Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy-Chapter 777 Precious Materials

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Chapter 777 Precious Materials

Kyle looked at the Deadly Sin with a calm gaze before he triggered his Divine Extraction System.


[ Living Immortal has been discovered. Would you like to start the extraction? ]


[ Extraction Successful. Divinity +5, Vitality +0.5, Strength +0.5, Immortal Essence +100 ]

[ Extraction Successful. Divinity +5, Vitality +0.5, Strength +0.5, Immortal Essence +100 ]

[ Extraction Successful. Divinity +5, Vitality +0.5, Strength +0.5, Immortal Essence +100 ]

[ Extraction Successful. Divinity +5, Vitality +0.5, Complete Evolved Spell Light ]

[ Extraction Successful. Divinity +5, Vitality +0.5, Complete Evolved Spell Light ]

[ Extraction Successful. Divinity +5, Vitality +0.5, Complete Supremacy Surge Spell Model ]

[ Extraction Successful. Divinity +5, Vitality +0.5, Complete Dignity Decree Spell Model ]

[ Extraction Successful. Divinity +5, Vitality +0.5, Complete Conceit Chains Spell Model ]

[ Extraction Successful. Divinity +5, Vitality +0.5, Complete Vanitas Veil Spell Model ]

[ Extraction Successful. Pride's Mantle x1 ]

Kyle obtained over a thousand Immortal Essence in his extraction and more than a hundred Divinity Points. Once again, he managed to obtain a huge haul!

Then, as soon as he saw the Spell Models being extracted, he was elated.

He accepted all of these spells and he immediately inspected their Spell Models to understand how they work.

First, the Supremacy Surge Spell channels the essence of Pride to temporarily enhance the caster's abilities, granting increased strength, speed, and resilience. It was a bit disappointing that it could only improve his physical qualities, but nonetheless, it was still quite incredible since he knew that the increase would not be simple at all.

The next Spell was the Dignity Decree Spell. It was quite an interesting spell since once he issued a command, it would be imbued with the authority of Pride, compelling enemies or even friends to kneel or retreat in the face of the caster's overwhelming presence. However, to ensure that the spell would actually work, the user must have a higher "pride" than any of them…

"Dignity Decree, huh… This will be very useful. But how can I even measure my pride… Am I even that prideful?" Kyle shook his head at this as he still had to try to use this Spell if it would actually work on other people.

Although he certainly had pride as Shadow Immortal, he wasn't sure how much pride it was.

Anyway, the Conceit Chains Spells could manifest ethereal chains of pride that bind and immobilize foes, draining their willpower and strength with each passing moment.

This was a very useful spell as the power of the chains would also get stronger the more prideful the targets were!

Lastly, the Vanitas Veil Spell shrouds the caster in an illusion of grandeur, making them appear larger and more imposing, instilling fear in foes.

Furthermore, this Spell was actually targeted in an area. It means that he could cast it in a certain place to show his dominance, and he could immediately leave to go to another place while they were still affected by the spell.

These four spells would definitely be used by him most of the time to display his authority…

Finally, he checked the item he had obtained from Pride.

It was the Pride's Mantle. A cloak that increases the wearer's magnificence and importance through a realistic illusion, granting them an air of invincibility and authority.

As he further inspected this item, it would actually work well with the Dignity Decree Spell!

"Impressive… Then that solves the problem of using that Spell." Kyle muttered as he actually wanted to try this Spell on the four Immortals later.

If it worked, then it would most likely work on the others as well.

For now, Kyle turned to the dragons, nodding in acknowledgment of their actions.

"Orden, Ryzoir, your Runes are impressive… Can you contain this Sin for a little longer? I'm still not done with him." Kyle said.

The dragons inclined their heads, their eyes gleaming with the wisdom of ages.

"Just make sure you shorten our stay here, Shadow Immortal…" Orden's voice rumbled, the sound resonating within the chamber.

Ryzoir, the red dragon, let out a low growl.

"This Sin you have here is only a part of its soul… Don't expect too much from it… Even if you drain its energy, I don't think you'd get answers from him. His real body might even be preparing to take this soul back." The Dragon reminded.

Kyle's expression hardened at the warning. "I will drain this Sin's power every other day so please hold on with your Draconic Runes for now… As for its main body… He's welcome to come to my castle."

Kyle paused for a moment as he looked at the silent and weakened Deadly Sin.

"Then we shall fortify our defenses as well..." Kyle said, as if he certainly wouldn't mind confronting even the main body of the Deadly Sin.

After all, with his Divine Extraction System, he could only get stronger and not weaker.

With a final glance at the subdued Deadly Sin, Kyle turned and strode away from the chamber, his mind already weaving plans and strategies for the next battles to come…

"The Demon Lord would surely act soon… I need to prepare." Kyle muttered.

From the hints he learned from Farah, the Avatar of the Fortune Goddess, the Demon Lord was most likely looking for him, or to be exact, for his Divine Extraction System.

There was no way he would underestimate the Demon Lord, who was at the same level as the deities worshipped by humans in this world.


Meanwhile, in the capital of the Ruri Kingdom, where the cobblestone streets were filled with crowd, three figures cloaked in blue moved efficiently as if no one was blocking their path.

Jin, the leader of the Time Manipulators, continued on his way, his eyes sharp as he surveyed the bustling capital.

Giorgi, the one on his left, was also silent. However, he was already being impatient with their current mission. His presence was like the calm before the storm.

Darius, the youngest of them, was simply looking forward to their mission.

They had come to the Ruri Kingdom since this place had the most influence of the Shadow Immortal.

After a couple of days of research, they learned that the King of the Ruri Kingdom was but a puppet, strings pulled by the unseen hands of the Immortal, manipulating events without the populace's knowledge.

It didn't end there.

The trio's investigation had unveiled a network of control so vast it was almost incomprehensible. The Shadow Immortal's reach extended into the marketplaces where potions, amulets, and talismans of the highest quality were traded under a single banner—a monopoly that left little room for competitors.

But it was not just commerce that the Immortal influenced. The Church of the Lord of the Secrets, an enigmatic institution dedicated to a deity of concealment and stealth, had thrown its support behind the Immortal.

As a matter of fact, its clergy had already started spreading words that the Lord of the Secrets and the Shadow Immortal were working together!

"We need to scout his castle…" Giorgi suggested.

"I like that… I think I can do it alone… The fluctuation of time spells would be too obvious if there were three of us working." Darius suggested.

However, Jin shook his head.

"The Shadow Immortal has a Dimensional Creature. We can't use Time Spells near the Shadow Immortal until we're sure of the Golden Key's location."

Jin reminded, making the two very disappointed.

They already knew that the stronghold of the Immortal was at the Forbidden Forest.

It was there, amidst the ancient trees and misty paths, that the Shadow Immortal's castle lay hidden.

Anyway, the reason why they were moving with haste through the crowd wasn't related to the Shadow Immortal, or so they believed.

Apparently, as they navigated the Capital's alleys, a strange fluctuation of energy caught their attention—a Vampire!

It came from the castle, so they believed that the vampire was actually the guardian of the King's Castle.

Perhaps this Vampire was their strongest guard against demons that threatened to spill into the human realm.

The Time Manipulators made sure not to emit too much energy to ensure that the Vampire would not be startled.

They didn't mind that their mission was momentarily sidetracked by this unexpected revelation. After all, there were many rituals that included True Vampire's Fang and Blood.

In their minds, a True Vampire was filled with precious materials and ingredients for them!

This must be their lucky day!

"We must tread carefully…" Jin advised, his gaze never leaving the silhouette of the castle that loomed in the distance.

"This Vampire is no ordinary guardian. Its presence here is a piece of a larger puzzle… If we can't kill it fast, there might be more problems coming at us."

Giorgi nodded, his hand resting on the hilt of a blade that seemed to hum with temporal energy.

"We should observe, learn its hiding spot, and ambush it… If this Vampire turned into bats, or worse, blood mist, we would have trouble chasing it if they decided to escape."