But for a Slime-Chapter 607 - 2.102.1 - Melancholy
Chapter One Hundred Two
Gwenvair huddled in the depths of her clan's dungeon, the cool damp air of the dungeon left her shivering despite her superior strength from her digits. Her legs pulled up hard into her chest as she sat curled up with her arms around her legs. She'd first sat against the wall to give herself something to lean against but the cold of the wall overwhelmed her body's temperature and she soon found herself sitting far from the walls to keep her heat.
Gwenvair struggled to keep her tears in, her teeth clenching as she shuddered in the cold. Please… please… Kilniara… Hear me! Please. Hear me! Gwenvair's calm had long been lost and was now replaced by a quiet internal pleading as she struggled to maintain her spirit. She knew that Kilniara had Heard her in the hall, following her advice carefully, but knew she hadn't Heard a whisper from Kilniara. And as time passed Gwenvair's hope frayed under the mounting fear. They could not hold her much longer if they wanted to sell her as an unaffiliated Queen. She would need to be sold soon, if … or will he auction me here? In my own home!?
The thought shattered her calm and tears flowed once again as shame and fear soaked through her thoughts. Time moved. Day followed night, barely visible to her as only a dim glow that reflected down the halls back to the dungeon entrance, and she spent it shivering from the cold and fear. Some days, she was strong, but other days followed where terror seemed to echo through her thoughts, uncontrollable. And through it all, she shouted out to her sister, hoping that she would be Heard.
* * *
Joe woke and found his bed empty. He startled. Where's Kilnia… The memory rushed back, crashing into him. The realization slapped him awake and he curled up, pulling into a tight ball as he wrapped his arms around himself. Tears fell from his cheeks and while his body shook from the deep body wracking sobs, he remained silent in his weeping. He rocked slowly and remained in his pain for hours. Towards the end, he simply lay on the bed and stared lifelessly at the ceiling.
His mind wandered and while he was not one to normally denigrate himself, he found himself spiraling badly. A nobleman… yeah… makes sense why she would go for him… but… I thought… Kilniara… she… it's OK… she … can choose. It's … Pain dragged him deeper and he struggled to pull himself out. After the struggle, he finally pulled himself away but soon found himself back, lost in his thoughts and turned to Gwenvair. His doubts mounted as the loss of Kilniara solidified certainty of Gwenvair's inevitable rejection.
His pain warped to rage, mainly directed towards the clan noble brat before it was overwhelmed once again as his thoughts turned back to Kilniara and the pain she'd crushed him with. He didn't leave his room until well after noon and when he did so, he simply chose to escape. The room became a horrible reminder of all his pain and only held his memories of Kilniara and, oddly, in a way he couldn't quite comprehend, Gwenvair.
His reaction was violent in his effort to escape and he pummeled his bag as he stuffed everything he had into it. The bag slapped against his back as he stood and fled the room. He stopped only long enough to slam a few coins on the table to cover any possible debt he might still have and immediately sought the streets. He found himself lost when he exited but then chose a direction only to flee. His wandering the streets took him another several hours before he was able to finally drive himself onward and he turned to the public baths instead.
After the bath, his cleanliness returned some equilibrium and he began to wonder what his options were. By the time his bath was finished, he'd firmly decided that Coushar was no longer a place he really wanted to be, and he dried, and dressed. However, he found himself fussing a bit much in his struggle to dry off, his chest, back, and neck refusing to dry well which only spiked his irritation. By the time he was adequately dry, he wanted nothing but to flee and immediately sought to leave the city. When he got closer to the city gates, however, he slowed ever more and soon became quite uncertain. Shortly after, he ended up standing in the middle of the street for some time before an angry shout from behind him shook him to awareness and he turned away with a sigh. I … no… not just yet… maybe…
Joe turned to the dungeons instead, finding the line almost empty for the beginner's dungeon, but he neither cared nor was he curious enough to seek out an explanation, simply ignoring all others until he was able to plunge into its depths.
The first 'day' had him raging, taking his anger out on the monsters around him then collapsing in a corner somewhere in moments of weakness when he fled from the sight of others and simply cried. The second 'day' was better, although he still found moments he needed to retreat. By the third day, he had numbed himself to the point that when his memories of Garnedell and Kilniara surfaced, he would simply stand dazed for a few moments before sighing deeply, sometimes brushing away tears, before turning his gaze to another monster and drowning himself in slaughter.
The fighting proved cathartic and he lost himself in it. He didn't know how long he'd been down there, but he did know that he found a corner in the maze on the fourth floor at least two times where he slept in the depths of the dungeon. He didn't know if it had been two days, five, or one. Only that he'd sought solace in sleep at least twice. He finally left in what felt like the afternoon of the third day, his thirst driving him more than his hunger as his thermos had emptied that morning.
* * *
Gwenvair woke with a start, the heavy clang of an iron bar echoing down the stone hallways. She blinked in confusion, then clenched with some fear. This… is not normal… not a meal time… not cleaning… why? She shivered, listening to the heavy boots walking down the hallway, a part of her dreading that the stomping feet were coming for her while another side of her desperately hoped they were just for something to happen. The feet stomped past her cell without stopping and she struggled to keep the sigh trapped within even as her shoulders slumped slightly, the monotony returning.
She quickly tried to return to sleep, just to deaden her emotions, her thoughts already wildly imagining a future that left her trembling in worry and fear. It took her a long time to escape her thoughts, retreating into the numbness of dreamless sleep.
* * *
Joe rose from the depths of the dungeon after what felt like three days of slaughter in the depths of the beginner's dungeon. He'd leveled more jobs in the three days in the depths than he'd done in almost a week's time of work, having leveled up fourteen jobs in the three days while he'd been down there. He stepped into the light of the day and squinted, surprised to find the sun late in the afternoon, with the sunset pouring into the entrance of the dungeon.
Raising a hand as he walked out the door, he sighed and grimaced, glancing around to find himself alone, which only had his memories of Gwenvair and Kilniara more vibrantly present. He struggled to withhold his tears when he found his surroundings empty of his friends and grimaced.
If only… stronger… better… maybe… better… job… Joe shook his head, turning away from the self-doubt and strode out passed the courtyard and through the dungeon wall gateway. Despite that, his memory proved resistant to his efforts to escape. A better… job! Save Garnedell… kept Kilniara… maybe… Gwenvair… Another… job… The thoughts drove him ever inward towards a destructive self-reflection and he frowned, struggling to turn away from them. The thoughts, however, did bring to mind the consideration of jobs and he latched on, seeking to escape memories of loss. Better job? Not sure there are many better jobs… but… a job… His meanderings reminded him of the overheard conversation of the men in the alleyway behind the courtyard of the inn once again and his ponderings turned towards it. Oh… right… uh… they called it… physicist… right? So… then… They said… hmmm… education line... that makes sense. But… He flipped open his available jobs and looked through it as he walked towards one of the guilds for a delicious meal. Education line… soo… ooh! Didn't they say something about the theorists? But…
His eyes slid down the theorists and found all of them, from what he could see, all completed… although… one slot between faith theorist and epistemologist? Should… is it a good idea to assume? But… I've looked at… oh! Realization hit him as he looked at the theorist jobs and he noticed that all the later ones were all at least level thirty or higher, but the base theorist and citizen theorist were both under level thirty. Limit cap? Level cap? Need all of them thirty? Or… maybe just the specialized ones? Or… maybe it is actually theorist? That…
The more he looked at the list, the more certain he was, although he had no proof of his certainty. Despite that, a certain passion drove him and he soon found himself grinning without realizing it. That… makes sense! That's gotta be it! Yeah… that would do it. The culmination of theory… a unified theory of jobs? Ha! Then… OK. Let's set that up! That… that should work, right?
Joe's despair was covered with a new purpose and he strode into the dungeoneer guild for a good meal, sitting with some happiness while playing with his status, exploring it to his heart's content now that he no longer had any companions from distracting him from its exploration. He flinched then plastered on a fake smile, struggling to ignore it, blinking a few times before clamping hard down on his heart with a subtle grimace. Its better this way… I'm free, yeah… can focus on what I gotta do. Numbness returned and he turned back to his status with a passion as forced as his retreat from his pain.
* * *
Gwenvair paced in her cell, her boredom having now overwhelmed worry for her future and anger had replaced her fear, giving her energy. It also helped with the stuttering cold that now seemed to invade her to her core, her movement now a necessity to stay warm. It was exhausting, somehow, in a way she could not understand, but the penetration of the cold kept her moving. She looked out of the deep dark of her cell and into the cheery warmth of the dancing torch on the wall, dim and weak, but somehow drawing her in a way she'd never realized before. The depth of the night made the darkness even deeper, and she walked. Four steps. Turn. Three steps. Turn. Four steps. The torch… A small step. Turn. Three steps. Turn. Four steps. She walked the entire night and with the rise of the sun, struggled on until the warmth of the day was able to penetrate her cell slightly before collapsing in the warmest spot she could find to sleep the day away. She woke with the cold as it began to seep into her cell once again, the depth of night returned and with it, her driving motivation to wake. She paced, for hours.
* * *
Joe lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling, numb. The headache from the morning was finally retreating, and he felt relieved. He rested like this for some time, a moment of peace as his mind remained numb to thought and he desperately clung to the lack of rage and despair that normally churned through his system. He knew it wasn't a good idea, but couldn't care enough to actually feel anymore. It just… Hurts… too much… just… don't think…
Joe had returned to the inn after his meal at one of the guild halls, now lacking any desire to continue his hunt in the depths of the dungeons. He wallowed in his bed for several days, sleeping at odd times, although he did sleep most of the nights away. The days were spent with him wandering back and forth around the room a few times when his sedentary lifestyle grew too much and he needed to move.
Sometimes he attempted to work his mana in some way, manipulating either raw mana or his mana points but then he would often sigh, too uncaring to put more effort into it, his thoughts turning to depressing memories and he would flee them. His escape was into nothingness, his mind a cloudy haze where he thought nothing and felt nothing. He would lay on his bed for hours, then go to the only chair in the room, bent over the desk with head in his hands while he stared at the grain of the wood without thought simply to escape his memories.
He tried. He really did try hard, but mostly, he was numb. He felt nothing and he had no drive to accomplish anything.
* * *
Gwenvair coughed, her lungs wet with mortal's disease and her fear for her future had long moved on to a fear of whether she would even have a future at all. She shifted, holding her arms wrapped tightly around her legs while she kept her legs pulled hard to her chest. It was deep in the night and she was lost in her overwhelmingly uncomfortable body, her suffering crushing any thoughts.
* * *
Kilniara sat on her luxurious bed with her arms wrapped around her knees while she rocked, struggling to keep her tears in while fear shuddered through her. She'd hardly left her room since being taken as promised secondary wife. She understood what Gwenvair had asked of her, the explanation coming after with some servants offering praise for her great wisdom, but despair still tore at her heart. Suddenly, she froze, Hearing the whispered pleas of her sister. Gwenvair called to her but Kilniara could do very little. All requests had been denied and she could find no other options. The whispered pleas from her sister died out and Kilniara's tears returned as she began rocking on her bed once again. What do I do? What do I do? How… what … do I do!
* * *
Joe woke again, his eyes drifting open as numbness quickly spread through his soul, his protection against the searing pain that always rose with his conscious. Still, he was too slow, and tears welled from his stone face, down his cheeks. He ignored them. Slowly, his tears died and he was able to raise a damp blanket to wipe the last of them away. He stared at the ceiling. The sun rose up through the morning window, brightening the room. He stared at the ceiling. The inn slowly came to life with the kitchen spooling up to prepare breakfast, the clanks of pots and pans echoing hollowly in his room. He stared at the ceiling. The dining room filled with people and the rousing sounds of happy conversations and renewed relationships echoing up the stairs. He stared at the ceiling. The dining room and kitchen swelled with noise another two times that day, for lunch and supper, although the noise of supper lasted quite a long time before dying out late in the evening as everyone sought their beds. Joe stared at the ceiling.
* * *
Kilniara struggled in her room, lost in her worries and shame. Slowly, her shame faded, replaced by an ever increasing worry as Gwenvair's cries came less and less and Kilniara Heard less from her. She never left her room, however, fear keeping her where she knew she was safe. No one visited, but today proved unique as her maid… I have a maid!... how do I… Kilniara shook her head and cleared her thoughts for the moment as her maid came to announce a visitor.
"Allanar Galgandar, mist mage, seeks your presence, promised of the Patriarch."
Kilniara clenched her teeth with her maid's arrival as the shock of her coming jolted her. She stared at the maid with some some uncertainty before suddenly understanding that the maid was awaiting her choice. She quickly jerked her head in agreement.
"Ah… yes, uh… please… ah… he can enter."
The maid stared at her, shock and fear flashing across her face. She froze for a bit before staring at her carefully then replying with some deeply worried caution.
"You wish to be alone in a room with another man as the Patriarch's promised?"
Kilniara blinked at that, her mind racing as she tried to understand what her maid was hinting at. Her thoughts struggled to grasp the hint.
"I should not be … alone?" Kilniara questioned but struggled to make it a statement.
Her maid proved wise and covered for her ignorance and she nodded, "Of course, promised. I will bring Yourza as well so we may chaperone."
"Thank you, Kalina. Bring her quickly, if you will."
"Yes, promised," Kalina bowed before backing out a step, then turning and exiting quickly.
Kilniara fussed with her clothing and attempted to work on the general cleanliness of her room while she waited for his arrival. Her room, however, was spotless, long cleaned and maintained by her maids and she soon found herself simply sitting on the edge of the bed waiting.
After some time, her maids finally entered, turning to the side. Kalina looked at Kilniara before flicking a glance at the sitting room and Kilniara quickly stood. Right… not the bed! She went into the sitting room and took a seat at a larger divan about the size of a love seat. The love seat was angled in the corner of the room and backed up just under a window so that it could shed a warm glow of light across the seat. A rug covered the center of the room with a small coffee table resting upon it. Opposite the divan, three smaller arm chairs arched artistically around the coffee table.
The two maids waited to the side, obviously playing the waiter to Kilniara and the soon to arrive mist mage, Allanar. Their door was opened by the guards outside and Allanar stepped into the room before bowing deeply.
"Promised. It is good to see you."
"Ah… Allan… uh… Mist mage Allanar. It is good to see you."
"Please. You may simply call me Allanar."
"Oh, then thank you. Please be comfortable with me as well, then."
"Thank you much, Promised."
The two fell silent and after a while, the mood of the room grew awkward before Kilniara finally coughed, "So. How can I help you?"
Allanar coughed as well, "Ah. Yes. I wished to report to you of upcoming events."
"Oh? Excellent. What would you have me know?"
"In the next month, the clan's celebration of the first Patriarch will be had and it is wise that you should be appropriately prepared for such an event. I wished to offer you news of this."
"Ah. That is good to know."
"Certainly. And I thought it wise to let you know that you have a prize opportunity to prepare for the seminal event for our clan. I feared others would not give you adequate warning."
"I am quite grateful. It is true, I have not been tol… I do not know of the clan's events. I appreciate your help."
Allanar bowed, "Certainly, Promised. Do you have an idea for preparation?"
Kilniara cocked her head with what she hoped was a graceful response to Allanar's bow, attempting to copy the Matriarch's grace, "This has caught me quite by surprise. I do not know of what I may do."
Allanar bowed again, "Then might I offer a prize opportunity?"
Kilniara struggled to find why Allanar was here but replied almost too honestly, "Please, help me."
Kilniara saw Allanar's eyes soften but he didn't say anything to her hidden plea, "Tomorrow, the clan goes to the capital. We will open the gate. We rarely have the opportunity. I believe that you will greatly enjoy it."
Kilniara struggled to stifle her despair and smiled softly while she bowed her head slightly, "Oh. Thank you for telling me of this opportunity. I am uncertain… I…"
Allanar's eyes hardened. He paused and seemed to struggle before flicking his eyes over to her two maids and Kilniara's eyes rose with some surprise. He leaned forward but did nothing else.
"I believe you will find the trip well worth your effort."
Kilniara paused at that, not replying. She did take a look over at the maids before looking at Allanar carefully then raising an eyebrow and turning her head slightly with a questioning look. She replied, so that she did not bring suspicion to the maids.
"You believe it is a good opportunity for me?... me."
Allanar sighed with some relief and nodded very shallowly before continuing, "It is an opportunity many in the clan are taking. Trips to the capital are rare."
Kilniara breathed deeply then looked to the two maids once again before silently mouthing very deliberately, "Why?"
Allanar froze, suddenly afraid in some way before glancing at the maids once again quickly. He then looked back at Kilniara and quickly shook his head.
"Then you will consider it, Promised?"
Kilniara quickly understood the conversation had ended and she stood as gracefully as she could, "I will, Allanar. I thank you for considering me."
Allanar smiled with some gallantry before bowing with his rising from the chair, "You are clan. It is only right we help one another."
Kilniara smiled at that, genuinely. For the first time, she felt some relief, "Thank you, truly."
Allanar smiled and turned away, "You're welcome, Promised. Ah!"
He turned back to look at Kilniara and came back to her to lean down and spoke softly but not too softly, "You may wish to gather as many funds as you may. This opportunity is quite rare."
He left quietly after that, saying little else and Kilniara stood in the middle of her sitting room in some thought. Yourza arrived at her side. Kilinara's thoughts whirled and she couldn't understand. Why would I need funds, if I … would not the clan purchase the clothing? Where would I get… She blinked in surprise and knew immediately what she must do.
"Shall we prepare for tomorrow, Promised?"
Kilniara quickly came to and turned to Yourza, "It would seem wise. I must be prepared to represent the clan appropriately."
"Of course, Promised. We will prepare immediately."
Yourza and Kalina bowed to her and turned away before quickly ransacking her closet and various clothing items, preparing bags and items for their trip tomorrow.
"Shall we prepare for a week, Promised?"
"Two weeks might be wisest."
"Yes, Promised."
Kilniara struggled to maintain her calm, unable to help with the packing and quickly came to understand why her husband-to-be… Joe… found others' help unpleasant. Most of her thoughts, however, whirled through uncertainty, trying to understand Allanar's purpose and wondering what tomorrow would look like. She could figure nothing out, but was certain of where to find her funds.
* * *
Joe stared at the ceiling. He didn't know how many days he'd been in his room, lost in his numb escape from the pain but he was quickly growing antsy. The pain was powerful, but his lazy lack of movement on his bed had him growing ever more unsatisfied with his lack of exercise. His life of diligent struggle to prepare himself physically was coming back to haunt him, finding himself unable to simply lose himself in motionless numbing nothingness. For the past day or two, he promised himself he would rise and move on, each morning a private promise. Tomorrow! Tomorrow… that… I'll... yeah, tomorrow.
He'd put it off several times now, but his dissatisfaction ground through him too strongly today, and he sighed as he stood. Alright… let's head out. He wrapped up his bag once again, over stuffing it now with the variety of added products he'd gained but found his bag and harness still enough to hold everything except the star weapons and the two spoon spears. Seeing the small spoon spear sized for Garnedell hit him hard, and he turned away, tears welling in his eyes for a few moments before he finally took a deep breath and numbed himself. Not going to need that…
Joe left behind the star weapons and Garnedell's spoon spear, having already his own and no desire to head into the advanced dungeon. He came to the door and paused, breathing deeply as his hand lay on the door but he couldn't find the motivation to push it open. He stood there for a good amount of time until he finally sighed and turned away, dropping his bag back on the floor before collapsing on the bed.
He lay there another hour or two before finally forcing himself to stand up again and preparing to head out once again. He stood with a sigh and took up his bag, still packed and ready to head out. This time, he stood and stomped towards the door with power, bringing up his hand and powering through, not allowing it to hold him back. He stepped out into the hallway and turned to the stairs, heading down them and finally outside.
Having made it outside, he found his motivation return and actually smiled a bit. He didn't notice the smile, however, and while his face showed pleasure, his heart remained numb, without emotion. He walked down the street. I'm going to leave now… I can leave… right? He headed for the gate to the entrance of Coushar and found himself slowing again. He stared at it for some time before he finally closed his eyes with a sigh and turned away. He headed for and entered the advanced dungeon less than an hour later, his heart heavy once again for reasons he could not understand. He immediately passed the first three floors until he made it to the fourth floor entrance where he set up to begin his grind killing monsters. Once again, he lost himself in the work, driving himself just to keep himself too occupied to remember the lack and loss of his friends and drive away any memories of them.
He'd already swapped his jobs out, now full of his various theorist jobs to push them up to where he needed. He was going to figure out what had been hinted at. Joe soon lost himself in the wave after wave of monsters, finally almost feeling something again.
* * *
Gwenvair's heavy cough echoed through the hall and she shivered laying on the floor. The night had been overwhelming and she'd barely made it through the night. With the sunrise, she was finally able to lay down for her sleep. Each day had her health failing more and more and struggling harder and harder to rest throughout the day. She fell asleep, collapsing in relief. She didn't know how long she slept but the screech and clang of the metal door slamming against the wall slithered into her conscious like viscous oil. Her eyes opened blearily with the clamoring but she didn't sit up and simply pulled tighter against herself to warm herself up. Steps thumped down the hallway but she ignored them, struggling to return to her sleep.
When the steps came to a halt, she sighed in relief and began falling back to sleep but another clang of a metal door woke her and she looked up with surprise to find her door open and two guards standing looking down upon her.
"Up! Time to go."
* * *
Kilniara wandered through the inner city streets, her maids following behind while excitedly chattering amongst themselves. She allowed them their space and simply stopped at random shops, purchasing small snacks from many of them. She made sure to purchase some snacks for the maids as well and soon they were less attentive to Kilniara and simply left her to the meanderings through the streets. Despite Kilniara's appearance of wandering, tension coiled within her as the sun continued, ever closer to setting and she struggled to maintain her façade of wandering while driving towards the wall gates leading to the outer city.
It took several moments but when they finally arrived, she passed through it and her maids' relaxed enjoyment turned to tense concern, their eyes glancing at the various masses surrounding them. Kilniara ignored them, and continued her ploy, wandering from snack store to street stall buying some of the best foods she could remember, making sure to share with her maids. Soon, the two relaxed once again and as they came closer to the inn, she began heading into shops and telling the maids to remain outside while going in. The maids were resistant at first, but her insistence and rapid return soon calmed them down. After, she began staying longer and longer in the shops, but always returning laden with small snacks to share with the maids.
After a while, they proved more relaxed and Kilniara sighed. Right… now or never… should be ok now, right?
She skipped the next few shops and food stalls she liked to stop by, claiming they were not very good before she finally arriving near the inn. She almost stuttered to a stop but pushed on through. She came to a shop pressed up directly against the inn on one side and stopped to look at it before grinning brightly and turning to the maids.
"I'll be right back. Wait here!"
The two nodded politely and when she turned to enter the shop, both quickly returned to gossip between themselves. Kilniara's heart rate spiked and she walked into the shop before glancing behind her at the two maids. They remained oblivious and she quickly turned to the shop keeper.
"Lead me to your rear courtyard. Quickly!"
The shop keeper, an older gentleman with salt and pepper hair bowed before standing, "Miss. You will find nothing…"
"Please. I do not have time. The rear courtyard. Now."
The man bowed quickly and turned away, leading her through the back of the shop past the woman cooking in the kitchen in the back. They came out in the rear of the shop and Kilniara quickly turned back to the man.
"Prepare three of your best snacks. Prepare them well and make them extra delicious. I will return and repay you well."
The man stared at her a few moments but then bowed quickly before turning away, "Yes, mistress."
Kilniara nodded back and watched as he headed back into the shop. Kilniara stared after him for a time before turning back to look at the shared courtyard wall with the inn. Kilniara hadn't been able to think of a way to use the alleyway that bordered two sides of the inn's courtyard and almost despaired before she remembered the small shop that shared a wall with the inn. She could only hope the shop also had a rear courtyard and felt only relief when she found herself standing in it.
She wasted no time, pulling her dress full up to her waist, the dress now barely covering her knees. She knew it was scandalous, but no one could see her and she feared ruining the dress. Prepared, she scrambled over the wall with a bit less grace than normal now that she was in petticoats and a dress, but made it well enough and leaped into the rear courtyard. Seeing it brought back memories and tears but she didn't have time. She quickly resettled her dress before rushing in through the back of the inn. She paid no mind to the kitchen staff and leapt up the stairs with speed before coming to the door and finding it locked. She almost despaired but then turned and fled back down the stairs into the kitchen.
"I'm so sorry. Do you have a key for the room? I do not have mine."
The inn keeper's wife turned to see her and raised an eyebrow, "Kilniara! Ur masta treats ya well! Ya look so 'eautiful!"
Kilniara smiled brightly, relieved to be back at her master's place, "Yes. He does. But I do not have the key to our room."
The wife frowned, "No key?"
"Master has it, but we forgot to exchange it. I do not wish to return all the way to the dungeon only to retrieve it."
The wife sighed and nodded, "Come 'long."
"Many thanks, goodwife!"
"Yes, yes. Ya coul' tha' me more by rem'b'ring ur keys."
Kilniara smiled at that, "I will strive to do so from now on."
The woman guffawed and shook her head, "Strive to do so, sh'says. But sh'do no' do."
Kilniara rolled her eyes at that but smiled, happy to be able to banter with another person once again without fear. The woman fumbled with the keys for a few moments before finally opening the door and standing to the side. Kilniara ran in and then stopped to look at the woman.
She rolled her eyes, "An' how will ya lock't up if'n I'm gone?"
Kilniara blushed at that and nodded but still spoke up, "At least close the door? I shan't be long."
The woman nodded and close the door and Kilniara leapt across the room to the drawer master kept the extra cores in. When she pulled it open, she could only sigh in relief and looked at the pile of cores. How many… a hundred? He said I … no… let us be safe… a thousand? Is a thousand a lot? Or… but… does he need them? So many… my foolish brother! Kilniara crushed her anger although her lips curled in rage. But Allanar said… I must need them for something? Allanar is a friend of the Matriarch and Gwenvair… and Joe, I'm certain. So… Then… yes… Joe will understand. A thousand then… no, more? Kilniara floundered for a time before finally deciding that it would be best to be safe. Her master rarely used the cores at all, so she had no fear that she would be depriving him, but she didn't not wish to leave him empty handed, so took half the cores available. Kilniara had no knowledge of how many she took, but her money pouch bulged under the weight and she quickly shifted up under her dress amongst the petticoats, fluffing them to hide the bulge.
Once done, she quickly exited and bowed to the innkeeper's wife, "Thank you. I am truly grateful."
The woman dismissed her with a wave of her hand, "T'is nothing. B'gone with ya."
Kilniara smiled, calling out to her as she fled down the stairs, "Then I shall be gone."
The woman laughed behind her and Kilniara felt a small bubble of laughter rise up with her as she turned the corner and exited out into the courtyard. She wasted no time and launched herself at the wall, scrambling up and over it and leaping down to the other side before freezing with some consternation when she heard a tear. No. No, no, no, no! No!
She quickly glanced around her dress and quickly despaired, realizing she'd climbed the wall without pulling it back up to protect it. She easily found the tear, a rather large one around her right knee and she struggled to keep her tears in check. What… how do! What can I do to fix…
A thought came to her and she wiped away her tears, quickly reentering the shop, rapidly passing the kitchen until she came back to the front of the shop. The older gentleman saw her return and look at her. He stared at her cautiously and she returned a soft nod.
"Many thanks, good man. Are the delicacies prepared?" A rather poor attempt at noble speech, but something she was attempting to emulate as best she could.
The older man nodded and waved to the counter where three delicate cakes on plates rested. Kilniara smiled and turned back to the door leading outside, opening it slightly before calling her maids in.
"Come in. The cakes are prepared!"
She turned away, relief jittering through her and now not caring what she would find. She made sure to keep the tear in her right knee hidden, trapping it between her legs as she turned back to the counter. She came up to the counter and took one of the cakes.
"How much for the cakes, good sir?"
The man looked at her before bowing his head slightly and offering a rather high price. She didn't care, relief her only feeling at the moment and she dug out the coins as the two maids entered. They exclaimed when they saw the cakes and all three dug in. Surprisingly, it was utterly delicious and Kilniara made note to return at a later time, but at this time, she could not truly enjoy it, the heavy pouch of coin hidden in her petticoat felt like burning coals in her mind.
They ate quickly enough and Kilniara sought an excuse to return to the clan. With the sun falling from the sky, it proved a convenient excuse and the two maids quickly gulped down the last of their cakes before Kilniara offered thanks for the delicious food.
As they excited the shop, Kilniara made sure to bump the frame of the door. She banged it hard enough, although it wasn't painful in the least. It was enough to draw the maids' attention and she made sure to tumble to the cobblestone outside, dragging the right part of her dress across the cobble stone, tearing it further. She cried out in faux pain as she settled back against the doorframe and made sure to show the tear on the dress. Kilniara continued crying softly, her muffled cries hidden behind hands pressed to her face. A small smile was also hidden behind her hands; a smile of relief.
The return home was delayed, but when they did return, she made certain to hide the pouch after the maids had put her to bed. She rested well; her best sleep in weeks.
* * *
Joe curled up in the fourth floor of the dungeon having finished his day and he decided to file through his current group of jobs he'd leveled, including the theorists and the jobs that he'd leveled almost a week ago but failed to explore simply because he'd retreated to his bed to escape bad memories.
Joe looked through the list of his jobs first, making a mental list of the jobs he'd invested in over the last week. Hmm… the Duelist's Hero… is there another after? Maybe? But nothing unlocked, so… Uh… Warrior had five jobs… uh… let's see… right… Conqueror, Partisan, Champ, Militant, and Slugger. Huh… guess the warrior is more like a berserker? Wait… there is a Berserker line… then… hmm… Joe's eye's glanced down the line of jobs and noticed several jobs named Bruiser and Brawler and realized it was likely the line of jobs were people who learned fighting organically, without any training. Satisfied with understanding the job set a bit more, he turned to his other jobs he'd unlocked.
He scanned his job list with some confusion, unable to find any newly raised jobs before flipping open his available jobs and realizing he'd decided to open another list of jobs. He had two obvious ones, nobility and crafting, which he'd not really opened up at all. He did level the opening crafter job to thirty to see the other jobs opening but decided to ignore them as most of the crafting jobs listed were not things he was truly interested in. Jobs such as messenger, miller, cobbler, barber, and potter were listed there and while he acknowledged the importance and necessity of the jobs, he doubted their usefulness for him at this time. That said, stats were stats, and he would definitely get them later but the thought of leveling up cobbler only to learn skills on how to make shoes really didn't tickle his fancy.
He did notice, however, a couple jobs that piqued his interest, such as Fortune Teller, Metal smith, and Dancer. He was interested in Metal smith for the obvious use of maintaining all his weaponry. Fortune Teller made him wonder just how much of an effect would magic have in this world on such a job. Dancer was… Joe clenched his teeth and shut his eyes, the memory of why that job had interested him returning fantasies of offering Kilniara dances flitting through his memories. He took several deep breaths and fled from the memory, returning to understanding his newest jobs.
He dismissed the crafter jobs from his thoughts more emphatically than he had when he considered which jobs to level and turned to look at the other set of jobs he'd chosen to pursue instead: nobility. Seeing the political turmoil in the city and the now new hostile clan leader in power, Joe hoped to find something that might offer some solutions for his place in the city. So, he'd opened up the nobility line first with Groom, which led to Page, then Squire. Groom proved relatively easy as he'd already pushed it to thirty a while back to increase his stats and not only that, it was a previous job under metropolitan so doubled up once he'd unlock the nobility line of jobs. Squire opened up a whole slew of new jobs and Joe had to consider which ones to open from there before finally deciding he didn't really care and simply went through them in order. He leveled Marshal, Watchmen, Chamberlain, and Chancellor.
Several other jobs also opened up under the nobility line as well but he decided that he really wanted to try to figure out the magical line of jobs. He'd seen Gwenvair's mage job and kicked himself for not asking how to get those jobs. Joe breathed deep again through clenched teeth with the remembrance of Gwenvair and he escaped from it once again, diving back into how he'd chosen to look at where the mage line of jobs might come from.
He'd looked through the list and finally decided that the citizen, crafting, criminal, and grouping lines would most likely not lead to any form of magical jobs although he could easily see how magic would have quite an impact on jobs in those lines. More like that some of those jobs would have magical abilities than they would actually be mages… or unlock mages. He'd finally settled on discarding crafting jobs as well and ended up looking at the final three groups he thought might unlock the mage: education, faith, and combat.
He'd spent some time in careful thought and ultimately decided to discard the combat group as a source that would unlock the mage jobs simply because he fell back on Earth myths about mages typically being highly intelligent and focused on knowledge and learning. He also discarded the faith line of jobs because all the jobs he'd unlocked seemed to be linked specifically to a god or goddess and nothing seemed to point to anything magic related. In contrast, the education line of jobs had several hints that it had jobs linked to mana: Mana-ologist, mana manipulator, mana doctor, and magic healer. He'd gotten a lot of those jobs above thirty but seemed to have still failed to unlock any mage jobs. So he'd looked at them and then decided to focus on Mana-ologist and Mana Manipulator and ultimately chose Mana Manipulator. More advanced, right? So… should be Manipulator? Maybe?
Those were the fourteen jobs he'd leveled when he'd fled to the dungeon for three days to escape Garnedell's death and the loss of both Gwenvair and Kilniara. He got them all to level forty each rather easily, now capable of raising a job from zero to forty in less than a half a day. He'd also leveled three theorist jobs today in an attempt to discover the hidden physicist job as well. He'd originally only leveled the generic theorist job and citizen theorist up to thirty but when nothing new was revealed, Joe grew adamant to figure it out and added another theorist job, criminal theorist, to his leveling today, finally leveling those three to forty as well. With those seventeen jobs leveled and remembered, he flipped open his skills to look what had opened up.
He'd gotten three new skills for theorist: enhance job abilities, a garbled unknown skill, and 'char:' skill growth. He grew excited seeing them but then groaned with some frustration at seeing how skill growth seemed to be initially locked behind their jobs. He sighed in frustration, learning ever more and more that he would have to choose, to some extent, between pursuing skills or pursuing stats.
Help. What does enhance job abilities skill do?
Joe actually felt some emotion for the first time in weeks, rage spiking irrationally and he struggled to calm himself. He sought peace and finally was able to pull his rage back under control. So… useless… but somehow… ok… helps jobs… all jobs? Just mine? People in my groups? Hmm… Help. What job abilities… uh, whose job abilities does this skill enhance?
OK. A little bit better… makes sense. Then, help, what does 'char:' skill growth do?
Ooh! Ok. I … what does that mean? What does a leveled up 'char:' skill do? How does that help? Hmm… right… what about the other skills? Help, does it level the skills attached to the char?
Help. What does that do?
And?! Joe ground his teeth and sighed, turning from the issue as his rage swelled unstably and he sought retreat from his wild emotions. He turned his thoughts to his other theorist jobs, seeking out the skills he'd learned for citizen theorist job. He found two new ones: predict job and double learning for citizen theorist jobs. The first was obvious as all other specific job line theorists also had the skill to predict job. The double learning for Citizen jobs was interesting, but obvious so quickly turned to his criminal theorist job and found his fortieth level job also did the same, doubling learning for criminal jobs. He found this interesting but also a bit unsatisfying as he realized that all the theorist jobs likely had the exact same skill specific to their line of jobs. It made sense, completely, but robbed him of his sense of discovery.
He decided to continue on with some excitement to look at Mana Manipulator, having been quite dissatisfied with what theorist had shown. He first looked at his available jobs, and while quite a few new ones were available in his combat and nobility line of jobs, nothing new showed up in the education line and he frowned. So… not in Mana Manipulator? Then… he flicked a glance above Mana Manipulator and found Mana-ologist and frowned. Must have picked the wrong one… can check tomorrow… that should work?
He then took a look at the new skills available and found two new ones: mana control and multi control. Mana control seemed understandable enough so quickly asked about multi control. Help. What does multi control do?
Joe raised an eyebrow at that, a bit confused. Help. What is a mana thread and how do you make it or control it?
Alright… guess that's fair. A bit outside the scope of this… maybe? Although a help system… Joe sighed and moved on, turning his attention to the next jobs he'd leveled and seeking out what skills he'd gained from them. He decided to look at the nobility line, interested to see if there was anything meaningful but fairly certain that the initial jobs, like all other job lines, were fairly basic and simple.
Groom proved disappointing, relating to exactly its title. It offered the skills becalm horse, clean stall, animal grooming, and clean barn. Joe snorted to see them, wondering why the groom would need skills to do such simple labor and turned to the page. The page proved a bit more interesting, with skills like speed + and speed ++, fade, memorization, placate authority, cook, and memorization. All of them seemed to make sense for the most part and he was a bit intrigued by placate authority. Wonder if it should actually be called 'suck up' or something? Brown noser? Joe chuckled at the thought and turned to the one skill that seemed odd: fade. Help. What does fade do?
Oh… oh! That… that makes sense. Fade into the background because your 'betters' are around. Joe snorted again at the classist nature of the skill but given the nature of the society he was in, it was beginning to make a lot of sense what the skills and abilities these jobs were going to have. He dismissed page and turned to squire.
Squire also proved to have quite a few skills as well, although many of them were duplicates of the page job. Squire had dress armor, speed +, fade, memorization, shield bearer, weapon bearer, armor bearer, and patrol. All skills were quite self-explanatory, especially now that he understood the page. Given his knowledge of how squires and pages helped and worked with knights back home on Earth, all the skills seemed to make quite a bit of sense to Joe, which also tickled Joe's 'wierdness bone' as the similarities seemed too great to really be coincidental. Normally, he would have dived down that rabbit trail to happily explore the oddity but right now only wanted to finish his chore he'd set for himself so he could escape to sleep. He turned to the other four nobility jobs.
All four offered normal expected skills. Marshal gave training +, leadership, command, and morale +. Obvious skills for a leader of military men. Watchman likewise gave obvious skills; swordsman, shield-man, bowman, and patrol. He did find watchman a bit interesting because it allowed the use of three combat tools, sword, shield, and bow. But other than that, it wasn't too remarkable. Although… the bow was still odd to the people during the monster tide, so… hmm…
Chamberlain proved simple, giving calculate, accounting, chamber maintenance, and chamber cleaning. Finally, chancellor offered the skills archival mind, official stamp, documentation, and charter. Seeing that chancellor had so many skills related to documentation but no writing skill was quite odd, although the skills seemed to be centered around essentially being a walking database or filing cabinet. Out of curiosity, he perused those skills. Help, what does archival mind, official stamp, documentation, and charter do?
Official Stamp: Authorize official activities for citizens of your master's domain.
Documentation: Create documentation for all official activities in your master's domain.
Charter: Offer charters for the formation of any bodies within your master's domain.
Joe snorted at the list, finding that an entire specific job was necessary for such important tasks in running a city or province. Wonder if a city or province would be crippled by losing their chancellor? Are all the records lost? Destroyed? Or just … loss of access… man… this is… well… guess it's the same as crashing the server… maybe… or burning the record building, but man… it just seems so much more fragile. This time with more levity in his heart, he turned to the rest of his jobs, exploring what skills he'd gained with his six combat jobs. All of them proved disappointing for skills, but he was overjoyed to gain almost a hundred base stats to all three of his physical resistances. His grin was quite genuine, for a time.
The duelist Hero job proved disappointing, simply inheriting the skills and abilities of the luminary job immediately preceding it and offering fencing skills and the ability to dual wield swords. Joe frowned wryly at the idea of dual wielding, having extensive experience in combat, with and without weapons. Dual wielding was a good way to lose an ear or a finger, if you were lucky. The less lucky lost hands and feet, and even heads. He immediately dismissed the hero job and turned to the warrior jobs that had unlocked.
When he saw conqueror, he actually grew interested for almost the first time, finding it to be a spear combatant. The first skill, like all other warrior line of jobs, inherited the first jobs skills': fighter. It also gained skill in spear with a bonus to attack +++, speed ++, and agility +++. Joe grinned with a bit of satisfaction as he pulled out his notebook and noted the conqueror job if he needed the spear skill in the future. His smile remained as he turned to partisan and it only grew when he found it also was a spear combatant, although leaning to more versatility, gaining the typical inherit fighter skill first, then receiving staff, spear, spetum, and voulge. His smile grew slightly. The job seemed to be entirely focused on long staff-like weaponry, and this job actually gave him four different types of spear weaponry. It annoyed him he needed a skill to use the weapons, but finding a job that allowed such a variety of spear weaponry had him feel a bit further at peace. Guess I can just use partisan job if all else fails and I have to change over to accepting this planets stats and things… I assume I'll lose my easy ability to use weapons as well if I don't have the matching skill. Hmm… at least an option to using the goblin ring… really don't want ANY rings on my fingers when I'm wielding weapons… so… maybe this is a good option, although… I'll lose a whole job slot to level… hm…
Joe sighed with a bit more melancholy with that realization and went back to his note in his notebook, adding the partisan job with a few underlines below the previous conqueror job before turning to the last three jobs.
Champ proved to be quite odd. It inherited fighter skills, like all other warrior based jobs, but its weapons were fists and spears. It was such an odd combination Joe found himself quite irritated by it; even insulted. Its second skill was pugilist and third was spear. The last two skills were heavy armor and large shield. He grimaced to see it, but added it under partisan as another job to consider, especially underlining the shield. Despite having found a class that offered shield and spear, he found himself deeply unsettled by the idea of adding pugilist to this class. It made no sense. Heavy armor and a shield could work well with a spear as a weapon, but what use was heavy armor to a boxer. Even more upsetting was the idea of a boxer with a shield.
Joe actually growled in disgust at seeing the odd setup, seriously considering crossing out the class on sheer principle alone. While he was able to reign in his disgust, he certainly didn't endure the insult and quickly moved on to the next class.
The next one proved interesting enough to catch his attention and he quickly forgot his disgust. Militant wasn't unusual, its first skill inheriting fighter like all others. The next skills proved incredibly unique, however. The job received the skills aura: righteous, aura: enrage, aura: taunt, and control aura. OK! That… ooh… nice… auras… but… this…
Enrage and taunt seemed easy enough to understand, as did control aura, but his interest was piqued enough that he still asked help to see an explanation for those three skills.
Aura: Taunt: Cause enemies to target you, reducing or removing allies as targets
Control Aura: Gain greater control over your auras.
The useless explanations almost brought out Joe's anger at the poor help the system offered. But… what are Auras… and… He sighed and moved on, the unusual new skills proving interesting enough that his mood couldn't be dampened quite so much. He then turned to the last skill. Help. What is aura: righteous?
OK… that… Wow! That… Joe found himself unable to really understand the implications behind the skill. It could be incredible, even over powered, or it could be rather mediocre, but the description really didn't seem to leave much room to consider it as mediocre. Some kind of range around me... and a buff like thing? Thats... pretty cool. He was also feeling a bit conflicted by it, considering the mind control aspect of it. Is it… something like an influence… or a straight up mind control… not sure I'm really liking this one? Although it doesn't affect allies in that way, so… maybe like some kind of charm thing… increases my likeability? Maybe? Joe's mind whirled with the possibilities for some time before he finally decided to turn to his last job.
The last job proved a bit more disappointing. As all others, it inherited fighter for its first skill. Its next skills were a bit more thematically useful, its weapon of focus was fists, giving the pugilist skill, a heavy punch skill, and a take hits skill. Makes sense… that works. The last skill was called no fear. It tickled his interest so he asked the system for some information.
So… obvious skill is obvious. But… dangerous? Control? Sometimes fear is good, so…
Joe spent a good ten or so minutes really pondering the skill but ultimately ended up thinking in circles as there really wasn't enough data in the name or description to really let him know what possible consequences could exist. He also came down from his high of finding the new skills, especially the aura skills and the dopamine hit of discovery quickly vanished under the veil of his repression as his thoughts naturally turned towards revealing his joy and knowledge with Garnedell and the others. This quickly reminded him of why he was even here alone and the joy of discovery turned to ash in his mouth.
He turned away from his thoughts and buried himself into the corner where he'd chosen to camp for the night, his thoughts struggling to escape his despair. He was able to blank his mind and withdraw from the pain, but while his emotions were muted, he still couldn't sleep.
He wrapped one of the cloaks around him as well as layering the ground of the dungeon with the other cloaks to give himself some semblance of comfort on the hard stone floors, but he ended up simply laying there, still too wired to sleep as a small thought niggled at the back of his mind: he hadn't recorded his new jobs in his notebook. He ignored it for quite some time, but his lack of exhaustion and the drive to get it done finally had him sit back up and go through each new job and note down their level one stats. When he completed it, he finally felt some sense of peace, or at least a sense of accomplishing his work for the day, and was able to find some relaxation. It didn't help him sleep; not for quite some time. But it did allow him to relax enough to turn to perusing his status page, flipping through each of his pages and studying them with boredom, even the empty curse page. When he finally felt his eyelids drooping, he flipped off his status and soon drifted asleep some half hour later. His sleep wasn't pleasant, but it was an escape, and for that, he found immense relief.
* * *
The Saga priests of Coushar gathered in one of the meeting halls of their temple and chattered in mad cacophony. The head of the Coushar temple sat and watched, but said nothing as dozens upon dozens shouted, offering their thoughts or demanding action. But he simply thought, stunned. Four jobs … four jobs in only so many weeks. How did he do this? They were deeply concerned with the speed of the man's growth, but also struggling to hide their greed as thoughts raced. Those who feared counseled caution, while those who let greed rule agitated all in an attempt to bring forth some kind of action. And the head of the temple brooded. We must keep this to ourselves! We could easily dominate all temple… dominate all! Even the clans!
"We must seek him out!"
"And what? Tell an eccentric we know his secret?"
"Offer him … pay him for what he knows!"
"What offer can you give to a being with such power? If he wanted it, he would simply take it from us!"
"We must come as supplica…"
"You would have us beg?!"
"And you would go to him hoping on his good will he would not slaughter all of us once he knows we have pierced the veil of his secrecy?"
"If he did not want us to know, then he woul…"
"Hidden it from us? Hidden the messages of the gods and goddesses?"
That brought a shiver to everyone, as the ramifications of such power slithered fear down everyone's spinal equivalents.
"Maybe he does not know," a whispered sigh restarted the conversation into roaring confrontation once again.
"Then we should not tell him! If he were to know."
"What… he would kill all temples of Saga?"
"At least the one that knows…"
This brought cautious concern again as all calmed in thought before the discussion roared forth again, a seesaw of caution warring against the greed each struggled to temper in their hearts.
The head of the Coushar temple remained silent but struggled as all the others did as fear warred with ever greater greed. Before, without knowing who the eccentric was, there had been a despair at finding the elusive key to this overwhelming power. But now, the knowledge burned within each one of them. Knowing the man was in the city itself and only a few minutes' walk away ate away at their caution as greed burned deep within every heart.
Current Job
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Joe McConnell
Physical Resistances
Magical Resistances
Magic Defense
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Loki Patriarch
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Joe McConnell
Physical Resistances
Magical Resistances
Magic Defense
Citizen Theorist
Loki Patriarch
Current Job
Available Jobs
Current Skills
All Skills
Joe McConnell
Physical Resistances
Magical Resistances
Royal Road is the home of this novel. Visit there to read the original and support the author.Defense
Magic Defense
Criminal Theorist
Loki Patriarch
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Available Jobs
Current Skills
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Joe McConnell
Physical Resistances
Magical Resistances
Magic Defense
Mana Manipulator
Loki Patriarch
Current Job
Available Jobs
Current Skills
All Skills
Joe McConnell
Physical Resistances
Magical Resistances
Magic Defense
Loki Patriarch
Current Job
Available Jobs
Current Skills
All Skills
Joe McConnell
Physical Resistances
Magical Resistances
Magic Defense
Loki Patriarch
Current Job
Available Jobs
Current Skills
All Skills
Joe McConnell
Physical Resistances
Magical Resistances
Magic Defense
Loki Patriarch
Current Job
Available Jobs
Current Skills
All Skills
Joe McConnell
Physical Resistances
Magical Resistances
Magic Defense
Loki Patriarch