Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1769 Traditional Minded

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Chapter 1769 Traditional Minded

Date- 16 April 2321

Time- 18:35

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters, Blood rock cave, Seed world

"Wyatt, hold up," Park who was silent till now suddenly spoke up.

"Didn't I say not to disturb me," Wyatt frowned in annoyance, he accepted this from Corey but not Park.

"This sub-space is within the dungeon seal, so I believe that Handsome Fox's ability should not affect big sis Susan in here," Park has been contemplating this for long, doubting herself believing that would have known this if it were. But then she decided to go with her understanding. She too like Corey was very opposed to the idea of Wyatt using his spiritual sense on unconscious Susan.

"You're mistaken, only the tracking part of his ability will not work in here. As for the hypnotic suggestion, it has a conditional trigger to it, it will activate as long as the conditions are met regardless of the location. Bloodette is an example of this. Besides, I believe Susan's hypnotic condition has been triggered explaining her out-of-ordinary behavior. Was I not clear earlier?" Wyatt did not hide his displeasure as he answered Park.

"..." Listening to Wyatt's detailed explanation Park was embarrassed. If not for her flame body her face would have turned red of embarrassment and shame.

Shaking his head Wyatt said, "Guys, I know you two are thinking of Susan but you guys need to trust me. She is my best employee, I would not do something like that to her. Just think of me as a medical card apprentice, can you two do that?"

Wyatt did not get angry at Corey or Park because they were worried for Susan. Any concerned friend or family would have reacted the same way. But he expected a little more openness from Park. After all, she was a demoness who survived in the dark realm for nearly a century. Her reaction may be because the person here was someone whom she considered as her mother.

Corey's gaze alternated between unconscious Susan and Wyatt before she reluctantly uttered, "Fine."

As for Park, surprisingly, she remained quiet. Causing Wyatt to frown. He tried to be understanding of their concerns. He even went as far as to address those concerns of theirs and assure them but she still could not bring to trust him.

Even Corey was puzzled to see Park hesitate and asked, "What's wrong? Even though I don't like him. I trust him to be professional and ethical."

"It is not about Wyatt that I am concerned about. I am concerned about our mother. You know she is traditional-minded. I don't know if she will be okay when she learns of this," Park explained that the root of her concern was not with Wyatt but with Susan. She did not bother to hide the fact she believed Susan to be her mother by continuing to call her big sis.

"Oh, I did not even think about that," Being pointed out by Park it finally dawned on Corey that Susan might not agree with the cure prescribed for her problem.

Wyatt also nodded in understanding, how long it took Susan to come to terms with her feelings for him because of their age and status gap compared to Jill, Anna, Luna, and Ann who were old enough to be his grandmas. He too was not sure how Susan would react if she knew that he used his divine sense on her. She did boldly kiss him, which seemed to be a one-time deal as she only gained the courage to do so because she thought he had died and afterward she would not even dare to be alone in the same room with Wyatt.

"I hate to say this but Park, I don't think she would mind if it's Wyatt. If had to be somebody, then she would prefer Wyatt. After all, she does have a thing for him," Corey uttered scratching the back of her head. She could not believe that she said those words.

"You are right, I should stop overthinking this. Removing the hypnotic suggestion implanted in her takes priority," Park said making up her mind and then added, "If neither of us tells her then she won't know."

Corey and Park exchanged a look and nodded in agreement, then turned to Wyatt for his consent but to their surprise, he grinned saying, "I must be the luckiest dude alive, to have would-be stepdaughters who are willing to help me check the goods before I invest more time in pursuing their mother."

Listening to Wyatt's words Corey and Park blinked in bafflement, awakening from the daze Corey yelled, "Who the fuck are you calling your stepdaughters?

"What the fuck do you mean by checking the goods?"

"Believe it or not, I will castrate you right here."

"I am kidding, relax. Geez, you gals are no fun," Wyatt hurriedly explained seeing both the Coreys lose it. All the annoyance that had built up because of their constant interruption finally vanished.

"I don't trust him a single bit," Corey announced to Park who kept glaring at Wyatt and said, "Wyatt that joke was not funny."

"For you maybe but I thought it was hilarious. The look on your faces was priceless," Wyatt laughed aloud. Dredre who had just returned from finishing her regular rounds of her forest, had no clue what they were talking about. After all, the reproduction in Pixies and Humans was entirely different.

"We do not have any other choice. He knows that and is taking full advantage of it," Park replied to Corey. If she was not concerned about Wyatt taking advantage of unconscious Susan with his spiritual sense now she was.

"You two clowns go continue your discussion somewhere else and remember next time either of you disturbs me I will not be polite," With a wave of his hand Wyatt separated the space, isolating him and the unconscious Susan from the rest. If not for Dredre's sake Wyatt would have kicked both of them out of the seed world.