Hard Enough-Chapter 100: Psychic Brawl

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Chapter 100: Psychic Brawl

The area that had been selected for Sabrinas initiation with the Guardians couldnt have been any different from mine if they tried. Instead of it being a dark and foreboding manor at night, it was a wide-open meadow away from any signs of life during the middle of the day.

I felt a little put out that Id had to go through a few more hoops. Then again, I didnt want to push Sabrina into a bad position just because the Guardians had been rougher on me. Also, Janine had probably had it even easier by being raised with the understanding of what her father did and what would be required of her.

I stroked Zephyr and relaxed a little. Really I should be happy that there were signs the Guardians were adapting.

A few shapes appeared on the far side of the meadow and I watched as Karen rode up on a large Houndoom. Then Agatha arrived with a flash of dark light that chilled me slightly. Next to her, a Hypno was standing with a fearful look.

Agatha spared it no mind as she returned it to its pokeball. With those two here I started looking around only for Koga to appear next to Agatha while I was looking the other way. Janine, I caught popping out of some long grass.

Agatha inspected the group before turning her attention to myself. Alright Brock, Ive given Sabrina the time, now you can give her the place. We wont jump her all at once and keep it manageable. This is just to test what shes capable of.

I nodded and stepped slightly away from the group before firing off a message to Sabrina as to my whereabouts. She appeared a few moments later. Hey you, I said happily.

She perked up and shot me a smile in reply. Hello yourself. Then her eyes narrowed as she noticed the others standing around behind me. She nodded towards Koga and Janine. The younger girl was taken aback at the polite gesture but offered back a bow.

Sabrina merely inspected Karen and Agatha, before she floated around me. Agatha rubbed her chin. You can teleport so far without having ever been to a location before? Or was it that you had something to focus on? You shouldnt be able to lock in onto Brock like that. He is a dark type after all.

Sabrina tilted her head. I lock onto his transceiver's location though? Its a feature the new models have showing geographical location to friends.

I nodded in agreement. It had made things a lot easier when that model had come out and Id been able to share locations with other people.

Karen groaned. Darkness youre such an old woman at times Agatha, need Janine to come show you how to plug the television in too?

Janine blinked and her head turned to Agatha and Karen, one of whom was glaring while the other was smirking. I suddenly had the image of Agatha calling on Karen all the time for those odd little chores that so often confused elderly people.

Janine offered a bow to Agatha. I would be more than happy to assist the eld Karen started laughing and Agathas scowl intensified.

There will be no need. Thank you for your offer Janine, said Agatha through clenched teeth.

I glanced down when I felt Sabrina slipping her hand into mine and when I looked up at her I found her floating up to peck me on the cheek. Only with my head turned it had become a peck on the lips. She blushed and floated back to the ground. I chuckled and gave her one back on the cheek.

Oh! Young love, how wonderful for you both! said Agatha with a leer, probably happy to have something else to focus on. Koga merely glanced away as though embarrassed by the display of affection. Janine openly watched like she was taking notes. Karen glowered.

AH, was Sabrina staking her claim? Hmmmm. I shot Sabrina a look before nodding. It was probably the kindest way of dealing with it. There was no point in drawing it out for anyone.

Koga coughed once. Well if were quite done. I wanted to get this sorted out today. Sabrina you will be

Facing me! crowed Karen as she cut off Koga. The man shot her a look that she ignored as she only had eyes for Sabrina.

Sabrina tilted her head. Ive faced you before you were She considered the word before nodding once. Loud.

Janine coughed once in a manner that made me think she was stifling a laugh, but she adopted a stoic expression when I glanced over at her.

Agatha merely nodded. I had thought to face you myself Sabrina, but if were going to let the young ones start taking over our duties then this is a good point to start.

Karen smirked but Sabrina wasnt cowed as she lifted her chin.

Sabrina teleported into position and Karen stalked forward to claim her own spot, with them both posturing and having moved out of earshot I glanced at Agatha and Koga. How are we doing this today?

Janine nodded seriously, looking to her father for how she should proceed.

Agatha eyed the group. To start with seeing as were doing this so irregularly, she shot Koga a look, which I took to mean he had pushed for this to happen quicker than Agatha had wanted. With Sabrina being evaluated, I doubt we will have too many issues. That being said I want to deny her psychic abilities as much as we can to see how she reacts in such situations. If she falls to pieces we need to know. Id rather know now.

She doesnt, I said firmly.

Agatha tilted her head. Hoh? Youve trained with her on that have you?

During our journey actually. I had Titan working on his Dark Pulse a lot. It stopped a lot of things Sabrina was used to doing and she used to have a tantrum over it until she got used to managing it.

"Hmmm, good to know. Agatha mused.

Koga sniffed. Keep your pokemon under control and follow normal battle rules. Leave testing Sabrinas responses to personal attacks to me. Unlike when we did our exercise in Lavender we dont have a convenient medic on hand if something goes wrong.

I tilted my head before considering the only other person Id met that night. The shrine maiden?

Indeed, Tiffany is adept at healing living pokemon and dealing with the departed ghosts, said Koga.

I glanced at Janine. So how come you werent part of that little expedition?

I have only recently been promoted to this level of the Guardians

She did well in her fight against Team Rocket, said Koga and Janine straightened up and beamed like shed just won a prize. Koga sniffed. She still has much further to go as shown by her fight with you. The Game Corner showed that in a fight against people willing to not follow the rules, I have no fears for her. Janine wilted at first but then puffed her chest out slightly at her fathers praise.

I chuckled at her reactions and turned my attention to Karen and Sabrina. I think Karen will want us to let her fight for a bit before we step in.

Agatha merely cackled at my suggestion. A moment later a shadowy mass appeared behind her in the form of a chair which she sat upon smugly. The Gengar transformed into said chair winked at me.

Karen and Sabrina selected their pokeballs and both released their pokemon.

Lets go Umbreon! shouted Karen.

Espeon, said Sabrina far more sedately.

Both pokemon appeared and both eyed the other with the Umbreon adopting a cocky pose. I bit my lip knowing how this first exchange was going to go down.

Nasty Plot! Karen said to start things off.

Miracle Eye, said Sabrina firmly.

As with their appearances, both pokemon once more almost parodied each other with their moves as their eyes glowed. Karen glowered at Sabrina who looked unaffected by the dark move.

Psybeam, she ordered, causing a beam of energy to be unleashed straight at Umbreon.

Quick attack out of the way and use DP! barked Karen. Umbreon skipped to the side and then fired off a blast of dark energy.

Sabrina shifted and sighed before her eyes glowed and she fell completely silent.

Espeon skipped backwards without a word and fled what would be a full length of a battlefield to evade the Dark Pulse.

Karen scowled but clicked her tongue in acceptance. Technically they should have set boundaries but it was an unspoken rule that in a field you could let your pokemon have the full area to maneuver if needed. It just made it slightly harder.

Janine tilted her head. What, oh! She eyed Sabrina thoughtfully. Shes giving commands with her telepathy isnt she?

I nodded. Yeah, one of the hardest things that happens when you challenge Sabrina at the Ace level is that she will stop verbally communicating with her pokemon if she wants to get serious. Its extremely disconcerting to realise how much you depend on your opponent to make the right orders or adjust. When you eliminate that it can throw off the tempo.

Koga nodded. Sabrina is ranked in the top thirty trainers according to the Ace points board. Lots of people challenge thinking to earn lots of points having beaten her during the Gym circuit. She is the strongest Gym Leader according to Ace championship points.

I blinked. Oh wow, thats amazing. Great work Sabrina, I said happily.

Koga snorted and Agatha cackled. Janine glanced between them both but I spoke up. Whats wrong?

Is she even trying? Agatha said. She jutted her chin. Brock, Karen isnt weak. Shes been stomping her away around Johto. Her hardest challenge on paper, Chuck, she dismantled with ease. Now here she is having to work for any advantage against an opponent who should be at a significant disadvantage.

Hmmmm, alright, whats your point? I said knowing Agatha must be building towards something.

In front of us, Espeon charged in to engage Umbreon. Karen clicked her tongue and had her own pokemon meet it head-on with a Crunch.

Shes wasted as a Gym Leader, Agatha said with a sigh.

Im not sure she wants more than what she has right now though. I pointed out. Agatha grumbled at that and I settled in to watch the fight.

Sabrina had her pokemon match Karens by lowering her head but I narrowed my eyes when I saw the gleaming jewel atop Espeons head. Espeon had to twist to the side to avoid Umbreon latching on with a Crunch to her body only for the jewel on her head to erupt in a prismatic beam.

Protect! shouted Karen to stop the oncoming beam. I nodded. It had been the right move.

The beam slammed into Umbreons shield and a moment later died off leaving me blinking back stars at the sudden loss of light. Karen glowered at Sabrina before turning a gimlet eye upon me. Fairy-type moves?

I smirked. Sabrina had gotten a lot from helping me against Lance. Both from betting big, and working with Selene and her Moonblast. I hadnt known shed gotten to the stage of having her pokemon manifest it yet.

I was pretty sure that would have been a Dazzling Gleam move. Sabrinas Espeon vanished in a flash of her pokeball and another pokemon emerged from her belt.

A large black bulbous form emerged and from its head red eyes peered out. Claydol! it said energetically. I waved at it and got a wave back.

Did you name him? I called to Sabrina.

Sabrina shook her head and pointed forward, her eyes locked on Karens Umbreon. I coughed and shut my mouth. Oh right, I wasnt here to cheer on Sabrina or distract her.

Umbreon blast it! From Umbreons maw a purple ball formed up and was shot forward quickly only for another ball to follow rapidly after.

Claydol put a nub on the ground and spun away from the oncoming attacks. The Rapid Spin move was rather well-suited for Claydol. The jolly Psychic-Ground pokemon evaded the Shadow Balls easily and then teetered backwards only to slam another nub into the ground where it caused a shockwave. I pulsed some Rock energy into the ground around myself and stopped the Earthquake from affecting us but Umbreon was tossed from its feet and took some damage.

Sabrina took the time to toss her hair dramatically, causing Karen to glower. More Shadow Balls were the response and once more Claydol was kept on the move as he twirled and spun like a ballerina.

Confuse Ray! ordered Karen, deciding to change it up.

Sabrina responded by making the area brighter with Sunny Day. I frowned. That move didnt make a lot of sense for her. She had to know that Karen was known for her Houndoom. Id mentioned it in the past hadnt I? I was suddenly worried that Sabrina's joke of forgetting Karen wasnt a joke.

Karen grinned and returned Umbreon straight away, knowing that this was a perfect moment for just that Houndoom. Sabrina inspected her own pokemon and returned it as well after a moment.

As Houndoom took to the field for Karen. Sabrina responded with Starmie.

Well, we should intercede now, said Agatha. I blinked and Janine stiffened.

Do we have to? I said only to find that Id been copied by Janine quietly. We exchanged looks and grinned before looking back to find Agatha sighing exasperatedly at us. Koga seemed amused.

Indeed, we should, he said. There will be time enough for these two to fight again in the future I have no doubt. He waved his hand. I shall probe her physically, Brock and Agatha will stop her movement. Keep things contained. He slashed his hand to finalise the order and I nodded before darting to the side.

Sabrina stiffened as I selected two pokemon and tossed them out. She snapped her head at me and looked annoyed. I shot her a helpless smile.

Sorry Sabrina! You looked like you were having fun but were not here for that today! I said as Titan and Knight took to the field. Sabrina responded by teleporting back ten metres with her Starmie from the battlefield. This forced myself and the rest of the Guardians to be slightly out of position and have to sprint after her.

As we closed she tried again only for Karens Umbreon and a Gengar to appear with glowing eyes that I knew to mean Mean Look was being used to stop her from teleporting away again.

Titan stalked forward with a huff and growled while Knight shifted and jerked his head. He wanted to charge forward recklessly but I barked an order for him to move in line with Titan and he did so. We closed around Sabrina in a loose circle once again.

Sabrina glowered at me some more and tossed out her Exeggutor and Espeon to one side. Then she threw out her Slowking behind her. He blinked guilelessly and his eyes started glowing. What was she planning?

Ill make it up to you? I said as she continued to glower at me, she obviously wasnt pleased about my joining in on the attack. She nodded slowly, and from her belt, her Alakazam and Claydol emerged.

I hummed. I knew that her Claydol was likely still feeling the effects of the Confuse Ray so hed be an easier match-up against Knight.

Alakazam had locked eyes with Titan straight off though and suddenly it was on.

Titan, Dark Pulse now! Knight, match it! Both pokemon blasted out dark energies as Sabrinas team of pokemon all glowed with psychic energy.

Some of them flinched as Agatha took to the field with her Gengar shooting in to attack Espeon who was thrown to the ground with a cry. Watery eyes were leveled at the ghost only for the cat-like pokemon to smirk and blast Gengar with Dazzling Gleam.

I saw Janine sending her Venomoth over to Sabrina only for a Xatu to appear and engage it. Sabrinas Exeggutor turned on Titan and suddenly it was all I could do to shout PROTECT! as a Solar Beam was unleashed on him.

Knight charged in against Claydol with a sweep of my hand. Titan shook himself only to have to counter a barrage of rocks ripped from the earth with a Rock Throw of his own. Sabrinas Alakazam seemed more than happy to make the battle a stalemate with his Psychic ability. I kept a sharp eye out on Titans footing.

Hop! I said, making Titan hop to the side as some ground shifted underneath him, a subtle trick by Alakazam wed gotten used to dealing with as hed adapted to us and our Dark Pulses during our journey together. His answer to not being able to deal direct damage had initially been to use the environment.

Knight got close enough that I felt sure I could get off my next move. Knight, blast them all! Dark Pulse!

Sabrina stumbled as a few of Karens pokemon all fired off Mean Looks at her pokemon, stopping any teleporting tricks.

Sabrina snapped her head up as she held her head in pain. Xatu, Future sight! Alakazam, keep it up! Espeon, use Baton Pass with Slowking now! she said, now forced to use her voice as the dark energies disrupted her telepathy.

Espeon and Slowking changed places and a hit that Espeon had been about to take slammed into Slowking. He stepped back and glanced down. ... He didnt react.

Espeon darted out from behind Sabrina with a glimmering jewel atop its head and Sabrina smirked. Knight! Use Dig! I said not wanting to be on the receiving end of whatever Sabrina had planned.

Gengar, use Destiny bond ordered Agatha only for a giant beam of psychic power to lance out of Espeon and blow the Gengar away.

I could only stare in surprise.

That had been powerful! Way more powerful than Id ever seen from her Espeon.

I played back what Espeon had just done and realised the key set-up. Shed used Baton Pass on Espeon and Slowking whod looked like he was doing nothing the entire time only to most likely be using Calm Mind to increase his Special Attack. Using Baton Pass would have allowed a short-range teleport and then the transfer of built-up power to Espeon. Interesting that Baton Pass got around all the Mean Looks tossed out earlier. I made a mental note of that for later.

Espeon, Morning Sun, said Sabrina, causing her pokemon to hop back to her side and use the earlier Sunny Day for an empowered heal.

Fire Blast, said Karen, aiming to take advantage of the weakening Sunny Day. Starmie and Slowking tried to handle the attack from Houndoom only to get blasted back all the same. Slowking took some damage and to my surprise his eyes rolled up into his head as he fell unconscious. He must have vastly underplayed the damage he took when he switched with Espeon.

Sabrina returned him, only for Knight to emerge underneath Alakazam. The moustached pokemon had a look of surprise at the interruption but if he was alright with Exeggutor stepping in on Titan then Id play the same switching game of targets.

Alakazam was thrown back only to regain control of himself a moment later. Sabrina clicked her tongue as her gaze swept the field. Then she stiffened as Koga appeared behind her.

You left your back exposed, he said stoically as he put a finger on her neck to indicate the overstep.

Sabrina slumped slightly and made a gesture for her pokemon to not react. You waited until I couldnt sense you, she said to Koga as I called Knight back. He patted Alakazam on the shoulder cheerfully before returning to my side.

Koga nodded his head. Indeed. It has been many years since I have been able to get the drop on you. Sadly if this were not a friendly setting you would be gravely injured or worse. He stepped back and surveyed the field. But I am glad that it takes this sort of response to see you pushed that far.

He narrowed his eyes. Still, I would advise practising self-defence and being more aware when you are in such situations to always guard your back. You had Slowking in position until you traded him out and had Espeon move to attack. If you do this you need another pokemon in position. You are not like Brock or Janine or myself with physical skills to ward off opponents when your psychic abilities falter.

Sabrina nodded her head in acceptance and then began checking her pokemon over, her hands being used in place of her usual psychic check up. I stepped up and patted Titan on the flank as he rumbled at Alakazam in greeting. Alakazam nodded at something that had been said, and the two began talking amiably.

Karen looked rather conflicted as she recalled her pokemon. Hmmm Im glad that you got shown up but urgh, I wish that match had gone longer. I was so ready to start blasting you with my Houndoom before the others got in the way!

I rolled my eyes at her and Janine glared daggers. I was not in the way!

I would have hit your Venomoth at one point! Sabrina was dragging you into my line of fire little girl!

I clapped my hands and adopted a stern smile. Alright, so were not used to fighting together. Thats just how things are. It might not be a bad idea to practise working in teams in the future. Agatha and Koga I noticed didnt get in anyones way. I rubbed my chin. Not that I saw Koga use any pokemon but he made good use of the Dark Pulses and Mean Looks and your Fire Blast nevertheless.

Koga inclined his head. Indeed. Brock has the right of it. While we were testing Sabrinas response to an intense and highly unlikely event, we also should reflect on our own performances. In the past, it has been easier as our group has been smaller. Nowadays we need to work with others.

He pointedly stared at Sabrina and Karen before continuing. There may be instances where we will need each others support on missions.

Speaking of missions, I said leadingly. Any news about that

Koga shook his head. The base near Viridian has not been infiltrated yet. It will not have lowered its guard based on previous wartime protocols. This is not for new members to attempt, Koga said firmly.

Agatha tilted her head and squinted into the sky. Speaking of new members, I had invited another of your generation to this gathering but it appears shes only just now arriving.

Agatha clicked her tongue. Ill have to teach her to bully psychic pokemon to get them to teleport you properly.

Sabrina stopped checking over Slowking and shot Agatha an unimpressed look. I walked up and offered her a potion bottle and cloth to use. I rubbed my chin as I watched a Pidgeot approach. Does your Slowking know Heal Pulse?

No, why? Sabrina said as she cared for her downed pokemon.

Its just with your positioning hed have been perfect as a backline support, shooting out Heal Pulse to keep all your pokemon up to good health. Or maybe another pokemon like a Chansey could do that. How you used him was incredible.

Sabrina looked up and smiled at me. Thank you. She flicked her eyes to Karen. Id been aiming for Karens Houndoom with that last attack of Espeons. I frowned and considered the angles. I hadnt seen it from my side, but had that Gengar who took the hit been making a sacrifice play? It seemed that way at least.

I gave Agatha a considering look. That move just now. It was actually a supportive and selfless play for the team, which surprised me given how abrasive she was normally. Then again, her and Karen probably got on the best, albeit for a given value of best out of everyone here.

From the sky, a new figure arrived. I frowned up at the girl. Karen waved at her and none of the others seemed worried about her, but I couldnt help but feel a niggle in my mind.

I knew this girl from somewhere, but where? I really hoped this wasnt another Solidad situation.

She had dark black hair that featured red highlights that fell over her shoulders and a long ponytail that trailed down to her hips. She wore close-fitted pants and a purple top that looked to be strongly made.

She glanced in my direction as she hopped off the Pidgeot, only to stumble to a halt and stare. I checked myself over. I hadnt spilt something on myself, had I? Sabrina stepped up next to me.

I shot Sabrina a look before smiling at the new girl welcomingly. Hello there! I didnt know we were going to have someone else join us today, Im Brock! I said earnestly while Sabrina sighed in annoyance for some reason. The new girl continued to stare at me.

I pointedly shot a look at Agatha only for her to scoff.

The new girl jolted Oh! apologies! I just! I was She trailed off and coughed when Sabrina twitched. I frowned which caused the new girl to cough again to clear her throat. Im Lucy! And you have lovely Sabrina stepped in closer to me and Lucy paused. I mean! She shifted and looked away, biting her lips and clenching her eyes.

I blinked, what was going on here? Had I met her before?

Oh Ive heard of you, Lucy right? Youre a Ranger, I said aloud as a suspicion of who this was formed in my mind. Agatha had mentioned her, but I hadnt looked into it any further.

I looked her over as a memory rose. Hadnt she Oh.

In the cartoon, she was one of the notable exceptions to Brocks terrible attempts at dating. In fact, shed been rather receptive to Brock's... cartoonish attempts at romance. Something notable considering his usual strike rate. In a sea of rejection, Battle Pike Lucy, Brain of the Battle Frontier had stood out.

And now she was here and I had to deal with her in front of my girlfriend. Quick Brock! Do something!

I wrapped an arm over Sabrina and smiled goofily. Nice to finally put a name to a face! Meet my girlfriend Sabrina. Shes officially joined us now! There. How had that gone down? It should calm things down right?

Lucy snapped her head around as Sabrina seemed to mold herself into my side. Lucy slumped with a despondent look on her face. Oh. It seemed it was super effective but also a critical hit? Now I felt a little bad. Lucy shook herself off and offered a polite nod to the others. Koga, Agatha, Karen.. Hello Janine, she said much more casually and with a smile

Janine nodded. Greetings Lucy. It is good to see you again!

Lucy nodded at this. Then she adopted a serious expression, I have news regarding the Brains of the Battle Frontier. Fiore and the Rota Kingdom have put together their representatives.

Agatha and Koga straightened expressions turning serious. Go on, said Agatha.

Lucy nodded. From the Kingdom of Rota an elderly man with a long flowing beard by the name of Spenser has joined us. He was apparently something called a Palace Maven from the Kingdom of Rota.

It means he was one of the Elite guards for the royalty, Koga said seriously. What pokemon did he showcase?

Slaking, Arcanine, Crobat, Slaking, Lapras, Dusclops, and an Azurill, but he hinted at something stronger.

Koga and Agatha nodded. Continue, Agatha said.

Noland from Fiore has a veritable army of pokemon that follow him and his commands. The most notable however was an Articuno.

Koga hissed in surprise. That is very good to know. Agatha and he shared a look before Koga nodded. I suspect it is juvenille or else this Noland is much more skilled than we believed he would be.

Lucy nodded slowly, understanding that this would be for her to determine. Trainer Tucker had Charizard, Swampert, Salamance, Metagross and a Latias, reported Lucy.

Greta from Johto, has a large number of fighting type pokemon and she trains them all physically herself. She has no major pokemon that are out of the ordinary that I have discovered.

Karen laced her hands behind her head. This is all super interesting, but how come it wasnt sent as a report?

Oh? Does news of which trainers have Legendary pokemon at their beck and call not interest you Karen? said Agatha. Karen bowed her head at the rebuke and offered Lucy a twitch that might have been a bow in apology. Agatha sniffed. Youre getting to big for yourself girl. You havent seen a Legendary in action yet. Feh!

Agatha turned her attention back to Lucy. Continue, this is vital intelligence.

Lucy licked her lips. "I actually thought of sending this as a report initially but well I did so in person because I... am not confident that I will be able to keep my position due to the last Fiore representative, She shifted on the spot. Annabel is a skilled pokemon handler, who claims to be a simple Salon maiden."

Lucy rubbed her arms. I I approached her to get a haircut and during the haircut, she picked up on my curiosity despite my not showing any outward responses. She nodded towards Koga. I used your lessons but she was still highly aware. It went beyond intuition as I observed her predicting and reacting to various peoples emotions before anything was visible.

Lucy straightened out. I believe Anabel is one of the rare few people that are gifted as a psychic and I am worried that she will be able to read my thoughts eventually. I am not confident in my role. I apologise for failing you! she said in a rush, bowing at the hips towards Koga and Agatha.

I hummed and tapped Sabrina on the shoulder and inclined my head towards Lucy. Sabrina pouted at me and I smiled nicely at her.

She huffed and cleared her throat. Well it is a good thing I became an official member today then. I can teach you to stop psychic intrusion or detect it at the very least. If you are willing to learn.

Agatha tapped her chin. Hmm it is fortuitous. Lucy, you are to be commended for picking up on this. It might be that this Anabel is still developing her gift or is as of yet unaware of it. I suggest you learn under Sabrina for a time, as using other methods is not advisable for a number of reasons mostly due to the sudden suspicion you will under if she cant detect you where she once could.

Lucy offered Sabrina a bow. I would be in your debt!

Sabrina nodded seriously. Very well. I have some conditions though.

Lucy straightened up. Name them and I shall follow them to the letter!

Sabrina pointed straight at me. Mine.

I chuckled and blushed while Lucy sputtered denials. Agatha merely threw her head back and cackled. Even Koga made a noise of amusement much to Janines shock.

When we were done, Sabrina had herself a new apprentice to work through during each of the girls' spare time, and we had a lot more knowledge about the Battle Frontiers development.

The world was moving on it seemed and we needed to move with it. It felt weird to be working against Anabel who had been such a positive force. Didnt she become one of the police officers working with Agent Looker?

Brock, I understand that Mayor Jonathan has been giving you some issues? Agatha said before she departed.

I clicked my tongue. You could say that. Some people think hes making a bid for Krugers spot.

Ambitious of him but not uncommon in his sort. Agatha tapped her fingers on her cane. I will send some recommendations to you. Review them at your leisure. She then clicked her fingers and a Hypno appeared. It offered Agatha a hesitant hand before teleporting away.

I sighed but when Sabrina gave me a look I shook my head. Seems like everyone has something to say about it. Not sure what will be best right now is all.

Sabrina accepted it with a nod and placed her hand on my shoulder. You can work on it later. Ill help. He tilted her head. Home to watch television?

I grinned and said goodbye to the others before vanishing in a teleport to spend time with my girlfriend. It was a better way to spend my afternoon than worrying about politics.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from f(r)eeweb(n)ovel.𝒄𝒐𝙢