Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!-Chapter 70 - - Obsession And Dead Weight

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Seo Chin-Hwa twisted the accelerator to the maximum as he moved through the destroyed campus at top speed. His face was cold with sweat and he had traces of blood and injuries all over his body.

His eyes, dead cold, kept looking back and forth between his path and the monsters chasing him relentlessly.

The journey to the campus was a brutal one and he almost died multiple times. Luckily, he was able to avoid danger using the bike, temporarily that is. No matter how much he tried to lose the horde of monsters, they were able to find him and follow him.

'Shit! They're getting closer! Come on!!' Chin-Hwa cursed inwardly as he searched for anything that could save him.

However, other than destroyed buildings and rubble, there was nothing else he could use. His face paled considerably as he realized the huge problem he was in. There was nowhere to go and no way to lose these abominations.

So, his only option was to continue driving as fast as he could and hope that a miracle would happen. Something that he doubted was possible in his current circumstances.

The engine of the bike roared as it worked at full throttle, reaching ridiculous speeds in between tight passages and bumpy roads filled with rocks. Even with his improved senses and reflex speeds, it wasn't a good idea to do that in this place.


Unaware of one of the rocks in his path, Chin-Hwa moved the bike through as the wheel sunk into the sharp edge of the rock. What followed after that was the loud explosion of the tire as it started screeching loudly.

Chin-Hwa lost balance immediately as he found himself tilting left and right wildly. His panicked expression turned even more sour as he realized the huge blunder he made. Immediately, he tried to regain control of the bike as fast as he could.

However, it was all for naught as the bike had already completely tilted to the side as it moved right toward a building.

'No!!' Feeling his heart stop as he realized that the end was near, Chin-Hwa closed his eyes. His fear took over his mind and everything felt slow for a second. It was the first time he ever felt such a thing and it completely overwhelmed him.

'I'm going to die…' He thought to himself. Till that point, Chin-Hwa's concept of death was that it was an inevitable end to everything. However, he never really feared it or gave it much thought as he was still young and his future was bright.

For some reason, death felt like such a distant and far-fetched thing for him till that point. Yet, here he was, barely a few seconds away from it and unable to change that outcome. The moment he crashes, the monsters will eat him alive and leave nothing behind.

'Is it going to be painful? What if I get turned into one of those things? I don't want that…' His thoughts wavered.

However, as much as he didn't want it, reality was more often than not unforgiving. His wish seemed impossible to fulfill. So, at that moment, his mind only remembered a single person.

The image of a pretty and dignified girl filled his thoughts. Her face, her eyes, her aura, he could easily recall all of her details as if she was standing right in front of him at that moment.

'President…' He thought to himself. 'Would you remember me if I died? Would you get sad and cry for me?' He asked himself.

Ever since they were young, Chin-Hwa was always next to her, supporting her as much as he could and doing everything within his power to get a special place in her heart. He worked day and night like a maniac just so that he could keep up with her and stay above and beyond any other man who might want her.

He tries to be impressive in everything he does just so that she can look at him as much as he looks at her. Yet, no matter what he did, Hyun-Jae never seemed to care that much. She did see him as a good friend of hers and someone that she could rely on, but never more than that.

It hurt him greatly, but he never hated her for it, if anything, it only made his desire to get her attention even bigger. He started working even harder and pushing himself beyond his limit in everything.

He excelled in his studies, learned martial arts, and became one of the best in sports, not to mention his achievements outside the campus grounds. Coupled with his strikingly good looks, he was the perfect man in the eyes of all girls.

He received attention from many girls from the high society who were excellent in their own ways. Normally, he would've accepted one of them since they had beauty and brains, but he never did. It was all for Hyun-Jae.

'I'm sorry, president… Hyun-Jae…'

As he was about to crash, out of nowhere, he felt a gush of wind hit his face as his body was suddenly yanked to the side by an unknown force. His closed eyes opened wide again as he looked to the side in shock.

"You fucking idiot! What the hell are you doing here?!" Talon yelled coldly as he dashed forward at top speed. He had pulled Chin-Hwa from the bike before he smashed into the wall and started running with the latter on his shoulder.

"What… You!!" Chin-Hwa recognized who it was. "Let me go!!" He started squirming.

"Don't move!! Don't you see the monsters behind us!! We're gonna get overwhelmed if we don't escape!" Talon clenched his teeth as punched Chin-Hwa on the head.


'Fuck! To save this dumbass I had to get closer than I wanted to!!' Talon looked behind him as he noticed the monsters closing the distance between them. His plan was to keep a distance of a few dozen meters between him and the horde and slowly lead them where he wanted.

But, Chin-Hwa's appearance changed his plans completely. Moving through the ruins, Talon nimbly jumped around as he dodged the rocks, heading straight toward the first building trap he set.

The monsters got even more crazed when they noticed Talon for some reason and it made them increase their speeds. Luckily, Talon's 60 points in agility came in clutch and kept him ahead.

Reaching his first target, he pulled his spear out and with a swift slash, he hit the last base of the building before he continued running. Losing the last pillar, the building immediately started crumbling down like a house of cards.

At the same time, the monsters passed beside it, unaware of the trap.


The entire building fell on the first line of monsters, burying them under tons of rocks and rubble.


[You have killed a level 3 Dimension Walker.]


[You have killed…]





A long series of notifications assaulted Talon's retina relentlessly. The latter quickly pushed them to the side so as not to obstruct his vision.

'Yes!' He beamed when he noticed the number of monsters that got buried. His plan was working!

However, at the same time, the rest of the monsters were able to avoid the destruction as they immediately climbed on top of the rubble and rushed toward Talon as if nothing happened.

"Oh boy, they seem even angrier now!" Talon murmured as he continued moving to the next building.


Smashing the pillar, the building started crumbling as the monsters grew closer. They didn't seem like they realized what Talon was planning and fell straight into the second trap.



Another series of notifications filled Talon's head that he ignored. He had no time to waste idling around and counting his gains.

With that, he moved through buildings, breaking the pillars and letting them crumble on the monsters. Slowly, he cut their numbers short bit by bit. Talon was certain that the number exceeded 70 monsters after the fifth building.


[You have leveled up to level 17. +2 Free Points.]

'I even leveled up. Nice.' He thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Chin-Hwa watched what was happening with shock in his eyes. He didn't even understand how Talon was able to do this and it honestly impressed him greatly. Looking up at the man with confusion, a complicated expression appeared on his face.

He was now being saved by the person he hated the most out of all the students. Not only that, he was also very much a dead weight to him at that moment, and yet he still was able to fight back the monsters with cleverness.

If that wasn't a hit to his ego, then Chin-Hwa didn't know what was. All he could do was not move as Talon carried him to the other side.

At the same time, Hyun-Jae stood at the far front of the students' lines as she waited for Talon anxiously. She could see the clouds of dust rising and the howls of monsters rushing toward them but Talon was invisible from her angle.

'Why is he taking so long?' She asked herself. They had agreed that Talon would only leave for 3 minutes at most. If the plan failed, he must not try to crumble the other buildings.

'Why do I have a bad feeling about this?'

(A//N: Thanks to everyone who supports the book with power stones and golden tickets, you guys are the best:) )