Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1847 Muth Diya’s Bet

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Chapter 1847 Muth Diya's Bet

?Date- 17 April 2321

Time- 11:36

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters, basement

"Now that you are strong enough to handle your battles I do not see the problem with sharing the information we have surrounding your parent's death. In fact, it is one of the things Anna's mother was going to talk about during your meeting," Field Marshal Heatsend explained hoping that Wyatt would not misunderstand the intentions of the Southern Royal family.

The Field Marshal felt Wyatt was not an open book as she thought, her niece was right about him, he only showed them what he wanted them to see. If it was someone else in Wyatt's place who knew that the Southern Royal family was hiding the truth about their parent's death from them then they would have tried to confront the royal family about it during their numerous corporations unlike Wyatt who never showed any signs until today.

Experiencing Wyatt's patience for herself, the Field Marshal understood that Wyatt was not to be underestimated because of his age. She even thought that there had to be a reason why Wyatt revealed this information to her today of all the time in the world. If it had happened before she would have dismissed this thought as paranoia thinking 'Wyatt couldn't possibly have planned this knowing that I was going to eavesdrop on his call' but now she couldn't. She had a strong foreboding that the teenager in front of her was planning something big, just like the Southern Capital incident.

Everyone around the world blames the demon worshippers or the Central Government and Morningstar University for the incident but she and the top officials of the Southern Royal family knew all of that could have been avoided if Wyatt had heeded Jill Norley's warning and stayed in the royal palace instead of insisting on attending the Morningstar University's fake early admission interview then the southern capital incident would never have taken place regardless how much the Central Government and Morningstar University conspired.

Only a select few at the top of the southern royalty knew that Wyatt made it all happen. Field Marshal's niece even speculated that Wyatt knew about the Central Government and Morningstar University's conspiracy even before Jill Norley informed them about it. Without proper evidence to back her's niece speculation, the Field used to think that her niece was overthinking but now a seed of doubt was planted in her mind.

"If that's the case, I look forward to meeting Her Highness," Wyatt politely replied to the Field Marshal, feeling that his meeting with Anna's mother might be of greater significance for the Southern Royal family.

Seeing how Ann, Collen, and the Field Marshal would avoid answering him by bringing up his upcoming meeting with Anna's mother. It appeared as if the meeting was going to decide where their cooperative relationship stood and if it was ready to grow to the next level. Wyatt could only guess that the blurry and unsaid things before would now be made clear in this meeting. After all, the growth displayed by Wyatt was beyond what the Southern Royal family or anyone had imagined leaving them very little time to discuss the nature of their relationship.

Currently, the Southern Royal family and Wyatt's partnership was mostly a few contracts and rumors, many things needed to be made clear for them to strengthen and grow their partnership. The Southern Royal family would have done it slowly in due time but they could never have guessed that the teenager they believed to be a genius card master would suddenly grow into a raging devil slayer. They could no longer afford to be slow, they had to have all those talks in a single meeting. Also, Wyatt had grown to the point where they had to be very careful about this meeting. A lot was riding on this meeting between Wyatt and Anna's mother.

With the Field Marshal no longer bothering him, Wyatt returned to writing a stern text to devil merchant Muth Diya. However, before he could even write a word his demon merchant codex notified him of an incoming call,

[Devil Merchant Muth Diya calling… Answer/Ignore/Reject]

'Why is this bastard calling me after ignoring my call? Besides, shouldn't he be busy running from the demigod pursuers or did he already ditch them?' Wyatt wondered receiving Muth Diya's call.

Wyatt did not doubt that Muth Diya and Gideon Grim would escape from the demigods but he did not think that it would be this soon. It seemed that the demigods did not even pose a challenge to them. If not for the threat of being surrounded by more demigods they might not have chosen to retreat but kill their pursuers.

Unless they did exactly that. After all, Gideon's origin card in combo with other cards might allow him to summon reinforcements. No, that would be too sloppy on his part. But considering that his existence has not only been known but his identity and plans have been revealed he might throw caution out of the wind as he has been branded as the Card World's most wanted criminal.

'Nah! Considering how overcautious he was he might have chosen to flee the scene without further complicating the pursuit,' Wyatt hoped as only this way would the townspeople have any hope of being rescued if they were not already frozen to death.

Wyatt wanted to pick up the call and ask Muth Diya if they had harmed the townspeople but he knew he could not do that, so after a struggle he settled his emotions and answered the call with a calm voice in a dark language, "You have some galls to call me after ignoring my call—"

"Was it you? It has to be you. One time it can be a coincidence but the second time, it was you. Belphegor swore to Handsome Fox that he did not share his name with anyone but you and the other founders of our faction. How did you pull this off? We own the rights to this realm?" Before Wyatt could finish his sentence Muth Diya interrupted him and began to babble without any context.

But as the mastermind behind Muth Diya's recent streak of misfortune, Wyatt knew exactly what he was talking about.

Listening to Muth Diya's words, Wyatt deduced that Gideon and Belphegor might have had a big argument after Gideon's existence was revealed to the entire card world as the most wanted criminal. This was not surprising, as Gideon only revealed his true name to Belphegor. So if there was a leak it must have been on Belphegor's side. Gideon was correct to assume as such because Belphegor had indeed leaked his true name to Chaos Dwarf Ezra.

What astonished Wyatt was that Muth Diya suspected that Chaos Dawrf Ezra was the one behind Gideon's existence and plans being leaked in the Card world. Wyatt assumed that if Muth Diya suspected this then Belphegor and Gideon also suspected the same. The only thing stopping them from branding Chaos dwarf Ezra as the culprit as they owned the devil merchant code inter-realm transportation rights to the card world.

"Answer me, it was you right? The Card World is the true reason why you approached us. I am correct, aren't I? To be accurate you approached us to find out the native devil merchant who helped our faction buy the rights to the card world. You laid a trap using yourself as bait and we walked right into it like moths to flames. Considering how the natives trust your words you might be dealing with them for a while, haven't you?" Having said that Muth Diya suddenly paused as if realizing something and then began to laugh manically, "Hahaha, come to think of it you approached the Blight Brood club saying you needed our help with a faction who were trying to monopolize the realm you have invested in. That realm was the Card world and our faction was the faction you were talking about. Isn't this hilarious, in the end, you used us to teach ourselves a lesson. Hahaha, if I weren't a part of this I freaking wouldn't believe this."

Wyatt continued to remain silent as he knew Muth Diya was only speculating and had no evidence to back it up. As for how he concluded that Chaos Dwarf Ezra might already have a prior connection with the card world was based on pure assumption.

If Muth Diya were to assume his, Belphegor's, and Handsome Fox's suspicion about Chaos Dwarf Ezra leaking Handsome Fox's existence and plans to the natives of the Card World were true then the Chaos Dwarf might already have a prior connection with the Card World because the natives of the Card World would not just accept the information offered by a demon in such short notice. Considering how quickly the status of Handsome Fox's existence in the Card World changed from unknown to the most wanted criminal it was obvious whoever revealed his existence was well-connected and trusted in the Card World.

Since Wyatt continued to remain silent, Muth Diya doubled down on his assumptions and speculations by adding, "What I do not understand is how did you know that I was helping my son conduct a human sacrifice in the Card World with the assistance from Handsome Fox? You had called me to warn me about the raid, hadn't you?"

Muth Diya used wordplay to trick Chaos Dwarf Ezra into confirming his assumptions by getting him to blurt something that could add merit to his assumptions. But the longer the dwarf's silence prevailed he started to feel that the dwarf was silent not because his assumptions were spot on but because the dwarf was trying to piece up what he was babbling on about.

"I'm sorry, I should not have ignored your call," Muth Diya apologized to the dwarf in an effort to trick him into confessing, tripling down on his bet because Handsome Fox swore that aside from the founders of their faction and Chaos Dwarf Ezra those who knew his true name were all dead. Having been in contact with Handsome Fox these past few days Muth Diya knew Handsome Fox would not lie about something like this.