Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk
Hey Guys, this story is written by Sinyk on fanfic net. This is not my work. The only reason I am putting this up is because someone has copied Sinyk's entire work word-for-word on this site (claiming it as his own: Harry Potter and the 7 angers), releasing it at a snail's pace, and is also making money off of it on patreon. Pisses me off to no end.Art is by CruderFive1 on DeviantArt-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Okay, guys and... guyettes,This one is of epic length. And by that I mean really really long. For those who sent me a note about 'Four Heirs' and thought it long - well, this one blows that one out of the water for length. So, if something only up to - say - 150k words is your cup o' tea, then this isn't for you. No sir-ree! This story hits approximately 480k words.To stop all the whining and bitching right now - yeah, like that's ever going to happen - you'll figure out this is a 'Haphne' story; Dumbledore is (somewhat) good but still manipulative as per canon; Ron's an ineffective non-entity; Snape tries to keep sticking his beak in - and get's it repeatedly thwacked with a rolled-up newspaper; McGonagall gets over her hero-worship of DumDum (I mean, Dumbledore); Hermione is a good friend; Sirius is free; kids are kids; and teenagers are walking bags of hormones.The story follows canon a lot; and I've even included many quoted sections out of the books. I didn't do this to pinch JKR's works. Rather, it's in there to demonstrate similarities while being a different story. So, no biatching about that, either. You've been well and truly warned.Yours,Da crazy bastard who thinks he's an author.
- C.87 - Eighty Seven - A REAL Epilogue
- C.86 - Eighty Six - Heading to NEWTs
- C.85 - Eighty Five - A Talk of Shovels
- C.84 - Eighty Four - Goodbye Draco
- C.83 - Eighty Three - Wanderings
- C.82 - Eighty Two - Ch-Ch-Changes
- C.81 - Eighty One - Where in the World is
- C.80 - Eighty - Wedding Prep
- C.79 - Seventy Nine - Next Stop, Innuendo
- C.78 - Seventy Eight - The Word’s Out
- C.77 - Seventy Seven - Making Changes
- C.76 - Seventy Six - Explaining Things
- C.75 - Seventy Five - More Headaches
- C.74 - Seventy Four - Phoenix Cage
- C.73 - Seventy Three - Reborn Horror
- C.72 - Seventy Two - Witch Weekly
- C.71 - Seventy One - Rita Strikes Again
- C.70 - Seventy - Kidnapped
- C.69 - Sixty Nine - New Wand
- C.68 - Sixty Eight - Yule Tango
- C.67 - Sixty Seven - Winky
- C.66 - Sixty Six - Taking Seat
- C.65 - Sixty Five - Lord Potter
- C.64 - Sixty Four - Wand Wipeout
- C.63 - Sixty Three - Investigating
- C.62 - Sixty Two - Fourth Competitor
- C.61 - Sixty One - He Comes Clean
- C.60 - Sixty - Announcement
- C.59 - Fifty Nine - World Cup Chaos
- C.58 - Fifty Eight – Dance Lessons
- C.57 - Fifty Seven - The Talk
- C.56 - Fifty Six - Seed Money
- C.55 - Fifty Five – Harry v Ginny
- C.54 - Fifty Four – A Falling Flame
- C.53 - Fifty Three – Four Twins
- C.52 - Fifty Two – Gone Demented
- C.51 - Fifty One – A New Spy
- C.50 - Fifty – Smacked House
- C.49 - Forty Nine – Double Agent
- C.48 - Forty Eight – Dobby’s Home
- C.47 - Forty Seven – Patronus Secret
- C.46 - Forty Six – Cygnus Rants
- C.45 - Forty Five – Getting Told Off
- C.44 - Forty Four – Basilisk Battle
- C.43 - Forty Three – A Little Chat
- C.42 - Forty Two – Outing a Fraud
- C.41 - Forty One – The Pact
- C.40 - Forty – Punishing Boys
- C.39 - Thirty Nine – Lady Hermione
- C.38 - Thirty Eight – Duelled Senseless
- C.37 - Thirty Seven – Psychotic Bludger
- C.36 - Thirty Six – First Attack
- C.35 - Thirty Five - Tryouts
- C.34 - Thirty Four – Luna
- C.33 - Thirty Three - Summertime
- C.32 - Thirty Two – Bucking Authority
- C.31 - Thirty One - Valentine
- C.30 - Thirty - Returned
- C.29 - Twenty Nine – Old Busybody
- C.28 - Twenty Eight – Lily’s Pad
- C.27 - Twenty Seven - Presents
- C.26 - Twenty Six - Homeward
- C.25 - Twenty Five - Fluffy
- C.24 - Twenty Four – Second Rant
- C.23 - Twenty Three – Come and Go
- C.22 - Twenty Two - Picnic
- C.21 - Twenty One – First Prank
- C.20 - Twenty – Potter Holdings
- C.19 - Nineteen – Uncle Algie
- C.18 - Eighteen - Mindscape
- C.17 - Seventeen – First Club
- C.16 - Sixteen – Meeting Dumbles
- C.15 - Fifteen - Attacked
- C.14 - Fourteen – Hello Sirius
- C.13 - Thirteen – Reap Sow
- C.12 - Twelve – Meeting Ron
- C.11 - Eleven – Confrontations
- C.10 - Ten - Sorted
- C.9 - Nine - Explanations
- C.8 - Eight – Please Wake Up
- C.7 - Seven – Post Incident
- C.6 - Six – Hogwarts Express
- C.5 - Five – Eidetic History
- C.4 - Four - Clearing the Air
- C.3 - Three – Meeting Them
- C.2 - Two – Gathering Supplies
- C.1 - One - The Incident