Dark Matter Ascension-Chapter 75: Downtime is important, too
Jace left Priam’s apartment after sitting in with the Aspirant and talking about the new developments Jace had undergone after the fight with the Archmage Ascendant. Learning about Class Expansions gave Priam a look of excitement, and Jace couldn’t help but chuckle as he theorized about the various emotions he could really experience and what that would unlock for him.
He went to the diner where he was set to meet Shhiv, and ordered her ghantos-pepper wings, the carnivore platter for her, and the omnivore for him. He also made sure to get her ice water set up, and his own lemonade. Bhev even came by and said hi: but it was very busy, so she moved on rapidly.
He was not waiting for long as the shark-woman walked in, immediately spotted him in the busy place, and made a beeline for his table with a huge grin. Jace stood up and she instantly reached in and hugged him. “Oh! I’m so happy you survived!” She pulled back and gave him her approximation of a kiss given her biology.
“I hope you never doubted my abilities,” Jace said with mock hurt in his voice.
“Never did I ever. Thanks for ordering,” she replied as she sat down. Jace followed suit, and the two began to eat in earnest. “You know,” She said in between bites of the ridiculously spicy wings, “Giving me a Boon that Rare is…unheard of.”
“What are you going to us it on?” Jace asked as he washed down some food with the nice, crisp lemonade.
“Well…I was thinking of just using it for Stardust. But…it would give me 4,000. I couldn’t imagine using all of that when so many of my needs are met already.” She grinned, “But I could treat you and I to some quality dates, I suppose. I don’t want my handsome Aspirant to use all of his valuable Stardust on little me when he needs it to level up.”
Jace smiled sincerely, and scratched Ollie’s head as the Wayfinder silently listened in on the conversation: feigning sleep. “I appreciate it.”
She waved her right hand in front of her, and Jace saw a shimmer of bright green before it faded into a starry blue of Stardust that her symbol quickly sucked up. “There we go. I hope you didn’t pay for food yet.”
“Nope,” Jace said with a grin that went from ear to ear. “It’ll be nice to be treated.”
“Oh, we are going to do more than just lunch! Today is my last day of the week for work. I’m back on the day shift next week, so I have three days to relax. And I’m going to use every one of them to spoil you.”
Jace felt himself blush, “Oh, don’t feel like you have to spend that much on me.”
She grinned with a twinkle in her eyes, “I didn’t say I wouldn’t spoil you in the bedroom.” She gestured to his eyes, “Those new eyes look quite…intimidating. Almost animalistic, or primal, in a way.”
Jace nodded, “You noticed. Yeah, All-Seeing Dragon’s Eyes.”
“All -Seeing?” she asked with a sultry voice. “Meaning you can see under my work clothes?”
Jace laughed and shook his head, “No. It’s just a name. I can see magic and Skills.”
“Aww,” she said feigning disappointment. “Too bad for you, you’ll have to wait until we get back to your place.”
“Why not yours?”
“I don’t think your species can breathe underwater,” She said with a chuckle. “I sleep in a ‘restraint bed’ of sorts inside a cube of water: just like the bigger one in the Recreation Room back home.” She giggled with glee, “I can’t believe I have access to an in-house pool! That’s just…so awesome. It’s not the biggest one, granted, and there’s no one else swimming there: nice and quiet.” She rolled her eyes, “I can’t stand the sound of kids.”
Jace narrowed his vision, “Then how would you deal with my sister when I bring her back?” He put his knife and fork down and leaned forward with his forearms on the edge of the table. “We’re a package deal, her and me.”
Shhiv waved her hand dismissively, but her face showed a sincere look of ‘I screwed up’. “I’m sure your sister is very different. I can’t stand the screaming, crying, shouting kids at the pool.”
Jace smirked, “She is quiet, but chatty.”
“I can handle that,” Shhiv said with a grin. “Come on. Finish off your meal.”
Jace looked down at her plate and saw that she had fully cleaned it off. His own still had a good amount of food left. “I’m hungry for something else,” he said as his stomach was indeed full.
Shhiv grinned and put her cosmopanel on the table-payment screen. “Let’s go, then.”
Jace nodded and stood up, “First, I need to go shopping.”
The duo left and Shhiv directed them to a large clothing store. Jace stocked up on a bunch of casual wear for when he was in the safety of his apartment building. It felt incredible to have the ability to just…buy things, instead of scrounging through dumpsters and landfills for them. Brand new clothing was a new experience for him.
Shhiv made sure to have him model various looks, and continually commented on the clothing once he came out of the dressing room. They both shared laughs that drew looks from other shoppers: and Jace couldn’t care in the slightest.
Heading back to the apartment building, the two ascended the elevator.
Shhiv lay back on the bed, sucking in deep breaths after round six of her and Jace’s amorous repast. He had just gotten out of the bed to use the hygiene station, and he came back with his fist balled. He sat on the edge of the bed, and she saw the inner, purple and crimson glow of his eyes that sucked her in like the whirlpools and eddies back on her home world. The eyes of a predator, the black slits in the center shimmering with the glimmer of the cosmos.
He slowly opened his hand, and she saw a solid, white ring. “Don’t take this as a proposal or anything: it’s way too soon for that-”
“I agree,” Shhiv cut in with a smile. She did feel her heart flutter slightly.
“This is a Guardian’s Loop,” he said as he gently grabbed her hand and slipped it on her finger. “You activate it once every 24 hours, and for an hour you are protected from everything. Nothing can hurt you. You can send a System message to my friend, Sera, and she’ll make sure you are saved.” He smiled softly, “And once you put it on…its bound to you. No one else can use it. Never take it off.”
He cupped her cheek. His warm, metal fingers brushing just so tenderly across her skin. “I care about you and want to keep you protected. I’ve made enemies, and I’ll probably make more…but I don’t know if I could lose another person in my life. Especially one I’ve grown this close to.”
She could feel her hearts racing, both beating in quick time as she felt flutters in her stomach just like the first time she saw him in The Cosmic System’s interface when he was assigned to her. Just like when they went on their first date.
And just like their first night together. She pulled him forward and for the twelfth time wished she had something approximating lips to properly kiss him as the ‘guide to humans’ on the cosmopanel instructed.
Thankfully, he did not seem to care: whether that was due to his admitted inexperience or otherwise: and he fell back into her embrace. She felt his warmth on her, and then in her, and she felt so safe, protected…and in that moment, loved.
And then the pleasure, which was a whole other experience that was totally unique compared to anyone else she’d been with: which, granted, wasn’t many people. But still, it was all-encompassing and she felt so right in that moment. The world had vanished and the man with her was her sole focus.
Jace and Shhiv spent the whole afternoon, evening, and night together. They only stopped their amorous activities when they both got hungry, and they found: much to their shared delight and surprise: that Xera (or Sera, as Jace called her whenever his non-Dark Between Stars allies were around) had installed a device into the building.
Some type of food replication station. Jace could put in an order for any type of food from an enormous menu, or just describe what he wanted. If it was simple, it would be manifested without issue. But if it was more complex? He had to pay Stardust. Since it was just matter, it made some scientific sense that the raw essence of creation could be turned into food.
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He insisted that the two try something he’d only heard of from some of the street folk who were older. Something known as ‘pizza’. He tried his best to describe it but gave up and just typed it into the menu.
It was delicious. Jace immediately fell in love with the taste, but Shhiv took more convincing. It wasn’t until they discovered through experimenting that they could order the same ghantos-pepper as a seasoning on top that she felt the same way about the dish as Jace did.
And, after eating, they went right back to their pleasurable evening.
As Jace lay in bed, utterly exhausted alongside the gorgeous woman beside him, he couldn’t help but feel like the luckiest man in the world.
The following morning the two slept in before waking up, taking turns in the hygiene station, and dressing in some comfortable, lounge-about clothing. There was a ping noise at the door, and Jace got up from their game of that block-stacking game to answer it. Priam was standing there with his arm fully regrown: just a slightly lighter hue of fur. “Hi. Am I interrupting?”
“Not at all!” Jace replied as he opened the door the whole way and gestured for Priam to enter. “This is Shhiv. She is my-”
“Girlfriend, I believe the Earth folk call it.” Shhiv stood up dipped her head slightly. “Good to meet the man that helped keep my Jace alive.”
Priam grinned, his smile almost from ear-to-ear. He also blushed, and spoke rapidly. “Thank you, but really, he saved me more than I saved him.”
Jace put a hand on his shoulder and brought him in, “Come on. We’ll restart and you can join our game.”
Priam shook his head, “Thanks, but no thanks. I need to go get some food.”
“Here, check this out.” Jace walked him through the new food device-panel, and Priam tapped around on it before squealing with delight as a plate of some type of brown, bread-type rolls came out of the device.
“This is great! I can’t believe we can get this type of stuff for free !” Priam began devouring the food, and Jace guided the fully-absorbed-in-his-food bunny-boy to the table.
Shhiv gave him a mischievous grin and gestured for Jace to come closer. He did so, and she whispered in his ear, “I think your interactions are cute.”
Jace nodded and looked over at Priam, “So, do you want to play a game?”
Priam looked up from his bread-thing meal and nodded, “Sure! But I might need seconds…”
The evening progressed and the trio went downstairs to the Recreation part of the apartment building. It was empty, and Jace had a set of swim clothes on, just like Shhiv. Priam was going to pass, as he wanted to try out the dry sauna.
Jace took a deep breath and dove into the water-cube that was seemingly locked in place by some type of magic or tech: or maybe magitech: force field. Swimming around was a bit more difficult than he remembered. Must be the arms, he thought. Or maybe the CIF in me is also weighing me down.
Ollie popped into space next to him and began swimming through the water, leaving little nebula streaks behind himself. “I can talk in here. Too bad you cannot.”
Jace shook his head and looked over to the cube entrance. Shhiv’s swim gear was very industrial: not flashy or trying to show off looks, but functional. She swam over to him and gestured for him to come closer. “I can talk underwater,” she said in slightly…blurred speech? That was the best way Jace could describe it; like there was an audio filter.
But I can’t talk underwater. Talk about unfair. He pointed up to the top of the cube, and the two swam up, emerging into an air pocket. Jace took in a deep breath. “Ready to race?” he asked.
Shhiv laughed and looked him up and down, “I think you’ll lose.”
“Probably,” Jace replied.
Shhiv swam over to a small box mounted on the wall. Her movement was smooth and fluid; as expected of a species that lived on a water-world.
Ollie swam over, “If you did visit her world, thanks to Environmental Adaptation, you would be able to breathe underwater and survive the immense pressure of the locale.”
Jace nodded, “Good to know. Are you actually swimming in the water here? Or just doing that spectral swim?”
“We are technically within The Cosmic System right now. I am actually swimming.” Ollie swam down and the starry nebula followed him as he descended to the depths.
Shhiv came over holding several glowing rods. “Let’s do a challenge. I drop the rods, and whoever gathers the most wins.”
Jace frowned in a playful fashion, “You will win.”
“Not if I say you’re allowed to use Skills.”
“Alright. Let’s do it.”
“I told you, the pool-cube thing will be nice,” Greg said to Missy as the two descended the elevator.
Missy clicked her tongue, “I’d rather just sun-bathe.” She looked over at Greg and smiled with enthusiasm, “Thank you for the Stardust, hon. I just ordered a bunch of supplies for my new business.”
Greg nodded, “Anything for my lady love.” He knew that one of Missy’s dreams was to have a business she ran from home. She could do that, now, and part of their floor of the building was dedicated to her new business. It had taken quite a bit of Greg’s Stardust; but she would be bringing in some monies of her own soon enough. And the business was a genius idea: cosmopanel covers just like some sliverscreens back on Earth. A way to protect and customize the device.
The elevator doors opened and the duo stepped out. Greg saw Jace and Shhiv swimming in the pool-cube thing to the side. Jace was using some type of invisible tether to yank himself down to the bottom of the pool: but the shark-woman was faster and easily out-collected the Aspirant. Greg waved, “Hey!”
Jace looked up and swam to the large opening, pushing his way out and falling on his chest. “Ouch!” he shouted, pushing himself up.
Shhiv exited effortlessly and landed on her feet, laughing at Jace’s exit. “You-you flopped like a guppie!”
Greg walked over as Jace stood up all the way. His friend was dried off: some type of weird property of the cube-pool. “How you doing, man?”
“Great,” Jace replied with a grin plastered on his face. He gestured to Shhiv, “She was just kicking my ass in a bit of a challenge.”
Missy smiled, “Shhiv, you look quite lovely in that outfit.”
“Thanks,” Shhiv replied. “Have you both met Priam yet?”
Greg shook his head, “Nope. Who is that?”
Jace pointed behind the two, and they turned and Greg saw the dry-sauna. Inside was a…rabbit-man? “That’s Priam. He’s also a Signer for my faction. Pulsar Priest, support focus.”
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Greg nodded, “Want to introduce us?”
Jace waved the suggestion away, “Later. I think we should do a large meal together. I think…what did they call them back on Eart-”
“Family style,” Missy said with a broad grin. “Oh, that reminds me! Shhiv, I’m starting up a business here in the building. Do you want to get into it with me?”
Shhiv smiled, “Maybe. Depends on what you pay.”
Greg wrapped an arm around Jace’s shoulder and led him away from the two women negotiating. “Did you hear about what’s coming next for us?”
Jace nodded, “Yeah. Something about going back to Earth now that we’re Tier 3. Well, I’m Tier 3. Are you?” Greg nodded, and Jace continued, “Something about going back there, but I’m not sure why yet.”
“The Star Council, Dark Between Stars, and Planetary Independence Pact all have a…contract, of sorts. The Star Council wants to take Earth over. X locked down the portals from The Cosmic Corridor that lead to Earth: only Quinn’s faction, your faction, and I are allowed to enter.”
“Right, but what are we going to do there?” Jace asked as the two went to an area under a large lamp that simulated sunlight. He sat down and Greg finally noticed his odd, lizard-like eyes.
“Uhmm…What happened?” Greg asked as he gestured to his eye.
“Someone stabbed one out,” Jace replied nonchalantly. “And I got both replaced.”
“Right…okay, well, the plan is that the Star Council is going to work on Earth’s governments. You, me and Quinn…and I guess Priam, now; we are all going to take down the megacorps. All five of them.”
Jace’s eyes went wide, “Oh…” he looked off to the two women who were still chatting in front of the water-cube pool. “Well, if X signed some contract, I suppose it’s for the greater good.” He looked up at Greg, “All five, huh?”
“Yeah. They’ve already all signed on with the Nebula Alliance. From what Quinn was able to gather, they basically accelerated the swap to cybernetics. A lot of people have them, now.” He grimaced, “The tech gives them an equivalent Tier difficulty of 3. So, we won’t have the advantage of being less injured by lower Tier. But time is running out, and X said that they can only hold the portals for another 30 days.”
Jace went silent and he looked over at his Wayfinder who swam through the skies over to him. Jace scratched the critter, which cause Greg to raise an eyebrow. I thought that Wayfinders were spectral? Greg stopped wondering as Jace replied. “Let’s finish out today and talk about it over dinner tonight. I’ll send a message to Quinn. We need to plan our next move.” He stood up, “But first, I’ll introduce you to Priam, and we’ll keep relaxing a bit longer.”