Chaos Devourer System-Chapter 409: The Devil Called Zeras

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Chapter 409: The Devil Called Zeras

Chapter 409: The Devil Called Zeras

The shadow beneath Zera’s feet changed in an instant, stretching from its normal 1.8 meters to 3 meters and the old man’s eyes widened as he looked at the shadow.

The shadow…It wasn’t the shadow of a human, it was the shadow of a devil whose aura made his beating heart quiet down instantly and a cold aura began billowing out from the young man’s body, raising his snow-white hair and the average shirt and trousers that was given to him.

Slowly Zeras exerted strength in his arms and then he pulled.


Instantly, the iron bars were immediately parted as if they were nothing but elastic twigs and the cell was now wide-open.

“What do you say, old man? Continue staying here till you rot to death or grab into that last hope of survival?” Zeras said with a smirk which widened even more as he watched the man hurriedly rush out through the opening.

“Guess, your heart wasn’t as dead as I thought…” He mused to himself and with pocketed hands, Zeras moved out of the cage, arriving before the opposite cage and also pulling the bars apart.

Immediately, the bars were unlocked the people in the cell immediately rushed out towards the larger exit gate and the smirk on Zera’s face widened as he kept walking to and fro the prison, unlocking all the cages one by one.

Less than three minutes later…

The cells were completely empty safe for Zeras, and once he was done with that, he finally made his way towards the larger exit that was on the ground.

Arriving at the wide-open door, the sight before him was one of the most beautiful arts that they could ever be…

Flattened heads, ripped apart hands, torn open stomach dripping with intestine… The sight was the true definition of a brutal horror as Zeras looked at the corpses of the prisoners that he released mixed in with the bodies of the prison guards who were none other than the Giarans.

Slowly walking past the group of mutilated corpses and towards the larger door that was at the end…

Zera’s eyes looked at the figure whose body lay reclined on the war, layered breathing escaped his lips.

One look and one could tell he was at the end of his life…



The sound of intense wheezing could be heard from the figure as he slowly walked towards him and crouched before him.

“You. It is you…” The figure said as he raised his head up to look at him.

That was right. The figure was none other than the man that Zeras had met in the prison.

“You’re slowly dying, old man…” Zeras said with blank eyes as blood oozed out from the rod that had been violently plunged through the man’s heart and he could see how his heart’s beating had slowed down considerably.

“You…you set us up. You…you killed us all!” The man roared out in fury but blood only glowed faster and faster out of his mouth.

If he had stayed in prison, then he would have lived. All of them who died here would have lived. They all fell to the young man’s ploy.

“Your words hurt my heart, how could you say that, when I was only trying to give you a chance at freedom…” Zeras replied, his words melancholic, yet the abyssal grin on his face provided a contrary movie.

“Then make them pay…” The man forced out as his bloody arms grabbed on Zera’s chest staining it in hot red blood.

“Make the… Giarians …pay for what…they… have done…” The man forced out with the last breath he had and his body fell on Zera’s, dead.

Silence enveloped the area for a while as Zeras chose to remain quiet before he slowly laid down the man on the ground.

Stretching out his hands, he glossed it over his eyelids, shutting the man’s eyes and letting him fall into eternal slumber.

“Rest in peace, old man…” Zeras prayed and immediately he left the corpse behind as he walked towards the ginormous door but before he arrived, the notification panel appeared.

[War Manipulation has been used…]

[A total of two hundred and two souls lay dead because of you.]

[+5000 Energy points have been awarded]

“So, that’s how it works? Nice…” Zeras mused to himself as he put away the golden notification panel and looked at the large door.

Only now did he understand why the man wasn’t able to push open the door. It was so heavy; that it would be impossible for anyone below the Cosmic Rank stage to pull it open.

But Zeras only extended one arm forward as he exerted slight strength within and then…

The source of this c𝐨ntent is freё


The door opened up and welcoming his sight was the gaze of more than a hundred Giarans all holding the lightning spears in their hands while at their front was none other than Evir, the galaxy-ranked Giaran that brought Zeras into the prison in the first place.

Immediately the door was opened, the Giarans could see the disturbing sight of their people and the low-lifes all torn apart wretchedly on the ground, and immediately, veins popped on all of their foreheads.

“Tch, only a few of about 100 of your people died and yet you’re already angered. If you all are so overprotective of your race, you really will be in a world of pain real soon…” Zeras said out loud, his voice had already changed from human to a guttural devilish roar.

“You…You’re not a human. What are you…” Evir asked as he looked at Zeras with cautioned eyes, and it seemed he guessed right as he looked at Zera’s mouth slowly widening and reaching up to his ears.

The young man’s teeth couldn’t even be called teeth and were instead hundreds of razor-sharped teeth that shone with a metallic feeling.


The sound of something rapidly piercing out of a body tang out and the entire group watched as a gigantic red tail burst out from Zera’s spine and began wiggling in the air.

“You all thought you had caught an easy game when you had me. Never would you have known you had just caught your worst nightmare.