Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1813 User Agreement

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Chapter 1813 User Agreement

?1813 User Agreement

Date- 17 April 2321

Time- 04:25

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters, Park

"So you agree with me?" Wyatt asked the Field Marshal in anticipation. He really hoped he could get the Field Marshal on board. With her on his side, it would be easier for him to convince others why he should be the new face of the Southern academic city.

"No, Wyatt. By punishing all for one's crime in hopes that nobody pushes others to commit crimes for them, you are creating a hostile environment around the VR-Universe users. This is how social prosecution began and things take a wrong turn too soon.

I don't know if they still teach this in the school, but during the demon invasion, when the government and the royal families were busy fighting the demons, it was up to the people to defend themselves from the demon worshipers among them. I won't go into the details but people used the guise of hunting demon worshipers to kill their enemy or competition. In the end, I cannot guarantee whether the people were able to catch the demon worshipers among them, but I can guarantee you that many innocent lives were ruined back then, more than the demon worshipers.

It is tragic that that happened back then but those were some dark times. However, if the same repeats again because of your collective punishment system, you will only have yourself to blame.

Wyatt, I hope you do not become like those greedy organizations that only care about their profits rather than how their actions and products affect society. So I am asking you to reconsider this collective punishment system and find another punishment system that will work.

That being said, I do like the fact that you are willing to reward the individual/organization that is willing to share their modified version of the knowledge they gained from the VR universe with the rest of the world based on their contribution. Now that I can get on board with you as long as your rewards are not too cheap," Field Marshal continued to disagree with Wyatt's approach.

Field Marshal Heatsend understood how significant the VR Universe was for the card apprentice, especially in another year when every card apprentice in every corner of the five regions would have access to the VR Universe thanks to Wyatt's generously giving away free VR-Slime cards to all that can't afford it.

So the Field Marshal knew the impact of Wyatt's actions could be fast and widespread. Therefore she wanted him to be more responsible than hoping that fear of getting banned would get everyone in line like a herd of sheep.

But what Field Marshal did not understand was that if she could understand this, Wyatt would have already thought of this when he created the terms and conditions for the VR Universe. Wyatt had indeed thought it and also created a separate clause in the terms and conditions about public persecution. If she had read it she would know.

Besides, when Wyatt said that he would ban any and all related to the culprit, he did not explain to the people that the ban would be only till Hive AI had conducted its investigation by accessing their VR accounts and Grimoires along with her information-collecting network. Considering the speed of the Hive AI the ban would last from 3 to 24hrs at max depending on the size of the case. It was clearly mentioned in the terms and conditions the ban would only last till the investigation concludes.

"Ugh," Wyatt groaned in frustration and replied, "I wasn't asking you about that but since we're on this topic because YoU JusT Won'T LeT IT GO, please just read the terms and conditions of the VR Universe user license agreement before you find faults with me? I have clearly mentioned everything in there. I know that I hold a huge responsibility toward society, and I am acting accordingly you do not need to keep reminding me that."

"Don't you dare talk to me in that tone, I did not tolerate it when my kids talked to me like that nor will I now, do you understand?" Field Marshal thundered listening to Wyatt raise his voice and use a condescending tone while talking to her. Wyatt was lucky he was not her descendent otherwise he would learn what it would feel like to be whooped by one of the top ten strongest in the card world.

Field Marshal's rage woke Wyatt up from his frustration and reminded him of whom he was talking to. So taming his tone he repeated, "Your Highness, let us continue our talk after you read the terms and conditions of the VR Universe user license agreement. I will wait."

Wyatt had decided not to talk with the Field Marshal until she had read the terms and conditions of the VR Universe user license agreement since the ethical and social implications of the VR Universe seemed to bother her so much that she kept bothering Wyatt about it repeatedly when she wasn't even bothered to spend a few minutes to read the terms and conditions and solve her concerns. Wyatt was pissed alright. He did not Wyatt for the Field Marshal's replay and walked away from the scene. Then he strolled the park as if enjoying its serene tranquility.

"You wait right there!" the Field Marshal was enraged to see Wyatt speak his mind and then abruptly walked away in the middle of the conversation without waiting for her to respond. And the nerve of him to pretend to enjoy the park's view even though his eyes gave his rage away.

Wyatt continued his stride and did not pause hearing the Field Marshal. He had decided not to engage in any form of conversation with her until she had read the terms and conditions of the VR Universe user agreement.

"Y-you…" the Field Marshal was enraged even more to see that Wyatt would not stop at her command. But then she helplessly gave up and decided to read the terms and conditions of the VR Universe user agreement before teaching Wyatt a little manners.

- Seven minutes later-

The Field Master who finally read the terms and conditions of the VR Universe user agreement, went through it repeatedly a few more times realizing that she owed Wyatt an apology. She went through it repeatedly so that she could find something that she could use to save face in front of Wyatt. But to her surprise, the terms and conditions of the VR Universe user agreement drawn by Wyatt had considered and taken precautions against all the scenarios of how the VR universe could affect the card world or be taken advantage of.

Some of these even she had not thought of or heard of, as such she began to see the VR Universe user agreement as more like a guide on how to take advantage of loosely drawn contracts. She never imagined that people could abuse a legally binding contract in such creative ways.

Read the user agreement a few times, and thought of numerous ways she could take advantage of the military contract the Southern region had signed with the other regions and other organizations. The same was true the other around.

Alerted, the Field Marshal immediately highlighted the parts of the VR Universe user agreement that she thought were creative and the South needs to use and look out for in their contracts. Then shared the document with the higher officials in the Southern Watch and other armed forces of the South. Ordering them to go through the document and implement the highlighted precautionary measures as soon as possible.

The Field Marshal did this because the smart ones who have read Wyatt's post will be intrigued by the VR Universe user agreement mentioned in the post and go through it if they have not done it before. Meaning if a muscle-brained soldier like herself could learn so many creative ways to abuse a legal contract just by reading the VR Universe user agreement a few times then they too would have noticed them and gotten ideas about trying it out in the real world. Especially those who want to take advantage of these new creative jailbreaks before they become common knowledge, the common public becomes aware of these tricks.

Field Marshal who had now warned her subordinates of the creative tricks to take advantage of legal contracts. Then hesitated whether she should share the same with the common public. But then thinking at the real common public who need to be aware of such tricks would be asleep right now from their hard day of work. She decided to leave this to her niece. After all, her niece had total control over the Southern media and even some small media outlets in the other regions. If it's her then she should be able to think of the right way to reach the right audience that needs to be aware of such tricks in legal contracts. And while she was at that she could also warn those who planned to take advantage of this knowledge and trick innocent unsuspecting citizens. Thinking of this Field Marshal's alarmed heart finally settled and then she headed toward Wyatt. Knowing that she owed him an apology, big time.

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