Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen-Chapter 251 - Family Reunion

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Chapter 251 - Family Reunion 𝘧𝚛𝗲𝘦𝚠𝙚𝙗𝙣o𝙫𝗲𝚕.𝐜o𝓂

There are some smaller buildings, here and there. I guess the lower-tier nobles live in this part. Those that can't afford accommodation in the central building of the Palace.

Then, the buildings get more frequent, and the gardens almost disappear. As members of the royal family, we were supposed to stay in the inner part of the Palace. Yet, Alexander exchanged his lodging with the western wing of the Palace.

Seeing the size of the gardens, the Princess followed him there and claimed half of the space for her.

As a result, I don't need to cope with masses of noblewomen whose names I don't know and can spend the remaining time of pregnancy with peace.

There is a smaller gate to get in the inner part of the Palace. Once crossed, the carriage turns towards the west and passes around the building until reaching the court. From here, we'll get inside on foot.

I leave the fur on the carriage to walk more freely, and Alexander holds my hand with his already usual kindness.

?Are you hungry??

?I'm tired,? I confess. ?Let's go rest, please... Can we greet people later??

?Sure!? He nods. ?We will greet his majesty tomorrow.?

Not the day after?

In front of the door, two dozen maids are lined up and waiting. They curtsey, bending their heads in front of us.

I can't recognise any of them, which is a piece of good news.

We walk past them without too much attention and reach the doors to our chambers. Mine is to the left, Alexander's to the right. Where to go?

?Come,? Alexander murmurs, and we cross the door to my rooms. ?You'll be more comfortable here.?

I quite doubt it, but it's fine. As long as he doesn't leave me alone immediately.

Two maids help me undress even though the clothes are easy to handle. Then, they bring me some wet, warm towels to clean myself and remove my makeup. Alexander disappears for a few minutes to change his clothes and freshen up. He's back before I'm ready to go to bed.

?Thea, it's midday,? he comments, looking at the nightgown.

?I want to sleep.?

?Let's have lunch first.?

?I'm not hungry.? I'd just lie down and sleep, please...

?All right,? he sighs. He waves to the maids to leave the room, and we sit on the bed.

?Do you want to rest with me?? I offer, patting on the spot next to me.

?Not really.?

He catches my ankles and makes me lean on the headrest. I move some pillows to be more comfortable while Alexander massages my feet and calves.

Oh, this is awesome.

I moan when his fingers press harder on my calf. How can he be this precise, hitting on the right spot at the right moment?

I close my eyes and prepare to fall asleep like this, blessed by Alexander's touch. Why was I considering leaving before? Was I blind or a fool?

A knock on the door makes both of us snort.

?Your grace,? a maid says after walking in. ?Her highness, Princess Lyland, is here.?

So, greeting people will have to be done today.

I start to get up, but Alexander doesn't let go of my legs. 𝑓𝓇𝑒𝑒𝚠e𝘣𝓷𝘰ѵe𝑙.com

?I can't stay like this in front of her highness,? I point out.

?Martia won't take it to heart,? he mutters without stopping his work. ?You're tired.?

?It's embarrassing, Alexander,? I whisper. It's too late to retreat since the Princess runs into the room and reaches us in a second.

?You're finally here!? she shouts. ?I have been waiting for weeks! Where the hell have you two hidden for so long??

I raise my brows and turn to Alexander, confused like every time this little elf says something odd.

?We changed route,? he explains.

?You could have told me.?

?It was a decision of the last moment, and I preferred to keep our whereabouts private.?

?I would have maintained the secret...? she pouts while dragging a chair next to the bed. ?Did you visit Polis, by any chance??

I choke, surprised by her intuition. Ah, well, knowing Alexander the way she does, it's not that difficult to guess what we did.

?Ah, I'm going to become an aunt!? the Princess adds, forgetting the interrogation of a moment ago.

Her eyes land on my belly, and all three of us look at the big ball in front of me.

The silence fills the room, but it's not an embarrassing one. Each one of us thinks of something on our own.

?I'm glad you two talked out your misunderstandings,? the Princess starts, probing the waters. ?It makes life easier when one's life partner doesn't hate the other to the point of making trouble...?

I look at my fingers, a little embarrassed. I didn't make any trouble; I've just said a couple of mean things to Alexander. And it didn't look wrong from my point of view.

Now, if I think back on my stubbornness, I realise that it was exaggerated. But there wasn't any way I could know it at the time when all happened. And it's partially her highness's fault!

Why is she reproaching me?

?Don't start yet, Martia,? Alexander defends me. ?You caused enough trouble, already.?

I agree.

?But I see you two are quite close now.? Close enough to have a baby. ?Have you cleared all of your misunderstandings??

She smiles like an angel, but I know very well that it's all a facade. Where is the frail little lady that I dreamt of once or twice? Alexander's influence was more conspicuous in this life.

?Yes, we've talked it through.?

She then turns to me to check if I'm following their conversation. She's curious to hear how much, exactly, I know.

?I've heard all about the dreams,? I confess. There's no need to drag it longer, and I'd just sleep. If telling her this will make the Princess go away, fine.

?So, you know...? she mutters, uneasy.

Now, after causing an uproar the first week after my marriage. After poking her nose into our relationship with that cute face of hers.

Now, she's uneasy.

?Yes, I do know, your highness.?

?And you believe in all of it??

?Do I have a choice??

?You do,? she replies, shrugging. ?With my brother by your side, you always have a choice.?

?There are too many coincidences for it to be a lie,? I point out. ?All the pieces found their place when I heard about the truth behind my husband's behaviour. Now, I do understand him.?

?Many things happened while you two were happy and safe,? the girl starts, suddenly serious. ?I managed to convince his majesty to send Elisabeth Grahm in the hope to form an alliance with Asteria, but their activity didn't decrease.?

?Elisabeth Grahm hasn't reached Asteria yet. And it won't be enough to stop them.?

I fix the pillow behind my back and resume my talk.

?Getting her out of the picture had the main goal of letting me feel better,? I confess. ?But it won't solve anything. Asteria is aiming at some territories to connect with the southern seas. They won't stop just because one of our young girls is a concubine of their Emperor.?

?She could become the Empress if she works hard...?

?She can't,? I cut her out. ?She doesn't have it in her. She'll fail.?

?Oh,? the Princess sighs.

?However, there are other sides of the matter to consider. I asked for help from my uncle, which means I now owe him a favour. This will make him believe he has some kind of connection to me. And, secondly, it will make power in court shift. Duke Grahm will finally declare his successor. And they will focus their forces to make the younger girl marry his majesty. They might become enemies of Kyre, in this settings.?

?Aren't you scared?? she asks.

?I am not.? I shrug, glancing at Alexander. He's been capable of protecting me from them; he will do the same with the rest of his house.

?I heard some talks about a message sent to Asteria,? she continues. ?Is it your doing??

?Yes, it is.?

?Why sending it in secret? We have tones of spies capable of crossing the border to Asteria... This way, you got caught...?

She seems to consider the matter for a moment. Then, she turns to her brother and analyses his expression. He's still massaging my legs while listening to our chat.

?You did it on purpose!? she realises. ?You two are diabolic.?

?There are several matters to solve if you want a stable empire, your highness. We solved one during our journey, but the rest of the enemies are still lurking in the dark. First of all, those that are thirsty for power no matter who they side with. They are enemies of the crown even when they do not wish to destabilise Ethiro. Then, Asteria has tons of spies and agents of interest in the Empire. It's time to get rid of some and decrease the power of others.?

?I want to help!? she exclaims. Her eyes are shining, content. I can tell that she and Alexander are part of the same family.

?I was counting on it, your highness,? I say with a smile.

Read An Extra's POV