Chaos Devourer System-Chapter 430: The Urgent Roaryie

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Chapter 430: The Urgent Roaryie

Chapter 430: The Urgent Roaryie

The G4 spaceship port was the only and the biggest airport of the G4 spaceship were the majority of the travel between the various spaceships stopped the G4 spaceship.

But unknow to the majority of the people present in the G4 spaceship, the instructions of anyone from the G4 spaceship to others had been passed down, preventing anyone from moving away from the spaceship.

It was like a strike form the higher-ups themselves, leaving the people working there on temporary suspension that only a single person could rule over.

“Good day, my lord…”

“Good day, my lord…”

The two guards at the front of the organization greeted as the man appeared, a man non other than one of their three lords.

“Prepare for me a spaceship heading for the G1 mothership, right now!” The Giarans said, the urgency in his voice ringing loudly in their ears as the guard’s face changed.

They normally weren’t the one responsible for preparing the spaceship and where just simple guards, so why was their lord asking them to do such.

“Is what I asked for, too much for you…” Th words rang out in both their eyes as their face instantly changed and one of them immediately responded.

“Of course, not my lor, it is just such a big honour is something we have never thought possible. Please, come here…” The guard said as he looked the lord into the port.

“Good day, my lord…”

“Good day, my lord…”

“Good day, my lord…”

Wherever they passed was followed by the greeting as the guards rapidly made his way through the port and arrived before a large organization.

“This is where the usual protocol for the flight must be observed my lord. I believe you will find the one willing to embark with you on the spaceship within.

“Hmm,” That was all he said as the lord entered into the spaceship and the guard turned back and returned to his post.

“Immediately, entering the large organization, all form of discussion and action all stopped as everyone stared at the lord in shock…”

“I need a person to fly me to the G1 Mothership right now!!”

“Good day, my lord…”

The entire group ad immediately stood up on their legs to pay their respect but they had not done it for long when the order came once again.

“I said I need a person to fly me the G1 mothership right now!!!” The roar blasted out shaking the people to their core and immediately a person quickly stepped up.

“We’re sorry for not realizing how urgent you are, my lord. There is necessary paperwork that must be signed but I believe we can make an exception this time.” The old Giaran said =, seemingly the head of the port placed in this place.

“Eddie, Morrey…” He suddenly called out as two other Giarans walked forward.

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“Take the Ultra-G4 Model and get the lord to his destination, right now…” The man ordered immediately.

“Yes Sir!”

“Yes Sir,” They both said at the same time before giving a bow to Roaryie and heading outside the organization, Roaryie also quickly following behind them.

Immediately they all left, all of the Giarans eyes furrowed as they couldn’t help but wonder the reason for the sudden need to leave. It was the first time their lord had never shown sign of impatience.

But that also shows just how urgent the issue he wanted to do is.

‘I hope this doesn’t turn bad.’ He thought to himself before turning to look at his colleagues who were all still looking at each other dumbly.

“You all get back to work!” He ordered as they all immediately moved back to their work.

But it wasn’t even up to an hour yet that a figure suddenly entered into the room, a figure who was none other than their lord, Roaryie.

“Oh? You came back so quickly my lord? Did something bad happen on your way to the G1 Mothership…” Silviano asked as the others also looked at him with confused expression.

“What do you mean go to the G1 spaceship, I’m just returning from the G4 tower right now. When did I come for any G1 spaceship?” Roaryie asked with a confused expression and immediately everybody jumped on their feet,


“Hahaha. That’s impossible, my lord. You just ordered for an urgent travel to the G1 spaceship less than an hour from now and I ordered Eddie and Morrey to accompany you. We all here can bear witness to do that, right?” Silviano asked as Roaryie watched everyone gave a bod and testified that he just came here less than an hour ago.

“Bull shit, I’m just coming from the tower. I never came here at all…” Roaryie said already getting angered form this senseless prank but immediately his face changed as he remembered the figure he just fought and remembered his unique ability. The power of shapeshift.

“Shit, shit, shit…” Roaryie cursed loudly as a vein popped on his head.

“Is there a problem boss?” Silviano asked worriedly.

” Of course, there is a damn problem. The me who just left right now for the G1 mothership Is not me! It is a shapeshifter that took my appearance and fooled all of your brainless trash!” Roaryie roared out loud in fury.



The spaceship moved with speed through the vast expanse of peace rapidly heading for the G1 spaceship and present iwi thing was none other three figure. Eddie, Morray and Roaryie himself

Normally the lord wasn’t supposed to be in the control room but he had suddenly said he wanted to Saty. Both Giarans couldn’t refuse so they had accepted it.

And they all quickly continued in the vast expanse of space their eyes focused, when suddenly…



It was the sound of a sharp object tearing through their chest and tearing out of the Giarans heart.

“I… My.. Lord?” The Two Giarans asked but couldn’t complete their words when suddenly the twos swords were violently pulled out of their chest and they instantly fell onto the ground.

And when they turned to look at their lord not understanding why he had killed them.

They watched in disbelief as he changed and became a… Human!