Falling in Love Online with an Ancient General-Chapter 176: The Secret of Guangyuan Temple

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Chapter 176

"I'm free now. What did she say that upset you?" Qin Yuchuan felt that if something had happened, it should be clarified as soon as possible to avoid her overthinking when alone.

Feng Qingyi hesitated for a moment before speaking up.

"I don't want to live in Shengjing in the future. I don't mind staying there for short periods occasionally, but my life will be centered here."

Qin Yuchuan hadn't expected her to bring this up. "Qingyi, are you so eager to marry me?"

"I'm not, I was just expressing my thoughts," Feng Qingyi said softly.

Qin Yuchuan smiled, "You're free to stay wherever you want. I won't force or constrain you."

"Well, I'll take your word for it. There's nothing else, goodbye." Feng Qingyi hastily hung up the phone.

It was already late April, and Xuanyuan Xi's birthday on May 10th was approaching. She needed to choose a gift soon.

As Feng Qingyi was pondering what gift to prepare, Lou Xi called.

"Qingyi, come to my place for dinner tonight."

Feng Qingyi was surprised, "Is today a special occasion? Why the sudden invitation?"

"Just a casual get-together. You, Hanyue, and Jingqiu come over tonight," Lou Xi said.

"Alright, we'll be there on time," Feng Qingyi agreed.


At Guanyuan Temple.

Guang'an suddenly appeared in the side room.

Another person was cracking sunflower seeds in the room, not surprised by Guang'an's sudden appearance.

"Did you see that girl today?" Guang'an asked.

"She's quite a clever one. I was almost exposed," the speaker was none other than Qian Jue.

Guang'an said, "Be careful. She was chosen for a reason, clearly not an ordinary person. Have you checked her background?"

"Of course I have, but I didn't find anything special," Qian Jue replied.

Guang'an pondered for a long time, "If she comes here again, you're responsible for protecting her."

"Don't worry about that! I've placed a tracking charm on her. I'll know her whereabouts as soon as she appears here," Qian Jue said.

Guang'an's eyes were full of weariness. He had stayed in this world for too long. This was the last chance.

If he couldn't return this time, he might have to stay here forever.

Seeing Guang'an's expression, Qian Jue said, "Don't be too pessimistic. Everything is developing in a good direction now."

"If you could return to your own world, what would you want to do?" Guang'an suddenly asked.

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Qian Jue answered without hesitation, "Whether I return or not makes no difference to me. People like me are suited to roam the world."

"Sometimes, I really can't understand why you're so obsessed with going back. What's wrong with staying here?"

Guang'an sighed, "Perhaps it's an obsession that compels me to go back and see, even if everything has changed. You wouldn't understand."

"You're the wise one. Fine, I'm leaving. You stay here, chant your sutras and beat your wooden fish."

Qian Jue grabbed a handful of sunflower seeds and left the side room, strolling out of Guanyuan Temple.

The young monk in the temple looked at the trail of seed shells and sighed. He had to sweep again.


At the appointed time, Feng Qingyi, Shen Hanyue, and Qu Jingqiu took a taxi to Lou Xi's home.

Shen Hanyue said, "Why did Xi suddenly invite us to her house for dinner? It's not her birthday now, is it?"

Feng Qingyi shook her head, "I'm not sure either. Let's buy some fruit downstairs when we arrive. Her parents should be home."

"Alright. Qingyi, don't forget to submit your work," Shen Hanyue said while looking at her phone.

Feng Qingyi replied, "I've already submitted it. Why are you more concerned about it than I am? It feels a bit odd."

"You're overthinking. I just think your work is much better than that person's, and you're sure to win a prize," Shen Hanyue said with an awkward smile.

Qu Jingqiu chimed in, "She's so concerned because she made a bet with someone. The stake is a month's worth of dinners. How could she not be worried?"

"...Who did you bet with?" Feng Qingyi asked.

Shen Hanyue grabbed Feng Qingyi's arm, "Qingyi, let me explain. I just had a momentary lapse of judgment and blurted it out."

Feng Qingyi spoke seriously, "Tell me honestly, who did you bet with, and what did you bet on?"

Shen Hanyue slowly began, "It was Xia Yu from the Academy of Fine Arts. That day when I went to get flyers, she was there mocking us."

"She said we were overestimating ourselves, that we shouldn't take on tasks beyond our abilities, and that everyone except those from their academy were just there to make up the numbers in the competition."

"I got angry and said we should have a real contest, but since I can't paint, I mentioned your name and said we'd see who's better in this painting competition."

Feng Qingyi asked, "Oh, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I was afraid you'd be angry," Shen Hanyue said quietly.

Feng Qingyi replied, "I'm very angry now."

Shen Hanyue shook Feng Qingyi's arm, "I know I was wrong. Please forgive me. I promise it won't happen again."

Qu Jingqiu said from the side, "Next time, stay calm when you encounter such situations. If you want to compete, do it yourself. Don't drag Qingyi into it."

"I understand. But for the sake of my dinner money for a month, Qingyi, can you please try your best?" Shen Hanyue looked at Feng Qingyi expectantly.

Feng Qingyi sighed, "I won't hold it against you this time. But there's no use in trying harder now for this kind of competition. The preliminary work has already been submitted. Let's just wait and see if we can make it to the finals."

Although she was confident in her abilities, this was a national competition with many talented participants. She felt she had already submitted a satisfactory entry for the preliminaries. The rest was up to fate.

The taxi stopped at the foot of Lou Xi's building. They bought some fruit at a nearby supermarket before going upstairs.

When the doorbell rang, it was Feng Qingci who opened the door.

Feng Qingyi looked at him in his suit, looking proper and presentable, feeling a bit unaccustomed to the sight.

"Why are you here too?"

Feng Qingci replied, "Why can't I be here? Come in and sit down. I'll make some tea for you."

"...Qingyi, your brother isn't treating this place as his own home, is he?" Shen Hanyue whispered.

Watching Feng Qingci skillfully serve tea, Feng Qingyi thought that might actually be the case.

"Where's Xi?" Qu Jingqiu asked.

Feng Qingci brought the tea over to the three of them, "They went out to buy groceries. They'll be back soon."

Feng Qingyi sat down next to Feng Qingci, "Brother, have you been staying at Xi's house all this time?"

"I stay here on weekends," Feng Qingci answered.

"...You're not really planning to marry into Xi's family, are you?"

Feng Qingci gave her a look.

"I help out at Uncle's company on weekends, and he just brings me back here. Don't let your imagination run wild."

Read Kill the Sun