Developing My Little World-Chapter 8: God of Youth Stelara
Chapter 8: God of Youth Stelara
Just like before, Jay remembered all the things he loved about his daughter. He loved her quirky chipmunk laugh that no one could dislike. He loved her curious and exploratory nature about the world around her. He loved the freckles that mirrored his own amber golden eyes back at him. He loved the cute waddle she would do when excited and the pouting faces she would make when she was sad or embarrassed.
Jay naturally measured every stroke as he created his child once more. He, as a father, was creating the same child once more, with his loving wife once again standing by his side. Jay at this moment felt sweet cathartic uphoria as he thought of all the time he now had to cherish his family.
What Jay once thought of as an eternal prison now became his personal paradise.
Just like before, after Jay was done a brilliant golden light shown down on the mannequin. Jay dragged it out of the machine and layed it onto the ground as the light burned brightly.
Jay stepped back and held Sol tightly he waited to see if his daughter could truly be revived or if he has simply gotten lucky the first time.
The light faded as the mannequin suddenly sat up! It touched its chest area and face as if it was really confused.
As the light stopped shining, and became dull once more, a child, no more than 8 years old, could be seen sitting there looking at her hands in shock and awe.
She seemed to sense more people around her as she whipped her head around and got the surprise of a lifetime!
Standing there was her dad, who had told her that everything was going to be alright right before she got sleepy the last time. Then she froze as she viewed the woman standing next to him. Stelara had not seen her biological mother for about 2 and half years before her death, so she could've easily forgotten what her mother had looked like.
But Stelara hadn't forgotten and the moment she saw her mom after so long she instantly started crying like a newborn and screamed out,"MOMMYYYYY!!" as loud as she could while crying.
Sol's motherly instinct kicked into overdrive at this moment as she ran to Stelara and gave her a bear hug while also sobbing uncontrollably once more, shedding whatever tears she had back at this moment.
Jay walked up to them slowly as the mother and daughter reunited and simply joined in on the hug.
After a few minutes of reuniting and then explaining what was going again to Stelara this time, albeit in a much simpler manner, they had collected themselves and were ready to be a normal, happy family again. With a little bit of godly power thrown in, as a treat.
Jay turned to Phineas and said,"I will now promise to never knowingly use this technique again."
Phineas heaved a sigh of relief and said,"Thank you, Father."
Stelaras eyebrow shot up at this remark and she said,"You are my brother? Daddy and mommy had another baby?"
Jay chuckled and said,"No sweetheart, I created him similar to how I created you. He calls me father because I am his creator, his father. He has no mother, but I am sure he would love to be your brother if you asked him nicely.."
Stelara, got up from her mother's lap and walked sheepishly over to the hulking Phineas. She shyly asked while stuttering a bit,"C-can I call y-you, big brother Phin?"
Phineas' heart was extremely touched by this sentiment and it took him a second to gain his composure. Perhaps Sol thought that he was hesitating for some reason and spoke up for Stelara to ease his worries.
"Phineas" she said in a soft and caring voice while standing next to and hugging Jay,"Everytime Jay creates a new God, a new race, or even a new creature, even it is ordinary, it is still his child. This is the love of both my lives, my soulmate. Any of his children are my children as well. Phineas, you may have not been created by me, but you are still my child nonetheless. Please embrace me as your mother rather paint me as security risk."
Phineas was now floored for words and didn't know how to respond. So he reverted to his silent farmer stereotype and nodded his head to Sol in acknowledgment. He then bent down so he was near the same height as Stelara.
He smiled a toothy grin that caused Stelara to chuckle. He said to her,"I'm sorry for not answering sooner. It true I was worried before, but I no longer regret Father's decision. He made a decision as the God of this realm, even after knowing the risks.." he said with a smile on his face.
He looked at Sol and Jay and then back to Stelara as he said,"I may not always be the kindest younger brother, but I hope my big sister treats me right!"
Stelara face lit up in a giant smile as she danced while holding Phineas' hand. Jay smiled and gave the new God a big thumbs up in approval.
Phineas then had a cunning smile on his face as he thought of a funny way to prank his older sister. No matter what, they were siblings now, and everyone knows siblings will annoy and tease each other into oblivion!
Phineas leaned down, next Stelaras ear this time and whispered into her ear,"Wanna know a secret?" 𝘧𝑟𝑒𝑒𝘸𝑒𝘣𝑛𝑜𝓋𝑒𝑙.𝒸𝑜𝘮
Stelara was curious and she whispered back'"yeah!"
Phineas smiled and said,"Father named the planet after So- I mean after mother."
Stelaras eyes lit up as she remembered the planet that her daddy was now in charge of! She also thought that it was really cute, thinking to herself,"I'm glad it wasn't me! I think I will die again from embarrassment!"
Stelara said to Jay,"Daddy, I think it's awesome the planet is named after mommy! That's cool!"
Jay chuckled and looked over at the now much more mischievous looking Phineas. Jay then said,"Sweetheart, I named the planet Stelara, after you!" with 100% certainty his daughter would like it.
The next moment defied this expectation as she yelled out,"Daddy no!! Why?!" And made intense pouting faces.