Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs-Chapter 383 Rude

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With his teeth sunk into Rias's neck, and the contract unable to constrain him, Rias's fate was now literally in Seth's hand and he could do what he wanted, but in the end, these thoughts of power lasted for just a while.

As a woman who stood with him on the same plane of cultivation, Seth found Rias's blood rather invigorating, and as seconds went by he got lost in the taste of the woman's blood, enjoying it and drinking more than he should.

With Rias's moans filling the air, and fresh hot blood entering his body, Seth's hormones skyrocketed, and his dick roared in pride as it was fed energy.

It wasn't until Rias's body shivered heavily and Seth found his pants quickly getting soaked that Seth initiated the transformation process.

Taking his mouth off Rias's neck, Seth looked at the woman who appeared to be in a daze.

"Time for you to be a supreme," he muttered

With these words, Seth waved his hands and Rias's body was wrapped by a wave of darkness and taken off him.

Ignoring the change in the order of the wind and qi in the surroundings, Seth watched Rias's body move a distance away and then be gently placed on the ground.

With the air already turbulent, it didn't take long before Qi began spiralling into Rias's body.

With his soul sense active, Seth keenly observed the process, keeping the memory of the various changes that Rias was going through in mind.

Soon it was the turn of the daunting waves of qi, and Seth relaxed into his throne watching as the waves of qi came sweeping past him from behind and rapidly moving towards Rias and soon, Seth realized that this time the waves of qi didn't come alone.

"Well, you don't look happy," Seth said glancing to his left at the hovering Roushi whom the waves of qi were actually avoiding.

"She's been my student for years, I care about her."

"So why are you sad, she's about to be upgraded, she going to be a talent you can brag about."

After Seth's question, Roushi stayed silent for a while and then he spoke,

"I warned her about you but she wouldn't listen."

"Oh, so your problem is me."

"Associating with you is asking for nothing but destruction."

"Well, you associated with me" Seth pointed out.

"Because I am ready to be destroyed.

"I'll say don't worry nothing will happen to her, as long as I'm around, but I'm sure you've heard this from others"

"More like read, and yes, without fail they all failed."

Seth's lips pursed at Roushi's words, the heavy failure rate not being something that inspired motivation.

"Does she even know what you're turning her into?"

"Nope, how about you, do you know what I'm turning her to."


"Should I tell you?"


"I thought you cared for her?"

"She chose her path."

"You could have done better to restrict or warn her."

"She has her life."

With these words, both Seth and Roushi went silent, watching as a thick cocoon of qi formed around Rias, and then there was a calm as the woman was transformed within the cocoon."

"Do you have any daughters" Seth suddenly said.

"Why are you asking."

" I don't mind bestowing them initiating them into my clan, making them part of my race, even you.

Think what you want about me, but would you rather leave this world with a bang or slowly die as an old forgotten man."

Seconds passed and then Seth muttered to himself.

"That was rude."

Without even telling him a bye or greeting him fare well, the old man had run away or perhaps he was hiding somewhere around here.

His eyes narrowed, Seth looked around, his soulsense searching for Roushi but unsurprisingly he couldn't find the man, and while Seth entertained the possibility that he had not left but was simply hiding from him, Rias's incubation time in her cocoon was over, a fact told by the sudden chaotic fluctuations coming from within the cocoon.

Taking his mind off Roushi for the moment, Seth had a wave of darkness spill out of the ground just as the giant cocoon that had surrounded Rias exploded outward.

"That even I might get injured when I turn others to a supreme is an insult to my position as progenitor" Seth cried within.

Unfortunately for Seth, he had no one to launch a complaint to and could only hide behind his darkness, allowing the destructive waves of qi to pass over him.

"I wonder what she will do now that I have transformed her," Seth thought with pursed lips, and then after his expression froze.

"Before he transformed her, Rias was already a powerhouse that had him wary and having to employ delay tactics to defeat her, then what of now that he had made her a supreme."

Unlike the casualness that Seth had on when he covered himself in darkness, this time as he took down his dark barrier, his eyes were peeled open and his soul sense was out and blaring.

Looking at his surroundings, the rising dust and sand particles floating in the air, Seth observed that all was calm, and when his soul sense swept forward to find Rias he found nothing.

"Huh, should I be expecting a kick."

Not finding Rias in her previous location, Seth's qi began sweeping around, and soon he found her, and though a more than usual smile found its way on his face, he didn't smile for long as a spinning cone of fire came charging at him.

Though Seth thought to challenge the cone of fire with his darkness, the power he felt behind him had him kicking off his throne and shooting to the side, and without a pause, he made a dash for Rias's position. b𝚎dn𝚘v𝚎𝚕.𝚘𝚛𝚐

With his approach, Rias moved away from him at a slower pace, and when Seth finally caught up with her, her image coming into his eyes, he could only groan in disappointment.

"After all I've done, the least you could have done was show me some titties"

With the transformation, Rias had gone naked, this being the reason why she had quickly left her initial position and moved farther away.

As a cultivator, putting on her clothes should have been a rather easy task for Rias, but because the woman was actually taking her time to make a selection of an outfit, Seth's soulsense had found her in a very admirable state.

Fully clothed in a black gown which had a white band around her waist, Rias looked at Seth with an expression that said that she wasn't amused by his recent attempt and was truly considering the option of strangling him.

"I Kind of hoped the transformation would give you a sense of humour, but it seems that didn't happen," Seth muttered as he looked Rias up and down, observing no changes in her appearance.

Seth was observing the heavy fluctuation of qi surrounding Rias when she moved and appeared at his side.

"Oh, you thought to give me a kiss," Seth asked.

"You're weak."

"I haven't heard that in a long time or perhaps ever," showing no sign of annoyance

Standing a few steps from Seth, Rias stood with her head raised, her eyes staring at Seth with arrogance and before long, Seth felt a steadily increasing pressure fall on him.

"Ahh, what a great magnification of arrogance."

Not minding whatever thoughts Seth had, Rias waved her hand, causing a hill of qi stone stones to appear beside Seth.

"Those are some of my immortal qi stones, use them to make something of yourself," Rias said, her tone haughty, thinking that her feelings of generosity were of her own will.

Not wanting his descendants to be aware that they were but slaves if he so desired, Seth had to be wise in how he manipulated them, and one of the most basic ways Seth had determined to go about this was to stroke the person's ego.

Seth had done the same with Minuha, and now with Rias, he had first aided the woman in becoming a vampire without asking for anything in return and then now that she had been turned, all he had to do was make the woman feel that she owed him for his generosity and that with her being the older and powerful one, she should be helpful.

With this, twisting Rias's feelings so he could even fuck her could be done in an hour, but Seth was wary of Roushi.

With how long Roushi had been with Rias, were Seth to have her behave way too out of the ordinary, he would have the man breathing down his neck, and with his experience and understanding of Seth to be someone that could do the impossible Seth wouldn't be surprised if he quickly figured out the secret.

Now Rias had given him her qi stones, and she said this was some, Seth laughed within because he knew that this was actually all the qi stones she had."

"For now I won't beat you up, use these to get stronger cause the next time we meet I won't hold back."

Seth had a lot of questions he had prepared to ask Rias after he transformed her, but looking at her now, he decided to hold his tongue.,

With him being unable to defeat her, Rias was an unpredictable cannon, not even thanking him and looking down on him throughout their conversation, Rias's arrogance was at an all-time high, and unless Seth wanted to come into conflict with her as he had with Dorian, Seth thought it was better to let her go.

After her words, Rias turned to leave but then she paused and turned.

"I suppose you know to keep shut about this," she said looking at Seth with narrowed eyes.


Nodding her head Rias turned and left, leaving Seth to stare at her fading figure with a lot of thoughts.