Dark Matter Ascension-Chapter 48B2 - : Factions and their schemes
The night passed quickly. Jace spent hours just talking to Shhiv. Sharing his life’s story. From his being left at the orphanage when he was 6, his street folk mentor visiting a few times throughout his youth, Jace’s running away at 12, and spending his formative years under his mentor’s guidance.
“He died when I was 14,” Jace said as they lay on his bed in their lounge-about clothes. Shhiv was curled up on his chest, listening to him and breathing gently. “Beaten to death in front of me.”
“That must have been horrible, especially after Verve died,” she whispered.
Jace nodded and ran his fingers through her hair and along the fin that ran atop her skull. “Yeah. It was…and then someone from General Logistics tracked me down and told me I had a sister. She was born that year, and the same person gave me an access card so I could visit. Every week I visited her, sneaking in and avoiding the staff. She was my little sister, and I loved her so much.” He took in a deep, shuddering breath, and Shhiv squeezed his arm.
“You don’t have to talk about that if you don’t want to.”
Jace nodded and continued, “So when I was 19, she was 5, and I rescued her. Took her away. She was being bullied just like I had been, and she was begging me to take her with me. How could I say no?” He shook his head and wiped away a little bit of a tear that had started to form. “Two years I raised her just like my mentor had taught me. And then at 7 years old, she died. Right in front of me.”
“You’ve seen a lot of death,” Shhiv softly said.
“Yeah. Verve, my mentor…Chroma…and then I did 2 years of courier work and ended up killing 2 people in self-defense.” He looked at his hand, held up in front of him, “And now…I’ve…” he closed his eyes, and his voice dropped to a whisper. “I killed so many, Shhiv. On accident. Because I wasn’t thinking clearly. I was too blinded by revenge.”
She turned a bit, and the deep, black slits of her iris stared into his eyes. Seemingly piercing his soul. “I…I’m sure…” she sat up slightly and faced him. She took a deep breath. “You feel remorse, right?”
“Yes,” Jace whispered. “I did. But then Xe-” he caught himself, “X, my boss, reminded me that in the grand scheme of things, there’s so many people in this universe that the people I accidentally killed weren’t a huge loss.”
Shhiv blinked and nodded, “I get it. On my home world, there are over two-trillion various people of different species. And my family: the royal ones: they’ve killed tens of millions before. It’s a violent world. And we live in a violent universe.”
Jace frowned and pushed himself up against the headboard, so he was more upright. “I…I came to terms with it, though. What is done is done.” He met her gaze. “I’ll do anything to bring Chroma back…but I am not going to enjoy killing. And I’m going to try and keep it from costing any unnecessary loss of life.”
Shhiv nodded, “Good. Your determination and grit are some of your most attractive features,” she said as she crawled back over to him, gave her approximation of a kiss, and then settled on his torso once more. “So, tell me a bit more about Chroma and what she is like, since she is going to eventually be here.”
Jace nodded and began detailing everything he could remember about his kid sister.
Quinn nervously stepped into the Star Council headquarters. She was dressed in a set of business professional clothes. She followed the signs to the banquet hall, passing by several very imposing Ascendants whom she had not met before. They were ten foot tall apiece, dwarfing her height, and they wore heavy armor and held pikes with a blade of plasma extending where the cutting edge would be.
Walking by them, she spotted Mizarion and Casey, settled in at one of the tables near the head table. Up at the head table, she saw Star Father and Levi. And there were hundreds of Ascendants and Aspirants in the room. The only reason she saw the people she was familiar with was because they were seated in a higher position than the others.
“Excuse me,” a Civilian dressed up as a waiter spoke next to her. “Quinn Cipher, yes?”
“That’s right,” she responded.
“Please, this way. You have a seat at the high table.”
Really? Why? Quinn nodded and followed the man, pausing as she passed by Mizarion and Casey. The two stopped their conversation and made eye contact. “Thanks for helping out on Earth,” she said to Mizarion.
“Not a problem,” he replied with a chuckle and a grin. “I was just regaling Casey with the story of my heroic-”
“Not very heroic,” Casey said with a smug smile, nudging Mizarion with her elbow. “Just buffing up other people and empowering them.”
“Hey! Come on, I was instrumental in the final victory,” Mizarion replied.
Quinn cleared her throat slightly to get their attention mid-banter, “Why just for General Logistics? Why not help out with the other megacorps?”
Casey chuckled, “Politics. Earth’s governments. Talk to Levi about all of that.”
Quinn shook her head, “I’ll pass, thank you.” She patted Mizarion on the shoulder, “Thank you for helping out my crew.”
“Just remember who butters your bread, eh?”
Quinn smiled in response and went up to the high table. The Civilian who had been escorting her pulled out a chair on the left side of Star Father, and she sat down as he pushed it in behind her. “Sir,” she stated.
The godlike man turned to her and smiled, patting her on the shoulder, “That’s my girl. You did a great job.” Quinn felt herself go beet-red as the man continued, “Levi has corrected his faux-pas with the few world governments, and we will be holding the World Faction Assignment Vote in a few weeks.” He grinned, “The Nebula Alliance is completely off-world, and we’ve got our foothold…all thanks to your efforts.”
“It wasn’t just me, sir,” Quinn replied. “I had help.”
Star Father’s face became slightly more tense, and he nodded, “Yes, X and the Dark Between Stars Signers are all potent allies…but they may also be enemies in the future. Do not get too attached.” He chuckled, and his face lightened, “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve fought against X’s people.”
Quinn felt uncertainty at that moment, realizing that there was a whole entire layer of inter-faction politics that went on behind the scenes among the higher-ups that she had no clue about. She glanced past Star Father and at Levi, who was looking at her with unabashed lust.
“First world takeover. How does it feel?” Levi asked.
“I did my job, I got paid, that’s all there is to it,” Quinn replied as she reverted to her go-to phrase post-job.
Levi cracked a leering smile, “Ah. Well, if you are interested in celebrating, I’ve got an afterparty I’m lining up-”
Quinn interrupted by re-engaging with Star Father, “I had a request.”
“You may make it.”
Quinn took a deep breath, “I’m the only Aspirant among the Star Council that is from Earth. I wanted to request permission to be one of the main points-of-contact between Earth and the Star Council.” She let out the breath and sucked in another one before continuing, “I don’t know all of the intricacies of dealing with world takeovers, but I know what Earth needs.”
The man nodded and scratched his beard, “Reasonable. Very well, I am open to this idea. Casey?” he called down a table, and the spider-centaur woman looked up, “I want you to loop Quinn in on the Earth transition and put her on the advisory committee.” The spider woman gave a thumbs-up, and Star Father turned back to Quinn. “The way it works is we set up someone as the primary integrator for a world, and then form a five-person committee to advise them. Three of the advisors can veto any change proposed by the primary integrator.”
“Who is the primary integrator for Earth?” Quinn asked.
Levi raised his hand, “That’ll be me. I hope you look forward to working together.”
Quinn kept her disgust in check, and just nodded curtly and smiled briefly before looking back to her faction’s leader. “You’re not mad at me?”
“For what, my child?”
“Not securing Flicker’s loyalty.”
The man shrugged, “You did not seem like the temptress type. It was an attempt, that attempt failed.” He put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently, “Just keep working with that crew of Aspirants as best you can. That will give me insight into X’s inner workings. You’re my inside man- excuse me, woman.”
Quinn nodded as food began to be brought out. And as she began to eat, she reviewed her contract with Xera, making sure that she was following it to the best of her ability and wasn’t violating it in any way.
Keep in good with the Star Council, and with Xera and the crew. She knew that this was just the first step to becoming a big player in The Cosmic System…and she had an advantage none of the other Star Council had.
She was integral to Xera’s plans.
“Catastrophic results,” Sheereen grumbled as she tapped out a stick of incense-heavy paper, rolling it up and lighting it with a Skill as she inhaled the pungent fumes.
“Agreed,” Frojen replied as he finished presenting his report to the Nebula Alliance’s highest members. “It is far from the optimal outcome.”
All eyes turned to Deckard Stonewall, the leader of the faction, who was seething as he sat in his chair. The leader of the faction stared at Frojen, and then shrugged and his demeanor shifted. “In business,” he said softly, “Fortunes can change in an instant. This was a venture-capital style investment that did not pan out.” His tone shifted and was undercut by a surge of anger, “X, the Dark Between Stars…I still do not know how stopping us from taking over Earth stabilizes The Cosmic System.”
Frojen adjusted his stance and said, “I believe it has less to do with Earth itself, and more with the species present there. Their advancement technologically speaking is astonishing given how short-lived their sentience period has been.”
“What are you suggesting?” Sheereen asked. “That the humans from that world are going to rival the most advanced technological empires?”
Frojen nodded, “Precisely. X is obviously ancient, since their faction has been around for so long.” He glanced over at Deckard, “I would wager, with the Star Council’s influence, Earth will go through a full Type 1 overhaul in the span of ten years, and Type 2 within a hundred. Just based off their history.”
Deckard nodded. Makes sense, he thought. If X is trying to get the most powerful worlds under their control through other factions. But X won’t be directly in control: the Star Council will be. He scoffed at the idea that they were more stable than his Nebula Alliance. Mercantilism would always exist. The idea of an egalitarian society uplifting people was laughable.
He tented his tentacles, “Earth is lost to us, as is the rest of that System. Spending resources on seeking revenge is not profitable. This business venture failed.” He stood up and glanced at the arrayed Ascendants. “I am taking a few days’ vacation. Tyul, you’re in charge while I’m gone.”
The bird man nodded and began a briefing about a new space-mining operation, and Deckard left the room.
Deckard felt rage. He had been stopped. X and the Star Council had ruine- no, Jace Seren, ‘Flicker’, and his crew: they ruined his plans. Deckard glanced at his cosmopanel and saw the thousands upon thousands of Stardust he had in his personal account. I won’t get the Nebula Alliance mixed up in my personal wants, he thought. He set to making a public announcement on a prominent messaging program.
This tale has been unlawfully lifted from Royal Road. If you spot it on Amazon, please report it.
[Looking for Stardust? Want to kill an Aspirant?]
[Target: Jace Seren, aka ‘Flicker’.]
[See image provided for description.]
[Reward: 50,000 Stardust.]
[Sub-Target: Priam Westerfold, Greg Bhastal, and Deasyl ‘Dee’ Luna.]
[See images provided for descriptions.]
[Reward per Sub-Target: 10,000 Stardust.]
He posted the entry, and then frowned as he saw the name become redacted almost instantly, so that only ‘Flicker’ was present. Damn X, he thought. Messing with my plans.
Xera frowned, “Damnit,” she whispered. Her auto-redaction removed all mention of Jace’s name from The Cosmic System…but she could not remove Deckard’s bounty. And, unfortunately, only Jace had used a code name from the start of his Aspirant Trial with Ollie: so the other names could not be redacted and replaced.
She quickly put together a message and sent it to Ollie, Miku, Darrin, and Bloopa.
[There’s a bounty on all four of your Signers. Jace’s identity is kept behind his code name. But the rest are known by name on a prominent bounty board.]
[Unless they are going to a specific location in Khrox, they need to stay in the apartment building.]
[I’ll authorize use of instant-warping within The Eternal City and The Cosmic Corridor to prevent ambush, but when you’re on-world, you could have any number of Aspirants or Ascendants coming after you.]
[Take appropriate caution. And remember…all my Signers are valuable, but we have to keep Jace alive above the rest. Miku, Darrin, Bloopa: Authorization Code TG847-XE4A.]
She sent off the message. Every Wayfinder had built into their programming the desire to protect and foster their Aspirant above all others. But Xera’s orders, plus the overriding Authorization Code, meant that they would ensure that their programming shifted slightly.
They would still do everything they could for their Aspirant…but Jace would be prioritized over the rest. Which was vital, because his ability to manipulate Dark Energy might be one of the only ways to push Troxanir out of the ‘tunnel’ leading to the Astral Verge. If he died, she would be waiting a long time for a new Aspirant who proved themselves enough to warrant her unlocking Dark Matter for them to choose.
Xera nodded confidently as she went back to her station, working on her next project.
The Penrose Ring world that Troxanir’s avatar made its abode was busy. As part of a restructuring effort, he had taken the ancient Architect complex, and the object tethering his true form in the center of the singularity leading to the Astral Verge was being repaired. Soon enough, it would be in a good enough state for him to make it the headquarters for his faction…and therefore grant him a portal to The Cosmic Corridor, as it would qualify as a habitable world.
His avatar could never walk inside that place, nor The Eternal City: but being able to send and receive his Aspirants and Ascendants would make his operations far easier. Plus, with the device fully repaired, he could learn exactly how The Architects had pulled him to this place and chained him here.
The first step to his eventual freedom.
“My lord,” one of his Aspirants said from behind him. “We have successfully held off the Pulsar Coalition on Velenar Prime. The construction of an engine is well underway, and we estimate within ten years to send the planet to oblivion.”
Troxanir grinned and nodded, “Excellent work.” He turned to face the singularity, reaching his hand out and slightly twisting it, bending the stellar object ever-so-slightly. And I continue to grow the entrance, he thought.
Ever since The Architects chained him here, blocking the hole leading to The Astral Verge, he had begun to plan and plot. Every soul that should have traveled down that tunnel and through the layer of reality he came from were all caught up in his mass.
With each soul, he grew in power. Enough souls, and he could take over this entire Cosmic System, the whole universe, and then gorge upon it. Become greater than anything that he could have imagined.
“Let’s pick up the pace on the reconstruction efforts,” he said to his underlings. “All available resources.”
“Okay! Let’s go ahead and get this done!” Priam had just woken up on his lovely, sand-covered cushion in the desert-like environment of his bedroom. He hopped up, stretched, and went to the hygiene station before going to his dad’s chair and getting up in it.
Bloopa floated in front of him, and her fractal shapes and geometric angles spoke to him. You have enough Stardust to hit level 100. As soon as that happens, you are considered Tier 5.
“What about an Advanced Class and Ascended Power?
That requires 2,500 Stardust. And that will immediately put you at Tier 6.
“Right, because I get a free ‘Tier’ for reaching the maximum level possible in my Class advancement!”
Correct. For now, you must decide what 5 Skill Ranks you desire.
“That ‘From on High’ Skill was useful for flying Mizarion around, but I really need some type of energy transfer like what he did.”
Well, when it comes to Jace, he has the [Siphoning] Evolution to his Energy Cost Reduction Skill. You could just put your hands on him and transfer energy.
“I want to do it from a range, and on any ally.”
Well, let’s see what I can do here with Seraph.
Name: Priam Westerfold (Aspirant, Tier 5)
Power [Class Level]: Pulsar [Priest <Seraph> 100]
Skill Name (Rank) [Evolutions]: Universal Translation, Environmental Adaptation, Pulsar Ward (Rank 35) [Multi-Target], Pulsar Physic (Rank 10) [Contingent], Priest's Benediction (Rank 13) [Enduring], Priest's Smite (Rank 10) [Marking], Energy Cost Reduction (Rank 10), Wrath of the Gods (Rank 5), From on High (Rank 4), Seraph's Soothe (Rank 10), Fount of Energy (Rank 5), Soul Restoration (1/day), Ishtar's Embrace (1/day)
Stardust: 630
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Equipment: (Light) Archpriest Vestments, (Conservation) Soul Warden Writ, (Insightful) Dad's Hat, (Light) Venture Pack, survival meals (x40), enhanced canteen, optimized medical kit
Boons: Common (Information), Epic (Augmentation)
Fount of Energy (Rank 1) - The user may transfer energy to any target of their choosing within 10 feet of them, at a 1 to 1/4 ratio.
Fount of Energy (Rank 2) - As Rank 1, but increase range to 20 feet, and ratio to 1 to 1/2.
Fount of Energy (Rank 3) - As Rank 1, but increase range to 30 feet, and ratio to 1 to 3/4.
Fount of Energy (Rank 4) - As Rank 1, but increase range to 40 feet, and ratio to 1 to 1.
Fount of Energy (Rank 5) - As Rank 1, but increase range to 50 feet, and ratio to 1 to 1 1/2.
“Great! Just what I was looking for!”
I am happy you find it so satisfying.
“Question though! Can I keep putting Ranks into Class Skills once I choose an Advanced Class?”
Yes. The Advanced Class acts as a means to transfer and channel the Ascended Power, just as a regular Class does for your Cosmic Power.
“Gotcha. That makes sense. Oh, and question two! Did you end up finding a magic-world for us to go to next?”
Yes. A magic-heavy world that will be of appropriate Tier difficulty to not result in decreased rewards from harvesting objects for Stardust. There is a group of cultists who worship a deity on that world, and they are trying to rip a hole into the Astral Verge.
“That doesn’t sound good.”
It is not. Hence why it is our next stop.
“Okay, well, as long as I can find some stuff that gives me spells to turn into Skills, I’m happy to go wherever!”
That is good to hear.
“And then I got to completely blow up an army’s worth of soldiers!” Dee said with glee as she sat on her brand-new bed. She had been given a whole floor of the building, and to her delight her sister had already been brought over and given a job by a nice lady named Missy. “It was so cool!”
Miku, her Wayfinder meowl, flapped silently in place, watching the interaction between the two sisters. “I-it was something. Y-you did g-good work!”
Ree, Dee’s sister and her twin: save for her blue goop compared to Dee’s green hue: was smiling broadly. “That’s so cool. I should’ve chosen Aspirant also.”
“I mean, it’s okay being a little scaredy-slime,” Dee taunted.
Ree giggled, “Yeah. So, are any of your new allies interesting?”
“Well…the Oslia, Priam, he’s cute. Jace is so cool, mostly prosthetics and artificial upgrades. Greg is nice and cheery. In fact, he said that he wanted to put together a huge feast for all of us to celebrate saving Earth from the Nebula Alliance!”
Ree clapped her hands together, “Oh, that sounds great!”
Miku flew in front of Dee, “Y-you have be-been putting it off. Everyone e-else is d-doing it.”
Dee nodded, “Yeah, okay. Let’s go ahead and get it out of the way.”
“Get what out of the way?” Ree asked.
“Leveling up to 100. I wanted to wait until I could just get my Advanced Class right away, but oh well. Let’s do more Blaster Skills.”
Name: Deasyl 'Dee' Luna (Aspirant, Tier 5)
Power [Class Level]: Nebula [Blaster <Artillerist> 100]
Skill Name (Rank) [Evolutions]: Universal Translation, Environmental Adaptation, Energy Cost Reduction (Rank 10), Cosmic Infusion (Rank 10), Nebula Blast (Rank 24), Nebula Explosion (Rank 24), Nebula Beam (Rank 23), Artillerist's Acumen (Rank 6), Artillerist's Discipline (Rank 5)
Stardust: 630
Equipment: None
Boons: None
Nebula Blast (Rank 24) - As Rank 1, increase range to 625 feet, and increase damage.
Nebula Explosion (Rank 24) - As Rank 1, but increase origin range to 260 feet of the user, increase the radius of the explosion to 125 feet, and increase the damage inflicted.
Nebula Beam (Rank 23) - As Rank 1, but increase beam width to 23 feet wide, length of the beam to 270 feet long, and it deals increased damage.
“So, tell me more about this Oslia.”
“Priam? Yeah! Of course! He has light, blue fur…”
Greg chuckled as he helped Missy lift the weight up. “Bench presses can be tricky when doing your personal record.”
Missy gasped for air and sucked in deep breaths as she nodded, “Yeah…thanks for the spot.”
“Always happy to help a damsel in distress,” Greg said with a grin. He handed his lady love a towel, and he sat back down in the lounge chair on the Recreation floor.
Missy walked over and sat on the small ottoman next to him, wiping the sweat from her face. “Are you happy with what you accomplished?”
Greg nodded and grinned as he leaned his head back, “I got revenge for my crew. Mission accomplished.”
She put a gentle hand on his arm, “Good. I’m going to take a dip in that cube-pool.”
Greg nodded, and as he appreciated the quickly-getting-more-fit form of his fiancé walking off, he glanced sideways at Darrin. “Ready to level up?”
Darrin nodded and flew over to him, “You have five levels.”
“Everything into Guardian’s Defenses. I want to be as hard to kill as possible.” He looked at his love, swimming in the water-cube. The tougher I am to kill, the higher probability I make it home to her safely.
Name: Greg Bhastal (Aspirant, Tier 5)
Power [Class Level]: Planet [Protector <Resolute Guardian> 100]
Skill Name (Rank) [Evolutions]: Universal Translation, Environmental Adaptation, Protector's Vow (Rank 3) [Guardian's Vow], Planetary Defenses (Rank 3), Planetary Retribution (Rank 3), Cosmic Infusion (Rank 10), Protector's Panacea (Rank 8), Planetary Palisade (Rank 10), Planetary Growth (Rank 6), Rock Blast (Rank 15), Energy Cost Reduction (Rank 10), Defensive Upgrade (Rank 10), Sphere of Protection (Rank 5), Call to Guard (Rank 5), Guardian's Defenses (Rank 14), Thellor’s Reversal (1/day)
Stardust: 630
Equipment: (Heavy) Thellor's Impenetrable Bulwark, Pheracorp deflection matrix, Stunstick, (Heavy) Venture Pack, survival meals (x40), enhanced canteen, optimized medical kit, 20,000 creds, Bunker-Buster Mk. 3, Enduralife Guardian AR, General Logistics 9mm Pistol, x2 EMP grenade, x3 flashbang, Killer Whale
Boons: None
Guardian’s Defenses (Rank 14) - As Rank 1, but the damage reduction is amplified.
Name: Quinn Cipher (Aspirant, Tier 5)
Power [Class Level]: Star [Broker <Celestial Coordinator> 100]
Skill Name (Rank) [Evolutions]: Universal Translation, Environmental Adaptation, Broker's Instinct (Rank 8), Broker's Contract (Rank 20), Broker's Fee (Rank 16), Cosmic Infusion (Rank 10), Magic World Interface (Rank 10), Magitech World Interface (Rank 10), Technology World Interface (Rank 10), Other Realm Interface (Rank 5), Celestial Observer (Rank 1), Coordinator's Critical Gaze (Rank 6), Coordinator’s Warning System (Rank 5)
Stardust: 630
Equipment: Broker's interface, Broker's starting gear, Webwalker Implants, Pheracorp Bionic Brain Mk. 1, Pheracorp Bionic Eyes Mk. 1
Boons: None
Coordinator’s Warning System (Rank 1) - The user must have a Celestial Observer active. The subject affected by the Celestial Observer is warned of approaching threats, increasing reaction time.
Coordinator’s Warning System (Rank 5): As Rank 1, but the reaction time is improved.
“And now I’m Tier 5,” Quinn muttered to herself as she lounged on her bed. All of the extra gear she wasn’t using was in a go-bag next to her computer station, just in case she needed to run at a moment’s notice.
But she very much doubted that. Xera had this building locked down. And the only times Quinn left was to go to Star Council functions or the Star Market: and she was escorted in those instances. No, she felt quite safe.
Now I just need to save up 2,500 Stardust to get my first Advanced Class level, she thought. And then I can choose an Ascended Power.
She closed her eyes and sighed with contentment. I wanted to be responsible for the world I came from, and now I have a voice in it. Plus, I’m the highest Tier merchant-style Class they have on their payroll…I did it, mom and dad. I’m doing good while staying safe.
She typed off a message to them, I should invite them to dinner and tell them the good news in person.
Jace rolled out of bed and gave Shhiv a kiss on the cheek as he went over to the hygiene station, and then out to the main living room. The large, wooden table with the snow falling all around was comforting, and he appreciated the utter silence of the room. Just basking in the artificial weather effects and the frozen silence.
It was something he had not known before, the sound of silence. Earth was so loud and noisy, and busy. But here? It was silent and peaceful. He could hear the sound of his own heart beating, and the slight inhale and exhale of his breathing. But other than that, all was calm.
And it gave him time to think. Think about all that had happened on Earth. The rage, his revenge against the megacorps…the deaths of innocents. All of the experiences culminating in meeting his mother again. The woman who had abandoned him.
He had discussed all of this with Shhiv, and like any amazing partner, she listened intently, asked a few clarifying questions, and was just there for him as he worked through it out loud.
I don’t have to be afraid anymore, he thought. I’m strong, my friends and loved ones are protected by Xera. He took in a deep breath. I won’t revel in killing. And I’ll try to prevent the deaths of innocents with my actions unless it is necessary.
He knew it was…wrong. In some way, it felt amoral. But Xera was absolutely right: there were trillions upon trillions of people in The Cosmic System. And if he did not do what she needed done, then the whole thing could unravel, and then everyone would suffer. If, for the greater good, some innocents died…he would have to live with that.
There was a loud pop as Ollie appeared. “You okay?” he asked.
Jace nodded, “Just thinking.”
“Well, if you want help thinking, Xera has a wonderful therapist with appointment slots for later today if you want to talk to a professional.”
I probably should, Jace thought as he nodded affirmation to Ollie. “After breakfast with Shhiv.”
“Right! Oh, by the way, yesterday all of your companions leveled up. You should, too. 8,000 Stardust to hit level 100, and then you are 370 short of achieving your Advanced Class and Ascended Power.”
Jace nodded, “Any way I can convert those Common (Variable) Boons to Stardust and just knock it all out in one go?”
Ollie nodded, “Sure, we can do that!”