Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1773 Wits Over Cards

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Chapter 1773 Wits Over Cards

Date- 16 April 2321

Time- 20:23

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters

"What is it, Your Highness, you name it," Wyatt asked eagerly, nobody could be more eager than him to kill Handsome Fox. Not only did that bastard harm his friends but also sold the card world to the greediest devil of the dark race. He had pushed the world into a second demon war. Someone like him did not deserve to live.

"Good, find me and I will help you out," Seeing that Wyatt did not even bother to search, Field Marshal Heatsend felt like a fool trying to test Wyatt's aura sight card's capability. However, she planned to help Wyatt out even if he failed to find her. The point of this was that she just wanted Wyatt to participate and entertain her curiosity about his origin card.

"Your Highness, I don't how these two are related," Wyatt asked, while he noted that Field Marshal Heatsend might have grown suspicious of his origin card. If not he has to seriously consider whether it was him or every powerful being he runs into had a few screws loose.

"Enough with the questions, you have a minute to find me," Field Marshal Heatsend announced leaving no room for Wyatt to argue.

'Fuck,' Wyatt cussed in his mind, he was in a dilemma wondering if Field Marshal Heatsend was doing this based on a whim or if she was suspicious of his origin card. If it was because of her whim he did not mind showing off to Field Marshal but if she was suspicious he would rather take a step back and find another helper. His soul pupils were his core secret, he would rather deal with Handsome Fox some other time than reveal it to the world.

The minute time limit created pressure on Wyatt, putting him on the spot to make a fast decision. Wyatt wreaked his mind trying to make a decision, stakes were high.

There was a reason why Wyatt did not have his other consciousnesses searching for Field Marshal Heatsend while he was persuading her, it was because he knew that once he spotted her with his eyes her eyes would also notice his gaze like earlier. There was no doubt in Wyatt's mind that Field Marshal's eyes were extraordinary, he would be a fool if he denied it even after seeing their soul pathways morph into stars.

'Screw it,' Wyatt decisively made a decision that was to find Field Marshal Heatsend without using his soul pupils this way he could enjoy the good of both worlds. He will not have to worry about revealing his soul pupils and also gain Field Marshal's help to catch Handsome Fox.

Now the million dollar question was how was he going to do it, with a few tens seconds at his disposal. Without much thought, Wyatt resonated his body to the hum(vibration) of the world, instantly entering the one with the world state physically and spiritually.

This was just a show for Field Marshal Heatsend so that she would not realize that Wyatt existed in both spiritual and physical planes simultaneously. Entering the one with the world state physically and spiritually Wyatt began to use his spiritual sense to search for the location where Field Marshal Heatsend's spiritual channel connected to the spiritual plane. Such that based on its location he could map the Field Marshal's location in the physical plane without using his soul pupils.

This method Wyatt had learned from Agent Forger. After having achieved the state where could exist on both physical and spiritual planes simultaneously Wyatt had the idea to mimic Agent Forger's instantaneous teleportation-type ability. With his body reconstruction and myriad demon transformation skills, it would not be difficult for him to achieve it as long as he practiced a little. However, recently he was so busy with Handsome Fox that he did not have the time to try it.

With the help of his spiritual sense, Wyatt scanned the surrounding spiritual space and soon he spotted a tiny opening in the spiritual realm, he did not prob it just observed but to his surprise, it reacted to his spiritual sense and released a stronger spiritual sense. Wyatt hurriedly withdrew his spiritual sense and returned to the physical plane one to hear Field Marshal Heatsend say, "It seems you have learned a thing or two from your battle with Agent Forger."

*Sigh* Field Marshal Heatsend's sigh was out of disappointment. She was not disappointed in Wyatt she was disappointed in Anna and Ann. All three of them fought against Agent Forger but the one to learn a valuable lesson from that battle was not the Card Emperors capable of going toe to toe with Card Demigods when fused but a Card Master.

Field Marshal was not disappointed that fusion Anna and Ann lost to Agent Forger, she was disappointed that they did not learn anything from their loss. Especially considering that if Wyatt had not waged his life and intervened they could have died in the hands of the enemy. The fact that Anna was the next ruler made it more disappointing. She could only blame her brother and his family for spoiling the heir to the southern throne.

Returning to the physical plane, Wyatt gazed at the location Field Marshal was hiding and said, "Yes, Your Highness. The battle with Agent Forger was very productive, I learned a lot from that battle. By the way, does this consider me finding you?"

"Yes, it does. Will you look at that you found me with a few minutes to spare," Field Marshal's voice did not have any hint of displeasure, rather she seemed to be happy that Wyatt found her using his wits.

Field Marshal had no reason to be displeased as she did not condition him to find her using his origin card. Not to mention this also concluded her suspicion about there being more to Wyatt's aura sight origin card. If there was nothing to hide about this origin card he would have first tried to find her with his origin card and then if he failed use his brain to find her using her spiritual channel's connection to the spiritual plane. It was clear to her Wyatt did not want to use his origin card with her scrutinizing it.