Devil's Son-in-Law-Chapter 497 - : Long-range Raid

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Chapter 497: Long-range Raid

After the war with the Red Spirit Estate and the Blue Lava Estate, the Dark Moon Estate restored a fortress on the only way to the Red Spirit Estate.

This fortress was built during the Beelzebub Royal Family’s rebellion 400 years ago. It was later destroyed by the Lord of Midnight Sun and had been abandoned. Later, Midnight Sun died in the battle of the human world, and Obsidian controlled the Fallen Angel Empire, “allocating” Crown Prince Grimm to the Dark Moon. Obsidian controlled the Dark Moon’s economy via the Red Spirit Lord Josh. He wished the Dark Moon would become weaker to the point that they couldn’t repair this fortress.

In the Battle of Town Leith, after the defeat of Josh, the control of the entire Red Spirit Estate had actually fallen into the control of the Dark Moon by some secret means, but Shea still listened to Chen Rui’s opinion and rebuilt 2 fortresses. One was the Blue Lake Fortress in the Blue Lake Mountain Range to the west. It was guarded by Tim, the Moon Shadow Legion’s commander. The second was this abandoned fortress named “Moonlight”.

The scale of the Moonlight Fortress was not very large, but it was not only a fortress. It was also equivalent to a pass by relying on the winding wall of the mountain range.

Behind the Moonlight Fortress was Town Dico. The terrain around Town Dico was rough and dangerous. It was easy to defend and difficult to be attacked. It had been a highly wanted land for the army since ancient times. To the south, Town Leith was a wilderness without danger, it could be regarded as a smooth road for the army. To the south of Town Leith was the last barrier of the Dark Moon, Town Jumo. The importance of Town Dico was evident.

The mission of the Magic Shadow Legion this time was to break through the Moonlight Fortress and occupy the first important base, Town Dico of Dark Moon Estate.

Under the purple moonlight, Nesta led the cavalry legion into the territory of the Dark Moon and proceeded carefully all the way to the vicinity of the Moonlight Fortress.

Looking at the brightly lit Moonlight Fortress under the hillside, Lieutenant Troy whispered, “General, the whole army is ready, should we launch an attack immediately?”

“Wait a little longer. Order the soldiers to stay in line. Keep the effective distance. Don’t expose our whereabouts.” Nesta was waiting for the signal from the spy.

It was quite difficult for cavalries to attack a heavily defended fortress with only 20,000 cavalries, but Nesta had considerable confidence to complete this task because the Red Spirit Lord Josh had already placed a spy in the Moonlight Fortress. Not only that, the capital also had insiders in the fortress. For the Dark Moon’s conspiracy, Obsidian had planned for a long time. Although many of the spies that were placed in the past were exterminated by the Dark Demon, there were eventually some people that were overlooked.

With these 2 precautions, it should be able to break into the Moonlight Fortress through the help of the internal forces. At present, the capital’s coalition army was still on the way. Although the Dark Moon was heavily guarded, the main legion definitely could not be mobilized so quickly, so it was not difficult to conquer Town Dico in one go.

With the mobility and attack power of 20,000 elite cavalry, as long as they occupy the strategic location of Town Dico, they would not be afraid even if the Red Blood or Flame Legion rushed over. In case they couldn’t defend the location, Nesta had the absolute confidence to retreat. Of course, before retreating, he would burn and loot the Town Dico to let the rebels like the Dark Moon know the fate of going against the Royal Highness Regent!

The first sword that cut into the Dark Moon’s throat was issued by the strongest cavalry legion under the regent, the “Magic Shadow” led by Nesta. Lucifer!

The intel of the spy was very accurate. The Magic Shadow’s cavalries removed a few scout points along the way, bypassed those magic traps that could trigger the alert, and approached Moonlight Fortress without being exposed.

At this moment, most of the fortress’ lights were suddenly extinguished at the same time, then thick smoke and fire were faintly visible. There was a chaotic sound.

When Nesta recovered his senses, he saw a signal rising into the sky. He immediately ordered the whole army to strike!

With the sound of the horn, the rows of cavalries rushed toward Moonlight Fortress like a torrent. They soon broke through the magic circle in front of the fortress and began to hit the front door.

There was a warning sound of an enemy attack from the fortress. Some soldiers appeared on the wall, armed with arrows to attack the cavalry. Because it was too dark to see, and the Magic Shadow Legion was well-equipped, it was difficult to cause effective damage.

Soon, there were sounds of fighting in the city wall. It seemed that it was the attack from the spy. There were fewer and fewer soldiers shooting arrows. After the gate was broken, the defenders still resisted with the strong defense of the magic circle at first. Later, when the momentum was gone, they all evacuated. The Moonlight Fortress was easily conquered by the Magic Shadow Legion with minimal casualties.

A great demon came with dozens of people. They were immediately surrounded by soldiers. The great demon hurriedly shouted, “I’m your people! I would like to meet General Nesta!”

Nesta previously noticed that this great demon led people to kill the fortress defenders. Most of the corpses in the fortress were caused by the actions of this spy. Therefore, he signaled the soldiers to let the great demon come over.

The great demon performed a military salute, “General! I’m Hardi, Sir Josh’s subordinate. Just now we set fire to the fortress’ supplies which caused chaos and destroyed the magic crystal cannon of the fortress. We have successfully completed sir lord order.”

“Hardi, you did a great job!” Nesta graciously praised. If the spy did not launch in time this time, even if the fortress could be won, he would pay a heavy price. Although it was a pity that the supplies of the fortress were burned down, he had conquered the Moonlight Fortress. The logistics supply from the Red Spirit Estate would be unimpeded.

“General, there is one matter… that I want to report. The identity of Solo and the others sent by the capital have been exposed. In order to win the trust of the garrison guard, I have to personally behead them. Please forgive me,sir!”

Nesta shook his head indifferently. Compared with successfully taking down the fortress, the cost was almost negligible, “You have done the right thing! Don’t worry, you are not guilty. Instead, you have made great contributions! Now I will lead the army to chase the defeated army and ambush Town Dico. Do you know the current situation of Town Dico?”

“There are 3 fortified defense teams there, but without the main power of the legion, they certainly cannot stop the general. The Dark Moon did not expect to be ambushed before the Royal Highness Regent arrived. Currently, the Moon Shadow Legion is still in Mountain Xilang, the Red Blood Legion is in the Dark Moon City and the Flame Legion’s main force is in Town Jumo. But as far as I’m concerned, after occupying Town Dico, the Dark Moon’s main force legion will probably make some moves, but it certainly cannot reach Town Dico in time.”

Nesta nodded slightly and put away the last suspicion in his heart. This intel was in line with what he had obtained. At present, the morale of the whole army was high, so it would be just right to rush toward Town Dico. As for the Flame Legion of the Dark Moon, even if they got the news from this side, it was too late due to the distance.

“I will leave a team of people here to defend the Moonlight Fortress with you. Sir Josh’s son Kanita is currently in the Bloodmist Valley. I have already sent out a magic signal. He will lead the army to come here as soon as possible.”

Nesta had been commanding the army for many years. He was not a mediocre talent. This Hardi was a spy of the Red Spirit Lord with outstanding performance, there should be no problem. But he was not used to leaving the “back” to the “strangers”. Furthermore, the entire battle process of conquering the Moonlight Fortress seemed too easy. Just in case, he still left a team of people here. Even if Hardi did anything, he could be easily suppressed. Moreover, Josh’s son, Kanita, had already set off from the stationed Bloodmist Valley. It was only a matter of time before reaching the Moonlight Fortress.

Hardi immediately saluted without the slightest hesitation, “Yes! General!”

Nesta nodded in satisfaction and ordered Lieutenant Troy, “Immediately reorganize the team and set off at Town Dico at full speed. We must take down Town Dico in one fell swoop before the enemy reacts!”

Looking at the cavalries who disappeared into the night, a strange smile appeared on the face of the great demon who had made “great contributions “.

Nesta led the elite cavalries all the way toward Town Dico. It was late at night. The cool breeze was bitterly cold, and there was a ghastly mist floating around.

Nesta secretly calculated that although the terrain was not suitable for cavalry to travel, but at this speed, it should not be a problem to reach Town Leia before dawn.

For some reason, there was a faintly uneasy feeling in his heart. Did I overlook something crucial?

Oh! The defeated army!

There are not many corpses in the Moonlight Fortress. The main guards of the enemy must have escaped. Based on the speed of the cavalry, even if we stayed in the Moonlight Fortress for a while, we will definitely catch up with the main force of the defeated army. Why do I only see sporadic deserter army when I leave the fortress but not a single troop of the main force?

The more Nesta thought about it, the more he felt something wrong. He immediately ordered, “Everyone slow down! Stop advancing!”

20,000 cavalries was not a small number. Especially in this kind of high-speed running, if they don’t slow down and stop directly, perhaps they would all fall like dominos.

Just as the army slowed down, Nesta suddenly heard some strange sounds, and an inexplicable chill came from his heart.

A series of bowstrings sounded, “Swish! Swish! Swish…” Arrows pierced through the air in all directions.

“Enemy’s ambush! Prepare to fight!”

“Beware of the enemy’s archers!”

“Oh no, there are more behind us!”

The arrows above the two sides of the valley were raining down, splashing toward the Magic Shadow’s cavalries. The number of enemies in the night were unknown.

Nesta knew that he fell into a trap. With a furious shout, his Demon Emperor-level territory power expanded and turned into 2 huge wings, wrapping up the nearby soldiers. When the arrows shot on the wings, they disappeared one after another.

Many powerful people had also begun to adopt effective defensive measures, but these were only personal strengths. Even Nesta’s wings could only protect hundreds of nearby knights. The terrain of the nearby valley was rugged and narrow which was very unfavorable for the cavalries to fight. It was like a long dragon standing there as a living target. The arrows seemed to have a magical attribute of piercing the armor. It easily penetrated the cavalry’s leather armor. The light cavalry’s small round shield couldn’t effectively protect against this large-area indiscriminate shooting. There were screams and horses’ sounds everywhere. Many soldiers had died in the blink of an eye.

“Anspu!” As Nesta yelled, a red light correspondingly rose to the top of the valley. The speed was so fast and eye-catching.

Anspu. Greta. The early stage of the Demon Overlord powerhouse was the elder of the Greta Family. He was the strongest guard specially arranged by Obsidian to protect Nesta. He only obeyed Nesta’s orders. The highest commander of the army in the Demon Realm was not the most powerful powerhouse. Among the Demon Realm’s famous generals, there were very few powerhouses who had reached the Demon Overlord level, but they were all fine talents who were good at strategy and commanding troop without exception.

In the war of this world, the Demon Emperor and Demon Overlord powerhouses were equivalent to a heavy weapon, and the army was equivalent to a conventional weapon. Although personal force was crucial, the strength of the team should not be underestimated as well, especially the well-trained legion. Unless it was an absolute difference in force, no lion was willing to face a group of wolves who were not afraid of death. Especially when the power consumption was huge after fighting with the opposing lion.

The strength of a Demon Overlord was indeed powerful. Anspu appeared above the valley in a blink of an eye. When he waved his hands continuously, several flames were launched down. 2 clouds of flames hit the rock, melting the hard rock instantly. The archers behind the rock were all burnt into coke.

At this time, there was a drizzle of rain in the sky, and the flame that could melt the rock seemed to encounter its nemesis. It shrank quickly in the drizzle, then it finally disappeared without a trace.

Anspu was taken aback. A woman’s shout sounded, and a green light was already flying toward this side. Anspu observed that the opponent was charging aggressively and her strength was not below him, so he didn’t dare to underestimate her. He turned into a red light and charged toward her.

After a muffled sound, the two colliding rays of light flew apart. The green light quickly stabilized her figure while the red light seemed to be much more discomposed. Anspu was secretly shocked. The breath of this woman is obviously the same as me, the early stage of the Demon Overlord, but her power is actually above me!

The woman soon flew over again. The two rays of light were entangled. Anspu couldn’t get away for a while, let alone dealing with the ambush archers. He shouted, “Run!”

Nesta’s heart sank. I didn’t expect the other party to also have a Demon Overlord powerhouse, and Anspu is not necessarily an opponent. Obviously, this is a trap. If I still try to get Town Dico, there is definitely a danger of the entire army being wiped out. Besides, staying here will only distract Anspu. He immediately ordered the army to retreat.

“Turn the horse and retreat!”

Although the dense arrows around the cavalries caused considerable damage, and they were intercepted by the arrow rain of the ambush, with the charging force of the cavalries, they should be able to rush out.

Under the command of Nesta, the cavalries turned around one after another. Nesta shouted loudly, “Attention army, [Magic Shadow Charge]! Activate!”

In an instant, all cavalries’ bodies glowed with dark red light at the same time. The speed of running suddenly doubled as they rushed to the Moonlight Fortress desperately.

This was a special skill of the Magic Shadow Legion that used magic items to activate the magic circle of the horse saddles. It was a powerful mode that combined manpower and horsepower. In this state, the speed, attack and defense would increase a lot, but there was a time limit.

[Magic Shadow Charge] was the best treasure for the cavalry legion to defeat the enemy. It was the first time they used it to escape. The wind-like cavalry legion, covered in blood-colored brilliance, galloped away in a rain of arrows.

Just before breaking through the ambush, Nesta looked back at Anspu who was fighting with the green light in the air- Without the burden of the cavalry legion, this comrade of Demon Overlord powerhouse should be able to escape smoothly right?

It was just that Nesta, in the interweaving sound of arrows and screams, did not hear the woman’s voice faintly in the air behind him.


“I want to practice properly. Stop that guy and 1000 black crystal coins are yours!”

“Uh oh…”

And they thought they were smart with the cavalries’ ambush🤭