Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk-Chapter 9 - Nine - Explanations
Chapter 9: Chapter Nine - Explanations
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.
Chapter Nine - Explanations
"So, I'm already getting a headache from what happened on the platform, then the Weasleys irritate me, then the youngest Weasley boy tries to lie to me for whatever reason, and finally Malfoy comes to try and start something," said Harry. "I tried during the trip to meditate for a while, but I just didn't seem to get much time to do it, and the others all wanted to talk.
"I was a bit grumpy and headachy when we alighted from the train. That's when I spotted Hagrid for the first time, and recognised him as one of those who was responsible for me ending up at the Dursleys. Weasley got in my face again as we were boarding the boats and tried to shove the girls out of the way so he could hop into a boat with me.
"Once we arrived at the castle proper Hagrid banged on the doors. That's when I came face to face with the second person responsible for my - dumping; Professor McGonagall.
"She led us into an antechamber and gave us some speech about the four houses and told us to 'wait quietly'. I was about to attempt to meditate again as I could feel my anger bubbling away, when Malfoy flat out threatens me. By that point I'm furious and my headache is getting back to the uncomfortable levels I had just after I was clocked in the head the first time.
"I think Daphne could see just how upset I was getting..."
"I did," she said.
"...So she drifted closer to try and calm me down. If I'd been given another twenty minutes, or so, I think I might have been able to. As it was, I told Daphne to stick close to Tracey while I tried to centre myself and calm down. I just didn't have enough time to accomplish anything before McGonagall returned and led us all into the Great Hall.
"I was struggling to get my temper back under control. And couldn't do it. Before I knew it, I was so angry I couldn't even think straight. My 'inner voice' was raging away with negative thoughts and I was in a battle of thought-wills for dominance.
"I was so focussed on trying to stamp down my anger - my hate - I didn't even hear where any of our friends were sorted.
"When my name was called I didn't hear it. It took having my name called for a second time before I acknowledged it and walked up to the stool.
"And that's when I smelled Professor McGonagall's perfume. I don't know if you know this, but a scent is a pretty powerful mnemonic - a memory aid. As soon as I caught the smell of her perfume it triggered something inside me. And I kinda lost it completely.
"I'm really sorry to everyone for that. I understand I'm in a great deal of trouble and stand ready to accept any punishment you deem just."
"Harry, you're not in trouble," said Cygnus.
"I'm not?"
"No, Harry," replied Aunt Amelia. "What happened was not your fault."
Frowning, Harry said, "But, kids got hurt."
"Yes, they did," she said. "But it was because of what you were suffering, and for the first time since you were dumped on that muggle doorstep, coming face-to-face with the people who did it."
"As for what happened," said Cygnus. "You were suffering from a partial possession of a soul fragment that belonged to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. That was what was causing you to have anger issues, was affecting your eyesight, and giving you those headaches.
"Secondly, you had an infant binding on your magic. Your anger, driven by the partial possession and being in close proximity to the ones who initiated your ten years of Dursley Hell, caused your magic to flare in a bout of accidental magic. That flare of accidental magic was powerful enough to cause the infant binding to shatter. The resultant - explosion - of magical power caused the damage around the Great Hall; and for it to also expel the soul fragment from your body.
"So, as you can understand, as you were not responsible for either the soul fragment residing inside your head, nor for having an infant binding still in place - when it should have been removed over time from the time you turned seven - you are not at fault, nor being held at fault, for what happened."
"As Head of the DMLE, Mister Potter," said Aunt Amelia. "I can assure you no charges will be laid."
"Thank you," said Harry quietly.
"Now, I'm also informed you have a copy of your parent's Will in your possession in your trunk," she said. "Is this true?"
"Yes, Aunt Amelia."
"Could I have it, please?" she asked. "I believe I'm going to need it to get Dumbledore removed as your magical guardian."
"Ummm - sure," replied Harry. "Someone will have to either bring me the trunk, or take me to the trunk, though. Or Daphne. The trunk is warded so that only Daphne or I can open it."
"As you weren't sorted before what happened – happened - I have no idea where in Hogwarts it will be. Only the elves will know that," she mused.
"Elves," mused Harry before looking up. "Cygnus, could you summon Tinky, please?"
Understanding, Cygnus said, "Why didn't I think of that." He turned slightly and called, "Tinky!"
The little elf popped in to the ward and asked, "What can Tinky be doing for Master Cygnus?"
"Tinky, Harry has a request for you. I want you to carry it out, please," said Cygnus.
The little elf turned towards Harry and looked at him questioningly.
"Tinky, can you please pop over to Hogwarts, find my trunk, and bring it back here?"
"Certainty, Master Harry," it said. And with another pop it was gone.
A few seconds later and Tinky had returned with Harry's trunk. She left it at the foot of Harry's bed.
"Thank you very much, Tinky," said Harry.
The little elf said, "Welcome," before turning back to Cygnus.
"That will be all; thank you, Tinky," he said. And the little elf disappeared again.
Harry looked at Daphne and said, "Daphne? If you wouldn't mind doing the honours? The Will is tucked in between the non Hogwarts textbooks."
Daphne quickly retrieved the envelope containing the Will and handed it off to Madam Bones. She was quickly back at Harry's side holding his hand.
"That's my only copy, Aunt Amelia," said Harry. "So, I hope you'll remember to return it as soon as you can."
"Not to fear, Harry," she replied, looking down and reading the document. "You have my word. Now, if you feel up to it, I'd also like you to loan me your memory of what happened on the night of your parent's death. And how you came to be placed at the - Dursleys."
"Amelia..." grumbled Cygnus.
"No," sighed Harry. "It's alright, Cygnus. I've been expecting one of you to ask me that, ever since I learned what a pensieve was. I guess Aunt Amelia is the logical one to ask first, given her role in the DMLE."
"Do you know how to do it?" asked Amelia.
"No, I think you're going to have to step me through it," he replied. "Just give me a few seconds to pull up the memories."
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Harry sat up straighter in bed and crossed his legs, Indian style, under the bedding. Settling in to a trance he was no sooner in when he popped his eyes open in shock. "Oh, my god!" he exclaimed.
"What's wrong, Harry," asked a worried Daphne.
"My mind palace looks like it's been blasted with anti-tank weapons," he exclaimed. "There's - shyte - everywhere! My defences are rubble, my libraries are scattered hither and yon, there's a bloody crater where my anger cauldron was, and it looks like a war zone!"
"Language," muttered Daphne, almost unconsciously.
"I was afraid of that," sighed Cygnus. "The war zone, as you put it, is a visual representation of the damage done to your Occlumency shields when your magic broke through the infant bindings."
Turning to Amelia, he said, "I think getting his memory, any memory from him, is going to have to wait until we can get a mind healer in to help him sort out his Occlumency again."
"Agreed," sighed Amelia.
"This is amazing!" said Harry quite happily.
Frowning, Daphne asked, "You're - happy?"
Giving his head a bit of a shake, he replied, "I first learned meditation, then creating a mind palace, and then Occlumency, to help me cope with my concentration problems, my anger issues and my headaches. With everything a shambles, in there, my headache should have been almost unbearable and I'd be having trouble reining in on my anger. However, I'm having trouble with neither. They're both gone!"
"Those issues were caused by the partial possession by that soul fragment, Harry," said Cygnus. "With the soul fragment expelled, those problems should no longer exist."
"No wonder I felt so much at peace when I woke up; and have been feeling since," said Harry. "I thought it was potions doing it to me. This is great!"
"I'm glad you're happy, Harry," said Amelia. "I, for one, am very relieved that the fragment is gone."
"In the mean time," said Madam Longbottom, "I think it's high time we left the boy alone to rest."
Nodding, Cygnus said, "You are, of course, correct, Madam Longbottom." Looking back at the bed he said, "Harry, we'll organise for a mind healer who specialises in damaged Occlumency mindscapes to come and give you a hand to sort it out for you. And, Daphne; now that Harry's awake and alert, and you've seen for yourself that he's okay, it's time I returned you to Hogwarts."
Daphne gave a nod and sigh in agreement. She stood, leaned over Harry, and gave him a quick chaste kiss on the cheek, and said, "I'll see you soon."
Cygnus then led her back out the door, where she turned and gave a final wave before stepping through.
Gran looked to Harry and said, "It seems young Miss Greengrass is quite taken with you."
"And I, with her, Gran," he replied.
"Do not think I did not notice that betrothal ring on her finger. Or, that one on yours," she said with a nod towards Harry's left hand. "I take it they're paired?"
Nodding, he said, "We both kind of knew she'd be sorted into Slytherin. And I wanted to make sure she was as safe as I could make it for her. So, yes, the rings are paired."
"Sapphire and white gold," she said. "I seem to remember that was the one worn by your great grandmother Dorea. The paired rings were, if I remember correctly, a gift from your great great grandfather, Gabriel Potter, to Dorea and your great grandfather Charlus on their formalising of their betrothal. It's good to see you're following tradition."
"Well, I didn't know who last wore them; so, thank you for telling me," replied Harry, a bit uncomfortable. "I saw them in the heirloom vault and thought how the ring matches Daphne's eyes and skin tone so well. I then took them to our family jeweller and had the enchantments on them updated."
"A wise precaution," smiled Madam Longbottom.
Over the next two plus days Harry was visited by a mind healer, who used Legilimency to enter his mind and show him how to quickly repair all the damage to his mindscape. Once Harry set to work, the healer departed and left the boy to it. Then Harry spent as much time as he could working to get everything fixed.
As his mindscape was so badly damaged, Harry decided to use the opportunity to modify his palace into a stronger fortress, and then built in traps and other defences as he went. His memories he also sorted in better warded sections so, if someone managed to get through his defences, they would only be able to get to one set of his memories.
He also used phantom memories as part of his defences. So, if someone did manage to get through, they would not be sure that a memory they were able to see was, in fact, an actual memory.
His final trick was to store a copy of every memory in a dungeon vault that was only accessible through following a specific route through his palace/fortress and thinking of the correct password. He'd read up on memory charms that were designed to strip memories for someone, so prepared his defence against it in case someone attempted to use the charm on him.
Harry had all the memories in place and was working on his outer defences two days later when Madam Bones returned.
"Hello, Harry," she said by way of greeting.
"Aunt Amelia, you're looking well," he replied.
"As are you," she smiled.
"I take it you've come a-visiting to see if I'm ready to give you those memories?" he gently asked with a grin.
"Indeed, I have," she said. "But, I've also dropped by to make sure you're alright. And to let you know what's been happening for the past couple of days."
With a snort, Harry said, "Well, according to the Daily Prophet, I'm either an up and coming dark lord, I'm the poor victim of treachery by the Greengrasses, or persons unknown attacked me as soon as I stepped in the doors of Hogwarts and I'm either dead and the DMLE is hiding it or I'm at death's door."
"Yes, well, we know none of that is true," she replied with a sad smile. "How's the Occlumency rebuild coming along?"
"I'm almost finished, for now," he sighed. "On the advice of Mind Healer Whimple I used the opportunity to rebuild with better defences integrated into my mindscape."
"Good," she said, conjuring and taking a seat nearby within easy sight of him. "As for what's really happening - Dumbledore has been stripped of your magical guardianship. For now, you're now a Ward of the Ministry and fall under my direct authority.
"Your relatives, the Dursleys, have been taken into custody and will face trial before the Wizengamot. We have enough evidence from the Healer's report to lock them away for what they did to you, but I'd prefer to also have some of your memories of their treatment of you to make sure they end up going away for a very, very long time. And, hopefully, you want have to take the witness stand yourself.
"Though he has not been yet, Dumbledore will also be charged over placing you in that environment; especially, as it went against the Will of an Ancient House. Minerva McGonagall and Rubeus Hagrid have also not been charged and are unlikely to be. It seems their - crime - was to put too much faith in Dumbledore doing the right thing. I'm hoping your memories of the events will help clear up a lot that's unknown around that.
"And the final matter we've discovered is that your godfather, Sirius Black, was never given a trial over what happened on that night and over the next few days. As such, he was never formally convicted of a crime. That's why the goblins told you he's the current Lord Apparent. The magic only recognises the convictions in the Book of Convictions kept for that purpose, and his name does not appear in there. Again, we're hoping your memories of that night will aid us in setting that matter to rights."
"Huh! If Black's name does then appear in the - Book of Convictions - that means, as I'm already recognised as the Head of House Potter, I'm also going to immediately become the Head of House Black. As if I don't have enough on my plate, as it is," said Harry frowning. "And what about the regencies?"
"The Wizengamot has not sat in session since this has all come to a head," she replied. "However, it's merely a formality Dumbledore will be stripped of both and the proxies annulled. As you're now a current Ward of the Ministry the seats will be left vacant until a new guardian is appointed, and they decide what to do with the seats.
"We're worried the vacating of the seats will cause a - power vacuum - on the Wizengamot. And that the Minister will try to claim regency of the seats as you're a Ward of the Ministry. That would be a - problem. And I would like to hear your views on how to handle the situation. I know you're only eleven, but you're also incredibly smart and knowledgeable."
Sighing, Harry thought for a minute and said, "We know my parents assigned, in order, the Longbottoms, Black, the Greengrasses and the Boneses as my legal guardians in the event of their passing. How about we use that to force through my choice as regents?"
"Go on," she said.
Sitting up a little straighter, he said, "As Head of House Potter I want to appoint Dowager Lady Augusta Longbottom as Regent of House Potter. As Heir Apparent for the House Black, in the absence of the Rightful Head and Lord of House, Sirius Orion Black, I want to appoint Lord Cygnus Greengrass as Proxy cum Regent for House Black, as is my right as next in succession.
"I figure, no one will question me choosing Gran Longbottom as my Regent for House Potter given the incredibly long term alliance between our two houses. And I - somewhat satisfy - both sides of the divide by choosing Cygnus as Proxy or Regent for House Black. The 'Light' see Cygnus as 'Dark', the 'Dark' see him as 'Dark Grey' enough for them, and they know the 'Light' don't like him; plus, as he's the father of my betrothed and I'm forging alliances, they shouldn't fault it. By having the seats immediately refilled in that way, it negates any chance of, as you put it, a power vacuum.
"Furthermore, it will mean, of my four true guardians, Black is in prison, you have two seats already, and Gran and Cygnus will also then have two seats. I think it kind of evens things out for my guardians to all have an equally powerful political footing."
After sitting there in shock or wonder for a few moments, Amelia suddenly burst into laughter. "That's - just - perfect!" she exclaimed in glee. "And, you're right; no one could really fault it. I can't see a problem getting it past the old fuddy duddy traditionalists; and no one else will be able to argue against it; including, Dumbledore!"
Harry gave a shrug and small smile is response.
"Okay, Mister Smarty-pants!" she said, once she'd calmed down a bit. "What about who becomes your physical guardian?"
Harry thought for a bit, thinking about how to broach the idea he'd developed over the past few days. Looking up, he asked, "As divorce is incredibly rare in the wizarding world, what does the wizarding world know of co-parenting?"
"It's unheard of but I understand, somewhat, how it works in the muggle world," she said, before stopping to think for a moment. "Let's see - the parents of children separate and/or divorce. The legal system then allocates parenting responsibilities as and when needed. Sometimes a child will be housed part-time with one parent, and the rest of the time with the other. Even if one or both parents remarry, the system can remain in place until such time as the concept is revisited, the child becomes of age, or one parent dies."
Nodding, Harry said, "I want to do something like that. Neville is my godbrother and, by rights, we should have grown up together as brothers. I want to - establish that - by spending a greater amount of time staying at Longbottom Hall to develop that relationship. However, I'm also now betrothed to Daphne and I need to develop a decent relationship with her; so, I still want to spend quite some time at Greengrass Estate. I would also like to spend a little time with you and Susan, occasionally, at Bones Manor.
"Doing that will mean the 'Light' families will know I'm being raised by a 'Light' family; the Longbottoms. The traditionalists will see I'm honouring the requirements of the betrothal contract, and the 'Dark' families will see I'm honouring the Blacks, by being raised by a 'Dark Grey' family; the Greengrasses. And you're in a position to provide balance from a law and order point of view.
"I don't know how to break down that into logical allotments of time; but, I'm sure we can all work something out. And the time periods I'm talking about here, now that I've started at Hogwarts, aren't all that long. In essence, you become my co-parents. That is, of course, if any or all of you are willing to have me around underfoot."
"Sweet Merlin, that's brilliant!" Amelia said softly. She took a few moments before coming to a decision of her own. "I'm definitely going to have to review this conversation through my own pensieve. Even I'm doubtful I'm going to remember this right.
"Actually," she said, thinking about it, "I'm going to bring a pensieve with me when I visit you again tonight. I'll also ask Cygnus, Isabel and Augusta to join me, I think. Then we can all sit down and discuss it before the Wizengamot session, which is likely to be held on the weekend.
In the mean time, she said, reaching into her robes, "I need those memories we discussed earlier..."
Tracey and Daphne walked side by side into the Great Hall to have breakfast still feeling a little lethargic from a midnight Astronomy lesson the night before.
Slumping onto the bench seat at the Slytherin table she dropped her head to the table top and moaned, "Why did we have to come to breakfast, again? Everyone else is still asleep."
"One, because breakfast is the most important meal of the day; and, two, because I'm expecting a letter from Harry," said Daphne, no less tired and a little cranky because of it.
"Hedwig would have known to deliver your letter at lunch if you were still asleep," grizzled Tracey. "You know that. C'mon, as well as being Harry's personal post owl, she's also his familiar. She'd have known to wait."
"What's wrong with Tracey?" asked Susan, who'd approached and was taking seat opposite.
"Tracey thinks it's much too early in the morning after an astronomy lesson to be out of bed," moaned the girl in question.
"Tracey didn't have an afternoon nap, as her Head of House suggested she do, early yesterday; so she wouldn't have as much of a problem, this morning," replied Daphne.
"I was talking to Blaise!" she whined back.
"And that's why Blaise hasn't joined us for breakfast, this morning," said Daphne.
With a sigh, the girl lifted her head from the table and said, "Alright. I'll have breakfast and pretend to be as chipper as Miss Bones, here. But, I'm skiving off History of Magic and going back to bed. You can come and wake me before we have Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall."
"Deal," said Daphne.
The three girls chatted throughout breakfast with Daphne constantly searching the ceiling looking for the first approach of morning owls. As such, she was the first to see them starting to stream in through the windows.
"Here she comes," she said with not a little excitement.
Hedwig came soaring in on a gentle stoop glide directly down to the table top immediately in front of the girl. Daphne, for her part, already held a piece of bacon up in her left hand, ready.
As soon as Hedwig landed Daphne was handing off her piece of bacon to the bird and immediately removed the small piece of parchment tied to the owl's harness.
Excitedly, she unrolled the parchment and began to read; absentmindedly stroking Hedwig's scalp feathers as she did.
"Harry says he's likely to be released tomorrow - meaning today, and will join us for dinner tonight," she softly squealed. "He's looking forward to being sorted and beginning his wizarding education - He'll finally be handing over his memories of that night and the next to Madam Bones tomor... today - because his Occlumency mindscape and shields are back in place, better than ever - and he misses me!" She gave another soft squeal crumpling the parchment to her chest."
"I guess that's why Hedwig left," said Susan. "She knew you wouldn't be sending a response with her, seeing as he'll be here tonight before he'd receive it."
"Huh?" said Daphne, not even noticing that the owl had already left. "Oh!" she said, when she did.
"Well, that was exciting," Tracey deadpanned before begging, "Can I please go back to bed, now?"
"If you must," sighed Daphne. "Just - be careful heading back there. I don't see Malfoy or his two goons around here. But, I suspect the three of them are still in bed, anyway."
"Yes, Mum," the girl mocked in response. She then rose wearily to her feet, collected her book bag, and left the Hall.
Turning to Susan, Daphne asked, "So, any word from your aunt about what happened on Sunday night?"
With a bit of a shrug, Susan replied, "I know she's been really busy dealing with - what she calls - the fallout of what happened. But, she's not discussed it with me. I do know she's been spending a bit of time with your Dad and Neville's Gran, though. That can't be a coincidence."
Before any more could be said, Professor Snape has hovering over them. "Is there a reason a Hufflepuff is sitting at the Slytherin table, Miss Bones?"
"Yes, Professor," replied Susan a little meekly.
Waiting a moment, probably expecting the girl to say why and then not, the Professor said, "Then, perhaps, if your business is concluded, you should return to your own table."
"Yes, Professor," she replied again, a little dejected, before rising to her feet and going to her own table.
Turning to Daphne, the Professor said in a droll voice, "I've noticed you make it a habit of dining with members of other houses, Miss Greengrass."
Taking a leaf out of Susan's book, she replied, "Yes, Professor."
Hovering there for a few moments longer, expecting more information and not getting it, the Professor then asked, "And was that Potter's owl I saw, once more delivering mail to you?"
"Yes, Professor."
Clearly expecting more information the man stood there for a few moments longer before he turned about and stalked away, back to the Head Table.
After he was gone, Daphne just sighed before picking at her breakfast.