Hard Enough-Chapter 217: Elite battles

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Chapter 217: Elite battles

There was a noticeable pulse in the air of the Gym that grew as we approached the middle of the day. People from around Pewter and even further afield had begun to trickle in gradually despite there only being one or two matches for badges early in the morning.

I was expecting this but I was still taken a bit off guard by the almost electric feel in the air.

I spent most of my time going through the regular motions but I could see it affecting others as they completed their tasks with an energy that saw them wrapping up much quicker than usual. This left them idle, which was never a good thing. So I started assigning the various Gym trainers odd jobs such as taking out pokemon from the reserve and having them train on the battle courts while offering to fight any takers.

Others I sent out to patrol the streets or to even drop in on various playgrounds.

It got to the point that I ended up handing out garbage bags and pointing them out the front door with there still being two hours before the match.

Rachel approached me with her transceiver raised. She was obviously recording what I assumed to be a gym video, or perhaps it was a livestream?

“The man! The mountain! Brock! How are things going today? Any nerves about the match?” she said with a chipper tone.

“Nah, This is old business for me now. The attention might be new but we’ve been running this show for a while now. The biggest point of interest will be for who gets chosen. That will impact how I fight the most,” I said easily.

Before I could say anything else, Dennis marched up and coughed into a fist. “Brock! There appears to be a number of people coming in looking to reserve seats for the coming match… should we let them in? There aren’t any people fighting at the moment,” he said.

I sighed. “Victims of our own success indeed,” I said to myself while rubbing my forehead. Rachel giggled and I shot her and her transceiver a small glare. “Let’s assign some people to have some fights and run through some tricks. That might knock out two or three Pidgey in one Rock throw,” I said, waving my hand. I glanced at Rachel. “I might need you to rustle up some entertainment… and if this is an indication of what is to come we might need to create some outdoor seating. Do we still have the pavilions?” I asked.

Rachel bobbed her head up and down causing her rainbow-tinged hair to flop back and forth. “Yup! I can set that up!” she said.

I raised a hand. “Hold it in reserve. If we go that route we will need seating and to set up the projector, let’s see how things go first and ease into it if we need it, not before,” I said.

“Well folks, things might have to end a little earlier than I planned cause I need to rustle up some entertainment! Oh! A band! Everyone loves those!” Rachel said as she shot off to her office.

I suddenly wondered if I shouldn't be giving her stricter guidelines as to ‘band’ but decided that it wouldn’t matter. Whatever she came up with to distract people would be useful.

I regretted that for a few moments when I was working with Dennis and Rocko to align the trainer lounge to have all of the lounges facing towards the television.

Bethany, an elderly lady that I had running and training the other younger receptionist walked in. “Brock dear?” she asked, adjusting her spectacles.

“Yes, Bethany?” I asked as I deposited one couch.

“There’s a marching band here to run through their routine?” she asked, her tone quite unsure.

Before I could question her Rcahel trotted in, a huge grin on her face. “Sorry for the surprise boss, but the short notice doesn’t allow for a lot of precision. I tried for a rock band, a jazz band and even a mariachi band but they were all booked already!”

I held up a finger. “Why a Mariachi band?” I said, dreading the answer.

Rachel coughed. “It’d liven things up? I think the Marching band will work well though! I just had to promise them some seats for the match!” she said.

I chuckled, amused at how much of an event this was turning into.

By the time the match rolled around the Gym was packed to the rafters with locals and trainers that were hoping to challenge me soon, clamouring for seats. Gio had arrived and was talking with Rachel which… probably promised something memorable.

On the battlefield, the marching band which also comprised several Machoke and Chimecho strode back and forth.

When the drum line got into each other's faces it became an intense stare-down with huge swarthy muscled pokemon slamming out rapid-fire staccato while looking like they were seconds from throwing down physically.

When both drumlines were finished they stepped back amicably and waved only to receive a roar of approval for the show of skill.

With the marching band done, it was time for the main show and Rachel was quick to march out.

“Welcome! Welcome! Once more I’m your Mistress of Ceremonies for the Pewter Gym! For months now the Gym has undergone challenges from those fighting for badges and recognition, but today that changes! Today is about showing the world how far as trainers they have come! Today is about prestige! Today is about announcing to the world your skills! Today! Gio returns to face Brock in the hardest challenge the gym can offer! The Elite challenge!”

Rachel began outlining the nature of the challenge for the crowd and people oohed and awed in at the details before applauding as Rachel gestured.

“And now Gio returns a third time!” Rachel said, making me pause.

Oh, that’s right Gio, had been late in challenging me during the circuit last year hadn’t he? Huh. I suddenly found myself wondering just how far he’d taken himself with more time.

Rachel gestured to the tunnel as Gio stood tall. “He started his journey with a Marsh badge and he struggled when he reached the Gym last year. However! Since then he has exploded onto the stage with an impressive win ratio among his peers!” Gio has gained eight badges in total, with all of them being Major Gym badges! This feat qualifies him for the end-of-year circuit! But he wants more! Gio wants to show the world that he is a contender for winning the circuit!”

Gio strode forward and waved. He’d been a young struggling teen when he first challenged and I remember he had been pushing himself to get past me in an attempt to make it to the circuit.

This year he had returned, more confident and sure of himself and his pokemon. Each of them had been stronger in marked ways and having him back here now was sure to be interesting.

For his second showing, he had no issues with gaining his badge.

If anything he’d breezed through while Greta, as a new hire, had struggled with the concept that losing was alright in the Gym setting.

There had also been something to do with Graveler…

He’d had a Nidoking, Poliwrath, and Raticate. What would he use this time?

“And now ladies, gentlemen, children of all ages and pokemon! It is my distinct pleasure to introduce your Gym Leader! Let’s give Gio a warm Pewter welcome! Here he is! Brock!” Rachel said before leading the stomp-stomp clap while an eclectic guitar rift began to play.

After three stomp-stomp-claps I strode forward and locked eyes with Gio.

The march forward was entirely the same routine, but I made sure to add more menace to my strides. I became a towering mountain that loomed before Gio. When I leapt this time I made sure to come down heavy and boom down into the podium.

I rose and smirked at Gio. “You’ve returned once more,” I said repeating the words I’d greeted him with last time.

He nodded. “I’ve come for the Bejewelled badge and to earn the honour of being the first victor!” he said.

I nodded. “So, you think you’re ready to step into the big leagues?” I said.

“Yes!” he said.

I chuckled. “We’ll see about that,” I then turned to where Rocko was standing.

“Trainers! As mentioned this match is an Elite challenge! This match will see One of Brock’s strongest pokemon facing off against you. Be aware that injury is possible if you are not strong enough! I, as the referee will step in should I view it as necessary!” he said, eying Gio before looking at me firmly.

I nodded.

One v six wasn’t an easy feat and there were risks on my side as well that needed to be acknowledged.

Rocko accepted this and then queued up a montage of rock pokemon that I had deemed as part of my Elite Team. With each picture, the names were displayed along with a number.

Titan, Bertha, Jormungandr, Sanchez, Shin, Don, Knight, Selene, and Gawain were all on display. With each new picture, different people cheered. Gawain garnered the most response from what looked like the Bug Catcher’s chapter house while others hooted and hollered for Sanchez.

Others roared for Titan.

I chuckled.

The display shifted once more to show off a number.

Rocko tapped his microphone to quell the crowd. “I shall have silence before I initiate the randomiser. You have a one in nine chance of fighting any of the pokemon shown. To those following along at home, some of these pokemon may come and go due to fatigue, injury or other factors but for today’s battle all nine current Elite pokemon that represent the Gym are available!”

Rocko made a show of lifting his hand, his index finger extended. “I shall now initiate the randomiser!”

His finger plunged down and the display shifted to that of a roulette spinning wheel as numbers and faces sped past.

Slowly the numbers began to become visible before it began to tick down.

People leaned in as Titan’s image was displayed only to switch and a golden border to appear around the chosen pokemon.

A large number two was put on display before the number shrank to display a picture of Bertha.

“Ohhhhhhhh!” Rachel shouted. “Gio has drawn Bertha! The hard-hitting heavyweight! The mistress of one hit k.o.’s and the all-round best girl!”

I grinned as I unclipped Bertha from my pokebelt. With a gentle lob, I sent her out.

She landed and the field rocked as she settled. She took a moment to stretch herself out tall and shake herself off only to blink in surprise.

“Rhyperior?” she said slowly as she stared up at the cheering crowd that were chanting her name. Her head turned to look at me but when she couldn’t turn far enough she skipped around and sent her tail swinging.

She locked her gaze with me and levelled a finger up at herself in open shock. “Rhy?” she asked hopefully.

I nodded. “That’s right girl, you are first this year.”

Bertha vibrated in place and for a moment it looked like she was being impacted by an earthquake only for her arms to shoot up and her head to be thrown back with a bark of happiness.

She shot a sideways v with two stubby drill-like digits past her eyes and winked at the camera in what could only be a magical girl pose before getting serious.

She spun back around and a vicious grin stretched her features.

She wiggled with glee and I knew that nothing could bring her down. She hadn’t said anything but Gio, he’d just given her a gift she cherished.

She shifted from foot to foot and readied herself. Across from me on his podium Gio worked his jaw back and forth as he took in his opponent.

“Do you need any longer?” I asked, prodding him along when he did nothing but consider Bertha.

He jolted and coughed. “Sorry, I guess I was just surprised. She’s a lot bigger in person than she’s shown on television,” he said.

I chuckled. “Yeah, you’ll find that is often the case,” I said. I then made a gesture at the empty part of the field indicating it was his move.

Gio nodded and hurled out his best choice. “Go Poliwrath!”

I smirked. “Oh you poor young man,” I said as Bertha leaned forward. I felt our bond and began to feed her some energy for what was to come.

Unlike the gym battles, where we let others take the lead the instant Rocko’s flags began to drop, we acted straight away.

“Quake into Hammer!” I barked. Betha slammed her tail into the ground and sent Poliwrath bucking into the air.

The tail lashing into the ground, rather than anchoring Bertha actually worked to launch her up and into the air where she drew back her fist. She hung, suspended for a moment like a meteor threatening a planet.

Gio and Poliwrath had a heartbeat to respond and they did so admirably. “Detect!” Gio called and his Poliwrath threw itself out of danger as Bertha’s fist hurtled past it to crater the ground.

Bertha rose up from her punch and locked eyes with the wide-eyed Poliwrath. It seemed a bit rattled after that exchange of blows. It also hadn’t escaped unscathed as it had a tremor in its legs that must have been a result of the earlier earthquake.

“Box them,” I ordered.

Bertha advanced with her fists raised. She threw punch after punch and while they weren’t connecting the physical punches weren’t actually the attack to be worried about for the moment.

With each punch, she threw a spike of earth shot forward at Poliwrath.

Bertha made sure to frame the punches and rocks to bracket and drive Poliwrath backwards.

“Tch! Poliwrath use Detect and get in close for a Brick Break!”

“Low boxing,” I said firmly and Bertha stopped advancing and instead sunk into herself so that her punches, which had originally been chest height with Poliwrath, were suddenly targeting its hips and legs.

Poliwrath tried to evade but Detect, like Protect and other moves like it grew weaker the more often you used it. By forcing Poliwrath to come to us, the water-fighting type found itself getting clipped a few times from rocks which sent it spinning out of control.

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It landed and croaked in irritation.

I pointed. “Ice the ground.”

Bertha complied, causing an Ice Beam to fire off and coat the ground, making Poliwrath leap up into the air to evade the perceived attack. When it landed it did so with a skitter but held its footing barely.

“Poli,” it said confidently.

Bertha rolled her shoulders and grinned, miming a small boxing action. Poliwrath glowered at this and prepared itself to attack.

“Poliwrath use Mist like we practised!” called Gio. Poliwrath blew out a torrent of mist around itself obscuring its form and that of Bertha.

“Hop back and buff,” I said. Bertha did as requested hunkering down and letting her arm begin to buzz threateningly.

Gio blanched as he was forcefully reminded why it wasn’t a good idea to play a waiting game for Bertha. She could power up and unleash on opponents.

“Poliwrath use Hydro Pump!”

“Lean with it, rock with it!” I said with a smirk. Bertha grinned as she weaved her body around the typically powerful attacks. With the Mist up, it was actually making it harder for Poliwrath right now.

While Bertha dodged, her hide began to glint as her body took on a sheen that the unaware would think was Rock Polish. It actually was Iron Defence.

It was one of the moves that Bertha had learnt to boost herself when she had the chance. The other was something she’d insisted on when I’d gone through her list of potential moves.

Sadly she’d latched onto it for all the wrong reasons.

“Magical girl dance,” I said, far too used to Bertha’s antics to show my exasperation outwardly.

Bertha twirled about as energy constructs resembling swords appeared around her and twirled. She looked rather silly with how she was prancing around but I couldn’t fault her for it. She was passionate and that made the moves take on a special sort of power of their own.

I blamed Cindy for pointing out that Swords Dance was sort of like a magical girl entrance sequence.

It got the crowd on their feet and cheering her name for something other than wrecking the arena which was nice.

I wasn’t looking forward to the bill that would inevitably come from Bertha being selected for this match.

No way I was leaving the battlefield in a usable state before this match was done.

“Quake into edge” I said and Bertha finished her Sword Arts pirouette into a leap.

“Poliwrath jump!” called Gio, realising what was coming with her landing.

I smiled as he forgot what we’d done earlier. I could see the form of Poliwrath attempting to jump, only to slip on the frozen ground causing it to collapse to the ground as Bertha hit the ground.

She landed like she was cannonballing the field and it buckled like a pool of water would have at the force she transmitted.

While it wasn’t very effective, it was strong and Poliwrath couldn’t brace itself.

Poliwrath’s hidden form was bucked into the air before it slapped down hard.

Bertha ripped a chunk of earth up and launched it with precision at the downed form. Poliwrath was blown across the ice and into the far wall where it slumped into itself, down for the count.

“Poliwrath? But… those moves..” Gio said slowly.

While Earthquake had a normal impact it wasn’t the best move, just as Rock and Ice against Poliwrath wouldn’t have worked too well, but that was assuming both pokemon were on the same level.

When I’d faced Lance I’d have said Bertha was creeping into the realm of being a champion-tier pokemon.

Now? I knew she had it within her.

“Poliwrath is unable to battle! The battle is one nil!” announced Rocko officiously.

Gio swallowed and returned his pokemon. He eyed the field before nodding to himself.

I smiled as he palmed his next pokeball. It was so nice to see young trainers pushing themselves and demonstrating not just their pokemon but how they as trainers had developed. Mental made up a lot of what we did and if Bertha’s destruction of Poliwrath put him off, this would have been a much easier match.

“Let’s go Exeggutor! Start off with Leaf Storm!” Gio said with a flourish of his hands.

“Beam,” I replied instantly.

As Exeggutor started to call forth a forest worth of leaves that would shred through Bertha, Bertha responded by opening her maw and channelling an Ice Beam.

The leaves shot forward only for Bertha to roar in defiance, her Ice Beam lancing out and freezing the leaves with its passing.

The Ice Beam slammed into Exeggutor and once more one of Gio’s pokemon were thrown into the back wall.

Exeggutor did not get back up.

Gio gritted his teeth and grunted in frustration. “Steady Gio, you knew there would be some set backs, keep it together,” he murmured to himself, withdrawing his pokemon before sending out his next pokemon.

“Go! Tauros! Double Edge!”

“Dance around it,” I said. Bertha perked up and rose onto her tip toes, ready for what was to come. Taurus came on, and like a pro matador as Tauros made the final leap Bertha twirled away avoiding the horns entirely.

She even went as far as to clap cheekily. Tauros landed heavily and stumbled, having missed.

Bertha, having continued her spin, whirled about with her tail to smash it into Tauros’ flank. Tauros was tossed roughly and hit the ground only to skid. I was almost ready to write it off, then Tauros rose, bellowing and snorting so powerfully dust shot away from it.

It turned and lowered its head pawed at the ground, kicking up dust as it locked onto Bertha. freёwebnoѵel.com

“Hoh? Anger point?” I said thoughtfully as Tauros continued to toss its head and rage.

“Scary Face then go for it!” Gio called.

I had to give it to him, it was a good move, and Tauros raised its head and glared, a single eye red and crazed which it locked onto Bertha.

If we’d been closer to the Mist I might have had her step into it to evade the attack but there wasn’t going to be any such luck.

We had raised her defence, and her attack so far, but now we were going to have to handle being a bit slower.

Bertha threw some experimental punches to test her speed only to snort with how slow they shot forth.

We wouldn’t be able to rely on dodging anymore.

Tauros stopped freezing up Bertha with its move and dropped its head.

It didn’t bother to paw or kick up any more dust before charging once more.

It came on, each step it made in its charge causing the ground to buckle.

Well, its attack had certainly grown more powerful.

I raised my eyes from the oncoming Tauros and instead locked them with Gio. “Match it,” I said, not baulking at all. Bertha lowered her head and ran forward. Unlike Tauros who ran with four hooves and looked fast, she lumbered, but in her huge strides, she covered a lot of ground.

As Tauros and Bertha closed, Tauros lined up its horns expertly, a bellow of rage escaping its mouth while Bertha cocked back her fist.

Tauros leapt high and Bertha threw her fist forward.

A mighty boom resounded through the stadium as the two attacks connected resulting in a shockwave of air exploding from the point that skull met fist.

For a moment both pokemon held their positions, eyes locked on each other.

Gio’s eyes twitched away from mine and when he looked back I smirked.

A moment later Bertha carried through with her punch and launched Tauros out of the battlefield.

Gio‘s head snapped to the side and he could only stare at his downed pokemon.

“Tauors is unable to battle the winner of thi—” Rocko started to say only for the crowd to rise and roar their approval for how that exchange had played out. Bertha pumped her fists into the air exalting in the praise of the crowd before making a show of nodding towards Tauros.

I could only chuckle at her antics. Link was rubbing off on her.

AS the crowd made themselves known Gio returned his pokemon shaking his head. “Three of my pokemon, just like that? I don’t think I’ve even landed a move yet,” he said disparagingly.

I just smirked and said nothing. This wasn’t a Gym match where I’d coach them mid-match. This was a prestige match.

If I wanted to shame him I might have offered advice.

I didn’t though, he was showcasing a wonderful level of growth and planning, so I kept my mouth shut.

One thing did stand out to me however. “Exeggutor, and Tauros both are pokemon you didn’t have last year or the start of the circuit,” I said leadingly.

Gio opened his mouth only to scowl and shut it with a click.

I had a suspicion about where he’d been spending his time and if I had to guess on the pool of pokemon he could draw on, it would make me think of a certain Safari zone. Tauros rather gave it away as the Safari zone was the only place that a trainer could acquire them normally.

Gio didn’t leave me or the crowd waiting and instead sent out his next pokemon. “Go Kingler!”

A rather impressive-looking Kingler took to the field and scuttled back and forth while snapping its pincers fiercely.

While it was impressive, I could tell it wasn’t at the level of his other pokemon. That didn’t mean it wasn’t still a threat to Bertha, however.

“Bubblebeam!” he called as I stabbed my hand forward. “Stone Edge!”

Bubbles shot out of Kingler’s larger claw only for them to not be strong enough to dissuade the giant rock that tore through them. Kingler took the hit and skidded back landing just in front of the mist that was now but a sickly haze.

“Bubblebeam again but let it hover around you! Obstruct his vision!” Gio commanded.

“Earthquake,” I responded.

Bertha slammed her foot into the ground and Kingler was tossed up into the air. The bubbles floating in the air did nothing to stop that and as Kingler landed I merely repeated the action.

“Kingler Metal Claw into the ground! Don’t let that hit!” Gio said adapting to the circumstances marvellously.

The larger pincher struck out and launched Kingler into the air with only the one pincer stuck down into the ground acting as a shock absorber.

Gio pumped his fist and looked up at me triumphantly before darting his eyes to Bertha. His face lost all colour when he found her unleashing another Ice Beam.

The beam cut through the floating bubbles and suddenly the move that had been aimed at obscuring his pokemon became a detriment to Kingler.

Orbs of ice crashed to the ground and sent shards of ice flying.

“Use Withdraw to tuck in!” ordered Gio. His Kingler did just that with the smaller pincer coming in close and protecting Kingler’s body while the legs tucked underneath. The larger claw hovered above it allowing Kingler to avoid most of the damage.

Gio sighed in relief and looked up only to find that while Kingler was defending itself, Bertha had vanished. “Huh? Oh shit!” Gio exclaimed as he realised what I’d done.

“Jump!” he called only for Bertha to emerge and catch Kingler as she breached the ground.

With Kingler locked down, Gio gave up on saving his pokemon. “Metal Claw! Metal Claw! Metal Claw!” he shouted and Kingler’s claws swung into Bertha with all its might.

Bertha grunted as they impacted her but she quickly slammed Kingler into the ground before smashing her other fist down.

Kingler gave a loud crunch before going still.

“Stop!” called Rocko and Bertha followed the command straight away, stepping back. Kingler was revealed with the larger claw broken off entirely. It warbled painfully.

It looked bad with some blood coming out, but the claws of Kinger could regrow given enough time. Kingler might just be able to fight by the time the end of the Circuit tournament was underway.

But by then it would have lost out on a lot of training time.

Gio returned his pokemon instantly and set it aside. “He’ll heal up,” he said with a grimace before eying Bertha. “Guess I shouldn’t have just tried to rely on type advantage though… Let’s try something different, let’s go while they’re in close Pinsir!”

With Bertha inside Gio’s half of the field, Pinsir appeared right in front of Bertha and the stag beetle bug pokemon lunged as soon as it formed.

Pinsir’s pincers slammed shut on Bertha and it was all she could do to catch the oncoming threat before it cut into her midriff.

Both pokemon groaned as they struggled with the other.

“Gooooooo Gio!” called someone from the crowd, urging the challenger on.

“Let’s go Bertha! Let’s go!” chanted others.

With the fight locked in a close-range struggle the crowd began to make themselves known. While Kingler had gone down without doing much, his defeat had set up Pinsir to be in a wonderful position to catch Bertha off guard.

Her arms began to strain and quake while Pinsir growled and began to lean forward.

“Thump your tail,” I commanded.

Bertha raised her tail and began to thump it up and down, the giant maul that was at her tail tip caused the ground to buckle around her and both pokemon stumbled.

Bertha was expecting this though and was able to slip Pinsir’s grip.

Bertha took a single step back before rocketing back in with her fist leading the way.

“Protect!” Gio called and I fought to keep myself from nodding. That was the right move.

As Bertha’s fist slammed in a large rock followed suit slamming into the protective dome. If that Stone Edge had landed it would have been super effective.

Sadly it was denied.

Bertha drew in air with huge heaving breaths and on the other side of the shell I could see Pinsir doing the same, both pokemon were tired.

“Get room,” I said to Bertha and she hopped back a bit.

Gio grimaced as he lost his close-range advantage. With Pinsir at range, it would have to close, which wouldn’t be an easy feat.

Gio once more showed his growth by raising his pokeball and returning his Pinsir. He then sent out his last pokemon. “Go Nidoking!” he shouted.

Nidoking hit the ground and I whistled. “You’ve been working on him,” I said, noting how the horn now glinted with poison, the carapace was shinier and thicker, and Nidoking also stood taller.

“Earth Power!” said Gio.

“Earthquake,” I responded.

Once more the ground shook and both pokemon shifted as they endured the forces they were being put under. For Bertha the ground erupted underneath her and I grimaced. That might impact her.

I held my pose, arms crossed as Bertha snorted heavily and growled, her hands flexing while her horns whirred to life in agitation. “Not yet girl,” I said knowing that I couldn’t use a One hit K.O. move now.

“Earth Power again!” Gio said revealing he was more than happy to make the fight a slug match.

“Surf,” I said as I opted out of that this time around.

Nidoking shook the field only for Bertha to leap back arms spread wide like she was about to… damn it she was doing magical girl poses wasn’t she? The wave caught her and she rose up on it like some maiden rising with power.

Gio saw the issue and blanched. “Dig!”

I smirked. That move might work for me, but there was a very good reason to not use dig against me. “Jump,” I said.

Bertha grinned as she dropped the magical girl pose and leapt, her fist rising and plunging down. When she struck the ground she did so in a superhero landing pose. The earth shattered around her and rocked upwards before rolling outwards.

A harsh painful cry sounded out and as the dust settled, Nidoking did not emerge from his Dig.

Gio groaned and returned his pokemon. “Damn it, got suckered into that one,” he said.

He palmed this final pokeball and grit his teeth as he eyed Bertha who was shaking herself off.

She had various marks all over her along with smears of mud, and water and as she raised her arms she did so with shaking limbs.

Gio nodded and sent out his last pokemon.

Bertha dropped the act and straightened. “RHY! Perior!” she shouted and I nodded.

“Impact Driver,” I said, committing.

The crowd roared in approval as Bertha grabbed an arm with another. The raised arm began to spin up causing a whine to sound out.

“Pinsir! Superpower!” Gio bellowed over the riotous crowd.

Pinsir shot braced and leapt leading with its head. With its pinchers drawn back and glowing it began to arc down towards Bertha.

The entire stadium held its breath, watching as they closed with each other once more.

Pinsir came down like an avenging Samurai, but Bertha swung her fist like she was looking to punch down a mountain.

The blow connected and Pinsir was blown back into the barriers which flickered red with the impact before fading to orange quickly. I could see a warning light on Rocko and my own podium, a warning of Barrier integrity but with that being the final exchange of blows I didn’t have to worry.

I exhaled and allowed myself a grin. Bertha grinned hugely and glanced in my direction. I shot my fist into the air and joined the crowd in roaring in approval.

Bertha punched the sky and began to celebrate.

Across from me, Gio leaned heavily on his railing, his face white as he shook his head. I had the podiums lowered slowly and approached with Rocko.

“Hey, how many fingers am I holding up Gio?” said Rocko as he held up three.

“Th-three!” said Gio as he blinked rapidly.

Rocko frowned at the slur and shot me a look. I nodded. “Best you get to Nurse Joy for some rest and get your team healed up, if you’re really lucky she might be able to reattach Kingler’s claw,” I said with a grimace. “Sorry about that,” I said.

Gio waved it off. “I read the warnings Kingler… I shouldn’t have used him, or I should have held off a few more months,” Gio sighed. “Got worried I would miss my shot at being first thought with all the trainers around this year,” he said. “Lot of people are talking about coming back,” he said.

I chuckled. “I know. We’ll see how we go, come back around later and we’ll talk about this more, you did good though,” I said.

Rocko helped Gio leave. I made a show of raising my hands and clapping which triggered more from the crowd. They rose to applaud him and his team.

When they were done I tapped on a mic and grinned. “Well thank you all for coming, that was an amazing first showing from Gio and his pokemon, and last but not least Bertha!”

Bertha who’d taken up a position behind me grinned and waved merrily.

I stared out at the various faces in the crowd. For a while the faces merely blended together only for a familiar face with red hair tucked under a cap made me pause.

Huh. Lance?

When he winked and held up a finger to his lips recognising that I had spotted him I kept looking around.

I could see a lot of shock, and worry in the crowd. But most of all? I could see hunger.

People could see the challenge now and had a better idea.

I grinned. “I hope that those of you who will be facing me later understand how tough this task is now.” I raised my fist in front of me and Bertha copied me, her grin sliding into a menacing leer.

“You won’t find this a simple challenge and we are up to the task,” I said.

If anything the looks of hunger some people had merely grew. I had no doubt that the same would be true for people watching on tv from pokecenters either.

I turned away knowing that interesting times and challengers were coming back.

For now, I had other tasks to see to, such as meeting with Pewter Technical Academy for the lecture I needed to give.

Before that though, I really needed to find out why Lance had joined the crowd in watching the match.

Read Rebirth: Love me Again
Read The Max Level Hero Has Returned!
Read Earth's Greatest Magus
Read Another World Mall