Eternal life begins with saving my clan-Chapter 315: The Rapid Rise of the Pagoda Empire
After the death of Zhang Wei, the previous governor took charge of the state, ordering the killing of the Zhang soldiers.
However, when they got to their army barracks, they found it in smoke, with a thick stench of blood permeating the air.
Everyone was stunned, wondering who could easily slaughter the strong ancient clans.
It was then the governor released the news about the new power: The Pagoda Empire assisting them in killing the traitors.
Many people would have found it difficult to believe that the people their emperor considered traitors to the human race would save them.
But with the three powerful clans mobilizing their forces, the narrative began to change, and the people began to have a change of heart.
With the 35th state joining the Pagoda Empire, they mobilized their force to send aid to them after their civil unrest.
While the 35th state was healing from their just-concluded battle with the Ancient Zhang clan, the 31st to 34th state was surrendering to the rule of the Pagoda empire.
Using the tactics they used in the 35th state, they quickly won all the powerful clans to their side.
With the allure of modern communication and advanced battle armor, they all accepted the reign of the pagoda.
As for the Ancient Huang clan, Su clan, Chen clan, and Li clan occupying the states, they were all disposed of in just three days.
When the Ancient clans found out they lost six states to the rebel, they were shocked and filled with fury.
With their powerful bloodline and overwhelming strength and rallying all the power in the empire against them, they thought it would be easy to conquer them, but now, they realized how wrong they were.
They knew nothing about their enemies while their enemies knew almost everything about them.
Sitting around the circular wooden table, all the ancient council elders had a deep frown on their faces.
"What should we do? We can't allow this to continue?" the Chen ancestor said in a grave voice.
"They killed my grandson, I want their blood to flow," the Zhang added with his face laced in fury.
"We need to act fast. Each time we play schemes on each other, our enemies are growing stronger," the Su clan ancestor said in a deep voice.
"What do you propose we do?" asked the Huang ancestor.
"We should send Nascent Soul Experts to kill them once and for all," he responded calmly.
Hearing this, the hall became quiet like a graveyard. They looked at each other, not knowing how to react.
Even though they claimed to be the strongest and proclaimed themselves the ancient clans, they could all count the number of Nascent Soul experts in each of their clans.
Each Nascent Soul expert represented the backbone of their clans. And if they were to send them out to kill their enemies and something happened to them, their clan foundation would weaken, and that was not what they wanted.
"Must we send them? Can't we find another option?" the Li Ancestor asked.
"You provide the option. I've provided the only solution, and if you have an alternative to my suggestion, just say it. Stop being a pussy," the Su clan ancestor responded in annoyance.
The Li Ancestor was furious; he pointed at the Su clan ancestor with his chest rising and falling, not knowing how to react.
Everyone knew how powerful the Su clan ancestor was. Thus, each of the ancestors strategically avoided fighting with him.
"This is not over," the Li Ancestor shouted, banging the table.
The remaining ancestors looked at each other with various thoughts running through their minds.
Each of them was filled with schemes, trying to reduce the loss of their clans. However, with the barren land thwarting their plans, they were left at a crossroad.
It was either they keep delaying the inevitable, and their enemies grew stronger, or they took a risk and vanquished their enemies once and for all at the expense of losing their Nascent Soul expert.
After waiting for ten minutes with no one having the intention of speaking, the Huang Ancestor shook his head and spoke.
"We old bones are one leg at our grave. Why are we still behaving like kids? If we continue like this, everything we built for the past centuries will be wasted."
"This is not the time to be selfish. We should look at the bigger picture. If we can successfully go to the upper realm, everything we hold dear will be meaningless, and the worry we have in our minds will be nothing."
"I support the Su clan. We should send two of our Nascent Soul Experts to get this done. However..." He paused, looking at their faces.
"We're going to make a heavenly oath. We are not going to wage war on each other for the next 100 years."
When they heard this part, their faces beamed with smiles. Now, if they could all agree to make an oath not to attack each other in the next one hundred years, they could finally relax.
With Huang clan ancestor's suggestion, the council agreed and made a heavenly oath.
With them coming to an agreement, they left the hidden hall to make the arrangement.
Meanwhile, at the imperial capital, the Emperor was reading the latest news with shock written all over his face.
"Are you sure you did not know anything about it?" Su Na asked, staring at the emperor.
The scroll caught fire, burning to a crisp, and the Emperor raised his head and stared at her.
"What are you going to do if I have something to do with?" He responded with his eyes burning with fury.
When has he, the emperor, reduced to such that just anybody could question. Only the one questioning him was from the powerful Ancient Su clan.
"We are going to find out if you know anything about it or not when the protector arrived."
"Get out of my hall." He demanded in a loud shout.
He was burning with fury, and if she lingered too much in his presence with her annoying face, he may be forced to attack him.
Su Na looked at him with derision before she turned and departed.
"This is not over?" She muttered.
While this was happening, fourteen Nascent Soul Experts were on their way to the Hualong Empire.