Doomsday Spiritual Artifact Master-Chapter 33: Bloody Ferrara (5)

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Chapter 33 – Bloody Ferrara (5)

◎A-Level Task: Mutant Zombie!◎

At the critical moment, Zhuang Qingyan remained calm. He surveyed the chaotic situation on the field and quickly made a judgment: “Xu Xing, stop and create ice in the direction I indicated.”

Xu Xing, with a defiant tone despite being in a difficult situation, retorted, “Why should I listen to you?”

Zhuang Qingyan’s icy gaze lingered on his collar for a second, his expression as fierce as a demon: “If you don’t obey, I’ll throw you out right now!”

Xu Xing: (T_T)

He recalled the agony of being dominated.

Zhuang Qingyan no longer paid attention to him. His slender fingers continuously manipulated the complex control panel in the cockpit. His gaze fell on Song Ke in the distance. He paused, and certain unpleasant memories suddenly struck him.

As a precaution, he turned his head again and confirmed with Xu Xing, “Do you know the directions—north, south, east, west?”

Xu Xing angrily shouted, “Of course! Who do you think you’re looking down on?!”

“Very well.” Zhuang Qingyan’s lips curled slightly, better than your sister.

With a slight movement of his fingertip, he retrieved a collapsible cane from the space, unfolded it in a couple of swift motions, supported the wheelchair’s handguard, and then exerted force. After injuring his right leg, he stood up for the first time.

Once he stood firm, Zhuang Qingyan extended his right hand, finally reaching the control lever of the mechanical arm, positioned slightly higher.

Xu Xing was amazed to find that Zhuang Qingyan was actually quite tall. It wasn’t the frail and thin figure he had imagined from prolonged wheelchair use. On the contrary, Zhuang Qingyan stood tall and elegant, with superior proportions. His waist and abdomen had smooth and straight lines, and even his exposed forearms were unusually sturdy.

While he was lost in thought, Zhuang Qingyan had already opened the car window and shouted from a distance, “Song Ke! Head to 11 o’clock direction!”

Song Ke blocked with her left knife and executed a semi-circular slash with her right knife. With a swift “whoosh,” she leaped to the front of the zombie horde, acting as bait to lure them towards the northwest.

“Xu Xing, freeze the entire group of zombies to the southwest!”

Xu Xing felt a bit dissatisfied. His sister was clearly running towards the northwest, so why did he have to freeze the zombies to the southwest? But Zhuang Qingyan was indeed quite tall. He seemed to only reach his waist. Xu Xing cast an envious glance and obediently followed the command.

Northwest direction, 11 o’clock.

The zombies brought over by Song Ke were increasing in number, and they finally collided with a nearby carriage with a resounding “thud.” There was no way forward from here!

“Six o’clock!”

Almost simultaneously, Zhuang Qingyan shouted the next command.

Song Ke hit the brakes sharply and made a quick turn. The zombies followed her like rabbits chasing carrots, rushing towards them in a synchronized manner.

Xu Xing became anxious, “They’re all coming this way!”

Zhuang Qingyan said coldly, “Take care of your ice. If I see another ice shard, you’ll be the first one to feed the zombies.”

The horde of monsters was getting closer and closer to them. Just as the first batch of zombies that Xu Xing froze was melting, and they regained their freedom in a daze, continuing forward due to inertia, Song Ke was caught between them like a carrot being chased by two sides. She was about to be overwhelmed by the zombies. Xu Xing’s heart raced.

Right at that moment, Song Ke suddenly switched her grip, reversed her knives, and inserted them perfectly into the gaps of the iron cage covered with inverted hooks. Following that, she propelled herself with a leap, her feet landing on the crossbar of the carriage. In the blink of an eye, she executed two graceful backflips, taking both herself and her weapons onto the roof of the car.

The two waves of zombies couldn’t react in time and collided with a loud “thud,” falling to the ground. Just then, the mechanical arm on the side of the carriage emerged mysteriously, sweeping through like a whirlwind, and all these zombies were swept inside. The iron cage swiftly followed, clanging shut the exit.

In an instant, the clearing was complete!

Inside the cockpit, Zhuang Qingyan gave orders to Song Ke while manually controlling the transport vehicle and the mechanical arm, both in synchronized motion.

Xu Xing was completely stunned. This person was multitasking—no, make that triple-tasking. He even found time to scold him. Was this really something a human brain could accomplish?

With Zhuang Qingyan’s guidance, the almost-tipping-over situation was finally brought under control. Waves of zombies managed to run right into Song Ke’s attack range or step into Xu Xing’s blizzard, and with the synchronized sweeping of the mechanical arms from the six carriages, about half an hour later, the three of them managed to clear a path, narrowly escaping the crisis.

With the crisis averted, the remaining few zombies were swiftly dealt with by Song Ke.

She wiped her twin swords with cloth, crossed them behind her back, and briskly walked back to the front of the vehicle.

Leaning on his crutch, Zhuang Qingyan pushed open the cockpit. Leaning against the door, he appeared relaxed and composed, with the night breeze rustling his clothes, making his handsome features even more profound.

Zhuang Qingyan looked at Song Ke with a helpless expression. “What did you say before we set off?”

Both Song Ke and Xu Xing were highly offensive supernatural beings. If their cooperation went awry, it could potentially lead to a big mess, wreaking havoc on a catastrophic scale.

Having them use their abilities to attract monsters in coordination was a decision they had agreed upon earlier. Zhuang Qingyan had taught them the method personally. On the way, Song Ke had promised with great confidence that she would follow the plan meticulously, being extra cautious.

Yet here she was, a skilled long-range archer, engaging in melee combat due to her inability to control the monsters.

Xu Xing was even more extreme, losing control of his powers at the slightest scare from the zombies, acting like a runaway wild horse.

Song Ke lowered her head in embarrassment, her expression sheepish. “I-I didn’t mean to, I-I forgot…”

She had gotten so used to cutting off zombie heads that she forgot everything else once she swung into action.

Glancing at Zhuang Qingyan’s cold gaze and expression, she suddenly had an epiphany. She jumped onto the cockpit and very doggedly reached out to support his arm. “I-I-I’ll help you walk.”

Zhuang Qingyan hesitated for a moment but didn’t pull away.

Song Ke desperately signaled to Xu Xing, who was standing foolishly nearby. “Xiao Xing!”

Having just been lectured by Zhuang Qingyan on how to be a proper person and awed by his immense calculating abilities, Xu Xing didn’t dare to pout this time. He obediently moved the wheelchair out of the cockpit.

Forget it. Men still had to rely on their strengths to speak. Next time, he definitely had to win back his dignity!

After a quick check, the three of them estimated that the transport vehicle was now filled with about four carriages’ worth of materials. The interior was soundproof, and they couldn’t hear a thing even when pressed against the carriage walls.

The City Hall of Luli Port was very close now. The vague outline of the building could be seen in the distance. Zhuang Qingyan put away his crutch and returned to his wheelchair. “We’re almost there. Let’s walk.”

Song Ke hesitated, “What about this vehicle…”

She was about to ask if they were just leaving it here, not fully loaded and without automatic return capability.

Before she finished speaking, the two empty carriages actually detached from the main body of the vehicle. Four small wheels emerged from the bottom with a clatter, and in an instant, they transformed into the kind of small shopping carts used to stock goods in supermarkets. They trotted along behind them in a curious manner.

Zhuang Qingyan wasn’t surprised at all. He had discovered this when manipulating the control panel earlier. “The vehicle is equipped with a small-scale artificial intelligence that possesses some autonomous decision-making ability. Don’t worry about it, let’s go.”

As Song Ke took a couple of steps forward and turned around to look, the two carriages were right behind them. With their mechanical arms swinging and swaying, the scene was inexplicably eerie, resembling a supervisor more and more!

Luli Port City Hall.

Unlike the local area’s natural and charming characteristics, this was a building with a forest steel style, and its industrial facade was covered with lush vegetation. Suspended in the air were dazzling corridors in various shapes, and platforms of different sizes extended freely. One could easily anticipate the complexity and diversity of the interior space.

The height of the entrance gate wasn’t enough; the two compartments couldn’t squeeze in. The mechanical arm automatically retracted, entering an energy-saving mode. Two small square boxes stopped temporarily at the entrance, finally no longer following them.

Song Ke paid no more attention to it and, along with Zhuang Qingyan and Xu Xing, entered the entire building.

As described in the assigned task, as early as September 25th, the first floor here should have been filled with zombies. However, the reality was different. After entering through the main gate, there were only a few zombies wandering in the spacious lobby.

When things deviate from the norm, there must be something amiss. Song Ke became vigilant involuntarily.

She raised her head, following the spiral staircase’s ascent. The entire 6 floors of the building were demolished, and the opposite sides were beveled and cut. The top space was distorted, and the environment was extremely quiet.

“The situation isn’t right, be cautious,” Zhuang Qingyan warned in a deep voice.

“Got it,” Song Ke sharpened her focus, “Xiao Xing, stay close, both of us.”

Zhuang Qingyan led the way, taking the lead with the two following him upstairs. In the nearly identical corridors, they kept turning and advancing. Before long, his wheelchair stopped, “There’s someone, someone with abilities.”

Song Ke was slightly taken aback. The number of rooms here was extensive, and the layout was intricate, often obstructing spiritual exploration. She hadn’t heard any sound nor sensed any abilities. How did Zhuang Qingyan determine the presence of an awakener?

“Go this way.”

Zhuang Qingyan changed direction, leading them up to the top floor through the staircase and guiding them to a concealed small platform to look down.

Sure enough, there were people!

Only in the central open space of the fourth floor, several groups of people were confronting each other from a distance.

Compared to the mysteriously vanished zombies inside the building, the number of zombies here seemed to be more normal, but they were gathered together like trapped beasts. Song Ke’s keen eyesight noticed that one of the zombies had distinctly different symptoms. Its skin had a unique shade of blue, and its level of decay was lower than that of ordinary zombies. Its metallic-like claws were particularly sharp, and most peculiarly, its pupils weren’t gray-white but intensely dark, pure black.

Zhuang Qingyan’s expression turned serious. “A mutant zombie…”

Song Ke was startled. Mutant zombie? Weren’t those zombies created from fallen awakeners? Zhuang Qingyan had mentioned that the Alliance’s approach to dealing with such zombies was only one: execution.

In a tense atmosphere of stalemate, a man whose half body was composed of machinery took a confident step forward. His natural eye and mechanical eye turned simultaneously, presenting a rather peculiar appearance. “I say, Brother Duanmu, your family’s business is vast. You might not value these low-level mutant zombies. Why not let us have them?”

Leaning by the staircase, a refined man dressed in vintage robes smiled. His voice was gentle, but his words showed no sign of backing down. “Bartel, spare us the insincere words. They sound nauseating. Our team is climbing the points leaderboard. I thought everyone knew that.”

“Duanmu Qi, don’t be too greedy!”

“Exactly! You’ve already completed most of the B-level tasks. What’s left are just dirty and tiring tasks. Don’t be too excessive!”

“Aren’t you already in first place? Isn’t 966 points enough?”

On the 6th platform, Song Ke, who had just taken on a “B-level dirty and tiring task”, said: “…”

Wait a minute, she suddenly realized with a gasp, belatedly understanding: points for promotion, completion, 966… Could this be the team “Three Grandsons and One Grandpa” that’s currently ranked first on the leaderboard?!

Song Ke focused her gaze and indeed, behind the man named Duanmu Qi stood three individuals, all concealed in the shadows, their faces revealing a cold and stern expression, each looking quite formidable.

“Duanmu Qi, you weren’t the first to discover this unique zombie, and an A-level mission isn’t something you can just take on as you wish.”

An elderly man with a head full of white hair, hands behind his back, descended the staircase with a dignified tone: “Awakeners disregard human emotions. In all endeavors, the victor is king. If you want to claim these 1000 points, you should ask whether we agree.”

Duanmu Qi chuckled, “I never expected even Mr. Xiang to join in on this lively event.”

“Very well then. Let it be as you wish. The victor is king, and the loser is a bandit. All of you can fight for it. I’m curious to see who can take these 1000 points from me, Duanmu Qi!”

“So arrogant! Brothers, I can’t stand this!”

“Let’s all go together. I refuse to believe we can’t defeat him!”

“A-level mission?”Song Ke understood the content of the dispute between the people below, and her eyes lit up suddenly.

“Sister, look,” Xu Xing leaned over holding the terminal, “There is a sudden red commission in the system.”

Five hours ago, on their way to Luli Port, the Ferrara Comission Center issued an emergency mission with a level of A.

“Zhang Lei, the former D-level awakener of Luli Port (D150 District), with the ability of ‘Stone Gaze’, has now mutated and escaped. This individual is extremely dangerous. Starting today, a nationwide hunt is underway. Once found, terminate on sight!”

This was the first A-level mission that appeared in Ferrara!

With a whole 1000 points, it was no wonder that it attracted so many awakener teams.

The atmosphere on the 4th floor was becoming more and more solidified, and a crisis was imminent.

“Since that’s the case… let everyone compete based on their abilities.”

Bartel, the half-mechanized one-eyed man, suddenly smirked. Taking advantage of everyone’s unpreparedness, his mechanical left arm extended rapidly, stabbing straight at the mutant zombie Zhang Lei.

“Bartel! Don’t you dare to play tricks!”

All the awakeners took action, and dark shadows rushed towards Zhang Lei one after another.

Just as they closed in, Duanmu Qi’s robes fluttered, and countless thorns burst from the ground, tightly binding the legs of the leading awakeners. Thump thump. Like dumplings dropping into boiling water, they all fell back to the ground.

Such formidable control ability – Duanmu Qi was undoubtedly a powerful wood-type awakener!

After Duanmu Qi suppressed the situation, three individuals behind him rushed out from different angles, heading straight for Zhang Lei. They were just about to reach him when suddenly, Zhang Lei vanished on the spot, a displacement occurring in a corner opposite the group.

There was a space-type awakener on the scene!

This space-type awakener concealed their whereabouts, constantly shifting Zhang Lei’s position. A change every five seconds made it difficult for anyone to predict their exact movements. Soon enough, Zhang Lei ended up right beneath Song Ke and the others.

The space-type awakener seemed to believe that this spot provided good cover for their line of sight. For a while, they refrained from further displacement.

A perfect opportunity!

‘The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind’. Song Ke and her group, who had been observing the battle from the shadows, now became the oriole.

“Should, should we try to seize, seize it?” Song Ke asked her companions for their opinions.

Zhuang Qingyan gazed at the chaotic battle below, chuckling softly, “Of course, why not? A-level task– after completing this, you’ll be rich, won’t you?”

Yeah, I wonder how much this A-level task is worth?

All the awakeners present couldn’t help but focus on the high 1000-point score. Only Song Ke had her mind fixed on the Alliance coin reward. If she managed to seize it, would it be enough to pay back the debt she owed Xu Xing?

“Go, pay attention to the direction of 3 o’clock,” Zhuang Qingyan pointed to a certain corner, “That space-type awakener is hiding there.”

“Okay,” Song Ke nodded.

“Sister, you can do it!” Xu Xing clenched his small fist to cheer her up.

“Xiao Xing, protect him well,” Song Ke earnestly instructed.

Xu Xing: “…Oh.”

Was there a possibility that the one who needed protection was actually me?

After confirming the direction with a glance, Song Ke drew out her dual knives and leaped down from the 6th-floor platform!

Almost simultaneously, a nimble black shadow jumped down from the rooftop diagonally opposite!

There was never just one oriole lurking in the shadows.