Blessed by Night-Chapter 223: Your Precious Love*

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It was well known that Malachi and Joanne had already kissed dozens of times before.

However, this was the first time that Malachi really felt like she was placing herself in his hands.

She seemed to have absolutely no guards up, and her willingness to express her feelings was so much greater than before.

This was also the first time that he had felt like he was really about to take things a step further.

Silently, he wondered just how far he should go.

He wasn't at all unaware of Joanne's past, nor the time it had taken her to overcome it.

But he feared that taking things too far here would reverse a bit of her progress.

And because Joanne seemed to sense his hesitation, she relented momentarily.

Breathing somewhat heavily, she rested her head against his chest and listened to the sound of his own heartbeat thumping out of control.

"You know… this isn't easy for me. I have been… such a mess for so long that I haven't even been able to think about being with anyone.

I told myself that it was something that I didn't need… that I didn't want. Why does someone who abandoned her daughter and barely remembers her father get to be happy?"

Malachi kept a stone face as he learned new information about not only Joanne, but Anna as well.

He already knew that Joanne had a troubled past that wasn't all that dissimilar from her daughter's.

The only major difference was, Joanne had a narcotics addiction from the ages of 17-23, and she had a relationship with her dealer.

He ended up going away to prison right around the time that she found out she was pregnant, and she finally ended up accepting her younger brother PG's offer to help clean herself up.

"After all that I ended up getting used as someone's doll for over a year and I just-"


Malachi lifted Joanne up and wrapped her legs around his waist before pressing the two of them against the wall.

"If you're trying to list reasons why I am not allowed to love you, or why you aren't allowed to be happy, I am going to have to beg you to stop."

"T-That's not what this is..! Well… partially anyway… What I'm trying to say is… you make me want to be happy. Despite everything that I have told myself that I am… I want to be someone better now… Because of you."

"I don't need anything special from you. I like you the way you are now."

"Really? I can't cook for shit though."

"I can."

"I usually sleep till noon and have trouble remembering to take care of myself."

"So do Anna and Nadine."

"I have a drinking problem?"

"I know that already, but you can't get drunk so it's basically just grape juice."

"…My brother says I snore?"

"I can listen to it forever if it means that you'll be sleeping right beside me."

Joanne smiled sheepishly as her ears turned that familiar shade of red.

"Why do I feel like no matter what I say to you, you're going to just accept it without batting an eye?"

Malachi wormed his way into crook of Joanne's neck and brushed his lips against her ear.

"Because I have wanted you for such a long time now that there is not a single thing that you could do that would stop me from wanting you."

It seemed like Joanne was quickly reaching the limit of her own patience, as she ran her hands along Malachi's neck and ears.

Her voice became dangerously seductive, and Malachi became intoxicated by the unwavering sexuality of a mature woman that he loved so much.

"I guess.. this is supposed to be our first day or something like that… we should make it special."

Again, nervousness flooded Malachi's brain as he felt Joanne trying to steer the night into a certain direction.

"Do you know what you're asking me..?"

"I am fully aware that I am asking you for sex, yes. Are you going to tell me you aren't interested?"

"…I think maybe we should wait until-"

"You should know that I've always appreciated the way that you treat me like I'm fragile, even though I pretended not to…

But this time I really don't need you to be overly cautious with me. What happened has already passed and there's nothing we can do to change it.

I want to move on. To have a fresh start. So please, just take my clothes off and stop worrying."

A small, disbelieving smile started to show up on Mal's lips as he gently placed Joanne back on the ground.

"I'll try to be gentle with you but I'm sorry… I've been having a really hard time with that lately."

Joanne watched as the lights in the room suddenly flickered uncontrollably.

As if their radiance was being siphoned, the room suddenly became pitch black, and all Joanne could see were Mal's glowing violet eyes.

"That's unfair… you think I'm the only one who gets off on looking at you?"

Almost on cue, Joanne saw something that officially hammered home the fact that she had fallen in love with someone who wasn't human.

The hair on top of Mal's head started to float upwards uncontrollably before they produced a neon violet glow reminiscent of a lava lamp.

Manda, Gwiya, Vritra, and Onini also gave off a similar light before their eyes closed completely and they fell asleep.

"Better?" Malachi asked with a fanged smile.


Malachi suddenly spun Joanne around and pressed her body against the wall.

All she had on this whole time was a pair of old grey sweatpants and a big t-shirt, but to Mal she may as well have been wearing a runway dress.

He happily pulled off her clothes with slow and methodical movements, allowing his claws to just barely graze the soft and delicate skin underneath.

Briefly, he was hypnotized by the sight of the bold angel winged tattoo that spread across the entirety of her back, along with a pair of lace panties.

Malachi placed his lips along the center of her back and began a slow but ravenous trail down her body.

Joanne felt an electrifying tingle run down her body with every press of his lips against her skin.

By the time he reached her waistline, her legs were already starting to feel more than a little tingly.

Turning her around, she let out a small yelp when Mal suddenly pulled off her panties with strange glee.

Her pink and rosy colored flesh was already twitching with anticipation, and he could not hold himself back any longer.

A forked tongue slipped past his lips and he gave her a single investigative lick.

A sweet, but bitter taste filled Mal's mouth and temporarily sapped away all of his rationale.

He began to taste her with delighted fervor, pushing his tongue deeper and deeper in an attempt to bring her ecstasy.

Joanne could count the amount of times she'd been gone down on in her life on one hand, but this was utterly different from any she had experienced.

Her moans started off soft, but they progressively became louder as she grabbed him by the head and pulled him further into her body.

It wasn't long before Joanne was reaching the end of her rope physically, and she felt her whole body spasm uncontrollably as she let out the most intoxicating and arousing scream yet.

It was no surprise that she came tumbling down shortly afterwards, and into the waiting arms of her partner.

"S-Shit… give me a second, I need to-"


Malachi carried Joanne to her bedroom and tossed her on top of the covers before he started to peel off his own clothes.

"You are even better than I could have dreamed, love..! My mind is filled with so many thoughts of you that I can barely see straight..!"

The madness and obsessive devotion in Mal's eyes and voice also came with an immense love that stunned her.

In her entire life, she had never felt so desired and craved by another living being like this.

It started to cross the border into fanatical religious worship.

And when she saw the inhumanly thick member that sprang free from his pants, her nervousness reached a new threshold.

"T-That's absolutely not going to fit…!"

"Won't it?"

Malachi climbed on top of the bed and fought the urge to laugh as Joanne shrank back a bit underneath the heat of his body.

He sat on his knees and lifted Joanne up by the waist so that his member was resting against her stomach.

"It's a good thing I practiced this then…although I didn't think I would be using it for this."

As gently as he possibly could, Mal used his new fangs to nick the area right underneath Joanne's collarbone.

A weak, muscle relaxing poison and mild anesthetic was injected into Joanne's bloodstream.

A soft and sweet heat spread throughout her entire body, and she felt herself become mildly drunk.

The stimuli wasn't potent enough for her to develop an addiction to, but it did fully relax her muscles and make her much more comfortable.

Malachi tightened his grip on her impressive ass before lifting her up slightly and positioning himself at her entrance.

With Joanne incredibly wet and fully relaxed, it was the easiest penetration Malachi had ever experienced.

Like a cat that had found a new toy to play with, he expertly pressed around her insides while looking for the spots that would elicit the most dramatic reaction from her.

He found it interesting that where Anna preferred rapid and shallow thrusts, Joanne screamed out the loudest from ones that were deep and slow.

It took no more than four strokes before she was already reaching her first orgasm, and her eyes rolled back in her head as she dampened the bedsheets.

However, Malachi was unsatisfied with this scene.

He cupped her face in one hand and gently refocused her eyes so that they could regain their clarity.

"What are you doing, love? I thought you said you got off on looking at me?"

"I-I can't… help it..! I've never felt anything like this before..!"

"Just keep your eyes on me, okay? I don't want you to look away for even a second..!"

Through sheer willpower alone, Joanne kept her eyes open and firmly locked on Malachi's as she moaned desperately.

Everytime she reached her limit, he goaded her with sweet words and possessive embraces that made her feel like she was on the verge of touching a star.

She lost all sense of time, appearances, and pride as she handed over her entire being to Malachi, and he gave her all of himself in return.

She ended up reaching atleast a dozen orgasms before he finally reached his first.

When she noticed his breathing become heavier and his eyes lose all focus; she knew that her dreamlike night was coming to an end.

To put the perfect stamp on their relationship, she brought her lips towards hers and kissed him desperately.

Malachi pressed her hips down forcefully and pushed past the entrance to her cervix to release inside her with great satisfaction.

Desperate, pleasurable screams erupted from them in unison as they savored in the afterglow of their joint orgasm.

While Joanne felt her insides being filled to the point of spilling over, she breathed heavily as she savored the feeling of his arms around her.

"You're incredible… I don't know how I'm ever supposed to get my fill."


Malachi gingerly let Joanne rest on her back before lifting one of her legs onto his shoulder.

"Every time you kissed me, walked past me, or even smiled at me, this was all that I could think about. And now that I've got you in front of me like this, I am going to fulfill every desire you filled me with. I hope you're ready, love."

Joanne gulped audibly as her eyes went wide with slight fear.

No matter how fast she was, she had terrible stamina.

She had begun to feel like she was in boot camp all over again at this point.

Although, when she remembered how delicious the ecstasy she tasted mere moments ago was, she felt like she didn't mind being exhausted.

"I hope you don't think you were the only one harboring those feelings… you talked up a big game so don't dissapoint me..!"


The next morning at around ten am, the metallic door to Joanne's quarters slid open.

Stepping inside was a middle aged man with oily black hair and numerous bad tattoos.

He carried with him two boxes of cereal along with some of the goat's milk from the upstairs farming project, along with a handful of fresh fruit.

"Sis! I brought you something to eat! Figured you might be tired of eating… huh?"

When PG saw the two bowls of cold oyakodon sitting on the counter, he raised a brow in surprise.

His sister cooked? freё

For two?

And it didn't look like shit on a stick?

The fuck??

In addition, he found a pair of clothes lying on the kitchen floor, but there was hardly anything suspicious about that.

His sister had a bad habit of getting hot and just dropping her clothes wherever she felt like it.

PG dropped the groceries on the counter before he went combing through the apartment to search for his sister.

Unsurprisingly, the first place he checked was her bedroom where she was known to frequent.

The good news was, he found her!

The bad news was, he found that her entire room smelled like porn, and she was lying naked within the arms of a black demon.


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