Black Corporation: Joseon-Chapter 389

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Chapter 389

June, 15th year of King Sejong’s reign (1433, Year of Gyechuk).

At the threshold of summer, new notices were posted on bulletin boards in government offices across Joseon.

“Huh? A new official document?”

“I hope it’s about a discount event at the government monopoly store…”

“That would be nice! It’s been quiet lately, hasn’t it?”

As people gathered in front of the bulletin board, exchanging half-joking, half-serious conversations, they began to read the official document.

“Let’s see… Uh… ‘Notice of Civil Service Examination System Reform’? Looks like they’re changing the examination system?”

“Ah! This has nothing to do with me.”

“That’s right. I wish they’d have a discount event at the government monopoly store instead.”

Most of the commoners lost interest after checking the title and left. However, there were quite a few who remained, staring intently at the bulletin board.

Most of those focusing on the bulletin board were nobles and a few women.

“They’re changing it again?”

“It’s been about 10 years since the last change, so isn’t it about time?”

The reactions of the nobles reading the bulletin board’s contents were cynical.

On the contrary, there were also those who were indignant.

“Sigh… If education is a hundred-year plan, the civil service examination should be a five-hundred-year plan…”

“This isn’t just changing morning and evening…”

Among those discussing, apart from those showing cynical reactions, the faces of other nobles were full of desperation.

‘There’s not much time left!’

This was because in as little as two years, or at most three years, children who had finished their education at public schools and middle schools would emerge as new competitors.


As mentioned before, the nobles of Joseon – more precisely, the civil service nobles – were desperately seeking a way out at a crossroads.

Due to the Gapsin Coup, a large number of nobles were purged, reducing the number of local nobles and greatly diminishing their influence on society.

These local nobles, whose numbers and influence had significantly shrunk, were divided into three main groups.

The first was the ‘local strongmen obsessed with the civil service examination’.

Although their economic power had decreased due to the disappearance of tax exemption benefits that had been in place since the founding of Joseon and the damned system of progressive taxation, the vast amount of land they owned still guaranteed them a comfortable life.

Based on this land, they were transforming into the most radical fundamentalist conservative forces.

These were the ones showing cynical reactions to the official document.

The second group was those actively trying to participate in public office.

These were people who were economically less well-off than the first group and had chosen public service as a means of survival.

However, as mentioned before, even though the court and King Sejong were struggling with a shortage of personnel, they were still picky about selecting talented individuals, so these people had to make desperate efforts.

To enter public service, they did their best not only to take the civil service examination but also to submit petitions.

The third group was those who had chosen a ‘new path’.

These were people who, seeing the explosive growth of commerce and industry as reforms progressed, were diving into becoming capitalists or managers.


Those reading the official document with desperate faces let out deep sighs.

“Haa~ To think that even women would be allowed to take the exam…”

“I thought it would take at least a few more years…”

Their eyes were fixed on the ‘Eligibility Requirements’.

Eligibility Requirements – Commoner men and women with education level of public school or middle school or higher.

-Addendum A

Those who have not completed public school or middle school are allowed to take the exam only if they receive certification through a qualification test that will be implemented soon.

-Addendum B

The application of Addendum A is deferred for the next two years.

This item made the nobles reading the notice realize even more that they were ‘running out of time’.

‘We must pass the exam within the next two years!’

With eyes full of urgency and desperation, the nobles continued to read the next item.

Examination Procedure.

-First Round

Written test on the Four Books and Five Classics.

A total of 30 multiple-choice questions.

Must answer at least 25 out of 30 questions correctly to pass.

Mathematics test.

20 multiple-choice questions.

Must answer at least 17 out of 20 questions correctly to pass.

-Second Round

For those who passed the first round.

Choose one of three topics presented by the examiners and write an essay.

Those who pass both the first and second rounds will receive the 9th rank.

Assignment of work locations.

Application of the rule to avoid assigning to one’s home region.

Applied equally to both men and women.

Additional points for those who volunteer for outer regions such as the northern regions and Daesuldo.

For those volunteering for outer regions, priority is given to those skilled in horseback riding or archery.


Those who saw the last addendum about work location assignments all tilted their heads.

“Wasn’t this supposed to be for the civil service exam?”

As they tilted their heads, some who had heard related rumors nodded.

“I heard working in the outer regions was tough…”


Among those reading the notice were a small number of women.

“I’ve finished reading. Let’s go.”

As a woman wearing a veil turned after reading the bulletin board, her maid hurriedly followed and asked.

“Young lady, are you really going to take the civil service exam?”

“Isn’t that why we came to the government office in broad daylight?”

According to Joseon law, women of the nobles or merchant class, who were not commoners, were not allowed to go out freely during the day.

However, due to livelihood issues including farming, there was some flexibility in the current situation.

“Once women start entering public service, the curfew law will probably change too.”

“Is the current law the problem? I’m worried that the master will immediately issue a stern rebuke.”

At the maid’s whining, the woman smiled slightly and replied.

“Gannan-a. The world is changing.”


“A daughter of a noble family wandering the streets in broad daylight! Are you really in your right mind?”

Officer Ahn, known as the wealthiest man in Pyeongtaek County, shouted loudly while standing on the main floor.

In response to Officer Ahn’s scolding, his eldest daughter Munhye, who had taken off her veil, answered confidently.

“I went to the government office because I heard a notice about the upcoming civil service examination had been posted.”

“As a mere woman, do you really intend to take the civil service exam? Huh! How preposterous!”

Unlike Officer Ahn, who kept repeating how preposterous it was, Munhye continued to assert her intentions in a still confident voice.

“Father. The world has been changing since His Majesty implemented the reforms.”

“Even if the world changes, there are principles that must be upheld!”

“Father, even the princesses, the precious daughters of His Majesty, are learning medicine and studying mathematics to work as officials. How can there be a distinction between men and women in using what one has learned to benefit the country?”


Faced with Munhye’s articulate response, Officer Ahn, at a loss for words, turned away in irritation.

After ending this round of verbal sparring, Munhye let out a long sigh as soon as she entered her room.

“Phew~ Thanks to the princesses moving first, we can breathe a little easier.” freeweɓnovel.cѳm

As the princesses who moved first showed decent results, it gradually became easier for women to enter society.

Of course, in most farming households and lower classes, women were actively engaged in outside activities. However, this was a desperate struggle for survival, and in Joseon society, it was impossible for the middle class and above.

Therefore, allowing women to take the civil service examination from this year was truly revolutionary.

Munhye, who had sat down and opened a mathematics book, suddenly stood up.

“Didn’t they say there were additional points for volunteering for outer regions? And to go to outer regions, one needs to be skilled in horseback riding or archery…”

After briefly recalling her memory, Munhye took down the quiver hanging on one side and strung the bow that had been untied.

“Gannan-a! Let’s go to the archery field! Get ready!”

“Yes, young lady!”

While the maid busily prepared some snacks, Munhye, who had readied her quiver and bow, muttered softly.

“If I’m going to enter public service anyway, shouldn’t I aim to become at least a senior official?”


“Oh my!”

Munhye was dumbfounded when she arrived at the archery field. There were more women than usual drawing bows.

And among them, a considerable number were girls around her age.

“These girls… What one does, others follow…”

Munhye seemed to understand why the girls had come to the archery field.

It was certain that they had come with thoughts similar to Munhye’s.

As she observed the girls earnestly drawing their bowstrings, Munhye took a position next to one girl. She was the daughter of a family that was in competition with her own.

“What brings you to the archery field when you’ve barely started reading the Four Books?”

At Munhye’s words, the girl smirked and replied.

“What about you? I heard you haven’t even finished the Zhou Bi Suan Jing properly? Ah! That’s why you’re here? Right. With your math skills, you can’t even dream of the Ministry of Finance or General Affairs, so it’s fitting for you to be running around in the Ministry of Land and Infrastructure. If you don’t want to fall victim to tigers while running around in dangerous areas, you should properly learn archery.”



In an instant, the two girls grabbed each other’s hair and started fighting.

That evening, the mothers of both girls were lying down with their foreheads wrapped.

“What sin did I commit in my previous life…”

On the other hand, the fathers of the two girls made a different decision from their mothers.

“Fine! I’ll support you as much as you want.”

“Thank you!”

“But there’s a condition! You must pass the exam. If that damned family’s daughter passes and you fail? I’ll either marry you off immediately or shave your head and send you off to be a Buddhist nun!”

Hearing their fathers’ stern orders, the girls answered while breaking out in a cold sweat.

“I will definitely pass the exam!”


The number of women aiming for the civil service examination was larger than expected.

The reactions of their parents or husbands to this were largely of two types.

One was active support, and the other was active opposition.

Additionally, stimulated by the unsettling movement of women, men preparing for the exam also began to prepare more intensely.

However, there was something unexpected: the number of petitions opposing women’s entry into public service was less than anticipated.

“Crown Prince, what do you think is the reason?”

To King Sejong’s question, Hyang immediately answered.

“Isn’t there already a precedent?”


After mulling over Hyang’s words for a moment, King Sejong immediately nodded.

“I see, there are already quite a few women who have entered public service as teachers in public schools and middle schools. Hmm… Ministers, listen.”

At King Sejong’s words, the ministers immediately bowed their heads and responded.

“Although it’s difficult to predict the exact number now, it’s certain that the number of women entering public service will not be small, so re-examine the measures related to this.”

“We receive your command!”

Following King Sejong’s order, the ministers re-examined the relevant policies.

-Ensure thorough provision of government housing for those who have entered public service but are from humble backgrounds and unable to prepare their own housing.

-In cases where both husband and wife enter public service simultaneously, the issue of assignment location shall be handled as follows:

Both husband and wife shall be assigned to the same location. The assignment location shall be based on the location of the spouse with the higher rank.

-Prepare dormitories for those who are still unmarried. However, as men and women should be separate, accommodate them in separate dormitories.

As Hyang checked these alternatives, he saw the part about dormitories and gave a wry smile.

“The country feeds them, houses them, clothes them, pays them, and works them to death… Isn’t this just the military?”