Daily life of a cultivation judge-Chapter 874 You talk too much

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Chapter 874 You talk too much

?"How do you want to handle the next group? Will you deal with them individually or do it collectively as a group?" asked Yu Gen once it was just him and Yang Qing in the courtroom with Xia Ting having already gone to handover the Mo clansmen to the penalties and rehabilitation division.

"We are already here.." Yang Qing said with an exhausted sigh as he rubbed the bridges of his eyebrows to exorcise the tenseness he felt due to the upcoming case.

Resting his eyes on his palms, Yang Qing let out another sigh as he rubbed his eyes in the process before looking up smiling wryly at Yu Gen, as he did.

"The cases we have against them aren't exactly things we can directly punish them for. For them, we are no more than middlemen between the aggrieved and them. In the end, what happens is in the hands of the aggrieved.

And since some of those cases overlap amongst them, we might as well do it all at once.

The charges aren't a lot. Let's bring them all in and get it over with. I just hope the others don't lose their nerve.." Yang Qing said as threw himself back to his seat, seemingly hoping it would swallow him.

Yu Gen nodded, wearing the same look and bitter smile Yang Qing had.

"Have his parents arrived or any notable figures from the pavilion?" languidly asked Yang Qing just as Yu Gen was about to leave.

"I haven't seen them, but considering their son is about to stand trial any moment now and they were already informed of it beforehand, and now after your sentencing. I figure they are already in the building or presently with him.."

"Mmh...." murmured Yang Qing absentmindedly as he stared into the glittering stars shining above his courtroom, his mind drifting off elsewhere.

"I really shouldn't have tried to sneak in those three months.." he weakly said, regret in his tone.

"I am glad you think so.."

Yang Qing hurriedly sat straight, his body tense as his head tilted in the direction the voice originated from.

Even though he already knew who the owner of that voice was owing to the unforgettable impact that owner and the voice had left on him for the past few years, he still felt his strength leave his body when he saw the stern, silver-eyed, silver-haired middle-aged man that had now graced his courtroom.

Who else could it be other than Lei Weiyuan?

"His timing is impeccable as always.." thought Yang Qing as his body started feeling like hot prickly needles were popping out at every part of his body, especially his back. His tongue felt dry, his chest seemed to be closing up, and there was also a ringing sound in his ears, but the sensation that took the cake in his body was his beating heart. The fervor with which it drummed, it was no different than the passionate beating drums that would be used to encourage soldiers about to go to war.

"You seem unnerved. I never thought I'd see this side of you... here.." said Lei Weiyuan as his eyes looked around the courtroom.

"How could I not be, Supervisor Lei? I am about to face off with potentially one or more angry domain experts with my puny second-stage palace realm cultivation.

I feel like I'm tempting death here.." Yang Qing said with an aggrieved tone as he used his hands to support his weak torso.

He left a few words unsaid which was that he blamed Lei Weiyuan for all this. If it wasn't for him throwing evaluations on him in his final week, he would never have stepped foot in Purple City, and none of this mess would have fallen on him.

Yang Qing paused in his grumbling when he saw the most terrifying villain he knew, flash a small smile.

"With your ability to attract trouble, I'm sure you'd have ended up in a similar situation at some point in time. No use blaming me..." Lei Weiyuan said, the smile still on his face, as his hands moved as he rubbed his beard. His eyes narrowed as they gleamed with a sage-like light as he added,

"Besides, if it wasn't for your brilliant idea of giving yourself a three-month vacation, you would not be in this mess in the first place..."

Yang Qing instantly felt like jumping over his podium and walloping the old man, but knowing his chances against the fiend, he chose to be a filial junior and endure.

The rush of anger and indignation quickly filled his heart and belly which strangely enough counteracted the nervousness he was feeling.

Lei Weiyuan turned his body away from the podium, turning it in the direction of the entrance.

"You shouldn't worry too much.It's just the Golden Bamboo Pavilion. Even if they allied with the Silver Leaf Empire, it shouldn't be something that should shake you one bit.

Aren't you the one who always shamelessly brags out there about how you have thousands of tall trees here to shelter you from the winds and storms here at the Order?"

Yang Qing's jaws sank, and from the sudden surprise, he inadvertently spoke out his true thoughts.

"How did you know that?"

Realizing what he had just said, he hurriedly placed his palms over his mouth, in a bid to take back his words, but it was already too late for that. It was already out there.

Lei Weiyuan, his hands clasped behind his back, cast a sideway glance toward Yang Qing, expressionless.

"Who doesn't? You're not exactly known for keeping things to yourself, are you? You talk too much.." Lei Weiyuan curtly said.

His delivery and his expression as he did so left Yang Qing feeling too embarrassed, with his retort to the statement being weak mumbles of,

"What's wrong with being expressive and sincere?"

Ignoring Yang Qing's mutterings, which even he didn't believe, Lei Weiyuan turned his attention back to the entrance.

"We each have our roles to play here, nothing more, nothing less. There's no need to shoulder more than that. You do what is expected of you, and we will also do our parts too. Its how the Order has always worked and why despite the odds stacked against us, we are still here, aren't we?"

"We are.." Yang Qing said as he felt his heart lighten.

"That's better.." Lei Weiyuan said.

"Before I forget, both of Lin Duyi's parents will be present during the case. In addition, there will be two more guests other than them. One has a relation to Lin Duyi from his mother's side. No doubt brought here to try and pressure us into some sort of concession.." Lei Weiyuan said still with the same impassive speech, but one could hear the disregard and contempt in his tone.

"The other one is a surprising figure. I can't wait to see their reaction.." he added as he smiled briefly before his expression turned deadpan again.