Hard Enough-Chapter 86: Interlude - Pride on the line

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Chapter 86: Interlude - Pride on the line

Mia was rather enjoying Cerulean. It had lovely water features, was a nice temperature, and was not nearly as packed as Pewter City. It also hadnt been nearly as hard to get the Gym badge after Pewter, but then again Brock had said he was going hard on all of them. Oh well, Mia was just glad she and all her friends had so far gotten all the badges theyd tried for. Shed even caught herself another two pokemon with an Ekans and a Zubat that were working rather well with Silly Mouse. Things were going great!

"Well, I think my Rattata is in the top one percent of all Rattata! claimed a loud voice.

Mia stopped walking instantly. She turned so that Silly Mouse could take in the fool that had dared to say such words where she could hear them.

She stormed through a group and shoved a boy with a group of women dressed like cheerleaders out of the way so she could reach the idiot.

If your Rattata is in the top one percent then Silly Mouse is in the top percent of a percentage! Mia said as she gestured to her specimen of a Rattata. Silly Mouse nodded and bared his fangs while twitching his tail.

The youngster stared at her pokemon before sniffing and turning up his nose. Nope! Mine is better! He gestured down at the Rattata on the ground next to him that Mia inspected.

It had a glossy coat, and there was a nice polish to his front incisor, along with having a well-oiled tail. There was also a decent amount of muscle to it. It was well looked after but Mia had her doubts that the youngster before her could bring out the true potential of his pokemon in a battle.

Mia sniffed. Only one way to

Heh! That pokemon isnt even a rare Rattata! Thats your common everyday variety Rattata! said a nasal tone that had Mia whirling about. Someone dared besmirch Silly Mouse!?

She locked eyes with the boy shed pushed out of the way earlier. He was now standing in front of the cheerleaders as they fluffed up their pom poms. Mia ignored them. They werent important. Instead, she glared at the boy.

Whats that mean? she said through clenched teeth.

The boy flicked his hair and tossed up a pokeball to reveal what Brock had called a shiny type. The Rattata had a wonderful sheen but hadnt bulked up like hers or the other kids Rattata had. Mia suspected the kid was giving it a generic pokechow instead of something specialised to the Rattata line. Their fang wasnt as shiny either. What did give her pause, apart from the different colouration, was that the kid held himself well. He also had three badges on display on his belt meaning he was making a return trip through Cerulean with the Boulder, Cascade, and Thunder badges. This kid had to be ahead of the trainer surge and he likely wasnt a pushover with three badges to his name so quick into the circuit.

Names Mia! Im from Pewter! She said crossing her arms over her chest like Brock would when he was getting serious.

The other boys straightened up. Gary Oak From Pallet Town! Remember the name! the kid with the cheerleaders said.

Joey Junior! Leader of the local Youngsters chapter!

Edward Harrison! said a much older man as he stepped in with a Rattata with a shiny collar around its neck and a good sheen to its coat. Mia, Joey, and Gary all shared a look. Whod invited this guy?

When everyone shook their heads slightly they turned as one to the old man. Hey old man this is between us! said Gary. Mia winced. That was perhaps a bit more hostile than she would have been but the old man merely sniffed and adjusted his tophat.

I assure you with the claims of the best Rattata being shouted bout meant I had to step in. He raised his nose, To correct you young ones that is! He then reached into his pocket and drew out a thick wad of pokedollars. I shall set the prize if its all the same to you children?

Mia tilted his head. Was he actually interested in fighting for the title of best Rattata or was it like Brock said, where sometimes old people liked to tangle with young trainers to contribute to their journey. Joey was staring at the money, dollar signs practically appearing in his eyes while Gary still seemed annoyed for some reason at the old mans intrusion.

Mia decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Alright, each of us will pair off and fight then! Ill fight Gary and Joey will fight Mr Harrison. Then the winners will face each other after a small break!

Everyone relaxed at this with Joey even pumping his fist. Me first! he said, beating Mia and Gary to the draw. Both of them eyed each other speculatively before nodding and stepping back to give Joey and Mr Harrison room.

Both trainers locked eyes and gestured forward.

Mr Harrisons Rattata stepped forward proudly while Joeys growled.

Mia rubbed her chin, in most pokemon battles, the same pokemon fighting each other really did become a display of whos pokemon was stronger or which trainer was better. It would obviously depend on what the pokemon knew as well though. Mia knew she had a number of aces up her sleeve now though and she was looking forward to using them against Gary.

Begin! shouted one of Garys cheerleaders and that thought struck Mia as weird whod taken over the role of referee for the match. Mia ignored the oddity of the Cheerleaders for later. One of these two would be who she fought next.

Quick Attack! Quick Attack! both trainers called out, causing their pokemon to blur around the fighting space. Mia hummed, it was a typical starting move but only because it was a good one. Both pokemon ended up being precisely the same speed however and neither were able to beat the other so the pokemon turned and rammed into each other. As the two headbutted a cloud of dust blew out, obscuring them for a few moments.

Neither Joey or Mr Harrisons Rattata backed down as they glowered at the other. Joey grinned, however.

Focus Energy! he said, causing his pokemon to glow.

Laser Focus! cried out Mr Harrison causing Mia to hum.

Brock had explained moves like this to her as increasing the chance to land a critical hit which she understood to mean more damaging blows.

Focus Energy had a permanent boost for the duration of a fight while Laser Focus guaranteed the next move of Mr Harrisons would be critical. She leaned forward. The next moves could determine who emerged the winner.

Take Down! cried Joey.

Mr Harrison punched forward with Quick Attack once again.

This time Mr Harrisons Rattata blurred away only to then rocket into Joeys Rattatas flank sending it spinning.

Ah! Hang in there and go for the win! said Joey as he urged his pokemon on. Impressively the Rattata did just that and launched itself across the gap with his head lowered to slam into the other pokemon only to reel back.

A Rattata hit the ground with a groan while the other wobbled precariously.

Mr Harrison slumped and raised his pokeball while Joey whooped with joy. Mia sniffed and shared a glance with Gary. It really wasnt that impressive and more of a fluke that Joey had gotten such a solid hit in. Focus Energy might have helped but using Take Down had been risky. Mia inspected the weakened Rattata. If she won the next match shed have an easy time claiming the victory of Best Rattata for Silly Mouse, as he deserved.

Mia stepped forward and claimed her side of the battle field. Go Silly Mouse! she said once Mr Harrison and Joey were out of the way.

Gary sniffed. A fancy name doesnt make up for a lack of ability! Go Rattata!

Mia ignored him and glanced to the Referee who raised her hands. Begin!

Quick Attack! Quick Attack! Gary and Mia said straight away.

It might have started with the same orders but Mia could tell her pokemon was better off. Silly Mouse gained on the yellow Rattata and pounced on it only for Gary to surprise her.

Break off into Iron Tail! Spin to win like Squirtle! said Gary as his pokemon dug a claw into the ground only to spin about. Its tailing whipping around.

Break off into Dig Silly! said Mia, making her pokemon drop under the shining tail and avoid damage.

Jump! Gary said, causing his pokemon to kip up as Silly Mouse leapt out of the ground. Both pokemon skidded and locked eyes and Mia looked up and nodded across at Gary. Alright, he was good but how good was he?

Thunder! she said, causing Silly Mouse to spark up and fire off a huge burst of lightning.

Eh! Rattata use Protect! Gary called.

Mia blinked. Hed taught his pokemon Protect? That was crazy expensive to get as a due to its popularity. Shed had a chance to claim it, but that was thanks to winning the tournament with Silly Mouse! She wouldnt be able to afford it for a while! She was happy with her choice though. Thunder suited her way better honestly but still!

The lightning attack washed over the protective shell and both pokemon twitched their whiskers at the other.

Shockwave! cried Gary.

Dig! Mia said.

Follow up with Iron Tail! Smack him when he comes out! said Gary

Rise out with an Iron Tail of your own Silly Mouse! Mia ordered. Her pokemon surged out of the ground spinning to add momentum only for Garys Rattata to meet him with a deft Iron Tail that saw both pokemon missing. Then they whirled back onto each other and slammed their tails against each others like old warriors with swords instead of two small rattata.

GO SILLY MOUSE! Mia said, knowing the importance of cheering her pokemon on.

Youve got this Rattata, remember your training! Youre all style and grace over their brute force! Gary shouted back.

Mia didnt even hear the cheerleaders calling out a chant or Joey and Harrison shouting their own support. She focused entirely on Silly Mouse.

Suddenly both pokemon broke through and their tails slammed into each foe. They were hurled back before standing tall and scowling at their foe. Then, something amazing happened.

Both pokemon began to glow, and not the glow of a move but a glow that took over their entire body. Mias breath caught in her throat. Theyre evolving! she said in surprise.

She watched Silly Mouse grow wider and stronger. His tail became much longer and his teeth glinted even more. Raticate! he cried out only for his response to be mirrored.

Mia grinned. Go for Iron Tail again!

Shockwave! Dont try to match style now! cried Gary hurriedly. Both pokemon attacks landed with them both twitching only to stand up once more.

Again! Mia shouted.

Use Super Fang! Gary said, having raised his pokedex without Mias notice.

Mia grinned as they clashed. Shed been told about this move and the odd utility it had for keeping its foe still standing by Brock. Iron Tail slammed into Garys pokemon only for Raticate to bite harshly into Silly Mouse.

THUNDER! Mia said, causing Garys eyes to bulge at the blunder hed committed. Silly Mouse lit up and Garys Raticate toppled.

Yes! Mia said, punching the sky.

Gary slumped and returned his pokemon. Bad luck buddy. Great job on evolving though. You were great out there. He then nodded to Mia. Looks like you showed me who had the better Rattata. He grinned. Or should I say, Raticate?

Mia bounced on the spot as Silly Mouse slammed into her happily. Joey coughed and Mia redirected her gaze to where he was standing next to Mr Harrison.

Mia grinned, ready to take him on only for him to grin back, reach over and grab the money from Mr Harrisons top pocket and laugh. Haha! Looks like I win on who has the best Rattata! Thanks for trying your best! Later! he said, running off.

Everyone stared. Mr Harrison tilted his head. I mean hes not wrong then he perked up. Guess this means I have the second-best Rattata around! Ha! I can live with that! You kids take this for the good show! He handed them each a smaller wad of cash and sauntered away.

Gary and Mia blinked and Silly Mouse slumped. Raticate

Mia rubbed his head consolingly. They only won that fight on a technicality, Silly Mouse. Were the real winners.

Yeah! said Gary with a firm nod. We didnt lose! We won in a different way! Mia shot Silly Mouse a look and decided not to point out shed been talking to her starter. Gary nodded while the cheerleaders all coughed to hide their laughter.

Mia felt a bit bad for the other kid. You know, your use of Iron Tail was pretty cool.

Your Raticate is strong. It knowing Thunder is crazy!

I know! Hey want to trade tips on our pokemon? Mia said with a friendly smile.

Gary nodded. Sure thing! Ill teach you a thing or two! Mia rolled her eyes. It looked like her newest Raticate Rival and friend would be someone tough to get along with. Oh well, that was all part of the Journey!

Lets go to Mr Mimes! said Gary.

Mia grinned. First one theres a rotten Exeggcute! she said, already running. She blushed as she realised shed flubbed the sentence before smirking and letting him overtake her. He was gobsmacked when she told him how shed tricked him, but he forgave her and tried to show off by ordering the challenger burger only for her to match him.

They both didnt finish it but they traded pointers on a lot of pokemon with him even telling her about how to catch an Abra above Cerulean near that cave structure to the north!

She headed north straight after lunch with his number in her transceiver still laughing at how the Cheerleaders had created a chant about Gary making a friend.

Raticate! said Silly Mouse from her shoulders. He was big enough now that he needed to sit on both shoulders instead of just one.

Yeah, youre right Silly Mouse, he was weird, but in a good way! she said happily as she trekked north to try and make another new friend for the day.

Brawly sauntered down the streets of Saffron. It wasnt really his scene. Too far from the coast for him to really enjoy, but Chuck had been adamant that he spend some time with Kong if he was going to be going through Kanto. Chuck apparently knew Kong and had some respect for him.

Chuck had then amended that statement with a just keep an open mind. Which was saying something as Brawly knew he was the best apprentice Chuck had in terms of outside the box thinking.

Brawly made his way along the main streets of Saffron, squinting at all the skyscrapers in their central district along with the style of double-storied homes that all the people seemed to adore here. Brawly preferred coastal towns that were lower, and lazier. Give him a sleepy little town like Dewford any day of the week.

Thankfully, he didnt need to go into the CBD of Saffron but instead made his way around to the north where the Gym district was. There, he immediately noticed a rather glaring issue.

On one side of the street a traditional dojo style Gym was set up with the various training tools and equipment for outdoor work. Brawly could see more than a few students being chased around by instructors or going through the motions. Their pokemon accompanied them in a few instances and there were a few matches where the trainers were even sparring with fighting type pokemon. One man was loudly fighting off a Machoke while a small crowd of kneeling students observed him inside the open-door dojo.

The scene made him more interested, so he hopped the fence with an easy grab and hop.

Brawly approached, making sure to take off his sandals at the door and kneel before inching his way in to claim a seat. He stood out like a sore thumb due to his lack of gi but he wasnt too concerned about that.

He watched the man deflect a few arm thrusts from the Machoke before grappling his arm and throwing the Machoke over his shoulder with a roar. Machoke flipped in mid air and landed deftly before bowing. The man bowed back and the crowd applauded.

Brawly couldnt help but tilt his head at the display as it struck him as odd. Especially with how twitchy everyone was being. There was a tension, and Brawly would have called it anxiety for the class to end but people were too focussed on sitting still and watching. Like they wanted to be here. Brawly rubbed his chin, it was more as if they were waiting for something. Brawly just didnt know what.

The instructor towelled himself off and gestured to a student. You see now my student how by merely focussing on deflection you encountered more issues than you should have?

The student bowed his head. Master Kong, I am chastised.

Kong shook his head. I dont mean to chastise but to educate. Kong glanced around the room. Who saw any other things that I did wrong? I know there were a few. That was by no means meant to be a clean match. So by all means point out where I erred so we might all grow!

You let go of the throw too early? said one student. Kong nodded his head and walked up to Machoke. Machoke threw a slow punch and Kong caught it and slowly threw him to the ground almost like he was laying down a fragile sheet of glass rather than a fighting type pokemon.

Indeed! I had the option to continue the throw and control where I released him but I did not! This was a mistake I couldnt afford in a match! Anything else?

You remained static despite there being more room to move?

Kong made a so-so gesture. I had the option, but I didnt need to. Smaller more controlled movements are sometimes the key to victory than jumping around. Brawly nodded at this which drew Kongs gaze.

He assessed Brawly for a moment before humming. I see we have a visitor today. Might I ask if you had any insight?

Brawly bowed his head as he would have done to Chuck. The gesture coming easily to him but raising some eyebrows among the older students and Kong. Hi, Brawly from Dewford, and recently Cianwood! You didnt break his foundation at all. You were on the offensive but you didnt try to mess up his footwork or attack it.

Ah! A fellow trainer of fighting types! Chuck has taught you well! Indeed! Kong nodded and took a stance. Notice students that you should not just take note of what is happening up here. He fired off a few punches only to drop his hands. But also down here. He repeated the movements, but this time people looked down and noticed how and where he was planting his feet.

Kong extended a hand to Brawly. As you have stated, awareness of the whole body is crucial in a fight!

Brawly nodded. Id say your footing is most important! he agreed.

There was a moment as the dojo stared at Brawly for talking when apparently he wasnt supposed to. Brawly grinned, more than used to this reaction from his time with Chuck. Kong huffed and turned back to the class. The crowd shifted in agitation but Kong paid it no mind before calling out a few students and having them pair up with each other or other pokemon. Brawly got to watch a few spars, but he didnt move from his kneeling position, well used to how Fighting type gyms operated. Kong eventually approached him.

Greetings, thank you for observing and contributing. I find myself curious, what brings you here? Kong said formally.

Brawly smiled. You actually! I wanted to come and get my second badge from Kanto, you know, do the circuit and get the badges!

Kong huffed. I would indulge you rather than reprimand you for your cheek for infiltrating the Gym. How did you get in?

Brawly rubbed the back of his head. Oh! Sorry, that fence was so small I thought it was just a training exercise not something to actually keep people out! Hahaha! Sorry about that!

Kong merely snorted. It is both actually, but as I said I will not be having any other fights today.

Brawly tilted his head before flicking his eyes to the other students around the room. Youve got something else on the cards. Something more important?

Kong nodded his head. Indeed. Bruno has seen fit to approach me and challenge me. There will be a great deal of attention on us! Kong clenched his fist with a pleased curl of his lips.

Brawly perked up. Oh wow! Thats gonna be today!? When?

Another hour, Kong said happily, thumbs in his belt.

Where? Brawly said, glancing around to see if he might be able to claim a seat only to spot Kongs expression sour.

There is a slight issue with it being popular enough to need a larger facility.

Brawly turned his head to the only structure nearby that dwarfed the sprawling Fighting type Gym. The Saffron Psychic Gym. It almost reminded Brawly of the Pewter Gym with how big it was, but there were obvious stylistic differences with purple waves and geometric patterns that were Brawly heard people describe a cerebral. Whatever that meant. There were even floating towers and circles where some pokemon appeared to be meditating. It was an impressive sight.

Oh nice! Brawly said. Howre the ticket sales?

Kong made another face. We sold outSabrina she is a cunning girl and knows how to capitalise on such situations, he said with a scowl.

Oh, Brawly said. Well, dont you get a solid cut of that as the challenged? So shouldnt that mean congratulations are in order for it to be sold out? he said. It really would have been good news, shouldnt it? Brawly knew for a fact that Chuck had been happy with his recent challenger at the Ace level, that Karen chick had beaten him but it hadnt bothered Chuck too much. From what shed shown, Karen was a serious contender to go all the way for the Champion challenge.

Still, it seemed Kong wasnt happy with the revenue? Or something about the situation.

Kong shook his head only to sigh. Im sure you will be able to watch from a nearby restaurant or barbecue and grill if you desire. But there are no more tickets to sell. I should know as only half of my Gym secured tickets prior to their being sold out.

Half the students slumped sadly at that and Brawly nodded, now aware of why they were so amped up.

Brawly hummed. Well, Ill have to see if theres anything I can find! Thanks for the heads up, and the showing. Good luck out there! He stood and walked out to claim his shoes before grabbing the railing once more and kipping over the fence. This time a few students shouted protest but Brawly ignored them.

He had some tickets to seek out. He started looking for any hawkers around the impressive Psychic Gym only to find that there werent any in his price range. Who seriously sold a single ticket for a hundred times the initial price?

Sorry fella! Thems the breaks. Selling information to newbie trainers aint gonna cut it this season so I gotta find money in other ways! said a dark glasses-wearing man.

Brawly sighed. Of course, it was one of these types of people.

You have tickets for sale? said a prim-sounding voice, making Brawly look to the side to find a rather straight-laced girl standing near him staring at the hawker. The man grinned and made his pitch.

The girl nodded. Two please, she said, not even batting an eye or attempting to bargain.

The hawker winced. Sorry, I sold all my others. I literally only have one left.

The prim girl frowned. That is not ideal Just as she said this another girl with red hair ran up. Brawly hummed, appreciating the suddenly improved view. The prim-looking girl glanced at him and cast her own eyes up and down his form making him smile a little more.

The red-haired girl ignored Brawly, instead looking to the other girl. Roxanne! You found one? How much were they? Ill pay you back I swear!

Roxanne shook her head. No, they only had one ticket. I believe this gentleman was going to buy it?

Brawly raised his hands, shaking his head back and forth. No! Nonono! Way too expensive for my blood! The girls nodded slowly before turning to each other.

What are we going to do?

You should take it! Ill watch from a bar!

Im not just leaving you

Ill take it! said another voice, cutting through the argument the girls were having. Brawly looked over to find a man happily grasping the ticket and scampering off while the Hawker counted his pokedollars merrily.

The red-haired girl deflated. Uh! Sorry! I was too slow!

Roxanne shook her head. No, it wasnt your fault Flannery. We both broke off to find a Hawker only to not find anyone but this man. Who has also sold out.

Flannery nodded her head sadly. I guess. Looks like were going to a restaurant to watch the match?

Roxanne sighed and inclined her head. Indeed, unless you know Sabrina who owns the facility.

Flannery shook her head. Brawly tilted his head. Sabrina Sabrina that name. Oh! Brocks girlfriend! he said as he remembered something Rocko had said. Hadnt it been right after that busty chick had been flashing them and Brock was being stupid? Yeah!

Brock? Roxanne said, now including Brawly in their conversation. What does he have to do with Sabrina?

Flannery vibrated on the spot. Oh! There was that rumour running around that they were dating right! Do you know something!?

Yeah, Brock and I are friends! Brawly said.

He got two disbelieving looks in reply. Hey Brocks a fun-loving guy like me! We went surfing after I fought him.

Flannery perked up. Oh! You got your Boulder Badge?

Brawly coughed. Not as such. He offered it to me on merit but I wanted to beat him and claim it that way which seems kinda dumb now

Not at all, said Roxanne, making Brawly smile. I still dont think you know Brock that well though, she followed through, with making Brawly frown.

He raised his transceiver. Watch! And behold my power! he said cheesily. The transceiver rang, and rang, and rang.

And rang.

He started to sweat, and Roxanne and Flannery were starting to give him pitying looks.

Then the call connected, and Brocks face appeared. Brawly? Hey whats up? Im sorry to say Im in the middle of my work right now so if you want to surf its not a good time.

Brawly grinned as Roxanne and Flannery both gaped in awe at his connections. Brawly shook his head.

Nah man! I need a huuuuuuge favour, please?

Alright? What is it? If youre in prison I can send Lawrence to help you out, Brock said with a grin. Roxanne giggled while Flannery guffawed loudly.

Ha, ha. Really funny. No! My friends and I were hoping to catch the fight between Bruno and Kong thats happening soon! Any chance you can talk to Sabrina to get us some seats?

Brock sighed and shook his head. Hmmmm. You know what, sure. Sure. Ill ask her. Whore your friends? he asked.

Brawly turned the transceiver around and Brock had a flash of recognition. Oh, hello ladies. I hope Brawlys been a gentleman.

Roxanne and Flannery both waved. Hes been very chivalrous? said Roxanne as she thoughtfully eyed Brawly.

Flannery chuckled. Wants a flower in each hand more likely!

Brawly chuckled and scratched the back of his head. Im just being friendly! I swear!

Brock chuckled. Nothing wrong with Hoenn trainers meeting up in a foreign region and making friends. Ill talk to Sabrina and you should hear back soon. Where are you?

Brawly told him and Brock hung up. Brawly then tilted his head. You girls are from Hoenn?

Rustburo, said Roxanne.

Lavaridge! chirped Flannery.

Nice! Im Brawly by the way! Im from Dewford! he said.

I am Sabrina, from Saffron, said a voice directly behind him.

Brawly whirled around his fists coming up defensively while a pokeball detached itself only to float back onto his belt as the Sabrina sniffed and glanced at him.

You are Brocks friend? she asked. Brawly nodded his head. And you wish to watch the match? Brawly nodded again.

Girlfriend, Sabrina said firmly. She assessed the girls before nodding and suddenly an Alakazam appeared next to her. Then, a moment later, Brawly found himself standing in a plush room overlooking the arena in the Gym hed been standing out the front of. Sabrina inclined her head. You can sit in my private viewing box and watch it with me.

Brawly blinked. Huh? How? What now?

Roxanne sat and eyed Brawly. Well, guess you were right Brawly, it pays to be friendly. She then introduced herself to Sabrina with Flannery following up a second later. Brawly sat, more than a little confused at how quickly that had progressed.

He could only shake his head as she shifted in the cushioned seats as a Machoke in a tux approached with a tray of drinks and finger food. Damn, Brock was good to have as a friend!!

So, youre Brocks surfer friend? He has mentioned you, Sabrina said, causing Brawly to look away from the food to her. She had some finger food hovering where she could nibble on it. Not a single crumb fell from her delicate bites. Or was it all telekinetically held up?

Roxanne elbowed him.

Ah! Brawly said before coughing. Yeah! I invited Brock to go surfing with me. We had a lot of fun. That Lapras of his sure is powerful! Im glad I wasnt trying to challenge him at the Ace level, but then again this is officially my first circuit. Brawly shot her a grin. If youve got some free time Id love to schedule in a fight for the Marsh badge at the fourth badge level!

Sabrina tilted her head. Brock mentioned that youre a fighting type specialist. If you think you can overcome my team for that challenge then by all means. She turned and locked eyes with him. Be aware that I dont hold back though.

Brawly nodded his head. Yeah! I doubt Brock did either but it was still close.

Before any other conversation could be started the lights in the arena started to flash to announce that the main event would start. The crowd that had been trickling in slowly started to rush to claim their seats and soon everyone was seated.

Then the refs podium highlighted itself and a tall man with a chin strap beard smiled widely. Welcome! Welcome, one and all to the Saffron Gymnasium! Today we have a real treat with the Fighting type Gym Leader Kong facing off against Indigos very own Elite Four member Bruno!

The crowd roared their approval and the ref gestured to one entrance. And now, please give a warm welcome to our hometown fighter. The mighty, the indomitable, KKKKOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG! from the tunnel Kong emerged with his gi firmly cinched. He now sported a headband with the word FIGHT written across it.

He took up his position on the podium and shot the referee a heated glare before sniffing and turning away.

Roxanne hummed. He doesnt appear happy with the choice of referees.

My father and he have a history that Kong has clung to. At Roxanne and Flannerys questioning looks Sabrina elaborated. My father deposed Kong as the main Gym of Saffron. My father and I have both faced challenges from him and both of us have beaten him handily. He is not allowed to mount another challenge against me for another year.

Brawly blinked at Sabrina and then glanced down at Kong. Huh.

Roxanne grimaced. New Gyms rising to position can sometimes cause that sort of issue. I imagine I will face my own issues when I apply to become a Gym Leader.

Brawly paused. Huh? Youre going for Gym Leader too?

Roxanne snapped her head around. Indeed, the current leader of Rustboro doesnt have any heirs and has announced that they will be opening their doors to applicants at the end of this season. I have already spent time training there and I also did rather well in last year's Hoenn circuit, but I felt it a good idea to bolster my chances by coming to Kanto this year and competing.

Brawly nodded. Oh! Cool! Im going to apply to run a small Gym, hopefully get something started at Dewford if I can!

Roxanne nodded with a hum. Good luck then.

Flanery hummed. Well if everything goes well well all be sitting in on the Gym Leader meetings! Im locked in as my grandfathers heir after my cousin had a meltdown. So expect to see me too!

Hmmm interesting, said Sabrina before she took a sip of a glass that wasnt in her hands the moment before.

BRRRRRUUUUNNNOOOOO! announced the ref, successfully cutting through any further conversation. From the other tunnel a giant of a man swaggered in.

Oh my! said Roxanne, while Flannery leaned forward and whistled.

Got any binoculars? said the redhead as Bruno walked forward.

The man was the definition of ripped with how his muscles bulged. Brawly noted the surety of his steps and the controlled manner he held himself in. When binoculars landed in his lap he didnt even question raising it up and getting a closer look at the man. His knuckles were callused and huge which indicated he liked striking and his fingers also gave away that he sometimes grappled with his opponents.

Oh my! said Flannery from next to him. Didnt know you played for the other side Brawly~ she said teasingly.

I doubt that very much with how he has been taking in Roxannes legs or your own form, Sabrina said from around the straw leading into her soda glass. He is merely inspecting Brunos fighting style. She then slurped loudly as Brawly tried to not drop the binoculars as Flannery coughed and Roxanne pushed her skirt down.

Sabrina paused in sipping her drink and tilted her head. Ah, I should apologise; that was out of line I think

Flannery rubbed her nose and muttered, She thinks? under her breath.

Roxanne kept her gaze fixed ahead, and Brawly grabbed some food to stuff in his face to avoid saying or doing anything else too awkward. He wasnt quite sure what to say about how things had played out so instead he just tried to ignore it.

Begin! shouted the ref, causing everyone to forget the potential faux pas and instead focus on the match with Kong throwing out a Hitmonchan only for Bruno to send out a Machamp.

Both pokemon locked eyes and then at their trainers' orders rocketed into each other to fire off punches at a rapid pace. The Machamp had the advantage with its four arms while the Hitmonchan was faster and fleeter. It made great use of its footwork to evade a number of what would have been devastating blows.

Close Combat Hitmonchan! bellowed Kong.

Bruno snorted like an annoyed Tauros, Low Kick, sweep the leg! Bruno commanded as Hitmonchan surged forward. Machamp dropped and spun. Brawly whistled at how well-controlled the motion was. Machamp had flowed into it before rotating on one foot so fast that Hitmonchan hadnt stood a chance.

Hitmonchan fell with a cry only for Brunos Machamp to rise up. Cross Chop.

Machamps arms slashed in an X pattern that sent Hitmonchan flying. The two, devastating hits, were too much for Hitmonchan and the pokemon fell.

The Ref called a pause as Kong returned his pokemon and Brawly fidgeted. Come on Kong give a better showing of yourself man! he said.

Flannery and Roxanne gave him a look but he shook his head.

Go Hitmonlee! shouted Kong, throwing out the kick specialist pokemon. Brawly chewed his lip and leaned forward to watch. Bulk Up! he ordered first off.

Machamp, advance with Bullet Punch! Machamp leapt forward with his arms punching dynamically.

Evade and Low Kick! shouted Kong. Hitmonlee expertly darted to the side before sweeping his leg to knock Machamp over.

Punch the ground! ordered Bruno causing the pokemon to tilt on the spot and his fists to slam into the ground and cause himself to flip over the resultant attack. Then he landed and snapped around to face Hitmonlee as the other fighting type rose up and bounced on the spot.

High Jump Kick! shouted Kong only for Brawly to shake his head.

No man no! Brawly said to himself as Hitmonlee committed to a jumping kick, only for it to be caught by the Machamp that tsked and slammed the pokemon into the ground.

Reversal! snarled Kong before his pokemon could be taken out. A single leg swept up and slammed into Machamps chin that actually caused the other pokemon to stumble backwards. Hitmonlee rose greatly battered and barely able to bounce around like he would normally.

Kong raised a hand. I withdraw my pokemon from this match! he announced. Brawly sighed and nodded. It was a good call.

Bruno inspected his own pokemon before shaking his head. Machamp! You need more training if youre letting hits like that through! the Machamp barked its name and bowed to the Elite Four member. Bruno grunted. Youll stay on the field.

Roxanne tilted her head. That seems a little disrespectful

Brawly nodded. Its cause it is. He didnt need to bolster his pokemon like Kong did and now with what would have been a very strong hit making its way through his pokemons guard, hes saying he doesnt need to swap out. Kong is getting it handed to him. Does he have a Medicham he can send in to smack around this brute of a Machamp?

No, Sabrina supplied as Kong sent out a Hitmontop. Hes already sent out his strongest pokemon in Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee. Due to his grievances against my Gym he refuses to raise a Meditite or Medicham. Just as he refuses certain moves such as Mind Reader.

Brawly slumped. Oh, guess this match is over then

Flannery tilted her head. Doesnt he have another fo

In the Arena Hitmontop was backhanded away and spun like a childs toy before slamming into a wall and being knocked out. Flannery clicked her tongue. alright make that three pokemon left.

Go Heracross! shouted Kong, around the arena the crowd stirred at the bug-fighting type pokemon taking to the stage.

Sabrina blinked. Thats new.

Kong swept his hand through the air. Aerial Ace!

Bruno was quick to react. Detect! Evade that strike!

Machamp put two hands to its temple as Heracross disappeared, and immediately did a backflip to evade Heracross attack from behind.

Nail it with Dual Chop! Once more all four arms slashed across the other pokemon making it slam into the ground.

Counter! shouted Kong, causing his pokemon to stamp its legs into the ground and rise up with its horn to smash into Machamp. This time Machamp was thrown back and visibly weakened from the hit.

Aerial Ace again! shouted Kong as he leaned forward.

Detect! Bruno said again only for Machamp to flinch in pain as it tried to touch its temples. Heracross slammed into it and Machamp fell to the ground.

Heracross leapt back and huffed and puffed. When the dust cleared and a passed-out Machamp was shown the crowd stood and roared their approval. Brawly joined them.Thats the way Kong my man!

Bruno snorted and returned his pokemon. Well, looks like youre worth my time after all. Go! Lucario!

The crowd gasped as another widely known pokemon emerged onto the field.

Brawly gaped. He has a Lucario!? Woah!

Kong grimaced. Remember your training Heracross! Aerial Ace!

Aura Sphere, Bruno said dispassionately. The blue jackal pokemon leapt up and from within its chest a blast of energy raided outward catching the attack Heracross on its attack vector only to throw it to the ground.

Kong slumped as he returned his pokemon. Then he clenched his fists and selected his next pokemon, a Poliwrath.

Earthquake! bellowed Kong.

Detect and get close, said Bruno.

Brawly stood as the arena rocked and cracked only for Lucario to dart forward and dance lightly across the shaking floor. Not once did it stumble or falter and when Poliwraths Earthquake ended Lucario was right in front of it.

Body Sla Kong tried to call out only for Bruno to beat him to the punch.

Thunder Punch, Bruno said firmly as his pokemons fist sparked up and slammed home. Poliwrath was thrown backwards and the hit was so decisive that Poliwrath was downed after a single attack.

One pokemon left Flannery said glumly.

Brawly sat and sighed. Unless hes got some sort of Legendary Fighting type, hes not got much hope now

Sabrina snorted. If he wasnt so boneheaded with his grudge with us, he would have better chances. Medicham alone would help out but there are other pokemon. The Heracross was a surprise but so far all of his pokemon arent up to the standard of matching an Elite Four member.

Roxanne rubbed her chin. Heracross also displayed another training method that he could use in future. He could have his pokemon learn moves such as Acrobatics for example! The different style of training that such a move requires would also benefit his pokemons training regime, of that I have no doubt. Gymnasts are some of the most physically fit people I know after all.

Depends on your definition of fitness, Brawly said in an offhanded manner as he watched Kong select his final pokemon.

He wasnt sure what Bruno was playing at having his pokemon return to the back of his side of the field. A fighting type typically always wanted to be up close. It was sending off warning bells in his head.

Go Primeape! shouted Kong. The Primeape appeared with a growl and started throwing punches straight away.

The referee dropped his flags and Bruno punched his fist forward. Extremespeed.

BRACE! shouted Kong making his pokemon clench up and lean forward as Lucario accelerated across the gap. A shell of protection appeared around Primeape and Lucario slammed into it making Kong pump his fist.

Good! Use Outrage! shouted Kong.

Sabrina sighed. Kong is just trying to do as much damage as he can now. Hes given up on winning.

Brawly nodded, accepting the point but still rooting for the Gym Leader. On the field the Primeape roared and slammed into Lucario,dragging it back into a hold as it began to beat on it. Bruno grimaced.

Aura Sphere! The move blasted out of the Lucario once more and knocked Primeape back causing it to blink in confusion only to scream in frustration and throw itself forward to continue attacking.

Detect! Evade those hits! shouted Bruno, Lucario immediately following through and deftly ducking through Primapes attacks. It dodged seven ferocious swipes only to take the last on the body and skid away.

Extremespeed! barked Bruno, using the space given to him.

Brace! shouted Kong again only for Primeape to glance back at Kong, not understanding the order. Brawly clicked his tongue as Lucario rocketed into the confused Primeape and hurled the ape backwards.

Tch! Use Stomping Tantrum!

Aura Sphere! Bruno said, causing his pokemon to blast out another energy boom that flattened Primeape.

The pokemon was knocked into a crater only to stagger upwards and keep throwing punches. Kong sighed and returned his pokemon only to have it reject the order. Bruno frowned. Control your pokemon!

Primeape! Peace! Hear my voice and remember our training! Hold your rage for another day! We will need your strength!

He raised his pokeball again and this time Primeape allowed it, albeit with a fixed look at Bruno and then back at Kong. PRRRRRRRRRRRIMEAPE! It screeched before it departed as though affirming a promise.

It returned and Brawly relaxed. The Referee raised his flags towards Bruno. And the victor! Bruno! Of the Elite Four! Bruno nodded towards Kong as he gestured for Lucario to come and be checked over. The crowd applauded the show. Brawly and the ladies joined in. Sabrina did so with a subdued manner but Brawly didnt hold it against her.

Bruno shook hands with Kong before turning and waving to the crowd. Then he looked up and for a moment Brawlys breath hitched. Was Bruno looking at him?

Then he blinked and realised he was looking at Sabrina who was matching his stare disinterestedly.

Bruno sniffed and looked away when an official approached him, breaking the deadlock. Brawly licked his lips. There ah, any history there?

None, Sabrina said disinterestedly.

Brawly shared a glance with Flannery and Roxanne. None of them believed that statement but then again perhaps it was just the tension of a Fighting-type specialist standing in the midst of a Psychic Gym and not battling the true power in Saffron.

Brawly decided he might stick around in Saffron for the next month or so just in case.

It didnt seem Sabrina was interested in fighting Bruno, but a guy could dream. He looked down at Bruno. Then again, if the guy was sticking around maybe Brawly could fight him himself? He liked the sound of that just as much.

Hed love to see how his Hariyama matched up against Brunos Machamp or that Lucario.

Sabrina turned to Roxanne and Flannery. Would you like to meet my Ralts? Both Roxy and Flannery squealed and Brawly nodded to himself. Hed totally stick around, and then maybe make his way back north to Pewter in a few weeks time.

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