Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1812 Harsh Punishment

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Chapter 1812 Harsh Punishment

1812 Harsh Punishment

Date- 17 April 2321

Time- 04:13

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters, Park

[ @all

From: Dalton Wyatt

Regarding: Monopoly of otherworldly knowledge from VR Universe.

Respected Customers,

It has been brought to my notice that card apprentices are trying to monopolize the otherworldly knowledge they gained from the VR Universe by copyrighting them in the real world.

To them, I would like to point out that they are in contempt of Sections C(i), C(ii), & C(iii) in the licensing agreement of the VR Universe. Please, rectify your breach of contract within the next 36 hours.

In case of continued violation of the licensing agreement after the 36 hours of this warning, the Individual/Organization and anybody remotely related to them will be banned from the VR universe.

VR universe is my answer to restoring balance and tackling the monopolistic and capitalistic society that helps the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.I won't stand by as the greed of a few destroys it.


Dalton Wyatt

Sections C(i), C(ii), & C(iii) summary-

C(i). Customers are free to use the knowledge gained from the VR Universe however they see fit within the limits of the social ethical and moral boundaries.

C(ii). They are not to monopolize the knowledge gained from the VR Universe. For example by copyrighting or applying patents on the knowledge gained from the VR Universe.

C(iii). As for the modified version of the knowledge gained from the VR Universe, the Individual/Organization can choose to use it privately or share it. By choosing to share the modified version of the knowledge, the Individual/Organization gets the credit for it and they will be rewarded appropriately by the VR Universe based on their contribution.

Note: Dalton Wyatt reserves all rights to VR Universe.]

"Isn't that harsh? I don't think people will accept this," Field Marshal uttered after reading the post made by Wyatt on his online card boutique shop page.

Field Marshal was impressed that Wyatt had already thought of such problems ahead and taken precautions for it in the VR Universe's terms and conditions but she felt that it was harsh of Wyatt to ban everyone related to the individual/organization in violation of the terms and conditions of using the VR Universe. She did not believe that it was fair for others to be punished for someone else's crime.

"Nope, it is not harsh enough. If someone does not agree with my way of doing things they can just stop using VR Universe," Wyatt was confident about his product. He knew that the card apprentice would never give up on VR Universe.

With Field Marshal going quiet, Wyatt sighed and explained his intention by stating such harsh punishment, "By doing this I hope that it will reduce the number of people using patsies to abuse VR Universe and fill their pockets at the expense of others.

I have done my best to keep the terms and conditions to use VR Universe without any loopholes but it has its shortcomings that is where this harsh punishment system comes into play. Besides this way, people will not keep quiet when they see their friends or family trying to abuse the VR Universe."

Wyatt did indeed take a dark turn on this one. He would rather let a thousand innocents suffer to catch one culprit. Even if the terms and conditions of the VR Universe was solid, true masterminds would force others to do their dirty work and fill their pockets while the innocent gets punished. By banning everyone who was even remotely connected to the culprit hoped that such criminal masterminds would not be able to force innocent people to do their dirty work.

Another reason Wyatt, extended the punishment to those who were even remotely connected to the culprit was because he wanted others to report the crime when they saw one instead of going on their merry way feeling lucky that they were not the victim. The idea was simple, Wyatt wanted society to be more responsible. Creating a social stigma or pressure that would prevent the card apprentices from abusing the VR Universe or at least think twice before doing so.

"I understand what you are trying to do but I still do not agree with it," Field Marshal was firm as she could not see a single innocent being punished let alone thousands. Then she said, "What is this b.s. about you tackling the monopolistic and capitalistic society with VR Universe. Ain't that hypocritical of you? You are the most capitalistic teenager I have ever met. Not to mention you are benefiting the most by monopolizing the currency exchange between the Card World and the VR universe."

"Hey, how can you say that when I kept the service fee for the currency exchange so reasonably low? It is the necessary evil. I barely make anything over small transactions. If it was the central government or any other organization in my place they would charge higher survival fees than most of the card apprentices could not even afford," Wyatt refuted the Field Marshal claiming that he had to maintain a monopoly over the VR Universe because nobody else would as fair and reasonable as him.

"You little hypocrite you have an answer for everything don't you," Field Marshal found that Wyatt was right and she could not claim otherwise. Even if it was the Southern Royal family in Wyatt's place they would not be so generous as to give away a free VR-Slime card, allow free entry to the VR Universe, let alone charge such a measly survival fee for the currency exchange.

For a second Field Marshal wondered if Wyatt was really trying to fight the monopolistic and capitalistic side of the current society with the VR Universe, then she shook her head thinking that she was falling for Wyatt's tricky tongue. The Field Marshal could not help but take a hard glance at Wyatt, thinking that she almost got tricked by this little trickster.