Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen-Chapter 252 - Some Business Together (1)

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Chapter 252 - Some Business Together (1)

Princess Lyland is as clingy as her brother. Well, she does not insist on touching me, at least.

But she spends a lot of time with me. She doesn't let me stay alone for long when Alexander is away.

At some point, she even asked to touch my belly. I couldn't refute her, so I had to endure her light hand caressing my stomach with curiosity.

?It's a miracle, isn't it?? she asks, widening her eyes. ?A new life!?

?Yes, it is,? I chuckle.

?Aren't you scared??

?It's a bit late for that,? I point out. I should have considered being afraid before. What's done is done.

?You might hate my brother for what he's done, but trust me... He only wanted you to be safe.?

?I know.?

?He didn't want to force you to be his wife; that was not his idea.?

?I know, your highness.?

Alexander didn't tell me, but I figured it out from the little information he could speak about. His memories are confused, or something like that, so he could only tell me that his sister scolded him in my stead and that his majesty couldn't afford to let me free.

?You talked to his majesty, didn't you? You said that Alexander's position would be more stable with a prisoner wife and that you didn't want them to fight over the throne.?

?That's so accurate that it's scary,? she murmurs. She leans back on the sofa and looks at the tea set on the table. ?If I didn't hear so much about you, I would be surprised. I'm just curious about one thing. How much did you need to figure out everything about my brother's memories??

?Memories?? I've called them dreams. That term made them seem less real. ?There were so many details out of place. I'm ashamed of myself for needing months to understand that something wasn't quite right. In the end, Alexander confessed. He told me about his first life and about the reasons why he won the war.?


?What?? I inquire.

I hope she isn't waiting for juicy details; we don't have that level of confidence. And she must know everything about the story.

?Have you forgiven him??

?For ruining my kingdom?? I chuckle. I look at the cup in my hand and sigh. ?He didn't ruin anything. We went to Polis and checked the situation. Everything is the way it was before the war. People aren't too unhappy. Not as much as I imagined, at least.?

?And your crown??

?A crown is just a symbol, your highness. I don't miss it.?

Only some days, I feel sad for all the free time in my hands. But then, I turn in the bed and find my husband there, still sleeping. I haven't lost more than I gained, in truth.

But having less time to think must be easier. I wouldn't have had the energies to misunderstand Alexander over and over again.

?Like this, I can choose when to work and when not to,? I continue. ?It's a freedom I never had. Being a Duchess doesn't entail all the responsibilities of ruling. And I'm learning how to manage my social life as well...?

?I'm relieved,? the Princess sighs. ?I was so happy when you wrote to me, during the winter. Even if all you wanted was to get rid of Elisabeth Grahm. You didn't have to find her a marriage, by the way. It was enough to tell Xander, and he would have solved the problem.?

?I used that girl to my advantage,? I say. ?It's not only because I don't want her around...? It's the main reason, I have to admit it. At least to myself. But the process was chosen after thorough consideration.

?And what about the painter?? she continues.

I blink, surprised. Indeed, the Princess doesn't know about Alexander's talent. It's something only I have witnessed till now.

It should surprise me because even my husband didn't discover it in two lives. But I can't help but smile, happy.

?Oh, I just love the way that man draws just anything. It feels alive, doesn't it?? 𝘧𝓇𝒆𝗲𝓌𝙚𝙗𝓷o𝘷𝒆𝘭.𝐜𝚘𝒎

I've sent the picture of Stoneyard, towering from its hill over the surrounding lands, during a rainy autumn day. I could feel the humidity and cold wind in my bones while gazing at Alexander's art, even if it was sunny outside and I had a hot cup of tea in my hands.

?Yes, it does,? the Princess agrees. ?I haven't noticed how much I missed home until I saw the painting. Who is the painter? Is it Lyana, by any chance??

?Oh, it's a secret,? I giggle. ?But I've brought many other pictures with me. I promised I would sell them to the noblewomen, and the artist entrusted them to me. Will you help me, your highness??

?Oh, yes!? She nods, moving on the sofa with her usual energy. ?I'm looking forward to it.?

?I'm glad you like it. It's one of our responsibilities, to help art pieces to find someone that will cherish them... Am I right??

?Yes, sister,? she says, clapping her hands. ?And I know how to make that person raise some money from it... A happy artist will draw even better, right??

?Right.? Even though I'm not sure that money will make my artist happier. But it will surely make me content.

I'll give my husband his part of the income, and I'll consider the rest as part of my commissions for the transfer.

It's not an easy job. I have to find someone interested, convince them the painting is something they absolutely need. And then, I have to deliver the goods and accept the money. It's a lot of work, and I deserve to be paid for it!

I haven't talked with Alexander about all of this. It will be a surprise: I will show him that I am capable enough to earn on my own.

With his hard work, but life has never been fair.

?When are we going to do it?? I ask.

?The sooner, the better,? the Princess replies, excited to do some business with me.