Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique-Chapter 99 - ; Research 1

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Chapter 99; Chapter 96 Research 1

Translator: 549690339

Success belongs to the prepared, failure to the ill-prepared.

If one acts impulsively and randomly, without a well-thought-out plan, chances of failure are high, unless one is incredibly lucky.

Once Link solidified his idea, he began to draft a research plan.

Generally speaking, there are nine common methods of research: field observation, interviews, questionnaires, meetings, seeking expert predictions sampling, case study, statistical analysis, and document review.

His field trip this afternoon was a form of field observation, providing him with direct, vivid, and reliable first-hand information.

However, what is often observed is the surface phenomena or external relationships of things, which is random and greatly influenced by the subjective factors of the surveyee. Thus, it is not suitable for large sample surveys.

Link would definitely need to combine several other survey methods to produce a credible research result and form a thorough and comprehensive research report.

After much contemplation, Link decided to divide his research subjects into two categories: market circulated perfumes and unique store perfumes.

For market circulated perfumes, a preliminary approach could be document review and statistical survey, producing a phased result for further refinement; As for distinctive perfumes, especially the Lucia Family Potion Shop’s unique perfumes, Link planned to hire some people to conduct field observations, case study and so on.

Where can he hire these research personnel?

Of course, in the West City District!

Although the research is divided into two parts, it could practically be carried out simultaneously.

His plan set, Link got to work.

He first gathered all the relevant materials available in the East District Library.

Although records on potions in the East District, especially fragrance-related, were scarce, it wasn’t a complete waste of time.

At least Link now knows which administrative organization has records of goods import and export that he can examine.

Link recorded all the useful information. Seeing it was nearing evening, he ended his search for information and went back to the potion shop to meet Jasmine after work.

On the way back to the academy on the bullet train.

Jasmine hesitated several times before finally speaking, “Link, this afternoon when you were not in the store, Witch Ayla said some bad things about you.” ’ “What did she say?”

Link knew that Jasmine was not the type to gossip, and she wouldn’t bring it up without a reason, so he followed up.

“She said, she said…”

Jasmine carefully chose her words and stammered out, “She said that you are a very cold-blooded person deep down. Antoine Hilton just died in the ring last night, and then you killed Rives Francis with your own hands. Today, you act as if nothing happened, as if nothing can touch your heart.”

Link fell silent.

Witch Ayla’s evaluation was very accurate and incisive.

Even though he’s been trying to integrate into the Wizard World, Link still feels a strong sense of disconnection.

It’s like playing an immersive virtual game, from a first-person perspective with realistic sensations, and no different from the real world.

But, there is always a voice reminding the player, you don’t belong in this world!

So, regarding Erick Burnalis, Harold Andrews, and Rives Francis who died by his hand, and Antoine Hilton who died right before his eyes, other than some ripples at the depth of his conscience, Link didn’t really care much about it.

As if they were not human lives.

It seems cold-blooded in the extreme.

Link pondered for a moment, then smiled and reassured, “It’s her prerogative to say whatever she wants.”


Jasmine raised her voice slightly, appearing a little anxious, “But Witch Sharia, Wizard Tina, and even Serene Wizard heard it. It will affect their impression of you.”

Link laughed, “I’m not living for the impressions of others, don’t worry about

To distract Jasmine, Link changed the subject, “By the way, I conducted a survey in the market this afternoon and your idea from last night might actually have a chance to come true.”


Jasmine knew full well that Link was changing the topic but went along anyways.

She understood that Link did not want her to dwell on it, so she continued the conversation, “So, what can I do?”

There are many things Jasmine can do in this project.

Collecting documents, organizing data, finding research materials and developing direction, conducting research, and so on.

Jasmine was already a fairly suitable assistant, showing potential of excelling in her role.                      &

After they returned to the academy and had their dinner at the cafeteria, Link and Jasmine went straight to the library.

Whether it was books in the library or materials in The Advanced Literature Library, as long as it had anything to do with fragrances, they would gather all of it.

They skimmed through them all and kept the useful ones while discarding the unnecessary ones.

The following day.

Link and Jasmine went to work as usual.

The only difference from the previous two weeks was that Link made a point to record the types, effects, and prices of the women’s fragrances sold in the shop.

Serene Wizard noticed this.

Knowing how high Link’s talents were in botany and potion study, she immediately understood that Link had found a new inspiration and direction for research.

Without hesitation, Serene Wizard immediately beckoned Link over and asked directly, “Are you interested in women’s perfumes?”


Link squarely responded, “I encountered some setbacks when developing the Glasswort Aromatherapy Essential Oil and considered switching to perfumes, so I have some understanding of them. Yesterday afternoon, when I was wandering in the East District and Southern District, I noticed that several large potion shops had a booming sale of women’s fragrances, so I got the idea of developing one or several types of perfumes..”