Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1761 Crazy Father And Daughter Duo

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Chapter 1761 Crazy Father And Daughter Duo

Date- 16 April 2321

Time- 16:15

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Eastern Sector

As Jill spoke these words she felt relieved, as if a burden was off her heart. She was genuinely happy for boldly declaring her undying love for Wyatt. Now she could shamelessly pursue him. Yes, it would hurt to be rejected by him again and again or see him with other girls, but what can she do heart wants what it wants.

Wyatt looked at Jill in a daze, he wondered how his sincere apology and polite rejection turned into Jill's heartfelt confession. Not wanting to make the lively atmosphere awkward he said, "Hey, your physique did not act up even though we kissed. How about that?"

"Well, I have come to a compromise with it, It will no longer bother me as long as I strive to get it your seeds," Jill stuck close to Wyatt, even though he tried to distance himself from her. Now that she had fully adapted to the shameless pursuit, this was hardly anything.

"You are not kidding right?" Wyatt asked Jill if she was being serious. He knew Jill's physique was sentient to a level but to learn that it could communicate with her too was astonishing to him.

"No, I am not. Your death has also scared it straight, making it more reasonable. I can now vaguely communicate it through my grimoire. It can signal its intentions to me by updating its info in the grimoire, changing or adding new information to it. I was astonished to learn it can do that," Jill explained to Wyatt that she was not kidding and she did reach a compromise with her physique.

"How does that work?" Wyatt was baffled by Jill's explanation of her physique's new capabilities. A physique having a mind of its own was an absolute mind-bending concept, especially in the case of Jill's physique.

"The new update info of my physique showed that it would no longer control my emotions and sexual desires as long as I dated the opposite sex approved by it. Conveniently, you are the only one it approves i.e. until it comes across someone more perfect than you but that is a problem for another day. For now, I am all yours to use," Jill shared very intimate information about her physique with Wyatt in detail without any shyness as if it were normal.

However, she seemed to have zero idea that her updated physique only made Wyatt more vary of her and was more likely to scare him away. At least the last time they did it, Jill was not used to her physique and it was like two individuals fighting for control, but now that Jill and her physique have teamed up they made a deadly duo with one goal in mind, seduce Wyatt.

"Haha, good for you," Wyatt had nothing to say since Jill had made it clear that nothing he said or did would change her mind. So he could only control himself and be more cautious around her.

"So how was the kiss? Not bad right? I read many books on kissing since you complained that my kiss was childish when we did it. Did you like the twirl I did at the end," Jill asked bringing her face closer to Wyatt's and her lips dangerously closer to his.

"Jill, this is sexual harassment," Wyatt said hurridly taking a few steps back.

Jill frowned unable to refute Wyatt as she was new to playing a rogue pervert. However, surprise surprise her father came to her rescue.

"Sexual harassment, boy you lost the right to claim that when you defiled my daughter. Now, have you decided to take responsibility and do the right thing or do I have to help you decide?" Demigod Norley flew toward Jill and Wyatt who were in a secluded corner of a public park.

"Dad, what are you doing here? Did I not ask you not to follow us?" Jill was astonished to hear her father and wondered if he had been eavesdropping on them. She was too embarrassed to ask him about it.

"You shut up. How can you come to a secluded corner of a park with a boy? Haven't you done enough to disgrace our family? I thought I had raised you better," Giving his daughter an earful Demigod Norley turned to Wyatt and yelled, "Boy aren't you greedy, you are willing to taste the honey not but not buy the honey pot. How dare you bring my daughter to this dirty place?"

Wyatt was speechless. It was Jill who led him here. However, the irony of bringing a girl behind a secluded bush was not lost on him.

"Old man, keep your honey and honey pot. I have had enough of you, crazy father and daughter. I am leaving," Wyatt said in fit and prepared to leave but he found that he could not move a muscle in his body. It was like he was stuck in the space. Upon using his soul pupil Wyatt realized Demigod Norley was using the space rule to immobilize him.

"What happened boy? Didn't you say you were leaving? Or did you change your mind and decide to apologize to this old man for your rude behavior," Demigod Norley landed right next to immobilized Wyatt and asked him with a subtle grin on his face. He had controlled his space rule and directed it on Wyatt in so precisely that only he who was using the space rule and Wyatt who was experiencing the space rule could feel the presence of the space rule.

A fuse went off in Wyatt's head looking at the subtle grin on Demigod Norley's face. He wanted to yell furiously at him that had he no shame in bullying the younger generation but he could not move his lower jaw and could only aggressively stare at Demigod Norley with his eyes.

"What's going on here?" Jill asked seeing Wyatt stare at her father with a deed grudge instead of leaving as he announced. Demigod Norley's command over his space rule was excellent even a renowned researcher like Jill could not sense him using it to immobilize Wyatt.