Fire Mage-Chapter 636 Water Mage

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Chapter 636: Water Mage

A slender figure suddenly materialized in the depths of a densely forested area, emerging as if from thin air. This person, seemingly around 15 years of age, possessed a head of blonde hair, captivating deep emerald eyes, and a prominent hawk-like nose. Clad in a standard formal shirt and pants, this individual possessed an aura of elegance.

He was none other than Charles.

Taking in his surroundings with a composed demeanor, Charles surveyed the scene, his eyes attentively scanning the environment. To his astonishment, he observed that not only were the surrounding trees appeared darker and like towering giants, reaching heights of nearly 100 meters, but even the sky above bore a somber hue of grey. The dim sunlight struggled to penetrate the colossal trees, casting an eerie ambiance over the entire area.

"This place resembles the Nightmare Realm," Charles muttered, his brow furrowing in concern. Sensing the gravity of the situation, he cautiously extended his wisdom power into the surroundings. Mindful of the dangers he had encountered during his previous encounter with Nightstalker, he exercised restraint and limited his scan to the immediate vicinity, encompassing an area of approximately 1,000 meters. he had learned his lesson and had no intention of drawing the attention of any creatures lurking nearby.

Within moments, a subtle ripple of energy emanated invisibly from Charles, spreading throughout the surroundings, encompassing everything within its reach.

He soon sensed a multitude of menacing creatures lurking nearby. Among them were seven wolf-type monsters, their fierce forms instilling a sense of dread. Twelve shadowy humanoid creatures lurked in the shadows, their figures obscured and enigmatic. Three peculiar beings with human heads and snake-like bodies slithered ominously, their presence unnerving. Seven grotesque worms, resembling monkeys with hideous faces, writhed with an unsettling energy. And finally, a monstrous horse with three heads and twelve legs loomed before him, a nightmarish sight to behold. Despite their classification as Rank-5 Beasts, Charles couldn't help but be taken aback by these creatures' sheer variety and intensity.

'As Eddie had warned me, this particular level of the Star Tombs appears to hold even greater dangers than the previous sub-level.' Charles glanced upward and noticed the presence of strange gigantic birds hovering in the sky, reinforcing his decision to proceed with utmost caution. Taking a moment to steady himself, he activated his [Shadow Stealth] skill, disappearing into the shadows seamlessly. At that moment, he also retrieved the Moonfire Scimitar from his space ring and secured the blade at his waist.

But at that moment, a sudden surge of water-elemental energy emanated from his left side, swiftly followed by a powerful gust of shockwave. The abruptness of these occurrences hinted at an ongoing battle nearby. Charles's expression turned solemn as he contemplated the situation.

After a brief pause, he turned his gaze toward the source of the shockwave and began to advance. However, with each step he took, his figure gradually faded and merged seamlessly with the surrounding tree shadows, rendering him virtually invisible.

Several minutes passed as Charles silently maneuvered past numerous magical beasts, his stealth ensuring he remained undetected. Eventually, he arrived at a vast grassland-like area, where his attention was captivated by a colossal six-legged black spider. Towering at a staggering height of 30 meters, the spider relentlessly attacked a diminutive human figure. Its numerous eerie blackish eyes, jaw-like mouth, and peculiar wings bestowed an air of otherworldly dread upon it.

Realizing that he was witnessing a battle against a Legend Rank Magical Beast, Charles narrowed his eyes, comprehending the gravity of the situation. To his surprise, the human combatant effortlessly evaded every attack launched by the monstrous spider and launched swift counterattacks in return. Despite the distance separating them, Charles managed to discern the human's features with clarity, furrowing his brow in puzzlement.

"A woman?" he mused, sensing a faint familiarity in her countenance. She possessed long black hair, silvery eyes, a lean face, thick eyebrows, a sloping forehead, and an aquiline nose. The lines on her face hinted at a life well-lived, placing her age somewhere between 60 and 70 years old. Adorned in a neat blue robe, she bore a symbol on her garment—a circle with six pointy stars resembling a wheel. But what caught his attention were the bluish crystalline wings behind her. Even though it was a mere spell, it appeared more like real wings and even shed snow-like feathers occasionally.

'She is a Legend Rank Powerhouse from the Life Church? Water Mage?'

Lost in his thoughts, Charles was abruptly interrupted by an urging voice from the front. "Stop staring at me and help me a bit, lad."

'Well, I should help her.' Recognizing the importance of seizing the opportunity to gather more information about this particular layer, Charles was determined to help her. He propelled himself forward without hesitation, his strides filled with purpose and anticipation.

Simultaneously, he cast the [Fallen Angel's Wings] and swiftly ascended toward the sky. In five seconds, he closed the distance between himself and the spider, fixating his gaze upon its menacing form. With unwavering precision, he extended his index finger towards its head and cast the [Finger of Destruction] spell.

From the tip of his finger, an intense and concentrated beam of chaotic flame materialized, surging forth with a purposeful trajectory. The scorching ray found its mark, inflicting a deep wound upon one of the spider's eyes, causing it to recoil in pain.

Having executed his initial attack, Charles swiftly adjusted his position, flapping his wings to suspend himself mid-air. His voice carried through the air with calm assurance as he addressed.

"I can momentarily freeze its thoughts for a second or two, ma'am. Seize this opportunity and deliver a devastating blow." Charles was well aware that his Chaos flame alone lacked the power to inflict a fatal blow upon this formidable Magical Beast, and thus he entrusted the task to capable hands.ραпdαs `n?ν?| сom

Satisfied by Charles's words, the black-haired woman swiftly distanced herself from the battlefield. Her arms extended wide as she uttered incantations in an ancient language distinct from the Runal dialect. Despite his focus on the battle at hand, Charles couldn't help but notice that the woman's incantations resembled the Lark Language.

In an instant, a dense concentration of ice-elemental energy converged around the black-haired woman, merging into the form of a spear. The translucent spear of ice gradually transitioned into a crystalline state, emanating a frigid aura that froze the surrounding grasses.

"Now," the woman spoke with a deep resonance, signaling the climax of her incantation. With a release of her will, the spider, already aware of her impending attack, attempted to evade by flapping its eerie wings. However, in a peculiar turn of events, it suddenly seemed disoriented, its actions faltering and half-dazed.

Meanwhile, the spear, comprised solely of pure ice-elemental energy, hurtled forward with the swiftness of a bullet, finding its mark directly upon the spider's forehead. In an instant, the spear erupted, unleashing hundreds of concealed ice essences that scattered in all directions, enveloping the colossal arachnid.

Not content with freezing the exterior, the ice essences penetrated the spider's body, wreaking havoc upon its internal functions. Its movements became sluggish as the freezing effect took hold.

A piercing cry from above abruptly interrupted Charles, poised to capitalize on this moment and unleash his fiery onslaught.

His attention was drawn skyward, where a massive eagle-like creature, measuring 40 meters in height, descended with great force. Its talons firmly clasped the frozen spider, and with a mighty beat of its powerful wings, it generated shockwaves that reverberated throughout the vicinity, propelling them both in a different direction.

At that pivotal moment, Charles and the black-haired woman were taken aback as their attention was drawn to a startling sight. More than thirty birds, adorned with deep-black wings, emerged in pursuit of the majestic eagle. The sheer size of these avian creatures left them momentarily stunned, questioning why these crows appeared to be of such colossal proportions.

A mix of shock and disbelief colored the black-haired woman's voice as she muttered,

"Crows? But why do they look so gigantic?"

As her words hung in the air, the crows swooped in from behind, launching a coordinated assault on the eagle, their intent clear—to force it to relinquish its prey.

Yet, the eagle emitted a piercing screech in defiance, soaring higher into the sky, seemingly unfazed by the onslaught of the crows. It pressed on, resolute in protecting its hard-earned prize.

Charles, however, understood the gravity of the situation all too well. With a deep breath, he swiftly descended, recognizing the imminent danger. He comprehended that once these magical beasts realized their chances of securing a portion of the giant hawk's spoils were dwindling, they would undoubtedly redirect their attention towards him and the black-haired woman, potentially giving chase.

Without hesitation, Charles enacted the [Shadow Stealth] skill, skillfully melding his figure with the surrounding environment, striving to evade the prying eyes of the pursuing beasts. It was a race against time to find a secure location where they could take refuge and strategize their next course of action.

Assessing the situation with a calm demeanor, the black-haired woman advised,

?α?dαsηθνε| "Your current concealment skill might not suffice to elude the vigilant gaze of those creatures. We must locate a haven to hide and deliberate our next move." Her words carried an air of certainty as she traversed the path leading deeper into the dense, towering woods.

Charles acknowledged her wisdom, nodding in agreement, and promptly followed in her footsteps. As they drew nearer to the sanctuary of the thick forest, a lingering curiosity compelled him to inquire,

"If I may ask, ma'am, are you perhaps related to the esteemed Lightning Mage Rachael?"

A look of surprise manifested on the black-haired woman's countenance, momentarily breaking her composed facade.