink to add the sense of warmth. Curtains adorned the windows.

The potions lab had been retained and modernised. There were now plenty of potions ingredients all under Stasis Charms.

The armoury had been converted into a small library. The walls were filled with bookshelves, plus there were two sitting back-to-back down the middle of the room. It left just enough room for two people to pass one another down each aisle.

The shelves were filled with the books the elves had rescued from the Come and Go Room. And there was a lot more than either Harry or Daphne remembered being in the room when they'd used it.

Across the way, the kitchen was still a kitchen, but the old brick oven and hotplate had been replaced with a large cast iron stove. There was, again, food in the pantry; with all of it under Stasis Charms.

There was now a second door along the same side as the door to the kitchen. A quick look inside showed it was a half-bath and toilet. That is, a toilet with a small vanity included.

Upstairs, in the master bedroom, the bed had been improved upon with modern sheets, pillows, pillowcases and doonas. The walk in robe now had better shelving and hanging space. And, the bathroom had a complete 'makeover', including a large shower and private toilet.

Throughout, the same paint colour scheme was used as in the common room. The floors were now covered in wall to wall carpet in all the 'dry' areas of the apartment. And, Harry could feel a decent underlay underneath the carpet.

From there, they took the connecting passage down to the old Slytherin suites. Here, the changes were even more drastic. This time the paint colour scheme was a very pale mint green. The carpet was the same as with upstairs.

The living room had become like a House common room with plenty of armchairs and loveseats around. Plus there were a few coffee/occasional tables, here and there.

The potions lab was now a private office. There was even a huge 'copy' of the Marauder's Map on the wall where it could be seen from the big desk. Harry wondered how Frosty and Maisey accomplished it.

The armoury was left alone to double up as private storage. What weapons remained in the other armoury was also moved into here.

The kitchen had been converted into two small bedrooms with a bed each and a shared ensuite. As above, a second door was located on the wall of what was the kitchen, siding on to the living/common room to allow access to a toilet for anyone there.

Downstairs in the twinned bedrooms, nothing much had changed. But, both bathrooms had been modernised as with the Gryffindor master bedroom ensuite. The larger bedroom, which was once Salazaar's, now had twin beds instead of the single.

Combined, they now had sleeping arrangements for six singles or couples across six beds in five rooms. Harry and Daphne would sleep as a couple in the Gryffindor master bedroom. And Tracey would probably take the single bedroom that was the bedroom of Salazaar's sister. That way, she had her own bathroom.

That left the double bedrooms on the same level as Tracey, and the twinned bedrooms where the Slytherin kitchen was. Harry was thinking girl guests downstairs, and boy guests up; but, expected to be 'outvoted' on any decision he made, anyway.

Returning to the Gryffindor - now - study area, Harry looked at Daphne and asked, "What do you think?"

"It's perfect," she sighed. "I'm finally going to be out of that chilly snake pit, and up somewhere where I'm going to be warm! And, I'm going to be able to bring my best friend up here with me!" She practically leapt at him and threw her arms around him, squealing with happiness.

"I thought I was your best friend," Harry mock-pouted.

"Don't be silly!" she replied. "You're my husband. Tracey's my best friend!"

Harry laughed before he became playful. "Hey!" he said. "Wanna go upstairs and give the master bed a workout?"

Daphne blushed and exclaimed, "Merlin! You're a sex maniac! - But, yes, I want to do that!"

Laughing, he dragged her upstairs and declaimed, "Be aware, my Lady. You're about to be ravished!"

Daphne squealed, ran to the bed and threw herself upon it. "Well, my Lord? Are you going to ravish me or not?"

Harry laughed and proceeded to disrobe while walking to the bed.




During the last couple of weeks before school restarted, Harry visited with Headmaster Flitwick to ensure things were on track with his plans for the school. The Headmaster and staff had been busy buying in new equipment and plants.

The old 'school' brooms had been 'ceremonially' burned by Madam Hooch and Hagrid. And she happily accepted about forty beginner's brooms - Cleansweep 'T's. The T stood for 'Trainer'.

Professor Sprout had managed to collect a great swag of seedlings and cuttings she'd always wanted but could never afford. She'd called in Neville and a couple of her other favourite Herbology students to help her set them all up.

Neville had reported, earlier, by owl that he was having a ball.

The new Professor for History of Magic, Professor Jones, had arrived quite early, according to Professor Flitwick. Harry hadn't had time to send Binns on his way; but, ultimately he didn't need to. The new professor walked into the classroom, where Binns was in the process of teaching to and empty room, saw what the ghost was doing and said, "Stop!"

"Who are you and why are you here?" asked Binns.

"I'm your replacement," replied Professor Jones.

"Oh, good," Binns apparently said. "It's about time you got here." And faded away. He'd not been seen since.

Harry laughed when he'd heard that. "That's it?" he asked. "That's all it took?"

"Apparently so," said the little professor, chuckling. "Binns was just waiting for his replacement to turn up so he could leave.

"Oh," he continued. "Tim - sorry - Professor Jones was introduced to Hat and they spent about an hour chatting about history. It seems Hat is about to become Adjunct Professor Hat and will be teaching some classes."

Harry grinned and said, "That's great, Professor" And turned to the Sorting Hat, and said, "Congratulations, Hat."

"Thank you, Lord Potter-Slytherin-Gryffindor," replied the Hat, a little smug about it all.

Professor Babbage had spent a month as a guest of the Grangers and had her eyes well and truly opened as to the reality of the muggle world. She'd immediately returned to the castle and demanded three complete sets of the latest issue of the muggles' Encyclopaedia Britannica be ordered, and that they be replaced each time a new edition came out.

She also ordered a book called 'How Stuff Works' as her primary text for years third through fifth, and a general science text for her NEWT classes. The old text was immediately tossed as being completely useless.

She also brought back with her a small stack of books on astronomy and a decent sized portable telescope. She and Professor Sinistra had spent an evening in the astronomy tower. The next morning they were down at breakfast demanding the school remove the brass telescope off the requirements list for students and, instead, buy at least forty - because that's how many brooms were purchased - of a certain type of muggle telescope. They could not, in good faith, expect students to foot the bill for that sort of equipment.

Madam Irma Pince was having a field day restocking her library. And had even opened the second section of the library that had not been opened for many a year.

She had first come back with about two hundred books and was shocked when the Headmaster asked if that was a sample. When she replied she thought it was already too much, he practically demanded she go spend at least ₲50,000. After that, books started arriving via floo in crates.

Each professor was also given a small fund of ₲1,500 and told to buy what books they specifically wanted for their field. They were also permitted to spend it on periodicals that related to their field. Any book any professor wanted specific to their chosen field was also added to the booklist for Madam Pince to buy for the library to have at least one copy.

The Headmaster had also been working on who to bring in as Heads of Houses. So far, he thought he had the people he wanted, and they were due to start the next day. Just in case one or more didn't work out, he also had a list of candidates to replace them.

Each was given a small office and bedroom attached via magic to the common rooms of each of the four Houses. That way, a student could go see them at any time of the day or night.

Professors Sprout, Babbling, Vector and Sinistra were all informed of the change to an individual Head of House and were, at first, disappointed; even a little angry. However, when they learned that the new pay structure meant they'd not be losing any pay - and would, however, increase their pay - for the most part they changed their attitudes. Only Professor Sprout was sad to lose the Head of House role, and that was only because she'd been doing it for so long.

Professor Dinwaddy was ambivalent to it all. However, the idea of having a near unlimited budget for her potions laboratory made her happy. Her only real request was to move the laboratory out of the dungeon, which Professor Flitwick was more than happy to allow.

As he had stated at the outset, Professor Duncan would not be returning for the 1995-96 school year. And the Headmaster had been having difficulties finding a suitable replacement.

Two days before the Hogwarts Express was due to leave Kings Cross, he dropped a bomb shell. The Ministry had enacted an old decree which stated, if the Headmaster could not find a replacement for a vacant slot on the Teaching roster by the day before school was due to start, the Wizarding Examinations Authority would have to step in and appoint such a person.

In the end Professor Duncan changed his mind and agreed to return so long as Harry would also be an Adjunct Professor for DADA, and assist him in some classes. Plus, he'd heard of the curse on the position - who, really, hadn't? - and wanted curse breakers brought in to - if nothing else - check.

Harry agreed and Professor Flitwick contacted the goblins, who would send a team of curse breakers over to check for the curse.

"Actually, Professor," said Harry, thinking about it. "Get them to do a scan of the entire castle. Who knows what's been cast - and yet lingers - inside these walls over the past millennia."

"I'll contact them this very afternoon and ask they put a priority on it," replied the Professor. "Do you mind if I tell them it's a special request of yourself?"

"Not at all," replied Harry. "I don't mind my name being used for something that concerns the safety of our children, like this."

Something Harry struggled with was the decision with what to wear as a student. His fall back was to remain wearing Ravenclaw students' robes. However, he felt he needed something a little different as he was also Lord Gryffindor and Lord Slytherin.

When he asked Daphne for advice, she immediately dragged him off to her favourite designer. The designer, a - flouncy - wizard given to making many gestures with his hands and an odd speaking affectation, declared it a most interesting challenge he was eager to sink his teeth into.

After many designs - some so over the top they challenged Dumbledore's own dress sense, let alone Lockhart's - Harry and Daphne were finally able to whittle it down to one. His school robes would be of the same style as all other male students but the Ravenclaw trim would be very muted. His overrobe would not have the dark blue inner lining; instead, it would be black. There would be no colour trim on his jumpers. And his tie would be the plain black Hogwarts tie. The Ravenclaw badge on his overrobes would remain on the left while he would wear the twin Gryffindor and Slytherin crests on the right, but shrunk down, with a gold surround.

As a style, it clearly marked him as a student; but, dramatically removed him from being 'just' a Ravenclaw student. He also had a set of under 'uniforms' made that he could wear under his school over robe, which removed him as a student. These under robes were straight black with a jacket, rather than a v-neck school jumper. If he was in a hurry, he could leave the grey school slacks on and just change from the waist up.

He was hoping changing wasn't going to be a problem, though, with his and Daphne's suite being accessed from the very handy third floor. Especially, if he was also going to be an Adjunct Professor of Defence Against The Dark Arts.

He ordered sufficient of both styles and had them owl delivered to Potter Manor with plenty of time to spare.

For Daphne, he told her to choose what she wanted to wear. She was, after all, Lady Slytherin and Lady Gryffindor, besides being Lady Potter.

Daphne decided on sticking with the standard school uniform for female students but added a gold surround to the Slytherin Crest. On the right she wore a much smaller Gryffindor Crest, also with the gold surround.

"I want to show that I'm not 'just' a Slytherin student," she'd explained. "Wearing the Gryffindor crest also shows I'm open to students of that House to recognise me as being of that House."

Harry liked it, and supported her decision.




Finally, the 1st of September was back upon them. Harry and Daphne made arrangements with Petey and Ninny to move their entire wardrobes to Hogwarts - since they had the room in their new suite - and sent their student equipment direct. Basically, they didn't need their trunks at all. Instead, Harry carried a small overnight bag that contained the uniforms for both he and Daphne to change into on the train.

Harry arranged for both of them to floo to Greengrass Estate and joined Isabel and Astoria for the trip to the station. They left early to be there in plenty of time.

On arriving on the platform and walking towards the owners' carriage, Harry could see a few students and parents trying their damnedest to get into it.

"Excuse me," he called, walking up to the door with Daphne on his arm. "Do you mind?"

"What is this, Potter?" sneered Malfoy.

"Ah," said Harry. "It's the owners' carriage, Malfoy. In other words - mine."

Malfoy held up his hand showing the ring of the House of Malfoy. "It's Lord Malfoy, Potter," he sneered.

"And it's Lord Potter-Slytherin-Gryffindor, Malfoy," Harry sneered right back. "As I used to tell Dumbledore, if you're not willing to use my title, don't bitch and whine when I don't use yours.

"Now, why are you attempting to enter my carriage without permission?"

Malfoy struck his pureblood Lord pose and said, "On my father's passing, I have become a Governor on the School Board. Therefore, this carriage should be for me and my friends."

"Ah!" said Harry, understanding. "I knew there was something I meant to do during the break. I was just a bit busy getting married, enjoying my honeymoon, and discussing the future of the school with Headmaster Flitwick.

"Draco Malfoy, as I am owner of Hogwarts, and as you are - apparently, according to you - on the School Board - you're fired! As a matter of fact, the entire School Board of Governors is fired. Now, please step away, so I may escort my Lady onto the train."

"What?" he spluttered. "You can't do that! The positions on the School Board are hereditary! It's my birthright!"

"No, they're not," said Harry, with no small amount of exasperation. "The school charter specifically states the positions on the School Board of Governors are by appointment only, and at the direction of the owners. As I am the owner, my direction is - the entire School Board of Governors is fired!

"Now - again - please step away from the door, so I may escort my Lady onboard!"

Malfoy and his cronies stepped away. But, Harry could see they were up to something. Was that anticipation in the blonde ferret's eyes, perhaps? They only backed up a few feet to allow room. They certainly didn't move away.

"Walking up to the door, Harry turned to Malfoy and said, "The carriage is blood warded so you cannot enter. However, as both Lord Gryffindor and Lord Slytherin, I can."

Harry then reached over and grasped the door handle while Daphne surreptitiously, with her hand behind her leg, dropped her wand into her hand. With a twist, he opened the door and held it open for Daphne to board. Which she did - backwards.

A bare second after Harry opened the door, Malfoy's face twisted in fury. He whipped his wand out and raised it. "Sectumsepra!" the blonde boy bellowed. The spell fire hit a shield.

While no one was watching, as soon as Daphne saw Malfoy draw his wand, she was casting a shield before Harry. Malfoy's spell struck with a sickly purple gash of light.

Harry reached out, grabbed Malfoy's wand, and yanked it out of the boy's hand to the boy's dumbfounded shock. He slipped the wand into his pocket, took another half pace forward, and full backhanded the still gaping mouth before him. Malfoy went down.

A small crowd had gathered and were speaking in shocked voices. But, no one stepped forth to stop matters.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy!" barked Harry. "You have attempted to curse myself, Lord Slytherin, the Lord of your House! You will be suitably dealt with during the Sorting Feast tonight. Now, board the train, find a vacant compartment, and stay silent until I call upon you during the feast."

Malfoy, glared at Harry as he struggled to his feet. Once he'd regained his feet, he hesitated a moment before he stuck his hand out at Harry. "My wand!" he snarled.

"You are utterly incapable of being trusted with it," said Harry. "I will hold it on my person until I deal with you during the Sorting Feast. Now, get your arse on the train in one of the student's carriages."

The boy slunk away casting muttered aspersions at Harry as he did so. His little posse of bootlickers followed along.

With a sigh of disappointment, Harry entered the open door of the owners' carriage to be met with a snogging from Daphne.

"Thanks for the shield, Daph," he said, once he'd pulled away.

"I know Malfoy's modus operandi," she shrugged. "I knew exactly when he was likely to attempt to curse you. It was always going to be a couple of seconds after you tried the door handle and you weren't shocked from it."

Harry pulled from his robes three new signs. He placed one on each of the three doors they'd be using. One at each of the two station-side doors; and a different one in the inter-carriage connection door. The one for the platform-side doors read:

Lord Harry James Potter-Slytherin-Gryffindor

and HIS personal guests ONLY

DO NOT touch the door handle

If you seek audience, KNOCK

The one for the inter-carriage connection door read:

Lord Harry James Potter-Slytherin-Gryffindor

and HIS personal guests ONLY


DO NOT touch the door handle

Private Carriage

Not for inspection by Prefects

All three signs were surmounted by the triple Crests of Potter, Slytherin and Gryffindor.

"Do you think they'll work?" asked a quite amused Lady Greengrass-Potter, watching Harry affix the last one.

"Not a chance," he chuckled. "However, I've not put them up to stop people trying; I've put them up so I can slap them down for it once we get to the castle."

"Ahh," said Daphne, understanding. "How very Slytherin of you."

Harry laughed.

One of the things Harry had the Deputy Headmistress include with the list of booklists each student was sent, was an appended note that read:

ALL students are hereby informed the last carriage on the Hogwarts Express is a PRIVATE carriage. No student, including Prefects, is to attempt to enter the carriage without the express permission of the owner, Lord Harry James Potter-Slytherin-Gryffindor.

Just as with the engine, Prefects' duties do NOT include inspecting this private carriage.

Of course, the note was signed by Headmaster Flitwick.




Once they'd checked out the carriage to ensure all was as it should be, Harry and Daphne disembarked and awaited their friends on the platform.

The two watched, amused, as a couple of people, including parents, ignored the sign and attempted to open the door. Their yelps of startled pain had the newlyweds snickering behind their hands.

Some attempted to look in through the windows but magic prevented anyone from being able to look within. Which is probably why many tried the door.

That no one knocked was unsurprising. "Merlin, most witches and wizards are daft!" muttered Harry as yet another got zapped and yelped.

First of their friends to arrive was Blaise, alone. Then came Tracey, accompanied by her mother, Petra; quickly followed by Susan and Hannah arriving with Hannah's parents, Michael and Eliza. Hermione came through the barrier, not too much later; and she'd managed to find Luna on the way. Then, Neville arrived via side-along with his Gran.

Luna walked over to him and said, "Hello, Professor Potter. Married life seems to be treating you well."

Harry stared back at her in shock for a few moments before he snorted and hugged her. "Never change, dear Luna; never change."

With everyone now arrived, Harry led them to the carriage. People naturally stepped out of the way, and he opened the door.

Blaise immediately stepped through and waited while Harry and Neville fed through the trunks of their friends.

"Lord - Potter?" asked one of the adult witches, standing nearby and watching.

"Mmm?" asked Harry.

"This carriage is yours?" she asked.

"This carriage is the private carriage of the rightful heirs of the four founders," he explained, knowing others were listening in. "As I'm the rightful heir of two of the founders - specifically Gryffindor and Slytherin - it could be assumed it's my carriage; yes."

"May we have a look?" she asked.

"Hmm," he mused. Turning to look at Blaise, he said, "Blaise, would you mind awfully going and opening the door at the other end for people to exit? I'll let them in through this end."

With a nod, Blaise grinned and said, "Sure!" And he marched off to the other end of the carriage, ready to let people out.

Indicating the door, Harry looked at the witch and said, "Ma'am?"

With a wide smile, she said, "Thank you, my Lord." and hopped aboard.

Daphne and the others also entered to ensure things weren't touched.

After the older witch boarded, a line quickly formed of those others standing around. And, one after the other, they filed onboard. Harry was keeping a close watch at the other door and was only allowing a dozen gawkers on at a time. They even had students coming along to have a look.

When the first witch through exited she came back over to Harry and said, "Thank you, my Lord. It is most impressive."

Harry smiled in response and gave a slight nod in acceptance.

After a few minutes, 'The Amazing Bouncing Ferret' and he cronies came back. "Potter!" he sneered. "You're letting people on board. I thought you said it was a private carriage."

"It is, Malfoy," said Harry. "However, people with better manners than you asked to have a look. You should try asking, sometime, Malfoy. You'll be amazed at the way people treat you when you do."

For a moment, Harry thought the boy was actually going to ask. Instead, he just sneered again and stormed off, minions in tow.

Chuckling to himself, Harry just watched him go.

"Arrogant little git, isn't he?" asked some wizard Harry hadn't met before, who was about to hop on board.

Harry shrugged and said, "He is a product of his upbringing. I doubt he'll ever change, now."

When the five minute whistle sounded, Harry said, "I'm afraid that's going to have to be it for this trip, folks. However, we'll try to do this again for the trip after Christmas."

He got back a little good natured whinging but everyone was otherwise happy.

Once the crowds disbursed, he boarded. About to close the door, he saw the Weasley brood come rushing in through the barrier. After a quick wave to their mother, Fred and George came running pell-mell down the platform, pushing a cart with their trunks on it.

Laughing at them, Harry held the door open as they tossed their trunks in and jumped inside, slamming the door shut behind them.

"I think the Weasley family is utterly incapable of arriving at the platform before the five minute whistle is sounded," he laughed.

"There's a five minute whistle?" asked one of the twins.

"No one told us that," said the other.

After letting the last gawker off at the other end of the carriage, Blaise came back and said, "I need to get changed. I have to rush up to the Prefects' carriage for the Prefects' meeting."

"Blaise, old chap," exclaimed one of the twins.

"What are you saying?"

"Are you, perchance,.."

"... a Prefect?" they exclaimed in mock-horror, together.

"I am," he grinned, going to his trunk to pull out his robes.

"Me too," said Susan.

"And me," said a proud Hermione.

"And me," blushed Neville.

"And me," said Tracey, finally.

"Sweet Merlin!" exclaimed one twin.

"We're surrounded..."

"... by a 'perfect' of Prefects!"

"That's a good one," said the other to his brother.

"Thank you," said the first, a bit smugly.

"And, what about you, Harry?"

"Are you a Perfect, too?"

"No," he replied. "I'm going to be way too busy being the owner."

Blaise and Neville had collected their robes and went to change in the boys' change room, while Tracey, Hermione and Susan changed in the girls' change room.

Together, the five left to head to the front of the train just after it pulled out of the station.


