Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs-Chapter 223 The True Savior

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"That is a NO Dilise" the voice of a man who surprisingly had a few traces of white on his hair sounded.

"But he's going to escape, he's going to leave our capture like some king, stroll in and out of Monwac city, he's probably going to brag about it for a lifetime.

"Dilise please stop with this argument, my final decision is No, no one will be going after Seth. The minute he stepped escaped the second barrier he was a free man, we'll only be asking for a disaster on our hands if we pursue him any further.

"A disaster, you didn't think about their being a disaster when you asked me to accompany him to the dungeon" Dilise snarled With burning eyes.

"Because back then I saw hope, I hoped the princess will be able to draw up a plan that could deal with Seth, and I wanted you to be there to provide aid should it be needed," The seemingly aged Edwin said, taking a few steps and collapsing on his office seat.

"But, But..." Dilise said gritting her teeth as she searched for a reason.

"Dilise return to the sanctum and clean up the mess Seth caused, I'll have my eyes on you, and If I hear that you disobeyed my orders and went after Seth, then prepare to be an inmate," Edwin told Dilise with a sharp gaze.

Hearing Edwin's final verdict on the situation, Dilise stamped her feet ad turned to leave Edwin's office, but then a Quick "wait" from him stopped her in her tracks.

"Better yet, come over here and have a seat, I'm going to call for your sister so you can explain the situation to her".

"Can I trust you'll say the truth and not something that will provoke her?" Edwin asked.

"Yes, I know when not to play around" Dilise grumbled," but I'm afraid we won't be able to get ahold of her for the time being, she's doing those pregnancy stretches of hers, and you know how moody she gets when she's doing them".

"Urgghhh" Edwin let out a loud long groan, not bothering to hide his frustration"

"Fine, your assignment is to go and wait till she's done with her exercise and then tell her what happened.

"Dilise I'm trusting you, don't fail me," Edwin said, and Dilise though still spotting a frown on her face, looked at him and nodded her head before leaving.

With Dilise gone, Edwin collapsed back into his seat, his hand on his head and rubbing his head and almost cursing the Miguel family.

The Miguel family, not that Edwin was wishing the family bad or had something against them, but he was glad that they were down to only two females, Miguel Dilise and Miguel Flora.

Just these two remaining women were proving serious troublemakers and headache stimulators to Edwin.

Did he not know and trust both women, Edwin would have long thrown them into a cell on account of them being spies sent to destroy this city.

"I mean what sensible person starts a massive campaign riled with close to violent protests in a city under siege" Edwin complained in his mind.

"And Dilise has been such a quiet girl until recently, she's become so difficult especially when it comes to dealing with Seth."

"Evary Seth" Edwin lamented," Are you some retribution sent by god to deliver justice for my sins and those of my forefathers".

"How can one man continually be the cause of my troubles." 𝑏𝑒𝑑𝘯𝑜𝘷𝑒𝑙.𝑐𝘰𝘮

"Please just Escape" Edwin mumbled.

Truth be told, Edwin had no idea why Seth was escaping because according to what Dilise had told him, she had relayed to Seth his advantageous situation in the city.

Unless Edwin decided to be all cold-hearted and assassinate his sister-in-law, Seth basically had some kind of Immunity as long as he observed a not-too-bad behavior.

Why the man had gone on to flee and get himself hunted down Edwin had no idea, but he had already given the order for just some tidbit pressure to be placed on him.

No one was to engage Seth for any reason, and he had already even told the guards at the gate to be on standby and be ready to open the gate.

Edwin didn't care about the hazards of opening the city gate, on his own Seth was already a hazard comparable to the army outside, and to Edwin, it was worth the risk to flush out this hazard.

Edwin was just about to move on with his office work when he looked up to one of the seats opposite his desk.

A black bubbling liquid climbed onto the seat to his right and then coagulated into the form of Minuha.

"Lady Minuha," Edwin said," getting up from his seat and giving Minuha a small bow, one that wasn't reciprocated or appreciated as Minuha just sat before him with her legs crossed.

Perhaps some days ago he would have gotten angry at her lack of reaction and dissed her about it, but the cultivation world was a world where power rules.

While songs of praise were sung in Seth's name and he was proclaimed Ann hung, for Edwin, the real savior of Monwac city sat before him.

If Seth was to be labeled a monster due to his power, then Minuha would be his mother.

Watching the woman before him kill off 8 level 8 mortals and four level 9 mortals in just a few minutes reset Edwin's description of power.

While he felt disrespected by her attitude towards him, discarding his need to be respected only took him a second.

"How is the princess," Edwin asked, truly curious seeing as she hadn't seen her since he let Seth into the city.

"She's doing well," Minuha said, with a smile, Edwin wisely keeping himself from staring at the naked woman.

"I overheard your conversation with Dilise, retract your orders, Edwin, Seth isn't someone we can let leave this city," Minuha said.

That she had spied on him and didn't bother hiding it irked Edwin, but he threw such unhelpful feelings in the trash.

"You must know how strong Seth is, trying to capture him will only lead to death and chaos within the city, we can't afford that" Edwin explained.

"So because he's too powerful you'll let him run amok in the city, killing off innocent civilians" Minuha questioned.

"Of course not" Edwin defended," Seth wouldn't kill civilians, his only goal is to leave the city.

"Guess you still haven't gotten the information," Minuha said a smile on her face, but before Edwin could question her she threw a red scroll with several engravings at him.

Edwin killed off his question and unfurled the scroll, his face going through several emotions as he read through it.

"Other than the gate, is there any other way to leave the city," Minuha said, her words snapping Edwin out of the trance he had fallen in.

"No my lady," Edwin said, but this time gave his reply with respect and a bit of fear in his eyes.

"So you'll agree with me when I say that in the end, Seth will be heading for the city gate right?"


"Good I'll be leaving then, and don't forget to retract those orders on leaving Seth alone," Minuha said as her form turned liquid and disappeared into the ground.

eaglesnov?1,сoМ A few seconds after Minuha left, Edwin released the heavy breath he had been suppressing, his hands trembling as he looked at the title of the scroll Minuha had handed him.