Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1774 Dream Of Every Man

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Chapter 1774 Dream Of Every Man

Date- 16 April 2321

Time- 20:35

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters

"Your Highness, how do we proceed with Handsome Fox matter?" Wyatt had a smile pasted on his face convincing Field Marshal to help him. It was indeed an achievement to be proud of after all she was one of the top ten strongest in the card world.

"You have a plan don't you, no need to stand on ceremony around me. Don't let the status difference overwhelm you or worry about hurting my ego, I don't mind following competent people even if they are weaker than me. As long as the mission is successful nothing else matters," Field Marshal Heatsend despite her rank now once used to be a soldier. For a princess to be a soldier was not easy she was used to similar situations countless times before and understood that objective mattered over all else.

"Your Highness, it would be a lot easier to communicate if you were to present here," Field Marshal Heatsend did not reveal herself after Wyatt found her, wondering if she forgot Wyatt reminded her. She might have not noticed since she could see him while it was inconvenient for him to continue to talk to the clouds. Luckily he was on the top of the tower, otherwise, people would think that he was crazy talking to himself.

"No, I don't trust your eyes. They seem to be the dream of every man," Field Marshal Heatsend complained. She had her speculations about why Wyatt was unaffected despite having locked eyes with her. One of them was very obscene. If it was true then Wyatt would be the enemy of every woman, father, brother, husband, and lover but envy of every horny pervert.

Listening to Feld Marshal's words Wyatt felt a chill on his back as he understood Field Marshal Heatsend had already concluded that there was a problem with the royal family's information on his origin card. But he calmed himself down thinking it was fine as long as she did not ask him about it.

"Your Highness, please be rest assured I would not dare," Wyatt did not deny her because her divine sense was constantly monitoring him. Lying would do him no good. From his experience the more he tried to explain the more he would look guilty i.e. useless he was prepared to reveal his origin card and prove his innocence.

"You are indeed a lucky fellow to get such an origin card but it would not be half as amazing if not for your big brain," curbing her curiosity and disgust, Field Marshal did not probe into Wyatt's origin card but did subtly hint to him not to worry as the card would be of less use without him using it.

"Thank you for praise Your Highness, but I need you to perform a tracking curse so it would be convenient if you were present," Wyatt sighed in relief seeing that Field Marshal did not ask him about his origin card and even assured him that his secret was safe with her.

"Kid, don't push your luck. I am being very generous here. Just tell me what you need my help with," The top ten strongest of the card world were afraid to appear in front of a card master, she did not want to put herself in a position where she would want to kill Wyatt. She had various methods to block senses and perception but she was worried that Wyatt could see through them too. Her worries were legitimate, if Wyatt's eyes spotted her hiding in the clouds when the divine sense of some rookie demigods failed to, what could they spot when she was right next to him? She did not want to take any chances.

"..." Wyatt was speechless, it seemed the more he kept quiet about his origin card the more the misunderstanding Field Marshal had about his origin card grew. His soul pupils allowed him to see through the soul pathways, not clothes. However, if he were to use his soul pupils partially i.e. see through the soul pathways of the clothes and with that out of the way what was left was—- Wyatt dare not think about the forbidden ability when covered in Field Marshal's divine sense.

Wyatt suddenly thought back to when Corey and Park also talked to him in a similar tone. Causing Wyatt to wonder if today was not his day. It appears as if today the universe was out to label him as a pervert to every woman he came across.

First Corey and Park, now Field Marshal. Luckily for him, Field Marshal was generous enough to not force him to reveal his origin card info. But he could not help but wonder if she did not ask him about his ability's effects because she did not want to compromise his privacy or if it was because she was afraid to learn that his origin card could compromise her privacy. Now this was nerve-wracking.

"Wyatt, don't waste my time. Let us be done with this and not meet until absolutely necessary," Field Marshal Heatsend called out to Wyatt, warning him not to meet her unless it was necessary.

Wyatt shook his head helplessly understanding that nothing he said would change Field Marshal Heatsend's opinion about his origin card that was unless he was willing to share the soul pupil card's info with her. Only then will her heart be at ease and be comfortable around him.

Wyatt did not make the mistake of thinking for a second that Field Marshal Heatsend was afraid of him. Just because the Elephant doesn't want to step on the ant doesn't mean that the Elephant was afraid of the ant.

In this instance, Wyatt agreed with what demigod Norley said, he was lucky that the Southern Royal family was backing him. Had it been someone else in Field Marshal Heatsend's place Wyatt did not think that they could resist the greed of his origin card even though it was a speculation that it was capable of wonders. Heatsend Family was filled with incompetent brutes but they were loyal and honorable.