Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1778 More Questions

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Chapter 1778 More Questions

Date- 16 April 2321

Time- 21:23

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters

"Here, I have already traced the roots in the soul pathway," Wyatt said holding out Susan's blood curse substitute card.

The card soon vanished from Wyatt's hand. Equipping the card Field Marshal exclaimed, "This one is bigger and more energetic than the last one."

"Yes, this one is alive. So, please take precautions when you use your tracking curse card on it. As it might alert Handsome Fox that someone is using it to track him," Wyatt cautioned Field Marshal to be careful.

"Relax, my ancestor's curse cards are top-tier, the target will not even know that they have been cursed," Field Marshal assured Wyatt as she proceeded to use her tracking curse card on the nexus of roots in the soul pathway arrangements of Susan's blood curse substitute. The nexus was none other than the germinated seed of the hypnotic suggestion Handsome Fox had planted in Susan.

Using the tracking curse card on the germinated seed, Field Marshal gave it access to the confidential map in her grimoire. Then the card began to mark the map, seeing that it marked more than one location and did not plan on stopping anytime soon Field Marshal Heatsend shook her head in dismay.

Soon, the once-empty map was filled with numerous marks. In some areas, the map borders were no longer visible because of the cluttered marks. This time around the marked targets were a few times more than the number of the targets marked by the previous curse tracking.

"Fuck," Wyatt blurted in shock looking at the map which was filled with marked locations.

"Language, little man," Field Marshal corrected Wyatt. She too was surprised to see that the targets marked this time around were a few times more than the previous search but she did not understand what the big deal was.

"What is that bastard up to?" Wyatt ignored Field Marshal as now his mind could only try to understand what Handsome Fox was planning.

Field Marshal frowned seeing Wyatt continue to use coarse words but noticing that he was physically present staring at the map but mentally absent she thought Wyatt might have discovered something devious.

After waiting for Wyatt to gather his thoughts, she asked him, "What is going on?"

"Your Highness, the targets marked by the cursed are all the victims who are actively under Handsome Fox's control at present," Wyatt answered with a grim face.

"How can this be? Based on the number of the locations marked, he has a large army at his disposal, spread across the five regions and the empire. Not to mention those in the unexplored area of the Way Beyond," the Field Marshal exclaimed in disbelief even though the evidence was right in front of her.

"Based on the brightness of the marks, most of them are high-level card apprentices. The number of demigods under his control is close to a small army," Wyatt pointed out the obvious to the Field Marshal thinking that she might have not taken it in considering the shock from his previous statement.

"How is it that a big organization like this went unnoticed until today? What are those geezers in the Central capital doing? Have they been slacking off because of decades of peace?" Field Marshal yelled in rage overcoming the helplessness she felt seeing the strength Handsome Fox had gathered under him across the five regions, empire, and the Way Beyond.

In front of him the Matron, Supreme Leader, and Emissary of the light looked like children. Field Marshal wondered how someone like him did not show up to struggle for power in Clown Mask's alternate future vision. Unless he helped the three mischiefs in their conquest from the background. If that were true then why did he not show up when Aba Windsor overthrew the three mischiefs? Or did he show up after Clown Mask died?

Like Wyatt, Field Marshal also had the full knowledge of the alternate future seen by Clown Mask. Therefore she had enough info to widely speculate Handsome Fox's intentions. Especially the fact that Handsome Fox did not show himself during the power struggle. After all, from the looks of it he seemed to have the power and means to take the bigger piece for himself.

Then suddenly Field Marshal felt a chill thinking, if the variable named Wyatt did not appear then Handsome Fox might not have shown himself. Even if he did none would come close to the point of revealing him like Wyatt was right now. If not for the vision, Clown Mask would not have rebelled and none of this would have been possible. In a way, the Supreme Leader had dropped a stone on his foot.

"Your Highness, forget about Central Capital and the founding leaders. I think you need to focus on the southern capital. The number of high-level card apprentices under handsome Fox's control in the Southern Capital is concerning," Wyatt pointed out to Field Marshal to not let the shocking discovery of Handsome Fox's spy army overwhelm her. She should stop focusing on the Central Capital and instead focus on what's going on in the Southern Capital.

"It seems the Southern Capital will not be peaceful anytime soon," Field Marshal said going through the number of locations marked in the Southern Capital, each representing the victim under Handsome Fox's control. Most of these victims were High-Level card apprentices, causing the Field Marshal to worry about whether any of these victims held important positions in the Southern Capital management or the Royal palace. If they did then it will soon spew a huge disaster. If not for her finding this out thanks to Wyatt's foresight, the Royal family would never have realized what hit them Handsome Fox finally made his move.

The more the Field Marshal thought about this the more she was concerned. Handsome Fox was starting to look more of a priority compared to the Matron and the Supreme leader since at present both of them could not target demigods. However, Handsome Fox had a small army of Demigods under him. Making him more of a threat to the Southern Region than the either of the three mischiefs.