Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1779 Hypnotizing An Entire Race

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Chapter 1779 Hypnotizing An Entire Race

Date- 16 April 2321

Time- 21:32

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters

While Field Marshal had her worries and speculations about Handsome Fox and his hypnotized army, Wyatt also had his speculations about the same. One question bothered them: Why did Handsome Fox not appear in the Clown Mask's alternate future to participate in a power struggle?

Wyatt had many guesses about this, but the one that seemed most likely was that Handsome Fox might have become Devil Merchant and left Card World before the three mischiefs overthrew the central government and the four royal families. Or he had no intention of being a part of the power struggle since he was planning to leave the Card World after becoming a devil merchant.

Even now, Handsome Fox has no interest in the Card World. He not only sold its rights to the 'Seven Princes of the Hell' faction for benefits but also joined them to invade it.

In Clown Mask's alternate future vision, Handsome Fox did not have the opportunity to do this because without Wyatt, Belphegor would not be interested in Card World, nor would the Devil merchant code reduce the price of the rights to the Card World by 50 percent to any Demon/Devil merchants native to the Card World.

Wyatt felt this assumption was the most reasonable and plausible. The wildest theory Wyatt could think of was that Handsome Fox might have found an opportunity in the unexplored part of the Way Beyond curbing his interest in the five regions and the empire if any. If this were true, seeing how Handsome Fox sold the Card World to Belphegor, Wyatt believed Handsome Fox was yet to happen upon this opportunity in the unexplored part of the way beyond. When he finds it he was going to regret selling the rights to the Card World to Belphegor.

Of course, all of these were just assumptions but they helped Wyatt imagine what's the worst that could happen such that he could prepare for such possibilities to a certain degree. This was necessary considering the army of hypnotized high-level card apprentices Handsome Fox had spread across the Five Regions and the Empire. What was Handsome Fox planning to do with such a huge army?

This question bothered Wyatt especially when he wondered why Handsome Fox, himself killed his four teammates to get his hands on their merchant token when he could get some demigods from his hypnotized army to take care of it for him.

However, this question also added merit to Wyatt's previous assumption that Handsome Fox's teammates were hiding from each other, so cunning Handsome Fox made use of Wyatt as a reason to gather all four of his teammates in the Sky Blossom City and kill them all for their Merchant tokens.

From the looks of it, Handsome Fox seems to be one of the people who benefited a lot from Wyatt crossing over to this world. Handsome Fox thanked Wyatt for that by trying to kill him putting an end to his sudden streak of luck.

"Did you notice that?" Field Marshal suddenly exclaimed noticing a change in the map marked by the tracking curse card.

"I did," Wyatt replied. He too noticed that suddenly not one but ten more targets were marked by the tracking curse card in a single location on the map. Each of the marks had a high brightness representing that all ten marks were high-level card apprentices. Not to mention two of them

"Do you think Handsome Fox is in that location? Unfortunately, it is in the Eastern region if it were the Way Beyond or Southern Region I would visit it right now," Field Marshal said in regret, as she now considered the priority threat to the Southern Region even more than the Central government and Matron.

"Considering how cautious he is, I don't think you would be able to meet the original him if you went there as I believe he must be using an incarnation to do his bidding," Wyatt replied, speaking from his experience having faced Handsome Fox's undead incarnation in his secret hideout.

However, after witnessing 10 new targets pop up suddenly Wyatt realized that Handsome Fox was preparing for the Demon invasion. This prompted Wyatt to believe that the reason Handsome Fox did not have his army of Demigods hunt down his four teammates was that he had built this army in the past few days after he joined Belphegor's faction.

There was no way Handsome Fox could be under the radar after hypnotizing so many high-level card apprentices across the five regions and the empire someone was bound to notice his actions. Just like how the central government happens to be aware of the Matron and Supreme Leader but they do not consider them serious threats as neither of them had demigods in their organization. It took them less than a day to uncover Sansa Baylor's secret identity once they investigated her after the betrayal of Demigod Baylor and Henricks.

The only reason Handsome Fox was able to stay out of everyone's radar was that he did not create a large secret organization like the Circle or the Paw Clan. As it was almost impossible to cover the tracks of a large organization however a small group or an individual was a different story.

"Five more, what is this guy trying to do? Hypnotize the entire human race into his puppet," Field Marshal blurted seeing five new marks pop up in a single location on the map.

This time, however, it was not in the Eastern region but the Western Region. Noticing this Field Marshal glanced at Wyatt with an impressed look and said, "You were right, he is indeed using his incarnations to do his dirty work."

Field Marshal marveled wondering how someone as young as Wyatt could accurately tell how someone he had never met would behave and react just based on a few clues, especially considering that this someone was a notorious card demigod who had managed to keep his existence hidden for centuries.