Author's Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting-Chapter 22 Encounter [2]

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"Maybe there is one," said Zero as he took a few steps toward Rishia, closing the distance.

"Anya is getting married tomorrow, and against her will. There's this guy called Walric and he's forcing my sister to marry him, when my parents tried to stop him he started threatening us with his family position," he continued.

"How horrible," Rishia muttered, a sad expression appearing on her face.

Zero stopped for a second and observed Rishia's condition before he spoke up once again, "But like I said, maybe there is a way to help her get out of this situation."

"And what can that be?" she asked, hurriedly.

Zero looked directly into her eyes and locked his gaze.

"I know I can't ask you of something ridiculous like politically stopping this marriage, as the princess it would cause trouble for you by involving yourself in public matters. But at the same time, if you really want to help Anya then there is a way...and it is the magic academy," said Zero.

"The magic academy? How can that solve this problem?" asked Rishia, clearly confused by what Zero said.

"If I am not wrong then the magic academy is located in a different city, right? And also once you get yourself enrolled in the academy, all the students have to live in the dormitories inside the campus. If you can get Anya enrolled in the academy then there'll be a solid reason for us to refuse the marriage," he explained.

What Zero said was true. The Zaforths Magic Academy was located in the capital city of this kingdom and the students who enrolled there were prohibited from living outside the campus.

It was a system implemented in the academy so the students can solely focus on their studies and not get distracted by any situation that happens outside the campus.

Furthermore, the academy also prohibited the students from making contact with anyone outside the campus. There were only special cases when the students were free to go outside on occasional cases like a vacation.

Rishia had an understanding of this so she more or less grasped the contents of what Zero was getting at, though there was still something she was unsure of.

"But how will you exactly stop the marriage? And how can I randomly let someone inside the Zaforths academy when even higher nobles struggle to get their children enrolled," she questioned, trying to clear her doubts.

A faint smile appeared on Zero's face upon hearing this, it was as though he expected her to ask this and already had an answer.

"This won't be normal by any chance, in fact, all of this will make full sense. It was not only you who noticed how well Anya performed in the battle tournament, right?" he stated. "If she hadn't run to save your life then it was clearly possible for her to win that tournament, but she didn't.

Why? Because she threw away that chance to save your life. If you look it that way then won't it make perfect sense that you are giving her a ticket to the academy as a reward because she did not win in the tournament because of you? I think it will," said Zero, explaining what he has planned to do.

Rishia was at a loss of words upon hearing this. All that he said, how he planned all this. No matter how many times she thinks this over, the way Zero was seeing things was way too objective.

But at the same time, his plan was something that could work, even Rishia couldn't deny that.

After hearing through Zero's explanation she nodded a few times as if convincing herself to go along with this plan. Then she spoke up.

"Let's say I follow your plan and offer Anya a direct ticket to the magic academy, but can't he (Walric) marry her before she went to the academy or after she graduates from there?"

Her concerns were obvious, even if Anya get enrolled in the academy her marriage with Walric was tomorrow and it wasn't like she would instantly leave for the academy.

Even if somehow they prevented this, it will only be a temporary peace. If Walric was fixated on marrying Anya then he can always do that after her graduation. 𝑓𝐫𝑒e𝒘𝚎𝘣𝚗𝘰𝘷𝐞𝑙.co𝑚

"You don't need to concern yourself with that. You just have to somehow before tomorrow, get Anya enrolled in the academy and send a letter to Walric's family declaring he can't do this marriage tomorrow as Anya will be going to the academy. I can promise you, if you do this then I'll save her from everything else that came afterward," he replied.

There was a hint of self-confidence in his voice, it was like he was sure if Rishia followed his instructions then he'll be able to pull off the remaining matters.

Rishia touched her cheek with her index finger as she thought this over. This was a somewhat hard decision to make so she was taking her time. It was not like she didn't want to save Anya, she did, after all, she can't sit and watch while the life of the person who save hers gets destroyed.

It was just that her taking action can give off some bad impression, that was the sole reason she was hesitating for.

"Why do you think I will help you with this? Given that you don't have any sort of relationship with me," she asked, or rather asked, to be precise.

It didn't take a second thought for Zero to reply, with a stiff look on his face he spoke up.

"Because I know that you will not sit by and let the life of someone you know get destroyed, even when you know it can be prevented if you took action. After all, if you were that kind of princess then you wouldn't have come all the way here to watch the tournament when it was not a compulsory thing.

Nor would you have come here to thank Anya in person. But you did, because you are the kind of princess who cares for the citizens of your kingdom. And it is because of your this behavior that caused me to think you'll help Anya," said Zero.

Rishia's eyes widened as she listened to him explaining her nature, it was just as Zero said; she was the type of princess who cared for her people. A fear developed in her heart for the person standing before him, she felt like her every move was being observed.

"You are an interesting person Zero, I acknowledge that. And it's just as you said, I can't just watch and let Anya fall into darkness. I will help you," said Rishia.


I was exploding with excitement right now but I can't show it on my face. Even I was surprised by how everything went just as I had planned.

I knew it will work out but not even the slightest distortion, it was something to get amazed at.

Well, I calmed myself to not let myself get distracted. I had to put this expressionless face up till I am in front of the princess.

And after I explained to her, her own nature down to detail, she had accepted to go along with my plan.

I thanked her for that and then she walked away, it was already pretty late since we started talking. I had told her Walric's family name and she said she'll get things moving this night without waiting for tomorrow.

"Sigh!" I let out a sigh when I found out I was alone now.

At the same time, I moved my right hand in front of my face. Until now this hand was behind my back but now that I was alone…

"Looks like I didn't need to use this after all," I said to myself as I stared at the thing I hold in my hand.

It was a sharp spike made out of pure ice, surely enough it was made with elemental magic.