Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs-Chapter 222 On The Run

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"Let's go" Seth's words sounded in Irene's ears, having the woman dumbly nod her head, not trusting herself to speak.

As Seth moved closer to her, Irene's eyes were drawn to his body, what had once been disfigured and broken was now in tiptop condition. 𝐛𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗼𝐯𝐞𝗹.𝐨𝐫𝗴

With the attack from the cannon, most of Seth's shirt had been ripped apart, and at this moment he was bare-chested.

The newly healed part of Seth's body revealed a clean skin and when Irene looked to the parts that were still covered in blood, she couldn't spot any fresh running blood.

Irene watched Seth walk up to her and releasing a breath, she loosened her tight body and let Seth place his arms under her back and knee and lift her.

The smell of iron and rust assaulted Irene's nose but this didn't bother her as she instead relaxed in Seth's hold, resting her head on his chest, not minding the blood that got smeared on her face and body.

While Irene felt bad and would have preferred Seth not ending the life of the man and woman who were most likely a couple, she had no intention of creating a scuffle out of it.

To Irene it didn't matter if Seth began living on human flesh from now on, as long as he could keep her safe and lead her to finding the soul fruits, she was all right with him.

Her life was too precious at the moment, with Seth by her side, she was so close to achieving her goal, and dying at this time was not an option for her.


With Irene in his arms, Seth walked forwards and moved towards the door the now half-eaten woman had been trying to open.

A kick from his leg and the door was sent flying off its hinges and smashing into the wall that lay opposite it, introducing Seth to one of the building's hallways.

Seth walked into the hallway, only sending a casual glance to his left and right, not bothered by the desolate hallway and continuing in a straight line forward till he found his path blocked by a wall.

eaglesnov?1,сoМ Another kick and the wall before him shattered, Seth creating a new hole which he walked into, his entry causing panic as the two women who had been occupying the room fell to their knees and began screaming, their hands held over their heads.

Seth ignored the women and continued forwards till he eventually came across another wall, and like usual kicked it down.

In this way, Seth kicked down about 2 more walls, and then on creation of his fourth hole, his eyes were greeted by nothing but the air, and a few seconds later a hail of about 100 blue glowing arrows shooting towards him.

With a kick of his feet, Seth shot to the right, dodging the first wave of the arrows, and Seth knowing that there were still more arrows coming created another hole but this time he didn't delay as he immediately jumped through the hole.

A hail of arrows flew by Seth's airborne figure barely missing him by a few centimeters, and before the still incoming arrows could adjust their trajectory, Seth's form landed on the rooftop of a nearby building.

Seth didn't bother rolling or try to mitigate the impact of his landing, instead, he took it all in with a grunt and then shot to his right, dodging another wave of arrows.

Gaining his footing and coming to a stop, Seth quickly scanned his surroundings, trying to identify the source of the arrows, but other than the high-rising buildings that surrounded him, he couldn't see a thing.

At the moment, Seth could go sprinting away, but he decided not to, deciding it will be safer for him if he had an idea from what position his enemies were attacking him rather than running around like a headless chicken and then falling into a trap.

Seth didn't have to wait long as within seconds, another hail of arrows fell from the sky, but despite Seth keeping his eyes peeled open and his senses sharp, he wasn't able to notice their origin.

The arrows just appeared out of thin air and began falling down on him, and to make matters worse, he couldn't even use their trajectory to derive their position of origin seeing as they were falling straight from the sky.

Realizing that waiting around wouldn't be useful, Seth dropped his cautiousness and bolted away, deciding to fall back on his raw original plan.

With speeds unmatched by non within the city, Seth kicked his feet off the ground and figuratively disappeared.

"I bet Edwin told his most powerful subordinates to just stand at a distance and let me escape," Seth thought with a laugh.

Unless the man was an idiot, which Seth knew he wasn't, then by all logic, Seth predicted that there was a high chance Edwin would let him leave.

As Seth made a beeline for the city's barrier, he couldn't help but smile when no one attacked him.

While he was truly indeed fast, Seth knew that If Edwin went all out, he would be able to cause him a lot of trouble, but the peaceful run he was currently experiencing verified Edwin's wisdom.

Seth was just about to breathe a sigh of relief when his figure jumped onto the rooftop of a low-rising building, and due to this building standing beside a much taller one, a huge shadow was cast on it.

With him running in silence and seeing no one in sight, the sudden change from a bright environment to a dark one had Seth's body shivering as an image of Minuha crossed his mind.

If there was any individual who on their own could decide to go after him, Minuha would be that person, and though this time he had his qi and was back at full strength, Seth's instinct told him that if he faced Minuha, he would lose.

Seth slightly relaxed his tense body after he left the dark and returned to the light, he kept his face forwards and looked towards the huge barrier that protected the city, the last hurdle he would have to go through.