Beauty and the Bodyguard
Bab, School Beauty Personal Bodyguard, Xiào Huā De Tiē Shēn Gāo Shǒu, 校花的贴身高手
When an S-class elite assassin-raised captain of a special ops suicide squad comes home from a high-stakes Africa mission, he finds himself offered something that could potentially set him up for life- a curious assignment that he could use to finally exit his days of war and slaughter.
CHAPTERS (11442)
- C.11442 - 11440: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!NEW
- C.11441 - 11439: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!NEW
- C.11440 - 11438: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!NEW
- C.11439 - 11437: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!NEW
- C.11438 - 11436: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!NEW
- C.11437 - 11435: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!NEW
- C.11436 - 11434: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11435 - 11433: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11434 - 11432: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11433 - 11431: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11432 - 11430: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11431 - 11429: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11430 - 11428: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11429 - 11427: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11428 - 11426: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11427 - 11425: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11426 - 11424: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11425 - 11423: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11424 - 11422: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11423 - 11421: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11422 - 11420: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11421 - 11419: The Great Battle!
- C.11420 - 11418: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11419 - 11417: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11418 - 11416: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11417 - 11415: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11416 - 11414: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11415 - 11413: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11414 - 11412: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11413 - 11411: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11412 - 11410: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11411 - 11409: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11410 - 11408: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11409 - 11407: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11408 - 11406: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11407 - 11405: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11406 - 11404: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11405 - 11403: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11404 - 11402: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11403 - 11401: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11402 - 11400: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11401 - 11399: The Great Battle!
- C.11400 - 11398: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11399 - 11397: The Great Battle!
- C.11398 - 11396: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11397 - 11395: The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11396 - 11394 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11395 - 11393 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11394 - 11392 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11393 - 11391 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11392 - 11390 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11391 - 11389 - The Great Battle!
- C.11390 - 11388 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11389 - 11387 - The Great Battle!
- C.11388 - 11386 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11387 - 11385 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11386 - 11384 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11385 - 11383 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11384 - 11382 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11383 - 11381 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11382 - 11380 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11381 - 11379 - The Great Battle!
- C.11380 - 11378 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11379 - 11377 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11378 - 11376 - The Great Battle!
- C.11377 - 11375 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11376 - 11374 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11375 - 11373 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11374 - 11372 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11373 - 11371 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11372 - 11370 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11371 - 11369 - The Great Battle!
- C.11370 - 11368 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11369 - 11367 - The Great Battle!
- C.11368 - 11366 - The Great Battle!
- C.11367 - 11365 - The Great Battle!
- C.11366 - 11364 - The Great Battle!
- C.11365 - 11363 - The Great Battle!
- C.11364 - 11362 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11363 - 11361 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11362 - 11360 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11361 - 11359 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11360 - 11358 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11359 - 11357 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11358 - 11356 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11357 - 11355 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11356 - 11354 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.11355 - 11353 - The Battle of the Three Kingdoms!
- C.12 - Encounter in the Cave (Part 1)
- C.11 - Indirect Kiss
- C.10 - Shitty Ideas
- C.9 - Great General Wei Wu
- C.8 - What Have You Done To My Father?
- C.7 - Faceplant
- C.6 - Why Is There A Farmer In The Car?
- C.5 - Feels Like A Marriage Plan?
- C.4 - These Clothes Are So Much Trouble!
- C.3 - So You're Rich?
- C.2 - Scam
- C.1 - Odd Assignment