Chemistry-Chapter 86

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Chapter 86

Dust Defenders(4)

Friday morning.

Sitting in the kitchen, with a spoonful of rice halfway to his mouth, Jeong-woo paused as he watched his younger brothers spoon continuously moving back and forth over the pot of kimchi stew.

I should eat separately.

He grabbed a bowl and scooped some stew into it, then put it aside, causing his younger brother, Jeong-chan, to snort.

Why are you so uptight about hygiene?

Because your older brother cares about his hygiene. By the way, dont pick up anything in my room and eat it.

Am I loser?

As the kitchen got noisier, Hong Ji-sook, who had been watching TV in the living room, suddenly turned her head.

If youre not going to eat your food and just fight, then just leave.

Under Hong Ji-sooks stern gaze, the sibling rivalry died in an instant.

30 minutes later.

After finishing his preparations for work, Jeong-woo came downstairs to hear the news playing on the TV.

-Dramatic temperature fluctuations and even fine dust. You should pay attention to your health. Unlike yesterday when we had clear skies, today the ultrafine dust levels significantly exceed the World Health Organizations standards. The spring drought is also getting worse, with the Korea Meteorological Administration raising the dry weather warning to an alert

Hong Ji-sook, too, kept her eyes fixed on the news and pursed her lips.

Its always a mess every spring. Jeong-chan, make sure to take a mask with you. The neighborhood womens association gave us one.

Jeong-woo approached Hong Ji-sook suddenly.

You got one for Jeong-chan, but what about me?

If you want one. You should buy one for yourself.

I bought one. Still, Mom, you should take care of your eldest son whos working on the front lines, shouldnt you?

Hong Ji-sook just stared, and in response, Jung-woo firmly grabbed the dust mask placed on the living room table.

Im going to work, Mom!

Hey, dont take that!

Rushing to the front door, Jeong-woo quickly put on his shoes and spoke.

Ive already deposited my salary. Use it to buy some spring clothes. Buy a hundred masks for Jeong-chan. Im off!

Jeong-woo ran out into the yard.

When he got on the subway, Jeong-woo noticed that quite a few people were wearing masks. He gazed out of the window at the hazy air and shook his head.

High levels of ultrafine dust were present in many areas.

Come to think of it, the news had reported good air quality for once yesterday. When did this become headline news?

After struggling for several days between polluted air and the filters, he found himself yearning for clearer skies.

I should install our system at home someday. Its not good for Chan to be coughing all the time.

Whether it was earning money or causing accidents, his mothers attitude had always been consistent. His younger brother came first, and he was secondary. Yet, he couldnt help but feel wronged because he knew he had used a substantial amount of the money he had earned as collateral for the store until he graduated from college.

On the day I pay it all back, Ill confidently demand the treatment of an eldest son!

Jeong-woo leaned against a railing near the subway entrance, took out his phone, and rechecked the late-night message from Yoon Yi-seol.

[Were going to do the checklist on Saturday. How do you feel about it, Jeong-woo? If you dont like it, just say so. Well, if youre coming, I can also arrange a meeting with someone who can provide advice on the performance.]

The dating request was so clear that Jeong-woo couldnt help but laugh.

It was a rare comfortable holiday. The symptoms of insomnia were gradually improving, and he was now more focused on habit improvement therapy rather than the clinics intensive treatment. He had heard that she was in a similar situation from Director Sung.

Well if Im clever, I might be able to come up with an excuse to get tested at the hospital.

[Sure, no problem. Where should we meet? Is it okay to choose a place for the checklist, Yi-seol?]

Since it was past 8 oclock, he assumed shed be awake and sent the message. As expected, a reply came quickly.

[Thats fine with me. The location for tomorrow doesnt matter. Jeong-woo, its up to you to decide.]

It was a message that left him pondering. He needed to come up with a good place. Jeong-woo decided he needed to think more carefully before responding.

He arrived at the company at 8:30 AM. Still having some time, Jeong-woo sat in Research Lab 1, organizing the improvements for the day.

While doing so, he noticed the door swing open, and a member of the Filter Team rushed in. Their fidgeting made it seem like they were looking for him, so Jeong-woo stood up.

Whats going on?

Mr. Jeong-woo! Its about the final inspection before the first round of bidding. Team Leader Yu wants a cleanliness rating of Grade 5.

Not Grade 6, but Grade 5?

The levels classified by the Korean Filter Testing Institute indicate that lower grades represent higher cleanliness.

From Tuesday to yesterday, for three days, Jeong-woo had successfully applied the bactericidal catalyst to the entire 10-stage filter system, achieving a purification system that met the standards of neonatal or recovery rooms in hospitals. This was at Grade 6. Advancing one step further within a short period would be impossible unless there was a miraculous research breakthrough.

Hurriedly, he went to the Materials Science Centers research building, and as expected, the Filter Team was furious with Meis request.

Does this make any sense? Are we the ones making BCRs for immunocompromised patients?

When we were aiming for a grade 7, I agreed. Even other companies have similar goals. But now when Mr. Han Jeong-woo was added, it went up by one more grade?

Jeong-woo met them with a firm determination. With Kim Tae-san, who hadnt arrived at work yet, they could easily explode in frustration.

Ill talk to her and get back to you. Team Leader Yu always sets high expectations, but shes not the kind to ask for the impossible.

Even if Deputy Team Leader says that

In fact, I thought Grade 5 could be possible in about a week or so.

Assuming that Ha Won-il mobilized the entire KG Electronics research team for the redevelopment of the submicron filter and that it yields successful results, Jeong-woo first dealt with the more pressing matters.

Upon entering the Sensor Teams office a moment later, Jun Chai, the core developer of the purification AI, greeted him with a nod.

Welcome, Deputy Team Leader.

Good morning. Is the team leader here?

Jun Chai nodded.

Knock, knock.

Its Han Jeong-woo.

Knocking on the door of the team leaders office, Jeong-woo gauged the atmosphere in the Sensor Team. They seemed quite busy as well, as if they had received some orders. Jeong-woo asked Jun Chai.

What are you working on?

The order was to reduce the error range for wireless sensor detection. If you have time, could you check it with us?

Sure, why not.

With more accurate eyes than the sensors, Jeong-woo had helped them with error tests for a few days.

Come in.

From inside, Meis voice reached Jeong-woo, and he opened the door. He saw her focused on the monitor.

You suddenly gave instructions to both teams this morning.

I did.

I thought we would check it out today. It might be better to continue with improvements after the first round of bidding is over.

When Jeong-woo cautiously expressed his opinion, Mei coughed softly after covering her mouth and replied.

Would you like to see the information from the companies participating in the competition on Monday?

Mei rotated the monitor towards Jeong-woo.

There were a total of four companies participating in the bidding competition, including KG Chemicals. The announcement stated that Chinas Dusf that he had heard of before, and Germanys Burke and Japans Sumitomo Chemical were also participating.

Jeong-woo was surprised when he saw the lists of advantages that each company had put forth.

Burke had a powerful filter that could create ISO CLASS 5, Grade 5 cleanrooms. Sumitomo Chemical was emphasizing a customized air delivery system with zero error precision sensors.

Moreover, the biggest rival, Dusf, had offered significantly lower supply prices than KG Chemicals, almost matching their performance.

Unless these companies have exaggerated their claims, we dont stand a chance as it is now.

Yes, not at all

Mei coughed again. Covering her mouth and furrowing her brow, she seemed to be in pain. Jeong-woo understood and stepped back.

Ill make it possible to reach Grade 5 by the weekend.

The bidding was in three days on Monday. He had initially planned to increase the rating by 0.5 points each day, but now he needed to reach Grade 5 suddenly. Jeong-woo contemplated this as he left the room.

3:30 PM.

All team members gathered in the integrated testing room to prepare for the final inspection. As Mei had informed that she would be running a little late, Jeong-woo approached Jun Chai, who was adjusting the sensor.

Could you run the sensor once?

Nodding, Jun Chai gestured to a colleague. Inside the sealed glass chamber, gas was released, and the results appeared on the monitor.

Jeong-woo examined the gas detection process at the end of the sensor, focusing on the molecular view.

This is a carbon nanotube sensor. After detection, it removes the remaining gas molecules with ultraviolet light. However, the unremoved residues are causing errors.

Jun Chai operated a secondary sensor for monitoring and checked the values.

Its detectable at a microscopic level. But isnt this a problem with no solution?

Its too early to say.

Although Jeong-woo had various methods to easily clear away the dust-like residues in the molecular world, explaining such concepts to Jun Chai would label him as a mad scientist.

Jeong-woo mentioned the solution he had thought of during lunch.

What if we dont just remove the residues with heat, but add a cloth to wipe the sensor?

A cloth?

Its a metaphor. We use the sensor once, and right after, we introduce a highly absorbent polymer. This will converge the error rate to zero.

Jun Chai accepted the method but couldnt understand it.

The concept is clear, but to create a customized polymer for this sensor, it will take twice as long to develop.

Oh, about that. Theres someone who specializes in custom research.


Shes here. Miss Song! Over here.


The research team momentarily paused their work as a slim and refreshing beauty, Song Boyeong, entered the testing room. Although working with Mei had somewhat immune them to female beauty, the cuteness radiating from Song Boyeong was enough to surprise them.

Approaching Jeong-woos side, Song Boyeong pouted her lips.

Miss Song, really? Its not the 90s.

In this environment, its common to add Miss or Mister. Do you speak English, senior?

Are you kidding? Of course, I can.

Nice to meet you. This is Jun Chai.


The girl, who looked like she was from a girls high school, greeted Jun Chai warmly, leaving him feeling hesitant.

Shes my senior.

Upon hearing this, Jun Chais eyes widened even further. Jeong-woo pointed to the sensor inside the glass chamber.

Here it is what I want you to see.

Wow, it looks so complex. Jeong-woo, do you know your way around machines as well?

Its not like that. Its about that polymer that Senior talked about Ahem. It seems like the polymer might be suitable for this sensor. Talk to Jun Chai and see what you can do.

Song Boyeong nodded vigorously and smiled broadly.

If it goes well, Ill make sure to repay you properly.

I didnt call you because I wanted you to wish us well. I called you because we need you for this project. I wont accept anything as payment.


After introducing Song Boyeong to Jun Chai, Jeong-woo went straight to the filter team.

Kim Tae-san sighed as he saw Jeong-woo.

Does this make sense? What kind of boss asks for such results in a meeting?

You heard about the other companies, right?

They probably spent at least a year on it. Weve only been working on the project for two months. What, because Im a Korean, Im supposed to get used to it quickly and do the research? Its just the Chinese market Ah, its though.

Oh? Assistant Director Ha is here.

Pretending not to hear Kim Tae-sans grumbling, Jeong-woo raised his hand to get Ha Won-ils attention. Hurrying over, it seemed, Ha Won-il placed a plastic box on the filter teams table, panting.

A prototype. We barely finished it for testing.

This is

Yes, a new 9th-grade filter.

Jeong-woo opened the box and took out a filter about the size of a mobile phone.

Senior Tae-san. Heres the master key to Grade 5.

Jeong-woo, are you saying the same thing? We need some leeway, they have to push back a little. Otherwise, theyll make us do unreasonable things.

What was that movie? Theres a movie where a teacher just whips students without giving them carrots. In a short time, the students skills just

At my age, I want to do stable research, not pressure.

While the facilities team was installing the new filter into the model house, Mei entered.

At 4 oclock, well start the integrated measurement.

While Jun Chai and Song Boyeong were chatting energetically, Song Boyeong hurried over to Jeong-woo.

Wow, look at her, shes so tall.

Big sister? Have you talked to the senior?

I havent tried yet. The lab has few women, so my personal research has reached a dead-end.

Song Boyeong looked up at Mei, who was a head taller than her, as if she were looking up to someone bigger.

Did you finish talking with Jun Chai?

Yes. He said theres a bid. We agreed to supply by Monday morning, so Ill be working on the weekend!

Working more seemed to excite her.

Introducing contaminants.

Just before the measurement, Mei looked back at Jeong-woo. Jeong-woo responded with a calm smile, indicating that everything was fine. The atmosphere suggested that today would pass without any problems.

Fan activation ready. One, two

At the moment she was about to shout three, the facility team, as usual, raised the switch. Harmful substances were introduced into the model house surrounded by a half-circle of glass.

Mei coughed, covering her mouth.

Jeong-woo wondered if she had caught a cold from not being able to say three and glanced at Mei. However, he noticed something caught between the half-circle glass and the table. It was a tiny 2mm-thick wire fragment that had fallen during the filter replacement.


Through the molecular view, the gap where the wire fragment was magnified. Microscopic dust particles were spewing out from there.

Mei, who was standing in front, started inhaling and gasping for air, trying to clear the dust from her nose.

Jeong-woo quickly rushed to the table and removed the wire fragment with his fingernail.

There was a gap here. Itll cause errors, so please stop the operation for now!

Upon Jeong-woos shout, the facility team hurriedly turned off the switch. Jeong-woo looked at Mei and asked.

Team Leader, are you okay?

Inhaling a minuscule amount of released microscopic dust. It should be lower than the dust outside, which was enough to make it to the news, but Mei seemed to be seriously affected, breathing heavily and struggling to catch her breath.

Jun Chaigotobag

With a pained expression, Mei spoke slowly and then collapsed.

Team Leader!

Jeong-woo held Mei and called out to Jun Chai while supporting her.

Team Leader said Jun Chai, bag!

Jun Chai had already rushed outside. Kim Tae-san, who had come up behind Jeong-woo, helped support Mei.

Why are you breathing so heavily? Calm down. Team Leader Yu, do you have asthma? Jeong-woo, let her sit down for now.

Kim Tae-san guided Mei to a chair.

Jun Chai returned with the bag and pulled out an inhaler, which she placed in Meis mouth. Mei took a deep breath of the inhaler, and soon her breathing stabilized.

Everyone stood there in shock, but Jeong-woo picked up his phone.

Ill call an ambulance.


Mei shook her head and spoke in Korean. It surprised Jeong-woo and even Kim Tae-san, who was supporting her.

In about five minutes, Illbe okay.

While her pronunciation was awkward, Meis use of correct Korean grammar was evident. Kim Tae-san felt cold sweat running down his spine.

She had understood all the gossip behind her back up to now. Despite knowing everything, she had said nothing. This sent shivers down his spine.

Mei leaned against the backrest of the chair, supporting her weight with her arms, and then she beckoned to Jeong-woo.

Assistant Manager.

Jeong-woo approached her, listening closely to her words.

Pleasecontinue thework, andtell methe results.

Shouldnt you go to the hospital?

If I restitll be okay. Im used to it. Jun Chai, go to the office

Mei had difficulty breathing and couldnt finish her sentence. Jun Chai supported her and left the lab.

Kim Tae-san shook his head.

She had asthma all this time and didnt say a word. What a tough woman.

One of the filter team researchers approached Kim Tae-san and asked in a hushed voice.

Senior, she heard all the bad things you said about her, didnt she?

Did she only hear me?

Well, you did it the most.

Kim Tae-san grimaced and closed his mouth.

One hour later.

Jeong-woo was pacing around the Sensor Teams office. Kim Tae-san sat next to him, wearing a dark expression, his gaze fixed on Meis personal office.

What will you say if you see Team Leader?

Just apologize. She might let it go as if she didnt know.

Ugh, its embarrassing.

Kim Tae-san let out a sigh and then quickly stood up as the office door opened, and someone entered.


A startled-looking Noh Jong-seon hurriedly approached the two.

Mei had a seizure? Why didnt she go to the hospital?

She didnt want to.

In response, Noh Jong-seon clicked his tongue. Jeong-woo pointed inside.

Weve called Dr. Moon to check on her.

Dr. Moon?

It happens that she was at the Biomedical Center today.

With a concerned look on his face, Noh Jong-seon sat in a chair. He then turned to Kim Tae-san, who had followed him.

How did Tae-san assist her? I heard he was uncooperative.

Thats a misunderstanding. He did everything she asked; he just grumbled.

Mei may appear bold, but shes been through a lot. She obtained sensor patents in China, and despite numerous scouting offers, she came here because she believes our centers researchers are the best.


If you tarnish the reputation of the center, Ill be watching.

Kim Tae-san bowed his head deeply. Noh Jong-seon sighed and looked around Meis office, which she used separately from the Chinese researchers office.

These stubborn people. They act as if there are no borders in research.

While waiting for Dr. Moons examination, Noh Jong-seon continued to talk about Meis life.

He mentioned that during his time as a professor at Seoul National University, Mei had been an exchange student at Peking University. He also mentioned her challenging childhood and how she had become an elite researcher through her hard work.

They lived right next to a power plant in their residential area. So, how could she not develop asthma? More than half the kids in the area had respiratory illnesses.

Although Mei had only been at KG Chemical for two months, she had dedicated herself to air purification research for several years, despite the difficult circumstances she had faced. Kim Tae-sans expression grew even gloomier as he heard this.

I was a terrible guy.

If you know that, do better. Dont badmouth the Filter Team anymore.

That improved after Jeong-woo arrived.

Are you using the fact that the leading materials scientist praises you as a point of pride?


The door opened, and Dr. Moon, holding a stethoscope, came out.

Jeong-woo approached him and asked.

How is she?

She has stabilized. It seems like she wont need hospitalization. However, she should rest for a few days. She experienced an attack due to overexertion and inhaling unhealthy air.

Noh Jong-seon let out a relieved sigh. Dr. Moon, taking into consideration that Noh Jong-seon and Kim Tae-san were also present, bowed slightly to them.

Yes, thats right. Thank you, Dr. Moon. Ive been hearing praises from Director Heo about you every week. I have high expectations too.

Youre too kind.

With a very professional tone, Dr. Moon accepted Noh Jong-seons praise and then turned to Jeong-woo.

Shed like to see you for a moment.



Noh Jong-seon, who seemed ready to rush into Meis office at any moment, stepped back at Dr. Moons words.

When Jeong-woo entered the room, Mei was seen leaning on the sofa.

Are you o oh.

She raised her hand to stop Jeong-woo from asking.

Thank you for today. How did it turn out?

Seeing Meis attitude, focused on work, Jeong-woo smiled wryly and conveyed the news of her successful participation in the Polymer Project Team and improving the sensor, achieving air purification up to Grade 5 within a week.

Thats amazing. It surpasses two years of research Ive done in just one week.

Thats built on the foundation. And didnt I mention that research isnt something to do alone? You should rest well and go for the bidding competition.

I have a favor to ask about that.

Mei took an envelope from her bag.

Theres no one else but the Deputy Team Leader who can go. Its just a matter of sitting there and leaving when its over. You can even go for dinner. Theres no problem.

It was an invitation to the Asia Environmental Forum event held at a famous city hotel. It was an internationally recognized event, even bearing the stamp of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

An invitation to the Asia Environmental Forum, a prominent environmental project participant from KG Chemical. This was also an extension of her work. Jeong-woo briefly glanced at Meis pale face and nodded.

Ill do it.

As he answered, he suddenly remembered the weekend agreement they had made.

By any chance Can anyone accompany the +1 mentioned here?

Jeong-woo stepped outside and took out his phone. He let out a deep sigh and composed a text message.

[Ms. Yi-seol Um Are you available tomorrow for a conference on pan-Asian environmental measures in line with the UN Climate Change Paris Agreement?]

After hitting the send button, he closed his eyes tightly.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from fre𝒆webnove(l).𝐜𝐨𝗺