Dark Matter Ascension-Chapter 21B2 - : The party perspectives

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Priam was buzzing with excitement as he ran into his apartment, popped into the hygiene station, and sat down in his dad’s cozy study. “Okay Bloopa! Let’s get this level up underway!”

Of course, the constellation of shapes transmitted. You have enough Stardust for 18 levels, which will bring you up to level 76, and classify you as a Tier 4 Aspirant. What would you like Skill-wise?

“10 Ranks into Pulsar Ward, since I’m focusing on defensive support still and it can scale endlessly. 3 Ranks to max out Energy cost Reduction. And then that leaves me with 5 Ranks for a new Skill. I want something that lets me do area-of-effect damage, since we are missing that.”

Okay. Here it comes!


Name: Priam Westerfold (Aspirant, Tier 4)

Power [Class Level]: Pulsar [Priest 76]

Skill Name (Rank) [Evolutions]: Universal Translation, Environmental Adaptation, Pulsar Ward (Rank 30) [Multi-Target], Pulsar Physic (Rank 10) [Contingent], Priest's Benediction (Rank 13) [Enduring], Priest's Smite (Rank 10) [Marking], Energy Cost Reduction (Rank 10), Wrath of the Gods (Rank 5), Soul Restoration (1/day), Ishtar's Embrace (1/day)

Stardust: 1,451

Equipment: (Light) Archpriest Vestments, (Conservation) Soul Warden Writ, (Insightful) Dad's Hat, (Light) Venture Pack, survival meals (x40), enhanced canteen, optimized medical kit, 20,000 creds

Boons: Common (Information)


Pulsar Ward (Rank 30): As Rank 29, but is stronger.

Energy Cost Reduction (Rank 10): Any Skill the user uses has its energy cost reduced by 50%.

Wrath of the Gods (Rank 1): The user designates any number of targets in a 30-foot sphere within 100 feet distance. They are harmed by a Cosmic Power manifestation or divine wrath.

Wrath of the Gods (Rank 2): As Rank 1, but increase sphere size to 40 feet, and within 120 feet distance.

Wrath of the Gods (Rank 3): As Rank 1, but increase sphere size to 50 feet, and within 140 feet distance.

Wrath of the Gods (Rank 4): As Rank 1, but increase sphere size to 60 feet, and within 160 feet distance.

Wrath of the Gods (Rank 5): As Rank 1, but increase sphere size to 70 feet, and within 180 feet distance.


Priam let out a whistle, “Damn, that’s really strong.” He looked at Bloopa, “Why doesn’t my soul energy coefficient apply to these for amplifying the effects?”

These are Skills manifested by The Cosmic System. Not pure-magic or divine-magic spells. Only those would be affected by your soul energy coefficient. The Cosmic System’s Skills are generally more potent than spells would be.

“Right. Okay. Well, I’m going to take a nap before dinner tonight.” Priam went over to the desert-scape bedroom and nestled into place on the round bed. “Goodnight, Bloopa.”

Do you wish to talk?

“About what?”

The death you witnessed and supported.

Priam shrugged, “They wanted to hurt us. Hurt my friends. And now they’re off to whatever happens to souls on Earth.” He nestled into place and smiled softly, “My friends,” he whispered, knowing that they were his friends and not just people using him like his past allies.

Greg opened the door to his apartment, “Missy? You here?”

The sound of feet on the ground met his ears, and he opened his arms wide as his fiancé ran into his open arms. “You’re back!”

“For the day and tonight,” Greg replied as he kissed her. “How’s the business going?”

“Great!” she grabbed him and pulled him over to one of the rooms they had turned into her workshop. Shhiv was sitting down at a table, drawing out a design with floral patterns that reminded Greg of Japanese Zen gardens. “Shhiv is a great artist!”

She looked back and grinned, her sharp, shark teeth glinting in the light coming down from the white cylinders above. “How was Earth? Is Jace back, too?”

“Earth was…interesting,” Greg replied. “Jace went to visit the hospital I think.”

Shhiv nodded, “Don’t mind me: just pretend I’m not here.” She put the equivalent of headphones on her head, and tapped her cosmopanel next to her.

Missy grabbed Greg and pulled him over to another table, “We’ve already made a splash! A few different vendors have reached out after we sent them some samples. Soon enough I can start bringing in Stardust and help you get to Tier 10, faster!”

Greg grinned and gave her a big kiss, “You really are too good for me.”

“Oh, stop.” Missy giggled. “I have a few more hours of work to do, then we can relax. That fine?”

“Yeah, I’m going to level up and then take a nap.” Greg gave her one more squeeze before he headed to their living room, divesting himself of his equipment and duffel bags. “Alright Darrin. Let’s level up.”

“You have enough for 19 levels,” the spider Wayfinder replied. “Up to level 70.”

“Right. Still Tier 3, then.”

“Unfortunately, yes. You are a bit behind the other three. Not far, though.”

Greg nodded as he stepped into the hygiene station. “All my Skills are maxed out, right?”

“Except for Rock Blast and Planetary Palisade, which both scale up endlessly. And Planetary Growth, which you have not found useful thus far as plant-filled worlds are not really prevalent for you at this time.”

Well, making the stone walls was really useful, Greg thought. But I don’t think I’ll need anything bigger than what I can make. The Rock Blast was really useful at dealing with the helos, but Priam dealt with those easily enough without me using my energy. “I need something that makes my combat abilities better. Yeah, I’m well trained and a crack shot: but I need something like what gives Jace his cool sword skills.”

Unlawfully taken from Royal Road, this story should be reported if seen on Amazon.

“Unfortunately, your Class does not lend itself to such Skills. May I make a suggestion?”

“Shoot.” Greg stepped out of the hygiene station and headed to the bedroom.

“A defensive-style Class such as yours can gain passive defenses and fortifications for your body. Making you naturally more resilient, without having to manifest your Planetary Defenses.”

“Oh, shit, why didn’t you say so? Let’s rock that.”

“Rock is an apt choice of words.”

“But, I should probably take that Energy Cost Reduction and max that out at Rank 10.”

“Prudent decision. 9 Ranks in Defensive Upgrade, then. One away from the maximum.”


Name: Greg Bhastal (Aspirant, Tier 3)

Power [Class Level]: Planet [Protector 70]

Skill Name (Rank) [Evolutions]: Universal Translation, Environmental Adaptation, Protector's Vow (Rank 3), Planetary Defenses (Rank 3), Planetary Retribution (Rank 3), Cosmic Infusion (Rank 10), Protector's Panacea (Rank 8), Planetary Palisade (Rank 10), Planetary Growth (Rank 1), Rock Blast (Rank 15), Energy Cost Reduction (Rank 10), Defensive Upgrade (Rank 9), Thellor’s Reversal (1/day)

Stardust: 1,051

Equipment: (Heavy) Thellor's Impenetrable Bulwark, Pheracorp deflection matrix, Stunstick, (Heavy) Venture Pack, survival meals (x40), enhanced canteen, optimized medical kit, 20,000 creds, Enduralife Guardian AR, General Logistics 9mm Pistol, x4 fragmentation grenade, x4 EMP grenade, x4 flashbang

Boons: None


Energy Cost Reduction (Rank 10): Any Skill the user uses has its energy cost reduced by 50%.

Defensive Upgrade (Rank 1): Increases the user's physical resistance by a minor amount.

Defensive Upgrade (Rank 2): As Rank 1, increases the user's mental resistance by a minor amount.

Defensive Upgrade (Rank 3): As Rank 2, increases the user's emotional resistance by a minor amount.

Defensive Upgrade (Rank 4): As Rank 3, increases the user's physical resistance by a moderate amount.

Defensive Upgrade (Rank 5): As Rank 4, increases the user's mental resistance by a moderate amount.

Defensive Upgrade (Rank 6): As Rank 5, increases the user's emotional resistance by a moderate amount.

Defensive Upgrade (Rank 7): As Rank 6, increases the user's physical resistance by a large amount.

Defensive Upgrade (Rank 8): As Rank 7, increases the user's mental resistance by a large amount.

Defensive Upgrade (Rank 9): As Rank 8, increases the user's emotional resistance by a large amount.


Greg grinned as he felt like he was unstoppable. He knew he could take one hell of a pounding now. Combined with his armor and his Planetary Defenses? He would be an unstoppable defensive bulwark. And his offensive capabilities could be offset by firearms.

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Now I just need some special Equipment. I wish Jace could’ve recovered that sniper’s weapon. That thing dealt some goddamn damage! He chuckled as he laid down on the bed. “Darrin, can you wake me up in a few hours?”

“No, but I’ll set an alarm for you.”

“Thanks, buddy.”

Quinn had just gotten up to stretch when Sera/Xera/X popped into space next to her. It caused the Aspirant to jump slightly, “Ever heard of knocking?!”

Xera shook her head, “Nope. But you know my identity, and I need to make sure that you never reveal it to the Star Council. So, we’re going to do a Broker Contract.”

“And what do I get out of it?”

Xera’s eyebrow twitched, “I will…” She crossed her arms, “You live rent free in my ultra-secured apartment building that can literally move throughout Khrox to keep its inhabitants safe. I let you access The Cosmic System with that rig of yours. I can revoke access with a snap of my fingers. So, the ‘deal’ is that you keep the current status quo.”

Quinn nodded. She knew that the only card she held in this whole affair was that she knew Xera’s identity as Sera: her Civilian cover, the Star Broker guessed: and could maybe blow that cover. But she had no clue if this physical form was even Xera’s real form. It might be a fake, for all she knew. Or a cloned body. Or, hell, a projection of hardlight holograms.

“Broker’s Contract (Rank 20),” Quinn stated as the floating, golden box appeared above the two and floated down in between them. To her surprise, Xera began manipulating the text as if she was the one controlling the Skill. Quinn made sure to track all of the changes to the text of the contract. Wow, that’s really fair, she thought.

“Deal?” Xera asked as she took a step back.

“Deal,” Quinn replied. The contract vanished and she saw the notification in the corner of her vision.

“Perfect. Now, keep doing what you’re doing. Push the group to try for Cybronics Research in Tokyo.”

“Why?” Quinn asked.

“It’s got the least amount of Nebula Alliance operates present. I’ve been tracking their movements. There’s 6 Ascendants and 22 Aspirants still operating on Earth for that faction. It will be the next easiest target.”

“And we are going from easy to hard because it gives us the best chance to get levels, ascend the Tiers, and become more resistant to anything they could throw at us.”

Xera grinned, “You are a smart one. Shame you chose to be a Signer for the Star Council.”

Quinn frowned and looked down, “I just need them so I can run the store front and do my market stuff to get Stardust.”

“The boys are splitting their Stardust with you, though. So do you really need the Star Market?”

“No,” Quinn said softly. “I don’t need that position right now. But eventually, when Greg, Priam, and Jace are not on Earth, I won’t be able to support them like I am now. At least not on magic worlds.”

Xera nodded, “Fair point. Well, if you ever want to abandon the Star Council and join my faction, you’ve proven that you are qualified enough to do so. Keep that offer in mind.” The woman vanished as she warped away.

Quinn went to the bedroom and laid down, groaning into the mattress. Level up first. She rolled onto her back and interfaced directly with The Cosmic System using Broker’s Interface. Enough for 19 levels. But I’ll be super low on Stardust. She sighed. Well, I want to keep up with the rest. Don’t want to be the odd-one out.

She paused. I want to be able to help out no matter where they end up going. So what I need is some way to be able to interface my console with any type of world within The Cosmic Corridor. Hmm…Let’s try that.


Name: Quinn Cipher (Aspirant, Tier 3)

Power [Class Level]: Star [Broker 72]

Skill Name (Rank) [Evolutions]: Universal Translation, Environmental Adaptation, Broker's Instinct (Rank 8), Broker's Contract (Rank 20), Broker's Fee (Rank 16), Cosmic Infusion (Rank 10), Magic World Interface (Rank 6), Magitech World Interface (Rank 6), Technology World Interface (Rank 7)

Stardust: 651

Equipment: Broker's interface, Broker's starting gear, Webwalker Implants, Pheracorp Bionic Brain Mk. 1, Pheracorp Bionic Eyes Mk. 1, (Light) Venture Pack, survival meals (x40), enhanced canteen, optimized medical kit, Enduralife Guardian AR, General Logistics 9mm Pistol, x8 micro-EMP charge

Boons: None


Magic World Interface (Rank 1): Enables the user to interface with a magic world of Tier 1 or lower from a remote location for the purposes of information gathering, monitoring, contact, and other coordination-focused capabilities.

Magic World Interface (Rank 6): As Rank 1, but enables Tier 6 or lower access.

Magitech World Interface (Rank 1): Enables the user to interface with a magitech world of Tier 1 or lower from a remote location for the purposes of information gathering, monitoring, contact, and other coordination-focused capabilities.

Magitech World Interface (Rank 6): As Rank 1, but enables Tier 6 or lower access.

Technology World Interface (Rank 1): Enables the user to interface with a technology world of Tier 1 or lower from a remote location for the purposes of information gathering, monitoring, contact, and other coordination-focused capabilities.

Technology World Interface (Rank 7): As Rank 1, but enables Tier 7 or lower access.


Quinn grinned a smug smile. And just like that, I can keep doing my information gathering and behind-the-scenes support role for the group.

She froze momentarily. This was the first time she had unwittingly admitted to herself that she was enthused about her role in the group of people working for Xera. It was…almost comforting, knowing that she was an integral component of their successful endeavors.

Thinking back on the actions she had taken over the past few months, she realized how much of a bitch she had been towards Jace, Greg, and even the innocent and innocuous Priam. She had been difficult to be around, judging from their general demeanor when interacting with her. And that made her feel oddly sad.

She didn’t want to be the outsider just isolated on her own. Like it or not, she had grown accustomed to Greg’s company. Being a solo act wasn’t feasible anymore, either, with the Black Hole Conclave and Nebula Alliance now firmly in the ‘enemy’ grouping of factions who would probably kill Quinn on sight.

I need to just keep doing what I’m doing right now. Support, information gathering, comms access, hacking, all of that. It’s what I’m good at, and now I can do it from the safety and comfort of right here at home.

She willed a message box to open and began thinking of a message to her current allies…and people she viewed favorably.