Hard Enough-Chapter 99: No confidence

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Chapter 99: No confidence

Its about damn time.

My words rippled through the listening crowd, and there were a few gasps delighted and shocked along with a few scandalised murmurs. I ignored them. They were a side feature of what was going on right now.

Instead, I looked straight into Wills eyes only to find myself looking into a mask. It was odd staring into a mask, as I couldnt know if Id actually locked eyes with him. Youve been lurking around my Gym and rookie-crushing for long enough. I should think youre more than ready to challenge.

Will tilted his head like a curious pidgeot. I beg your pardon!? he said in an affronted manner.

I huffed, and reached into my suit. When I withdrew my hand I had a Great Ball within it. Ace trainer Will. I shouldnt have to say it again. I accept your challenge. Did you have a time or were you hoping to get this sorted out here and now? Cause if so, Im down to rumble. I spun the Great Ball on the tip of a finger and smirked. Right here, right now.

The crowd snapped their heads from me to Will to see his reaction.

He stared at me.

He hadnt been expecting me to be this aggressive, but Id suspected this as soon as I saw the stairs. From there, Id played with my knowledge of my past life to play out potential scenarios. Specifically dramatic scenes, like this was some soap opera. It shouldnt have held any bearing in my day-to-day life.

Except that, well, this was a world that did enjoy its drama.

Also, Will seemed the type to enjoy such acts.

Was it overthinking things? Probably. But in this case? I was right.

And so, now I was going to flip the table and reverse Wills expectations. If he wanted me to be on the back foot Id counter him instead. Id had more than enough of Will lingering around my Gym.

Sadly, he remained calm in the face of the pressure I was turning back on him. Ahahaha! Oh, a wonderful jest Gym Leader Brock, but I shall not deprive the people, nah! The REGION OF INDIGO! He announced loudly, while sweeping his arm out wide. There was some grumbling while others nodded and agreed.

I shall not deprive them the chance to see me battle! He smiled magnanimously while I glowered and clenched my greatball. He shook his head. No, I shall stick to the time I have booked, in three weeks. A Saturday match and the highlight of the month.

He put a hand to his forehead theatrically, Aie! Nah! The start of the season, I should think!

I clicked my tongue. The sentiment seemed to be shared by a few people, as a disappointed murmur broke out among the onlookers.

I was half tempted to steal his show by marching up the stairs and asking if people wouldnt prefer us to fight now. But it seemed like he was going to prevaricate. My own blood was running hot, but I just knew that Will wasnt going to stand opposite me tonight.

I could push the issue, but it was clear Will was going to be honourable. Or at least appear that way.

Part of me wanted to call him a coward. Another part warned that there had to be a reason that he was pushing for a later date. Did he want even more information? Or was he waiting to get a new pokemon up to strength?

Will was in the games as a psychic specialist of the eventual Gold/silver Elite Four. I recalled him having pokemon such as Exeggutor, Xatu, Jynx, Slowbro, Gardevoir, Grumpig, and Bronzong.

I suspected that he wouldnt have that last one, as that was supposed to be only found in the fourth-generation games, aka Sinnoh.

Still, there was potentially a lot of other pokemon that he could call upon to display his psychic mastery.

So, the challenge is set! Will sketched a bow towards the crowd. Dear friends, I hope you all will join us in three weeks to witness my ascension. Pewter will merely be the first step, but I plan to make it a grand affair! Thank you for your attention and I bid you good evening!

He bowed once more, and then as he rose, he vanished in a flash that signalled he had teleported away.

I scowled.

Really, all that drama and no action!? Urgh! Will was really starting to annoy me.

It irked me that I hadnt been able to lock eyes with him due to his wearing a mask, Id felt rather confident in calling him out and decided to do just that so I could deny him, only it hadnt happened. That was twice tonight. Was there something going on with Giovanni and Will? Or was that just my mind trying to make leaps of logic that didnt exist?

The crowd gasped as one at the psychic display of skill, but I wasnt impressed. Hanging out with Sabrina had made teleports rather commonplace for me. But for the layman, a teleport that was possibly unassisted by a pokemon was a loud declaration of his psychic prowess.

I merely marked it down on a growing list of issues I had to raise with someone now well and truly on my shit list.

I gave the stairs Will had teleported out on a lingering look. It would, if you didnt consider the logistics of such a move, seem rather innocuous or even, dare I say, impressive. But once you did? It became a rather damning detail of Mayor Jonathan setting this up.

I turned my back on the stairs as the lights came back on. Giovanni and his date were observing me from the side. Giovanni raised his glass to me.

I wish you good fortune Brock. I think Id rather like to see an upstart humbled in a few weeks time.

I nodded back and muttered something vaguely polite as I turned to Erika. Sorry about that. I worked my jaw back and forth as I considered what I should do next. The stairs and the notice and even the lighting were all nails in a coffin of confirmation for me.

Brock? Whats wrong? Erika said. Sabrina hovered slightly with a pinched expression.

I flicked my eyes to Giovanni and then jerked my head to an alcove that would offer some privacy.

Erika followed Sabrina and me to it with more than a few people watching us carefully. When we paused I made sure to reject anyone approaching me with a firm head shake. Sabrina turned her body slightly and her eyes glowed, making more than a few people back further off.

Erika swallowed. Whats wrong Brock? I know it was rather rude to have a challenge laid out like that, but it's not unheard of. Lots of people have done it in the past.

Guess it just feels different having it done to me. I chewed my lip. Also I dont like that the Mayor obviously had something to do with it. I clenched my fists. I need to respond to this. I just I wasnt sure what would be best. Could I get away with slugging him in the face?

Erika tilted her head as she considered what I said. She perked up. Youre right! she said snapping me out of my dreams of punching Jonathan.

He should be supporting you not another contender. She tapped her hands together like a nervous Bellossom would to primp their flowers. He needed the dark energy emitters to be coded for his inclusion to teleport in. This is rather damning she chewed her lip and glanced up at me. What would you like to do?

I clenched a fist. I think I want to punch Jonathan for being such a slimy politician.

"Well, you cant do that. Erika shifted from foot to foot before coughing. However, if you want to really cause some problems for the man You should go talk with your Lawyer friend if hes still here, Erika said, standing up on her tiptoes to glance about. With her shorter stature, it didnt help much.

Hes still here, Sabrina offered from my side, her eyes still glowing. What do you need him for?

Erika relaxed. "Oh, its not him that youre looking for. Its all the legal workers. He will be spending time with them. Your Lawyer is your excuse to talk with them. Youll just She made an underhanded throwing gesture. Toss him some questions."

She pointed to her ears. There are usually always people from that group that were candidates for Mayor or are thinking about running for mayor in the next election. If Im not wrong, Jonathans term is almost up for vote soon isnt it?

I nodded, calming down with Erikas suggestions making my mind work instead of lingering of the ever distant dream of dropping Jonathan with a punch. That that could work as a starting point.

Erika nodded. Well, just ask your Lawyer to meet up later. Maybe see what else you can do as a Heritage Gym. You have a louder voice than the normal Kanto gym, no?

I ran a hand down my face. Id been aware of the possibility, I thought Id had longer. I hadnt wanted to jump into that pit of Ekans and Seviper it seemed that wasnt enough to avoid being bitten. I had to act on it, however reluctantly. I havent done anything like that before but yes I think youre right. I shot her a smile. Thanks Erika, youre good at this.

She perked up before pouting. And other things!

Sabrina nodded. Yes, you are. That got a much more heartfelt smile as Erika beamed at Sabrina who offered back a small smile.

I tilted my head towards where Id last seen Lawrence. Well I should be able to handle that.

Erika hummed and leaned in. Its easy, all you need to do is she then proceeded to coach me through what I needed to do and say with quiet, simple steps. When she leaned back I was left wondering about this girl.

Talk slow, keep on message with a few points, and breathe? I repeated the most stand out points shed coached me on.

Erika bobbed a bow. Of course! Just speak slowly and confidently to them. Theyll be more interested in what you have to say! Oh and good luck! And I look forward to watching you fight Will! She held up her hand hurriedly. Oh! Oh! Make sure to slip in something about you having no confidence in Jonathan! Its a very particular phrase that Lawyers will really read into!

I gave Erika a searching look as she beamed like she was sitting directly in a beam of sunlight cast by a Sunny Day. She really was in her element here, wasnt she?

I nodded to Erika while Sabrina moved to my side and gestured forward with her chin. Lawrence is over there, she said.

I nodded. Right then. Thanks for the advice Erika, I think I have to speak to my lawyer. I said in a carrying tone. Erika smiled up at me and stepped away.

I could practically see all the waggling ears as people kept an ear out for potential gossip. More and more partygoers closed in on us as I headed to Lawrence.

Lawrence saw my approach and raised a hand in greeting. His eyes flicked about my form before he relaxed, but his eyes remained watchful.

Brock, that got a bit out of hand Id say! he said when we got close.

The group of judges and lawyers he was with all stepped back and made way for Sabrina and I to join them. I gave a polite nod in greeting to the men and women that I was once again sharing a circle with. I took a moment to consider what Erika had said and how I wanted this to play out.

When I spoke, I did so calmly, like I was a mountain with a spring wind blowing over it, uncaring and immovable. Yes, I cant say I was expecting that when I came to the ball. I suppose I was expecting a rather duller affair and instead I became the entertainment for some I let that sit for a moment before noticing Erika hovering.

She made a grabbing gesture that had me reaching out to grasp a passing glass of water from a waiter. I took a bracing sip and mentally patted myself on the back.

Nailed it; that must have looked smooth.

I looked up to find Erika facepalming, Sabrina was biting her lips. Erika raised two fingers.

Right! Right! Point two!

It does strike me as odd though, I said in such an innocent way that you couldnt fault me for what I was about to say. I was the flower atop the mountain now. Pristine and untouched by man. The stairs were set up as off limits to everyone for the event, only for Will to make his announcement?

Already, I could see people connecting the dots. Some merely nodded, as if theyd already recognized such connections. Those clever few watched me all the closer, their focus on trying to see through me and work out where I was taking this conversation. It was a strangely powerful feeling to have such people caught on to your every word.

Only one man leaned back and caught sight of Erika coaching me along. He chuckled into his glass but turned back to the conversation, his perspective now much larger than everyone else. He had been the lawyer or judge that looked like a clown. I had already forgotten. It hopefully wouldnt matter.

One younger-looking man stepped forward. But wouldnt Will simply have teleported in? Bypassing the whole fenced-off area?

I hummed in amusement.

Trust a Lawyer to argue a point, Erika had anticipated this however, and I had a reply ready. Well someone will have to tell Mayor Jonathan that his security needs some shaping up then. A man teleporting in that usually is not as precise as a pokemon.

I smiled and put a hand on Sabrinas forearm. Present company not included, of course. But it should have been easier to stop that from occurring in the first place. The system should already be in place after all.

The group flicked their eyes to Sabrina and she merely inclined her head. I can tell you that the Mayors security is, in fact, still operational.

And now the pokepenny dropped for the younger group. I could see people still puzzling over it from outside our circle. The older, wiser, or sharper judges and lawyers all watched me with smiles. Theyd seen how Id led people to certain conclusions, and seemed to approve of my actions if the small nods and raised glasses I got from a few were any indication.

Did Erika do this at her own social events? She was the most outgoing of any of the Gym Leaders apart from perhaps Giovanni, and was known to frequently rub elbows with the movers and shakers of Kanto. I felt like Id just been shown a different side of Erika than Id

No, I had known about it.

Knowing and seeing it in action though It was impressive.

Lawrence watched me with a small smile. Want to outline what you need from me? I know you're busy. He tilted his head and caught sight of Erika before grinning at me.

Ah, right, he would know me well enough to know this was out of character for me, wouldnt he?

Lawrence made a show of looking around at the other people in his circle. I could see him marking off the people that thought they knew what was going on, the one man that knew and didnt speak up, and the people that were still in the dark entirely. I might need to pick up someone else with all the work you've been sending my way lately.

I shrugged. Sorry, not sorry. You have my confidence, I said pointedly. Had I said that right or had I flubbed it?

Lawrence considered me for a long, long moment, as around him, everyone inhaled sharply. The people listening in stirred, aware that something with the potential for gossip had occurred but unsure what.

Me in particular? Lawrence said. You make it sound as though others have lost your confidence or perhaps your vote, he said leadingly.

Ahhhhhhh, now I understood what Erika was getting at. I nodded and made a show of looking around at the room, not the people in it. But rather the building at large. The pokepenny dropped for a few more people. Cant say Ive been too pleased with how tonight has been run. After all, if this is how he runs a regular social party I trailed off and flicked my eyes to my speech coach. Erika wobbled her hand and then made a gesture that I took to mean, get out while you look good!

I nodded politely to the group and finished my glass of water in what I hoped at least looked suave. I turned to Sabrina. Well, thats a conversation for another day. For now, I think I might like to dance off some of this tension Will has left me with. I smiled at Sabrina. If you would allow me the honour, my Lady?

Sabrina smiled and nodded.

We walked back out and claimed the dance floor. Some people that had been lingering moved in on the lawyers and struck up idle conversations. I knew a hundred and one rumours would be the result, but the people in the know? The wise, clever movers and shakers of our community? I could only hope theyd know that I just implied that Jonathan had lost all of my confidence.

I was going to say as much to the press soon, and he would come under a lot of scrutiny. Id need to talk to Rachel as well to deliver maximum shock when I spoke up.

This little play of his was going to backfire, and I was going to start shopping around for the next mayor. Jonathan only had a year left in office, and without my nod of approval, candidates werent even considered by the public.

Id kept my hands clean of politics when Id taken over.

It hadnt mattered to me in the face of other larger events. Id had some reporters ask what I wanted from local politicians and I remember saying something straightforward. Simple things, like lowering the cost of living, healthcare, education, and utilities, as a major consideration for their platforms and promises. Id re-evaluate them when it came time to campaign.

Jonathan hadnt needed my approval; hed been voted in while Flint was Gym Leader. Or had it been the person hed succeeded? Hadnt he replaced Mayor David due to illness? Hmmmm, good thing he kept the same term limit.

I started to hear a whisper pass itself around the room as people rushed to and fro while Sabrina and I danced unhindered; alone in a circle of controlled calm amidst chaos.

It seemed that it really didnt take long for my annoyance with Will and Jonathan colluding to be worked out. Perhaps having Sabrina in my arms might have helped with that. A psychic specialist challenging a man dating another? I could only imagine the rumours that would arise.

When we broke from the dance a few people looked at me askance as if I should have left already with my part in the drama over. But I ignored them, and instead made the most of the night.

I spoke with Erika once more and got some more cues of what to say to some people. I might be busy but that wasnt an excuse anymore. I needed to be proactive with the Ekans and Sevipers not staying in their pit well, in this case, City hall.

I needed to act yesterday.

I couldnt change my inaction, however, and now I needed to be the boulder rolling downhill. I needed to be so much faster than Jonathan and Will predicted me to be.

Right now, I only trusted Erika and Lawrence to steer me correctly. With Lawrence busy I had to rely on Erika to coach me through some quick conversations. She eventually led me into a conversation with a positively ancient-looking woman that I couldnt understand the need to talk with. One Madam Pennywrong? It turned out she was the head of the Pewter High Tea Society.

Which was a thing?

I did catch the woman nodding almost imperceptibly to Erika as I moved away. I glanced to Sabrina for answers, and she merely indicated the dance floor once more.

I shrugged it off but noticed that other people had spotted the conversation, and more rumours flew as I danced with Sabrina a third and final time for the night. Sabrina only had to trip six people this time from trying to cut in.

When we left the dance floor Sabrina had a wonderful flush that let me know she was tired but that shed enjoyed herself immensely.

Shall we call it a night? I said to her.

I think that would be wise. She pulled her transceiver out of her clutch and dialled up the Rapidash to take us home. When we walked towards the front doors, Mayor Jonathan suddenly appeared in front of us.

Ah! Brock! Hope you had an entertaining evening! I see you tore up our dance floor!

Sabrina gave the dance floor a pointed look. Should I? she asked innocently.

I coughed. It had sounded innocent, but I knew Sabrina wanted to get her own back at the man. I shook my head while biting my lips. I coughed again to get rid of the urge to laugh and instead leveled a stern expression at Mayor Jonathan.

Erika had also spoken about this moment. She hadnt thought Jonathan would take this long to reach me, however. Perhaps he was having to put out fires hed caused?

I cant say I enjoyed all aspects. I am not used to being a guest and being so used. I let my voice carry. It makes me wonder how other events have been run. I think I shall seriously consider any further invitations you offer. I stepped past him only to pause. Oh, and Jonathan. I hope tonight was pleasant for you. I held off saying that he wouldnt be enjoying what was to come.

Some of my tone must have given away my feelings as he smiled benignly. Broooooock, its just business!

Sabrina sniffed and I glanced at her. She shrugged. Sorry, but I find it rather trite when a man uses that phrase. It is known to be only used to excuse some moral or ethical malfeasance.

Jonathan stared at her, and I chuckled. People werent used to hearing Sabrina talk and it always caught them off guard when she opened her mouth and revealed just how smart she actually was.

My goodness, said a man that looked like a clown. My memory vaguely recalled being introduced to him Howard? I thought his name was. I chewed my lip. I thought that was right, but I couldnt be certain.

Thankfully he didnt greet me. Instead, his eyes were locked on Sabrina. That was paraphrased from the book of arguments made in court, I do believe?

Chapter seventeen, page four, Sabrina said.

The man nodded. "Well, I am impressed." He said that while looking at Sabrina but also swept his gaze to me. He offered me a bow. I wont delay you, my interest was purely personal. We didnt actually meet earlier, I am or rather was, Chief Justice Howard, of the Pewter courts and judicial system.

He gave Jonathan a wide smile and I watched the mans face lose colour as Howard spoke. Lawrence wondered if you might let me talk with you. Sometime next week, he mentioned?

Whats this about? I asked.

The Judge, or former Judge, turned his gaze to Jonathan who looked pained. "Oh, Jonathan and I were old running buddies. You could say.

I nodded. So he was a former contender for mayor and was interested in getting in early to talk with me. Lawrence was working fast.

I nodded. Ill think about it, I said, enjoying the way Jonathans face twitched. I then inclined my head towards the door. Until then, I shall bid you both a good evening.

Jonathan opened his mouth, only for something to fly into it and shut him up. Sabrina and I walked out without any more drama thankfully. Prancer and Lancer, our Rapidash rentals for the evening, were waiting for us and when we mounted up we rode off without delay.

We didnt go straight home however and instead enjoyed a night ride around the city before making our way back home.

When we dismounted Sabrina did so with a stumble that made me reach out and catch her.

Oh, careful. Are you alright?

Just tired, she said as she held my arms. Then she smiled up at me. I had a wonderful night, Brock.

Me too, for the most part, I replied.

Zoe seemed to realise now was a good time for discretion as she and the Rapidash wheeled away and left without even kicking up any dust.I barely noticed them as Sabrina smiled up at me.

I then realised how this must look. A young man and woman after a night out on the town. Alone on a doorstep? It was pretty much like a typical date ending in a movie, wasnt it?

Sabrina leaned in.

I grinned. Shed taken over the guys role in the plot. Then again, she never did seem to care about traditional gender roles. I smiled as I closed the distance and kissed her on the doorstep to my house. When we broke apart she had a wonderful breathlessness to her and a wide smile.

Im glad, she said before moving in for another kiss.

I lost track of time as I enjoyed it with her. Then she broke it off and smiled. Id come in, but your family is waiting for you and Ralts is waiting for me.

I glanced towards the front of the house only to find Yolanda sitting at the window with a tub of ice cream that she was sharing with Munchlax.

The smug look on her face told me shed seen everything.

I rolled my eyes at her and made a shooing gesture. She shut the curtains a little but continued to peek. I sighed and leaned down to give Sabrina a final goodnight kiss before she teleported away.

I didnt keep track of how long that kiss took either.

All things said it was a good way to end the night.

Before I let my head hit the pillows, I made sure to send Erika a very thankful message. I would probably need to lean on her in the future if tonight was any indication.

The next day saw me relaxing with my pokemon out back behind the gym. I had played tug of war with the Aron. Then Knight had joined in and it had become a game of chase.

I spent a bit more time working with the Lileep that were new to the gym. Don still seemed affronted by their inclusion in the grotto but he was coming around to them as they didnt move or take up much room. They migrated out of the grotto at dawn to take in some sunlight, but otherwise were content to linger around the pool of water in the cave system.

They had some interesting moves and I was still working out how to use them. What I was learning seemed to highlight that they had a lot of potential.

I was just turning to start training some Alolan Geodude for proper fights when Rocko escorted Lawrence and the now familiar former judge Howard to me.

Lawrence, Howard, I said, unsure how to address the man.

He had no issue with the casual form of address though and merely nodded. Gym Leader, he replied as his eyes roamed across the various pokemon I had in the reserve. This is quite impressive.

Its taken a lot of work to get here. I looked over the reserve and found that it was rather idyllic with how the pokemon lounged and roamed around. I felt myself relaxing somewhat. I imagine others would consider it a rocky dust bowl but it was perfect for my pokemon. Bertha broke the moment of serenity when she stalked past us. Her body low to the ground. I watched her dubiously as she stalked up to a sleeping Sanchez only to pounce on him and throw him into Titan and Knight who dragged him off to play a game.

Titan paused to inspect my group and snorted once before charging in to play some rough-and-tumble game of football where the ball was a team unto itself.

Scyther teamed up with Onix by riding on the larger pokemons body and pointing to where the ball was when it got lost in the press of bodies. With the quiet loss, I made a gesture to the side. Shall we head inside to talk?

I got a few nods and after a little bit of a walk we had a teapot boiled for myself and cups of coffee for Lawrence and Howard.

Howard set his coffee down and exhaled happily. Ah, that was wonderful! My compliments to the artist! I glanced to the side where Nanny Grav, the housemaid Graveler, was flapping her hand in an ah shucks manner.

I chuckled. Shes pretty great at making cups of coffee and a few other simple meals. The kids like her.

The kids drink coffee? asked Lawrence.

I shook my head. Nah, while they're at school, Nanny Grav goes into the gym and sticks around the Trainer lounge. If they want something made up she does it for them these days.

Huh, thats a perk. Ill have to find someone like that for my Law office, Lawrence said with a thoughtful expression. Then he shot Nanny Grav a sly look. Unless youre interested in working for someone else?

She waggled a finger at him and marched off with her nose in the air. When Tilly and Billy tried to run into the kitchen she snatched them up. Howard chuckled as the twins were deposited into the lounge with the rest of the kids to play around and watch television. I could see Flint in there as well and he was looking happy.

Hed shot me some worried looks when Id walked in but Id waved for him to stay in the room. Hed given Howard a look before relaxing back down which made me wonder if there was a history there.

Howard and Lawrence had both noticed my silent order to Flint, but they hadnt commented on it.

Nanny Grav shut the door for us, and I glanced at Lawrence. Lawrence shifted towards Howard, and the man set his cup of coffee down.

Well, I suppose we should get to discussing last night shouldnt we?

He rolled his shoulders. First of all, thank you for indulging me in hearing me out Brock. I was, as I mentioned, a mayoral candidate running against Jonathan. That said, there were quite a few of us. Im merely one that has since bowed out of politics.

His lips twitched. I do, however, keep a finger on the pulse, and your little display last night has many people sitting up and paying attention. Having the Pewter Gym Leader showing an interest in politics is a shift that hasnt happened since before the war. He gestured towards where Flint had been sitting. Flint was entirely hands-off with his duties.

Howard watched me as he stirred his coffee. I asked some questions to feel out the crowd. With your previous showing there is quite the positive sentiment for you to step into that role or speak out more. I grimaced at the thought of taking on another task right now. Perhaps during a normal circuit but this circuit no.

Howard hummed before inclining his head. I thought it might be nice for you as the Gym Leader to have a fuller picture from me.

He inclined his head to Lawrence with a smile. Not to say that you wouldnt have found this out yourself eventually, of course. Im merely expediting it by inserting myself in, for my own amusement lets say.

I ran a hand down my face. I might be new to wrangling these types of snakes but I doubt youre only doing it for amusement. I rubbed at my temple and decided to just lay out what I wanted. I need Jonathan out of office. Right now hes a pebble in my shoe, I said.

Howard spread his hands to show there was nothing in them. It wasnt his hands that I was concerned about though.

It was his mind. Perhaps he just enjoyed playing with some threads of power in the background. Id been touching base with the Guardians on any information he gave me later but Id hear him and see what he had to say.

In any case, Jonathan, with your announcement, looks unable to mount a successful run for another term. Those without Gym Leader approval instantly lose ten percent of the vote to others. I blinked at that statistic. Howard nodded. It is a statistic that is very well established, even the Gyms that dont have the larger remit have this power. Such is the weight of having a Gym Leaders approval, or in this case disapproval.

Howard turned his coffee cup around. However, this might not be an issue for him as I toyed around with some thoughts of what his goal might be and I happened upon an article that reminded me that being a Mayor for a successful region can be a stepping stone for higher roles. If Jonathan wished he could use his past success to vault into a very high position within the League.

Howard raised a finger. And it just so happens that the Indigo Presidency is up for election at the end of the year.

I clicked my teeth. And if he has a friend in the Elite Four, hed be a popular candidate for that, wouldnt he? I gnashed my teeth. Hes hoping to get a promotion.

I drummed my fingers as pieces in the grand chessboard of politics started to make sense to me. Not that he might even need that. Is Kruger that popular right now? Theres been enough scandals that Jonathan can use.

Hmmmm, it also doesnt help that Kruger has let the position get to him, Howard said simply.

I raised an eyebrow. He seemed prickly and petty when I last saw him.

Howard grimaced. He used to be the Mayor of Chrysanthemum town, which is now Chrysanthemum City. so that should tell you what his track record was. Its one of the fastest-growing and best-managed cities in Indigo. That was thanks to Kruger. He had a hand in developing all aspects of it from what I hear. Running a town and its surrounding areas and running the League however Howard shook his head. The League is a very different beast. I shouldnt be surprised that Kruger has changed, it happens.

I huffed. Well, I dont like Kruger with how his League has acted towards me, but I also cant stand how Jonathan is acting.

Thats politics, but it might be something you can use if you wish. Im sure Kruger doesnt want an empowered Jonathan challenging him for votes. While he wont have your endorsement, that wont matter to the regions at large as they will subconsciously associate Pewter and your own success to Jonathan.

So what youre saying is, I rubbed my temples, is that Jonathan might try to skip out on any ramifications of his actions and if he can get Will as an Elite Four hed have a strong case.

Howard narrowed his eyes. You keep saying only Elite, you dont think this Will can challenge for the champion position?

I snorted. Agatha and Bruno would eat him alive. Unless he waits for Agatha to retire. But then her replacement I trailed off. Karen would be an even worse match up for him.

Howard leaned forward imperceptibly. If I hadnt been watching for it I wouldnt have noticed. You know something? he said faux-casually.

I smiled innocently and took a sip of my tea. Howard nodded slowly and took a sip of his own.

Lawrence cleared his throat. So, while things will get rougher for Jonathan in the short term, he will probably know he cant mount a campaign for another term. You can stop part of his plan by smashing Will.

I smirked at Lawrence. Oh I plan to. Despite how it would have gone against my rule of not fighting outside of challenges I would have gladly faced him last night. If it wasnt a fight after all I trailed off with a dark smirk.

Lawrence chuckled. All while wrecking Jonathans garden?

That might have played into it a little, I said with a smile. The other men chuckled, and we made some more small talk. Howard presented his business card to me, and I took it with a polite bow and thanks. Lawrence remained and I shot him a questioning look.

Sorry for having to bring in Howard, he wasnt wrong that it would have taken me a lot longer to get that information.

I nodded. Well still verify it. Whats his angle? He had to have one.

Hmm? Oh, hes got a son that might make a run for Mayor next year. Hes making nice with you and establishing connections, he knows how important those can be.

I nodded and took another sip. They really are, I said, thinking of how much Erikas coaching had netted me. I tilted my head. You dont happen to know anyone that can help out with this do you? Or should we suss out his son?

Suss out Judge Howards son, Lawrence snorted with amusement. He chuckled a little. Hell be clean at least but there might be others. No need to go with just the first to offer their services. We have time to shop around a bit. Lawrence pursed his lips before waggling his hand in a so-so gesture. It would be best to try and step into it yourself honestly but I know youre busy

Seeing as how that was been going for me, perhaps I need to step in for that and to not make a fool of myself I think I need someone to teach me. I sighed and scrubbed at my face. Urgh, just urgh. I shook it off for now, Id work through this and endure like always.

I glanced at Lawrence hopefully. Want to have a casual spar? I need to blow off some steam.

Lawrences eyes bulged, and he coughed. Uhm, yeah I dont think I could match anything you had sorry Brock! he said quickly.

I chuckled. Ill go easy? Promise?

He shot me a disbelieving look before pushing his mug away from himself. Ill make some inquiries for someone we can trust.

Lawrence! Come on! I said playfully.

I didn't spend all that time at Pokecollege for a fancy bit of paper, Brock! he said as he packed away his pen and paper. He nodded in farewell before tilting his head just before the door. You realise that this would mean youd need to attend more balls and social events, right?

Ill deal with it, I said with a roll of my eyes, which he didnt notice, so instead, I waved him off.

When he opened the door to leave, my siblings launched themselves at him, apparently having decided to ambush him.

Pidgeot man! they cried as they tackled him.

He gave a bird-like screech and flapped his arms before falling to the ground. Billy sat on Lawrences chest. Rock beats bird! he said proudly.

Tilly flicked her head around. Whered the fairy man go?

Flint approached sheepishly and tried to offer Lawrence a hand. Sorry about them, and Tilly theres no such thing as a fairy type.

All the kids turned and looked at him sceptically. Then they shook their heads.

Oh, youre so old, said Billy sadly. The other kids nodded along.

I chuckled and pulled them off Lawrence only for him to start playing with them. I waved him and Flint into the lounge room to contain the mess just as a message from Agatha buzzed on my transceiver.

It read, we have some time free to perform the rite with Sabrina, are you able to attend?

I grinned. Miss throwing down with my girlfriend? I wasnt going to miss that! I paused as I considered how that sounded in my mind. Would it have been weirder saying it aloud or would it make sense. I was still thinking on it when I marched out to my elite pokemon.

Shrek, Hypnotoad, Titan, Bertha, Knight, I then turned my attention to my Onix and Scyther. I pointed straight at Onix. Jormungandr. Your name from now on is Jormungandr, or I might call you Jorm for short.

Onix squirmed like he was dancing while the others shouted their own congratulations. I nodded. I think Ill start looking into a proper metal coating for you as well. For today, all of you are coming with me cause were going to get into a fight!

That got another chorus of cheers. I withdrew them into their pokeballs and paused when I noticed Scyther was looking sad. I raised his pokeball. Whats with the sad look? Youre coming too. Itll be good to see how the best in Kanto fight, make sure you stay light on your toes.

Scy! he cried out happily as I returned him.

I nodded to the other pokemon. Enjoy your day of rest gang, I said to the rest of my still watching pokemon team. I turned and released Zephyr to carry me to the area the Guardians and Sabrina would meet up at.

After being denied by Will, I was looking forward to getting into a scrap. Once this little fight with Sabrina was done I might also push to have a fight with Agatha or someone else to bleed some tension.

This was going to be fun.

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