Bro, I'm not an Undead!-Chapter 497 Venue (2)

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(A/N: Bonus Chapter).

Following the appearance of these three esteemed figures, on the row below theirs where ten seats could be spotted, multiple individuals with high standing spawned.

The Governor's son, two of his daughters, a burly man with a wild visage, his arms crossed over his expansive chest, three figures donning exquisite Mage robes and Ruhrees who leaned forward in his seat.

"Hmm... incredible," the Paladin Champion remarked as he took in the scenes below and above.

Such wealth...

On the last row, where twenty seats could be spotted, other well-respected persons were present – several dignified men with crests belonging to highly regarded Families, several Guilds Association officials, including the evaluator Alaris and a few others.

Below, under the massive tent that obscured the view of who sat in that very last row, several flashes of silver light appeared as well, the 234 Contenders having appeared.

Large spaces existed between them under the tent and as they sat, most of them marvelled at the stadium and the crowds above.


Among them, Skullius could be seen adorned in his VergeRider which took the usual form – a dark blue jacket with black leather bracers and dark fitting pants.

His senses spread wide in an attempt to take in the full surroundings but that was insufficient.

As a result, he switched to using Crude Vision, his eyes becoming ignited with a darkness.

The view became clear.


This place was big.

The concentration of mana was ridiculous but it didn't bear down on him as he thought, not that he minded.

Skullius ran his fingers over his arm, feeling the imprint of the Control Seal on it.

Right, this was Seal's doing.

The rules and regulations had been very clear.

He turned to the individuals on his sides but didn't get a chance to fully take it all in as a booming voice interrupted him.

It came from high up.

Rearren had stood up.

"Welcome all!"

With these words, the noise died down and everyone paid attention, most attempting to turn behind them so that they could see who was speaking.

However, for everyone's convenience, three hundred gigantic rectangular screens made of a clear glass materialised at the very centre of this stadium, accommodating the pre-established apportionments of all the viewers from top to bottom.

Over these screens, the face of Rearren showed, making the crowds sigh in relief.

Everything seemed well thought out!

"My name is Rearren EverSword. I'm sure most do not know who I am, at least you did not until now and for good reason," Rearren said, garnering many cheers and applause from the crowd.

So this was the host!

Rearren gestured for the two at his sides to stand.

Rias to his right and the woman to his left rose up and he went on to introduce them.

"This is my only son, Rias EverSword and this, is my wife, Millisa EverSword. We are part of a long line of bastions of strength for Pelian, much like the other five Houses. However, you do not know us because we mainly keep to ourselves. We only respond when needed. We are satisfied with being trump cards in the shadows. No. We were."

"That changes from today. The Royal Family chose to expand the reach of Pelian and its people to places overseas, allying itself with the Sif. This is a powerful decision in the long run that will cause a wave of diversity over our nation. Truly. Yet before that, I and my House wish to see Pelian groom herself from the inside."

The crowds maintained silence as Rearren's speech continued.

They already knew the objectives of the Premium Age Royale but hearing it from the horse's mouth was much more invigorating and possibly, more convincing.

"We, as the bastions of Pelian dating back tens of millennia are responsible for being too comfortable, letting this nation remain stagnant and failing to teach and groom with what has been passed down to us. It is our very nature. Greed. Sadly that doesn't change a simple fact. A fact that you and I share. We lack. We lack passion! We lack drive! Our blood has turned cold! It no longer hisses with the fire of challenge! Be it for combatants, for non-combatants! We have grown stale, getting comfortable in the long years inactivity!"

"We writhe in conflict with one another instead of teaching ourselves how to sharpen our skills! Those who desire to fight, to their fists! Those who desire to build, with their bricks! But even still, any profession can grow boring without something to look forward to at end of the day!"

"Do you not yearn for it, excitement of this kind?! Exchanging blows! Trading feet! Showcasing what Pelian has groomed in a marvellous setup so it can be enhanced! This is it! A break from normalcy! A cure for the cancer you all know! To forge a powerful nation and to strip ourselves of misguided collusions! This is it! You were born to witness it! However you benefit from it!"

Slowly, a wave of excitement began to permeate through the millions.


It had been boring.


It had been growing stale.

People needed something to look forward to.

Something to go and watch that also had a grander purpose in mind.

It would be great if the wandering bandits were taken care of.

It would be great if many got inspiration from watching the fights here, though the concern of fatalities being permissible was palpable.

Still... one couldn't help but anticipate.

"I do not know what this event will spurn. Success, failure, excitement, sorrow, fear... But at the end of it all, at very least, ensure that you can say this to yourself or your loved one at home..."

Rearren paused.

"....'I had a great FUCKING time!'"


The crowds cheered!

Many stood as they applauded, feeling a rush!

Rearren knew how to rile up the crowds.

They didn't want to have the objective of the PAR reiterated and explained in a political fashion. They wanted the more explosive and informal exposition that tickled their primal fancy!

They had been given what they wanted!

Indeed, this was better than they imagined!

Ruhrees scoffed.

As did the Governor's son.

'No wonder the Royal Family agreed to let him host this thing,' he thought.

"Now, allow me to hand over the mantle to the one who will be taking the reins to this event. The Game Master!" Rearren said.

Suddenly, the screens that aided everyone visually vanished and on the central platform, the square-shaped arena, a silver light flashed, a tall man appearing.

Despite the vast distance, the many witnesses found their eyes zooming in on this man and getting a clear, defined picture of everything on and around him.

The Control Seal was at work again!

Multi-coloured spheres of light burst from this man, flashing in different directions as they rose up before exploding in a beautiful light show of jubilee!

Music began to play, the type that made the heart race!

This man had dual coloured hair, part of it black and the other purple.

He wore a grin as he raised his head and spread his arms wide while being bathed in the residue of the colourful explosions – sparks of light that rained over the platform.


Everyone was pumped!

This Game Master sure was flashy!

The man opened his mouth and spoke. 𝙛𝘳𝘦e𝓌e𝗯n𝗼ѵ𝙚l.𝒄𝚘𝑚

"Ladies and gentlemen! Contenders and Witnesses! The most glorious event to occur in the past millennia is about to begin, a highlight to be remembered in the coming generations! Let me hear you scream in EXTRAVAGANCE!"




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