Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1846 Everybody Has A Agenda

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Chapter 1846 Everybody Has A Agenda

?Date- 17 April 2321

Time- 11:27

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters, basement

"Wyatt, what's going on? Of all things why would you and founder talk about me?" Asong was not dumb she realized Wyatt was avoiding going into details and using the founder's name to pressure her into not asking further questions as if trying to hide something from her.

Listening to Asong, Wyatt understood persuading her was not going to be as easy as the others. Unless he provided her with a better argument, she was not going to take his words seriously and might do the opposite of what he was persuading her to do. So, shaking his head Wyatt decided to be honest with her, "Asong, all I know is there is a legitimate threat to your life. The people you have provoked are no joke and are willing to kill all that come in their way. No amount of security can stop them when they come for your life. You told me to inform you of anything related to you, I did and hope that you take it seriously. You have no idea how many of my rules I am breaking talking to you about this."

"I was right, there is indeed something bigger afoot in the central capital and the government. How do you know of them when you have only left your small city down in the remote south once in your lifetime?" With Wyatt's words, Asong who had seen the darkness underneath the well-functioning Central capital and government had confirmed that she was not just seeing things but there was something actually brewing underneath.

"Because they are everywhere. You can find them anywhere in the five regions, be it a third-tier city or a remote town. They have their roots have spread deep into the five regions,"?Wyatt could only hint at the power that the Matron and Supreme Leader had quietly gathered under the noses of the Central Government and the Royal families.

"Wait, do not tell me your fight with the branch of the circle in the Sun Blossom city was not about avenging the death of your parents— I understand now. How long have you known all this? Does the Southern Royal family know?" Asong had recently been preparing to propose a bill to the central government and Royal families that would have them upgrade the array formation covering the cities in the five regions to counter the attacks of strong undead.

Asong understood that the central government and royal families would not be willing to pass this bill as they would not be prepared to spend a massive fortune to upgrade the array formation covering the cities in the five regions so she approached a bunch of friendly and well known political leaders to support her bill believing at worse they would just reject her but contrary to her belief some of these political leader began to target her.

It was because of them targeting her, that Asong's political career had suddenly taken a sharp dive. Asong never understood why these politicians would target her. However, hearing Wyatt she understood what was happening. The threat she wanted the central government and royal families about had already infiltrated the government. So much so that a renowned politician such as herself was now not safe in her workplace and home.

"While investigating my parent's death I found out about them and as for the Southern Royal family I guess they also found out about them while investigating the same but they chose to hide it from me," Wyatt said this to comfort Field Marshal Heatsend who might be eavesdropping on his conversation.

"How come the central government is not aware of this then?" Asong had doubts that the central government had no idea what was going on in their own backyard.

"What makes you think that? They know and are purposefully allowing it to fulfill their own agenda but they are underestimating the threat these people pose to them. Anyways, they are big people we do not need to worry about them but currently, you have become an eyesore not just for these hidden forces but a few in the central government. If stubbornly continue what you are doing only death awaits you," Wyatt revealed what he knew to Asong as a speculation hoping that even if it's just his speculation Asong would take it seriously.

"Thank you, for the tip. I guess it's time I went on a vacation. It is long overdo anyway," Asong said before hanging up hinting to Wyatt that she was planning to act on his advice of going into hiding.

In the alternate future vision of the Clown Mask, Asong had stubbornly doubled down on getting her bill passed despite knowing the consequence of doing so because she wanted to get something done before her short lifespan was over. But now she was no longer chronically ill and desperate to resort to such means.

Now that Asong had her health and knew that something bigger was at play which did not just involve the central region but all five regions she decided to take a step back, gather the information she was lacking, and prepare a new action plan. Unlike in the alternate timeline, the current Asong had a full lifespan to do a thorough investigation before making a desperate move. Not that she would need to in this timeline.

"So you knew everything," As soon as Asong hung up, Field Marshal's voice sounded in Wyatt's head. As he expected the Field Marshal had not only eavesdropped on him but shamelessly open about it.

Wyatt did not reply to her because he received a text from Cuth Diya informing him that the reinforcement had arrived and he had escaped the sense by leaving the realm using the devil merchant code before they could scramble or isolate the surrounding space. However, Cuth Diya had no idea who the reinforcement belonged to or if they prioritized protecting the townspeople over catching Gideon's incarnations and hypnotized slaves.

"Have you heard any news from your counterpart in the Northern region?" Wyatt enquired Field Marshal Heatesend wondering if it was the demigod teams of the Northern Region who made it to the town first.

The Field Marshal did not immediately answer Wyatt, wondering if Wyat was trying to void answering but feeling his concern for the townspeople was genuine she answered, "It doesn't work that way—" Field Marshal was about to lecture Wyatt on proper procedures but then she paused understanding that it was not something Wyatt or anybody would like to hear. So shaking her head she continued, "I did not receive any update from them yet. Do not worry, regardless of the results once their operation is complete and there are no further complications, they will update me on the situation."

"..." Wyatt was speechless because what the Field Marshal basically meant was that they would only update her if things went as the demigod teams of the Northern region planned. After all, nobody likes to share their failures with their neighbors.

Seeing that Wyatt went quiet with a grave expression on his face, the Field Marshal consoled him saying, "Kid, you will get used to it. Correction, you have to get used to it."

Listening to Field Marshal Heatsend's attempt at consoling him, Wyatt finally understood what Asong was talking about when she warned him about taking the Heatsend way.

"Wyatt, you still haven't answered me. How much do you know?" The Field Marshal asked, from his conversation with Asong she knew Wyatt knew about the Matron and Supreme Leader but the question was how much did he know, because if he knew about them as much as they did then he would not have stubbornly tried to destroy the Circle's branch in sun blossom city.

"If you guys are willing, I am willing to compare my notes with yours," Wyatt replied implying that if the Southern Royal family were willing to share the information they knew with him then he was willing to do the same.

"Wyatt, we did not plan on hiding anything from you. It's just that the more you knew the more your life would be in danger, so we felt that you would be better off not knowing. It's not that we wanted to keep you in the dark, we were planning to tell you everything once you were strong enough," the Field Marshal made an excuse, but it was not invalid.

Any responsible adult in the Southern Royal family's place would do the same because back then the Wyatt they knew was just a stock capable of huge potential and not someone capable of killing a devil. They did what they did to create a learning and nurturing environment for Wyatt so that one day he would be able to fully unleash the potential they saw in him. Therefore, Wyatt never blamed them for trying to hide the mysteries behind his parent's death from him.