Devil's Son-in-Law-Chapter 498 - Ambush

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Chapter 498: Ambush

The cavalries used the advantage of speed to break through the blockade of the rain of arrows and escaped from the valley.

“Troy, quickly do a headcount! Report the casualties!” Nesta panted slightly. In the situation just now, he was still maintaining his territory power to protect the surrounding soldiers. It consumed a lot of energy.

Due to this, Nesta’s prestige and status in the Magic Shadow cavalry legion couldn’t be replaced.

Soon, Troy reported. “There are still 14,500 cavalries left, of which about 3,000 are seriously injured, 5,000 are slightly injured, and Sir Anspu has not yet returned.”

“Anspu is a Demon Overlord powerhouse. Even if he can’t beat the enemy, it shouldn’t be a problem for him to escape. It’s just that this time we didn’t even touch the enemy’s side, and we lost more than 5,000 people!”

This number was more than Nesta had imagined. He could not help clenching his fists. If I didn’t detect this early before we got deep into the trap, it would probably be far more casualties than this.

Troy frowned and said, “General, the enemy seems to be using high-grade magic arrows just now. They have extremely strong armor-piercing ability. Our round shields have been penetrated.

“All are high-grade armor-piercing magic arrows?” Nesta gasped. This is not an ordinary arrow, and the cost is terribly high. Even the most elite capital archer troop cannot be equipped with an arrow of this quality. Only some boss-level figures of the legion can afford to use the arrow. The enemy is killing people with money… “Some soldiers are seriously injured. Should we rest on the spot?”

“No! We can’t stay!” Nesta shook his head, “March at the fastest speed and rush back to Moonlight Fortress immediately. I hope that the situation is not as bad as I estimated.”

There may be something wrong with Hardi. When the Moonlight Fortress was easily taken down previously, I felt something was amiss, but as the time was tight and I was eager to attack Town Dico, I didn’t have time to think about it. Even if I left some people there in advance, it may not be effective. Now I must rush to the Moonlight Fortress as soon as possible, or even return to the Red Spirit Estate!

Troy wanted to say something initially, but seeing Nesta’s resolute gaze, he immediately gave up his plan and ordered the soldiers to march at full speed at any cost.

After a while, the cavalry legion had rushed along the way to the winding mountain road. As long as they climbed the two mountains in front, they could reach the Moonlight Fortress smoothly.

However, at this moment, Nesta at the forefront of the team suddenly had an extremely dangerous omen. There was no trace of it in advance. It was purely a warning sign of the instinct of a high-level powerhouse.

Before he could say “be careful”, a dazzling light was seen somewhere on the side.

At first, it was a light spot, then it turned into a ball of flame. The flame wrapped a faint purple color. There seemed to be crackling lightning in the middle which was especially dazzling in this kind of late night.

Almost instantly, that kind of flame was magnified in front of the cavalries. The destructive breath burst out with an astonishing power with a loud muffled sound.

In the shake, hundreds of cavalries within about 100 meters instantly turned into dust. The nearby magic horses and knight stumps were blown away in the huge air waves, leaving only a terrifying giant pit. There was a faint buzzing sound of the residual energy.

“Magic crystal cannons!” Nesta roared with a look of horror.

He had never seen such terrifying magic crystal cannons!

Originally, Nesta was still thinking about how to brew a counterattack to revenge after arriving at the Moonlight Fortress, but these horrifying magic crystal cannons almost completely destroyed his confidence.

Although Nesta was outside the power range of the magic crystal cannons just now, he could feel that even with the strength of the intermediate stage of the Demon Emperor, he would probably be seriously injured if he was hit by these magic crystal cannons.

Another white light spurted from behind. Unlike the previous cannonball burst, the white light this time was a straight beam, but the diameter was quite tremendous, and it was continuous energy. Everywhere the “beam” passed through, the living bodies were broken down into particles and dissipated. After the beam cleared out the enemies in a fan shape, it finally weakened and disappeared.

Nesta didn’t want to fight back at all now. He had only one thought: Run!

Lead the soldiers out of the range of these terrifying magic crystal cannons!

“Activate the [Magic Shadow Charge]! Disperse as much as possible and rush back to the Moonlight Fortress!” Nesta roared, and 2 wings appeared behind him. With a long sword and a huge square shield in his hands, he flew in the direction of the magic crystal cannons.

As a general, he could not casually make a move, but the current situation was urgent and Anspu was not there. As the only Demon Emperor powerhouse who was capable of flying, he must destroy the biggest threat, the magic crystal cannons.

[Magic Shadow Charge] could only be used once a day. If they wanted to use it in excess, the magic circle would cost the knight and mount a lot of vitality. However, the situation was urgent. If he didn’t act decisively, the entire cavalry legion would be wiped out by the terrifying magic crystal cannons.

Although the 2 magic crystal cannons were mighty, they had the common problem of the magic crystal cannons which was the cooldown period. Since the launch energy was too huge, they must be cooled by the magic circle, otherwise they would be unable to withstand the power and explode.

Before Nesta’s figure flew close to the magic crystal cannon, he felt a strange spirit wave force. His head was very painful as if it was about to split. His body was paused in the air. A dark figure appeared in front of him. Two faint blue lights in the figure’s hands struck toward him like lightning.

When Nesta was in a hurry, his body shrank, and the square shield was placed in front of him. He only heard the clinking sound. In an instant, he blocked some amount of attacks from the enemy. He couldn’t hold the shield in his hand properly.

Nesta was secretly frightened. With a violent wave of the shield, a shield attack forced the opponent away, then the long sword in his right hand stabbed toward the black figure. A terrifying black flame emerged from the long sword with a strong destructive breath. It was the strongest attack talent of the Lucifer Royal Family, [Dark Flame].

After the black figure fluttered away, the dual blade-like blue light in his hand began to rotate, forming a vacuum force field. The [Dark Flame] on the long sword was actually involuntarily sucked by the force field. The black figure moved extremely quickly. Taking advantage of the strength on the opponent’s sword, the blue light entangled the long sword and charged toward Nesta’s throat like a long snake around a tree. Nesta hurriedly raised his head and barely dodged it. He hurriedly put the square shield in front of him. The moment the shield covered his body, his ribs and lower abdomen were numb at the same time as if he had been shocked by an electric shock. Immediately after that, there was a sharp pain like he was split apart.

The magic crystal cannons in the distance ejected a terrifying light again. There were actually more than 2 cannons. Although the cooling time was a problem, the impact was too terrifying. Wherever they went, the lives of the Magic Shadow Legion soldiers were instantly reaped. Fortunately, many soldiers had already rushed into the mountain road, so they had a narrow escape due to the cover of the terrain.

The death of the soldiers made Nesta distraught, but the opponent in front of him was stronger than him. In addition to having terrifying power and speed, he also possesses the terrifying spiritual impact ability. If I continue to fight, I’m afraid even escaping is a problem.

This time the ambush was a complete failure, the cavalry legion suffered heavy losses,and the Moonlight Fortress in front may still be dangerous. I must lead the remaining soldiers out of danger!

When Nesta thought of this, he burst out an astonishing momentum like he was about to go all in to attack, but it was a flicker. Flames burst out of the pair of wings on his back. Forcibly integrating the 2 talents of [Dark Flame] and [Holy Wings] was quite dangerous for Nesta with his current strength. He had already suffered considerable damage due to the recoil power just now, but the effect was quite obvious. The wings just flapped, and he was already flying far away.

Nesta’s flight speed suddenly increased several times. The black figure holding the blue light dual blade couldn’t catch up. The pupil of his left eye suddenly turned golden, and a beam of golden light burst out and hit the far-away Nesta. Nesta groaned and ignored his injury. He made use of this force to increase his flying speed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“This guy won’t be able to run away if he was on the ground!” The black figure waved the blue blade in his hand angrily, making a piercing hissing sound across the sky.

Due to the terrain of the mountain trail, Nesta barely gathered the remnants and rushed to the Moonlight Fortress. He did not ask Troy, who was seriously injured, to report the casualties because just by visual inspection, he could judge that there were no more than 5,000 soldiers following him.

The loss this time is far beyond what I expect. What’s even more frustrating is that the enemy basically has no casualties except for a handful of them who were wiped out by Anspu. From the arrow ambush in the valley to the subsequent magic crystal cannons, the Dark Moon’s ambush army has utilized the advantages of the terrain and light to the greatest extent. The cavalries have powerful mobility, but they can’t unleash their own advantages at all. They could only be passively beaten. Especially the magic crystal cannons with terrifying power, I must report it to the Royal Highness Regent!

The opponent’s attack just now was very weird. The last blow caused serious damage to his spirit power and physical body at the same time. Nesta drank a bottle of healing potion and tried his best to suppress the injuries in his body. Finally, he led the soldiers across the 2 mountains and there was a wide road in front of him. He could see the brightly lit Moonlight Fortress from a distance which shone especially at the darkest hour before dawn.

Due to the previous experience of being ambushed, Nesta did not dare to underestimate the enemy. He told the soldiers not to put their defenses down and prepare to fight at any time.

“Is it the general of the Magic Shadow Legion?” The fortress guard who noticed the arrival of the cavalry had already called out as he watched the cavalry not far away warily.

Nesta was not at all relieved because of this question. Instead, he was even more suspicious. I led the army to Town Dico not long ago, but now I retreat after the defeat. How did the Moonlight Fortress get the news so quickly? And these people do not seem to be the team of people I have left behind.

“I’m Nesta.” Nesta replied loudly. At the same time, he issued a signal to ask the soldiers to prepare for a battle. This was the rear of the fortress. The defense was much weaker than the front. He could break through the enemy’s blockade with minimal casualties and escape back to the Red Spirit Estate.

“General Nesta! Please wait a moment, I will report to Sir Kanita now!”

This answer stunned Nesta. Soon, Kanita’s familiar figure appeared at the front, “Is it General Nesta?”

“Sir Kanita! It’s me!” Nesta breathed a sigh of relief and ordered the soldiers to put down their guards.

“Remove the barricades quickly and let the general’s team in!” Kanita quickly ordered.

Nesta led the tired cavalry into the fortress. It was obvious under the light that there were many arrows stuck in the cavalry, most of them were injured.

Kanita frowned and said, “General! I just received the scout report that there was a fierce battle and the light on the magic crystal cannon on the mountain side, so I guessed that the general was fighting the enemy…”

“Aih!” Nesta sighed sadly, “I was careless and eager to go to Town Dico. I ended up in an ambush by the enemy. The soldiers suffered heavy setbacks. I will seek forgiveness from the Royal Highness Regent.”

“The Demon Realm has an old saying, victory and defeat are common for the military. General should not be too depressed. I believe general will return the shame with blood and victory.”

Nesta looked at Kanita’s eyes with a hint of appreciation, “That’s right, thanks to you this time, Sir Kanita. When you came, did you see the knights of the defense team that I left behind and the spy arranged by Sir Josh, Hardi?”

“I was about to report this to general. When I received a signal from general and rushed to the Moonlight Fortress, I found Hardi fighting with the Magic Shadow Legion’s cavalries. All those knights had died heroically. After I took Hardi, I found out this person is actually an imposter. The capital and my father’s spies should have been exposed by the enemy. This is purely a trap set by the Dark Moon. It’s a pity that I got here too late. General’s cavalry legion marched too fast, the scout couldn’t catch up…”

“Your speed is fast enough. If it weren’t for you, the Magic Shadow Legion might suffer even more losses.

Initially, in the eyes of Nesta, Kanita was just the son of the lord, but now it seemed that he was really responsible and capable. “The Dark Moon’s preparation and intel capabilities are far above my expectations, and they also have very terrifying weapons. We can’t stay at this fortress for a long time as the enemy’s pursuit is likely to arrive soon. We must evacuate as soon as possible. “

“You are right, general. I received a scout report just now. The enemy has already rallied toward this side. However, the soldiers of your legion are not lightly injured and Town Mordo is too far. I’m afraid that it will be difficult to sustain if we rush there directly. Let’s go to the Bloodmist Valley where I’m stationed first. There are enough supplies there. We can have a good rest. The Dark Moon’s army will recapture the Moonlight Fortress at best, but they will never enter the border of the Red Spirit Estate.”

Nesta looked at the wounded and exhausted legion soldiers and horses, and he agreed, “Before that, it is best to destroy the magic circle and defense facilities of the Moonlight Fortress as much as possible.”

“Don’t worry, general, I’ve already arranged it.” Kanita smiled confidently, “By the way, general can thoroughly interrogate the captive, Hardi, after returning to Bloodmist Valley. There may be unexpected gains.”

Speaking of Hardi, a murderous vibe flashed past Nesta’s gaze as he nodded, “Then without further delay, let’s set out immediately to evacuate the Moonlight Fortress and head to the Bloodmist Valley!”

Soon, Nesta quickly left the Moonlight Fortress with the remnants as well as the people of the Red Spirit Estate and headed toward the Red Spirit Estate.

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